Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 293: The fall of Lord Jin Hong and Su Yu’s plan

Chapter 293 The fall of Lord Jin Hong and Su Yu’s plan

When Taoist Hongyue and others saw this, they did not stop him.

Although Venerable Jin Hong is at the peak of distraction and has a lot of information about Ten Thousand Immortals Palace, he can no longer use many things.

Reluctantly relying on the large formation of the Xianmen Hall and his own high-grade magic weapons and other backgrounds, he was able to resist the Nine Spirits Taoist Master for a while.

Venerable Jin Hong was beaten to pieces by Jiuling Taoist, and his body and main body were destroyed.

  Yuanshen was divided, imprisoned and captured by Jiuling Dao Master.

The Jiuling Dao Master condensed the spiritual fire and continued to burn the shattered soul of Venerable Jin Hong. Venerable Jin Hong’s shrill screams resounded throughout the Wanxian Palace: “Ahhhh!!”

 The master of the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace of the Immortal Sect, the overlord of the generation, ended up with such a miserable end that was worse than death.

 Inside the Immortal Gate of Wanxian Palace.

Countless elders, deacons, and disciples of the Nascent Soul Realm True Monarch in the Immortal Palace all looked pale, with horror, anger, and despair in their eyes as they looked at the army of cultivators from the Daqian Immortal Alliance descending from the sky.

Under such a general trend, it is simply impossible for the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace to compete with the entire Daqian Immortal Alliance with their own strength.

 Wanxian Palace is coming to an end!

When Hongyue Taoist Master looked at the remaining distracted masters of Wanxian Palace, an acquaintance took the lead and knelt down towards Hongyue Taoist Master.

Venerable Yuanxiu knelt on the ground and prayed to Taoist Master Hongyue: "I am willing to surrender to the Earthly Immortal Mansion, and I am willing to make a Taoist oath. I am willing to die for Senior Hongyue in this life, and I am willing to do anything for Senior, as long as I beg Senior Hongyue to spare my life!"

Taoist Master Hongyue looked at Venerable Yuanxiu who was kneeling in front of him, looking pitiful and extremely embarrassed, with traces of blood on the corners of his mouth.

My thoughts suddenly returned to the days when I competed with Venerable Yuanxiu.

 Ever since he became the Lord of the Earthly Immortal Mansion.

This fairy from the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace is very arrogant.

How many times have you provoked him and the Earthly Immortal Mansion?

  However, such a person is now the first to kneel in front of him and beg him for mercy.

The person next to him saw Venerable Yuanxiu like this, his eyes suddenly showed anger, and his magic power exploded, and he was about to hit the head of Venerable Yuanxiu who was kneeling on the ground with a palm.


However, before he could land his palm, a burst of Dongxu magic power fell on him.


This man's body exploded instantly, and his soul was destroyed in an instant.

Hongyue Taoist Master retracted his hand, calmly looked at the remaining distracted masters and said: "Among you, two people can be left alive."

"But who it is depends on your own fate."


Venerable Yuanxiu took action without hesitation, and used a medium-grade magic weapon, which sent a Venerable who was in the early stage of the Distraction Realm not far away from him and flew away. He was severely injured in an instant.

There was another old man with snow-white hair who was in the late stage of the distraction realm and also took action brazenly. He took out two powerful mid-level magic weapons in his hand and attacked the people next to him.

 After a fight.

In the Xianmen Hall of Wanxian Palace, only Venerable Yuanxiu and the white-haired old man were left alive.

Without any hesitation, the two of them put away their magic weapons, came to the door of the main hall, and knelt down to Lord Hongyue.

With the death of Venerable Jin Hong and all the Venerable Masters of the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace, Taoist Master Luohe and Taoist Tianyang are already in dire straits, and the huge power of the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace can basically be declared destroyed.

The remaining Venerable Yuanxiu and the white-haired old man are the benchmarks left to subdue and cleanse the remaining forces in the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace and the immortal cultivators.

However, the resources left by Wanxian Palace cannot be monopolized by Dixian Palace.

 How to distribute it specifically depends on how the Daqianxian Alliance will argue next.

 While Wanxian Palace has been solved, there is another trouble within the Wanxian Palace area—the Monster Clan Space Channel and the Black Turtle Sea Clan!

