Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 286: Perfect the Five Elements Dao Realm, I am the Dao

Chapter 286: Perfecting the realm of the five elements, I am the Tao

Su Yu shook his head and said: "It has been solved temporarily, but it has not been completely solved yet."

The First Golden Armor Commander looked at Su Yu warily. This kid didn't really want to swallow his own mount.

Su Yu didn't wait for the First Golden Armor Commander to ask for it, waved his hand and took out the incense ball in his hand. After more than 20 years of accumulation, in addition to the incense that maintained the **** of Black Guard One and Black Guard Eighteen, he also It's enough to revive a black turban guard again.

 The first and second golden-armored commanders saw the incense ball, and their eyes suddenly lit up with joy.

 Can another black scarf warrior be revived?

 “Resuscitate the second child.”

The second golden-armored commander waved his hand and called an extremely tall and strong black-turbaned warrior over. He was holding a huge ax that was larger than the door panel. Counting the handle of the axe, it was more than a foot long.

Su Yu didn’t care about reviving the black-turbaned warrior.

 Seeing the second golden-armored commander calling him over, he stepped forward, condensing his mana and soul power, and then slowly stretched out a finger and touched the black guard's eyebrows.

 Perform the magic of enlightenment!


At that moment, Su Yu saw that his luck seemed to have changed slightly.

 There is also a causal connection with the puppet in front of me.

 A few hours later.

When nearly 60% of the mana and soul power in Su Yu's body were consumed, the burly black-armored puppet in front of him finally condensed a trace of the soul's aura.

Black Guardian opened his eyes. Nourished by the power of incense, his **** gradually became stronger and stronger, until like Black Guardian and Black Guardian, it was no problem to be able to maintain it for decades.

  Another 10,000 contribution points were obtained.

When Su Yu was thinking about going to the Hundred Treasures Hall to exchange for some treasures or materials, Black Guard carried the giant ax as big as a door panel behind his back, knelt down on one knee and said with great respect: "Black Guard, pay my respects to the master. "

 “I’ve seen the first and second commanders.”

 All black scarf warriors are just level four top puppet bodies.

 But as their gods grew stronger.

Their strength is not only comparable to the peak of Nascent Soul Realm, but also like the Black Guards puppet in front of them.

At this moment, Su Yu could sense a wave of Qi from him that was close to the middle stage of the distraction state. It was like a fairy mountain, steady and thick, and difficult to shake.

This is just the beginning of Black Moon's recovery.

 “Get up.”

Su Yu waved his hand to Black Guard 2 to get up. Black Guard 2 bowed respectfully, obeyed the order and stood up from the ground, then slowly backed away until he walked out of the Immortal Palace.

Counting the fifty-five Black Guards, four of the black scarf warriors in Yuexian Mansion Fairy City have been resurrected.

If they can all be restored, it will be equivalent to the combat power of more than a hundred Distraction Realm venerables!

 On top of the black-turbaned warriors, there are also silver-white guard captains, there seem to be more than a dozen of them.

After seeing that Black Guard II's spirit was stable, Su Yu looked at the two golden-armored commanders and respectfully requested: "Two seniors, I want to go up to the nine-story Taoist tower again."

The commander pondered for a moment and said, "Let me take you there."

The Second Golden Armor Commander did not ask why Su Yu wanted to go up to the nine-story Taoist Tower. He walked forward and put a hand on Su Yu's shoulder. As the space around them rippled, he led Su Yu from the Immortal Palace. disappear.

The commander looked in the direction of the nine-story Taoist Tower in the Immortal City, his bright golden eyes seemed a bit deep.

 Nine-story Taoist Tower

 This is the inheritance Taoist tower left by his master!

It is one of the four inherited treasures left by his master. The other three are the fairy city at his feet, the Puppet Heavenly Book, and the last half of the fairy scripture.

 I don’t know when this kid will truly get the inheritance from his master?