 Dixian Mansion.

 The secret realm of the underground palace.

Looking at Fan Xiao, the master of the palace who came to report the news, Su Yu was stunned for a long time: "Tao Master Luohe and Taoist Tianyang of Wanxian Palace escaped into the fourth layer of the void and disappeared?"

 “Now the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace has been captured by senior brother?”

Fan Xiao looked at Su Yu with a smile, nodded and said, "Well, that's it."

 “In this battle, my junior uncle should be the first to take credit.”

Su Yu extended his hand and asked Fan Xiao to come to a side hall to sit down and drink tea. He shook his head and said, "Who am I? I haven't even left the Immortal Sect."

Fan Xiao said: "Why not? If it hadn't been for your void magic weapon, little uncle, the master would not have been able to open the fairy gate barrier of Jiulingxian Mountain and scare away the Taoist master of the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty."

“It is even less likely to disrupt their plan and frighten the two Taoist masters of Wanxian Palace into panic and fleeing into the depths of the void to seek their own death.”

“This is all the result of my junior uncle.”

After chatting with Fan Xiao for a while, Su Yu sent her out of the secret realm.

 The battle with Ten Thousand Immortals Palace went smoothly beyond his expectation, and the result also exceeded his imagination.

 Two Taoist masters are missing.

The master of Wanxian Palace, Jin Hong, was killed.

Of the remaining Venerable Fengshen of Wanxian Palace, only Venerable Yuanxiu and another late-stage Venerable of Fenshen Realm are left alive, leaving them to gather the remaining forces of Wanxian Palace.

 Before, they only planned to drive away the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace.

 But now, the threat of Ten Thousand Immortals Palace has been basically solved.

Su Yu calmed down, feeling both surprised and slightly wary: "Unfortunately, the only fly in the ointment is that we don't know whether Taoist Luohe and Taoist Tianyang are dead."

 “If he is not dead, there will be trouble in the future.”

The void space is layered. The deeper you go, the further away you are from the world of immortality.

 Until he leaves the space of cultivating immortality.

 When we reach the fourth level of space, there are countless dangers there.

 Getting lost is just one of the dangers.

There are also space turbulence, space cracks, etc.

The Void Book that Su Yu saw in the Wanshu Tower of Yuexian Mansion recorded a lot of dangers and rumors about the Void.

If we really break away from the void of the realm of immortality, all the powerful people in the Mahayana realm may disappear completely.

  I will never return to the world of immortality again.

 This disappearance includes falling.

Given Su Yu's current attainments in the Space Avenue, he dared to enter the fourth floor for a walk, but he couldn't stay for long.

 Those who can escape from the world of immortality and come back safely

 Perhaps, only an immortal can behave like that, right?

Su Yu drank a few more cups of ice tea after returning to the Immortal Palace to calm down the ups and downs after the destruction of the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace, and at the same time thinking about the next thing.

"Let's go to the Baixu Immortal Realm first and explore the reality of the Tianxu Palace." Su Yu thought to himself, "If it is feasible, then conquer the Tianxu Palace and let it integrate into the Yuexian Tower."

“From now on, with the Daqian Immortal Realm as the center, we will develop the intelligence tentacles to the entire Cangzhou region.”

 He thought about it for a long time and a lot.

 Use your own resources and your longevity, which now lasts for thousands of years, to lay out the Yuexian Tower bit by bit.

 Should it be possible to push Yuexian Tower to a new level?

for example,

The appearance of the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty in Cangzhou Territory and Daqian this time is probably related to the Qingjing Immortal Palace.

No matter what, Su Yu will definitely keep this debt on their heads.

Now that the Dixian Palace has taken over the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace, Jiulingxian Mountain may also be integrated into the influence of the Dixian Palace. As long as the Dixian Palace is stable, it will be able to continue to strengthen its own strength.

 Until other immortal sects and forces can no longer suppress the Earthly Immortal Mansion.

Perhaps within one or two hundred years, the Earthly Immortal Mansion will be able to truly unify the Daqian Immortal Realm.

 “Take your time, don’t rush.”

Su Yu took a deep breath. It was not easy for Dixian Mansion to find this step.