They puppets cannot leave the fairy city now, but one day, Su Yu can inherit all the inheritance left by his master and become their new master.

Then these restrictions will naturally no longer exist.

The commander-in-chief was thinking about this, with expectations and a bit of anxiety in his eyes: "I wonder how the world outside has become? Is the master still here?"

 There are a total of five Taoist towers in the entire Yuexian Mansion Immortal City.

Except for the central one, which is a nine-story Taoist pagoda, the other four Taoist pagodas are all seven-story Taoist pagodas.

So what is a Taoist Tower?

 In fact, Taoist pagodas were the most common Taoist tools in ancient times!

 From the time when the Tao Lord of the Fusion Realm begins to practice with his own Tao as the foundation, the lowest Tao Tower has four floors, the top Tao Pagoda has seven floors, and the top Tao Pagoda has nine floors.

But if you really want to calculate it, the seven-story Taoist Tower is the truly formed Taoist weapon.

It’s just that in this era, there are very few records about the Taoist Pagoda. Su Yu only knew that the Taoist Pagoda could manifest the Taoist Dao and help people understand the Taoist realm.

 It is somewhat helpful to the cultivation of the True Lord of Yuanying Realm.

 In the nine-story Taoist tower.

Su Yu returned to the first level of Tao Pagoda World.

The first level of the nine-story Taoist pagoda is close to the level of the Hinayana Taoist realm. The aura of the Taoist realm is not obvious. Su Yu sits cross-legged in the center of the Taoist pagoda. The Five Elements Technique is running on his body. Go into the great avenue around you.

 In an instant.

The five elements around Su Yu manifested, and the light was blazing like the surging tides of the mighty sea.


The Great Dao manifested, and the power of the five elements washed over Su Yu's body like a frenzy. However, Su Yu, who was sitting cross-legged, was as still as a rock at this moment.

“The five elements of heaven and earth are metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. The five elements are interdependent and can be regenerated endlessly. This is the power of life.” Su Yu did not manifest his own five-element realm, but carefully understood the power of the five elements of heaven and earth around him.

 As his perception changed, the five elements of heaven and earth, which were originally a bit chaotic around him, seemed to have a new order in an instant.

 The five elements began to be arranged around him, with metal producing water, water producing wood, wood producing fire, fire producing earth, and earth producing metal.

The five-color divine light manifested reincarnation around Su Yu, and even continued to grow as the five elements coexisted, and the aura became more and more powerful.

Obviously Su Yu was only at the eighth level of the Nascent Soul Realm, but when the Five Elements appeared, the aura on his body suddenly surged, surpassing the early or even middle stages of the Distraction Realm in an instant.

 So much so that the heaven and earth on the first floor of the Taoist Tower around him were trembling and rippling!

"The five elements are mutually reinforcing and can also restrain each other." Su Yu changed his mind, and the five elements of his body suddenly transformed. They were originally extremely comfortable, but contained the power of a rich and incomparable life breath.

 In an instant, there was an earth-shaking reversal.

 The power of the five elements is reset, and the power of the avenue is reversed!

"Metal restrains wood, wood restrains earth, earth restrains water, water restrains fire, and fire restrains metal. The five elements restrain each other. This is the power of destruction." Su Yu's spiritual thoughts permeate the world around him, and the five elements formula, Shangqing Taiyi Taoist method, and Jinchan method Waiting for the magic door to be used, the power of the five elements of the Taoist tower around the body is manifested, and the phenomenon of the five elements of heaven and earth being in conflict is evolving little by little.

 In an instant.

At the moment when the five-color divine light manifested itself again, a destructive aura erupted from the nine-story Taoist Tower and swept across it.

The two golden-armored commanders in the Immortal Palace sensed the aura of power, and their expressions could not help but change slightly. Their originally closed eyes suddenly opened their eyes and looked in the direction of the nine-story Taoist Tower.

 “This power.”

 “Fuck, this little guy is so stupid.”