 Just hold steady next time. When the Daqian Immortal Alliance took over the area and power of Ten Thousand Immortals Palace and counted the final harvest, Su Yu quietly left the Immortal Gate of Dixian Mansion.

 Hundred Flowers Sect Cave Heaven Secret Realm.

When Su Yu returned here, in addition to Su Zhi, Lin Qingxia, Lin Bing, and Gu Yue Fairy, there were also several more descendants from the Su family and Dayue Palace practicing here, both men and women.

But Su Yu did not see them.

 In the palace.

Su Yu saw Xiuyu Taoist and Black Guard Fifty-Five who were waiting here.

Su Yu said directly: "I am going to go to the Baixu Immortal Realm."

Taoist Xiuyu has changed a lot compared to his appearance for hundreds of years. He now looks like a middle-aged man. With the help of Su Yu's resources, his cultivation level has barely reached the second level of Nascent Soul Realm.

Taoist Xiuyu's eyes sparkled when he heard this, and he quickly said: "Master, are you going to take action?"

Su Yu looked at him and said calmly: "Take down Tianxu Palace and let Tianxu Palace merge with Yuexian Tower. Have you ever thought about how to manage them and how to develop a new Yuexian Tower?"

Taoist Xiuyu smiled and said, "Hahaha, Master, I am not a power-hungry person."

“If the poster finds someone who can better lead the development of Yuexian Tower, then I can act as a mouthpiece for the poster, step aside and retreat behind the scenes.”

Taoist Xiuyu is quite satisfied to have the current achievements and cultivation in this life.

 All of this comes from the host and old friend in front of me.

His own cultivation has broken through to the level of Yuanying Realm, and with his current status and the power of Yuexian Tower, he can even deal with the Venerables of the Distracting God Realm.

How could this have been possible if he had done this before, or if he had still stayed in Dayue Mansion?

Su Yu thought for a while.

If the Tianxu Palace is really conquered and integrated into the Yuexian Tower, then Taoist Xiuyu’s cultivation will definitely no longer be able to control this force. This is the reality.

 It doesn’t mean that it’s okay to have him behind your back.

So he really has to think about who can take over as the next person to control Yuexian Tower.

 At least you have to cultivate in the realm of distraction.

"In a few days, let's go to the Baixu Cultivation Realm first." Su Yu stayed in the Baihua Sect Cave Heaven Secret Realm for a while and chatted with Su Zhi, Lin Qingxia and others.

Then he changed his face and quietly left with Taoist Xiu Yu and Black Guard Fifty-Five, heading to the Teleportation Formation of Ten Lords Immortal City.

Using the cross-domain teleportation array of the Ten Lords Immortal City, go to the Baixu Immortal Realm.

The Baixu Immortal Realm is also bounded by the Cangzhou Territory. It is one of the seventeen immortal cultivation areas outside Cang Ancient Immortal City in the Cangzhou Territory. It is not far to the west of the Daqian Immortal Realm.

The territory is quite vast, and the prosperity of the world of cultivating immortals is no worse than that of Daqian.

 It’s just that the regional environment and local customs are quite different from those in the Daqian Immortal Realm.

“The most famous place in the Hundred Ruins Cultivation World has the largest number of ancient battlefield ruins, and the air seems to be filled with a faint ominous aura.”

“So in the Baixu Immortal Cultivation World, the immortal cultivators here are quite warlike.”

“And here, calamity cultivators and even demon cultivators may be seen everywhere in the wilderness.”

 Coming out of the teleportation array, what comes into view is a huge fairy city in front of the canyon.

This is the fairy city of Qianjimen, a neutral force in the Baixu Immortal Realm.

Only the fairy cities of these neutral forces can be connected to the teleportation array of the Ten Lords Fairy City.

Su Yu, Taoist Xiuyu, and Black Guard Fifty-Five paid the entry fee and received a temporary residence token. Then they walked out of the teleportation building and walked on the streets of Immortal City.

This Thousand Machine Fairy City is quite unique. Most of the shops opened on both sides of the street sell various puppets or puppet materials.

There are many immortal cultivators on the street, and they are crowded.

 It is different from the Immortal City of Dixian Mansion and the Immortal City of Ten Lords.

If it were the fairy city on the Daqian side of the Immortal Cultivation World, most of the immortal cultivators there might be wearing gorgeous clothes and robes, looking elegant and noble.

 But here, nearly half of the immortal cultivators wear leather armor, or animal skin clothing.

An uncontrollable and sinister aura about him filled the streets, and he had a fierce look that kept strangers away.

 Different regional customs made Su Yu quite curious and looked around.

Taoist Xiuyu said: "Among these people, there may be some who make a living by plundering, or even practice demonic arts, but that's not necessarily the case."

Su Yu asked curiously: "There are many calamity cultivators and demon cultivators?"

Xiuyu Daoren said: "You can see it everywhere."

“There are also some tribulation cultivators and demon cultivators here created by Venerables in the Dividing God Realm.”

So rampant?

Su Yu and the others wandered around the city for more than an hour before looking for a place to rent a fourth-level cave house. They planned to find out first the situation of the immortal sect forces in the Baixu Immortal Realm.

 Then let’s explore the power of Tianxu Palace.

the other side.

Lei Longxian Chao Dao Master Lei Dingtian got rid of the pursuit of the three people in Canggu Immortal City, and stopped, standing on the top of a high mountain, looking in the direction of Jiulingxian Mountain from a distance, frowning slightly.

“The Taoist Master of the Earth Immortal Mansion actually has a high-grade void magic weapon in his hands!” Lei Dingtian whispered, this was really beyond his expectation.

 High-grade magic weapons are rare.

High-grade void magic weapon has never been seen even in their Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty!

This is the first time Lei Dingtian has seen the existence of a high-grade void magic weapon.

Easily tearing apart the secret realm barrier of a fairy sect, this is far beyond what he can do.

Hands of a high-grade void magic weapon, even if Hong Yue Dao Master is not strong in cultivation and is only at the first level of Cave Void Realm, he is afraid that even if he takes action, he may not be able to defeat Hong Yue Dao Master.

Not to mention, the Earthly Immortal Mansion also has a sixth-level peak statue.

Let out a sigh of relief, Lei Dingtian murmured: "It seems that it is really impossible to use force against the Earthly Immortal Mansion, so we can only rely on other means."

 He came to Wanxiang Palace this time just to give it a try.

 Even if it fails, there is nothing to lose.

"My ancestors from the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty once left an ancient book. It is recorded in the ancient book that the powerful man from the Yuexian Mansion once suppressed an elder from our Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty, causing the inheritance of the immortal path to be cut off." Lei Dingtian said in a tone. There was a hint of coldness.

“Now the inheritance of Yuexian Mansion seems to be reborn. It is very likely that the inheritance left by the ancestor is in the ruins of Yuexian Mansion.”

“This inheritance, I, the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty, will definitely find again.”

 He whispered to himself.

 And think of the good things in the hands of Dixian Mansion.

Lei Dingtian couldn't help but feel excited in his heart.

 If possible, we must also take down the statue of the **** and the high-grade void magic weapon.

 “Yiren has now successfully integrated into the Earthly Immortal Mansion.”

“With her talent, she might be able to gain the attention of the Earthly Immortal Mansion in the future and become a high-level member of the Earthly Immortal Mansion.”

“Even, inherit the Taoist inheritance of the Earthly Immortal Mansion.”

Lei Dingtian pondered and frowned slightly: "However, this will take a long, long time, and it may not be successful."

“So, in the meantime, we have to think of other ways.”

Looked in the direction of the Immortal Gate of the Earthly Immortal Mansion.

Lei Dingtian's body flashed with thunder and lightning, and disappeared into the void in the blink of an eye.

 For the sake of the inheritance from his ancestors, no matter how many hundreds of years it takes or what the price is, he cannot give up the clue of the Earthly Immortal Mansion.

Even if the Earthly Immortal Mansion is destroyed and destroyed, it is not impossible.

"Go to the Qingjing Immortal Palace." Lei Dingtian left the Daqian Immortal Realm. If he wanted to deal with a certain force, besides using brute force, there were countless ways.

  Anyway, he will never let Dixian Mansion have a good life from now on.

 Unless Dixian Mansion hands over the inheritance, ruins, and treasures left by Yuexian Mansion.

 (End of this chapter)

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