The commander cursed, but before the last two words of "random" were uttered, the destructive aura in the nine-story tower began to be restrained a little bit, as if it was perfectly controlled.

 In the end, it only spreads within the nine-story Tao Tower, and no longer breaks out of the nine-story Tao Tower to affect other places.

Swallowing back the remaining two words, the commander's eyes widened slightly, and his eyes were focused, as if he could see through the space of heaven and earth, and he could see through the first layer of the nine-story Taoist tower. I saw the power of the five elements of heaven and earth. Under the control of Su Yu's soul, the scene of the five elements' mutual restraint was constantly evolving around him.

That aura of power was so terrifying that even the space on the first floor of the Tao Tower was torn apart with tiny cracks!

With such an aura, it is estimated that even a master at the peak of the distraction realm would feel his scalp numb when encountering such a power!

 Originally, the commander-in-chief was worried that Su Yu would not be able to control such a terrifying and destructive force as the Five Elements, and would hurt himself by playing haphazardly.

However, when he saw in the Tao Pagoda world, Su Yu's soul was like a toy in the Five Elements Dao Xiangke, extremely obedient, and continued to evolve Taoism according to his will.

 The commander swallowed back all the words in his mouth, leaving only one word: "Fuck."

 What a monster!

This guy can now control the destructive power of the five elements and the great road! ? He is only in the Nascent Soul realm!

It would be fine if it was just the five elements of mana.

 But this is the power of the Five Elements Avenue! It is too difficult and difficult to control the power of the avenue. If you are not careful, you may lose control and kill yourself without hurting the enemy!

 Let alone the Nascent Soul Realm, even the Fusion Realm may not dare to let the power of the Great Dao play like this!

But looking at the five-color divine light surrounding Su Yu in the Dao Pagoda world, although the space of the Dao Pagoda world was torn apart by the destructive power, it was perfectly controlled by Su Yu. The power of the Five Elements Dao was as strong as an arm. Using your fingers, nothing leaked out.

 The last time Su Yu entered the nine-story Taoist pagoda, he did not have the power of the five elements of heaven and earth to interact and restrain each other.

This time entering the nine-story Taoist Tower again, Su Yu's attainments in the Five Elements Taoist Demonstration were obviously qualitatively improved compared to the previous time.

 Inside the nine-story Taoist tower.

Su Yu actually felt great pressure. He used all his strength to use the Five Elements Technique, Shangqing Taiyi Dao Technique, and the Golden Cicada Technique. He fully integrated his body and mind into the power of the Five Elements Dao, and was able to barely suppress the out-of-control destructive power of the Five Elements Dao.

“Compared with the mutual growth of the five elements, the power of the five elements to restrain each other is much more terrifying.”

"If you fight with others and use the five elements to destroy each other, the power will be beyond imagination."

“However, the five elements are mutually reinforcing and interfering with each other, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.”

“The interaction of the five elements can make one’s own mana endless and endless. Even if the mana is consumed excessively, it can be recovered quickly through the interaction of the five elements. It may be faster than swallowing pills.”

“The Five Elements and Great Dao are in conflict with each other, so this destructive force is probably more violent and powerful than the power of thunder.”

  When the Five Elements and the Great Path were interdependent before, Su Yu could also control that power to evolve one small animal after another.

 But when the five elements and avenues are in conflict with each other, he can only barely control this power.

 Time passes slowly.

This time Su Yu stayed in the world of the first level of the nine-story Tao Pagoda for more than five years. In the past five years outside, he felt that more than ten years had passed under the Dao Domain of Time.

 Su Yu then went to the second floor.

 The power of the second level of the Great Path has reached the level of the Hinayana realm.

Here, Su Yu once again evolved the power of the five elements to interact and restrain each other, and understood the evolution of the most basic power of the five elements bit by bit.

However, Su Yu only stayed on the second floor for less than three years before moving to the third floor.

 Ten years later.

The ninth floor of the nine-story Taoist Tower is the heaven and earth space.


Su Yu, under the impact of the power of the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth that is comparable to the Perfect Dao Realm, still only uses the Five Elements Technique, the Shangqing Taiyi Dao Technique, and the Golden Cicada Technique to integrate into this world.

  It did not use its own realm to resist the impact of the power of the Tao Tower like before.

Rather, we try to integrate into it and continue to evolve the power of the five elements of heaven and earth.

 There is no conflict.

 Because the conflict between the five elements of heaven and earth is too strong, that power cannot be restrained and controlled by Su Yu's current soul and state.

 It would be fine if it was at the Xiaocheng Dao realm level.

 When it comes to the five elements' mutual restraint power at the Dacheng Dao realm level, he almost lost himself when he just started trying it.

 In the Tao Tower space going up in the future, he only dares to evolve the power of the Five Elements Mutual Generation Tao Method.

 There are no obstacles or bottlenecks at all.

A few months after Su Yu set foot in the ninth floor of the Dao Tower, the five elements of divine light appeared around him. The power of the Five Elements Dao continued to rotate, and under Su Yu's control, small animals evolved one after another. , lifelike, just like real five elements creatures.

 The mutual power of the five elements is extremely peaceful, with no violent and destructive atmosphere, and no conflict at all.

 It is not difficult to evolve Taoism with the power of the five elements.

And after Su Yu successfully controlled the power of the five elements in the ninth-level Tao Tower space, his mind was filled with light, his soul was shaken, and he felt as if his consciousness had entered another level of heaven and earth.

At the same time, the power of the Five Elements Avenue of the Nine-story Tao Tower, which was still frantically impacting his body, suddenly rippled at this moment.

next moment.

The originally unruly power of the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth, like a tamed sheep, all calmed down, and even seemed to want the master's pampering. They were constantly 'jubilating' around Su Yu and were extremely active.

 Before, Su Yu didn’t understand how big the gap was between the Dacheng Dao Realm and the Perfect Dao Realm.

 But at this moment, Su Yu understood why even spiritual and Tao geniuses may not be able to comprehend the perfect Tao realm.

 The previous divisions into the Initiation Realm, the Small Success Realm, the Great Success Realm and the Perfection Realm.

In Su Yu’s eyes now, it’s actually not very correct.

 The correct ones are only the division of the entry realm and the perfection realm.

 When you get started in the Tao realm, you can only borrow the power of the Tao. The strength of this power depends on your own perception and control of the power of the Tao.

 But this kind of borrowing is always just borrowing the power of ‘others’, not one’s own.

 The realm of perfection is different, it is the realm of perfection.

 At this moment, Su Yu felt that he was the Tao.

If a cultivator of the Nascent Soul Realm True Lord uses the power of any realm of the Five Elements in front of him, he can take it away at any time, because it is his 'own' power.

 Using his own power against himself, isn’t that funny?

  After a long time.

Su Yu slowly opened his eyes, stretched out a hand, and a ball of five-color divine light condensed in his hand. He whispered: "Perfect Dao Domain, I wonder if it can affect distraction or even stronger Dao power?"

His spirit filled the entire nine-layer space, just under his thought.


The power of the five elements of the entire nine-layer space of heaven and earth suddenly converged and manifested, forming a huge five-color divine light.

Su Yu evolved Taoism by perfecting the power of the Five Elements Tao realm.

One by one, wooden vines, wood spirit dragons, and fire phoenixes appeared, and even the appearance of the Heavenly Thunder Rat, Taixu, and Sea-covering Turtle appeared behind Su Yu.

 The moment Su Yu cast the Immortal Transformation Sutra, a magical power filled the world.

 Complete the power of the Five Elements Dao Realm, as if it has become the Immortal Realm Dao Realm.

In that five-color divine light field, it seems that all immortals will be transformed when they enter it.

 (End of this chapter)

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