Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 303: Lord Bird, the Gao family relies on

Chapter 303 The Gao family relies on Master Bird

Taixu glanced at her and said, "What? Little girl, are you frightened by Master Bird's heroic appearance?"

Gao Nian'er was startled, his face turned slightly pale, and he quickly lowered his head and said in a panic: "No, no, senior, Nian'er doesn't dare."

“Hey, don’t you dare, little girl, don’t be so courageous, the bird master won’t eat you.” Taixu flapped his wings and continued to comb his feathers.

Gao Nian'er listened and then boldly took a look at Taixu's appearance secretly.

Different from ordinary birds of prey, Taixu, who is covered in purple and black feathers, has become more noble and otherworldly in his aura and temperament after refining that piece of spiritual fire.

Although the aura on his body is restrained, with the naked eye, you can see that it is extraordinary.

 “Cough cough cough!”

The ancestor of the Zhao family coughed a few times, his face twisted, and the purple-black flames in his body stuck to his Nascent Soul like gangrene attached to the bone, constantly burning his Nascent Soul.

The severe pain made his body convulse instinctively, and he couldn't even scream.

 It’s not easy.

 When the power of the purple-black flames gradually subsided, the ancestor of the Zhao family could take a breath.

He quickly knelt down on his knees, begging for mercy from Su Yu with a face filled with horror: "Senior, have mercy on me, senior, have mercy on me, it was me who was blind and disturbed me!"

“Senior, please spare me. I will take the people away and never set foot in Gongyue Immortal City again.”

The aura of the ancestor of the Zhao family has become extremely weak.

 His Nascent Soul almost turned into ashes when Taixu's wisp of flame burned out.

 So Su Yu didn't look at him at all, but looked at Gao Nian'er and said, "Leave them to you. Set up the Gao family first and deal with these people."

 “When you’re done, I’ll take you out to sea.”

Gao Nian'er quickly leaned over and said obediently: "Thank you, Master."


 As she thought, a top-quality magic weapon, a flying sword, appeared in her hand, following a stroke of her hand.

The flying sword, a top-quality magic weapon, flashed through the air with a burst of cold light.


 A sword.

The head of Zhao Kaiyuan, the ancestor of the Zhao family and the head of the Zhao family, flew up and fell aside.

The broken Nascent Soul of the ancestor of the Zhao family escaped from his headless body and became half illusory and half illusory, as if it would dissipate with the wind at any time.

His face was full of ferocious hatred, he rushed out of his body and rushed towards Gao Nian'er, shouting sharply: "Old Ancestor, I will drag you on my back even to the death!"

Taixu flapped his wings gently, and in an instant, a hot and fierce force descended from the sky and the earth, and the heaven and earth trembled.


The terrifying power of the fire is like a wave of fire. A wave sweeps across and instantly burns out the remaining Nascent Soul of the ancestor of the Zhao family.

Taixu snorted coldly: "How dare you be so cruel in front of Master Bird?"

 Then Taixu glanced at Gao Nian'er with admiration. This girl was not bad. She was decisive in killing and killed these two guys without any nonsense.

This temperament is not bad, even if she is with the master, she can be a pretty good maid.

Gao Nian'er was frightened by the ferocious power of the remaining Yuanying of the ancestor of the Zhao family. Even though the ancestor of the Zhao family was seriously injured, he was still a True Lord of Yuanying.

If Su Yu and Taixu weren't here, it would be far impossible for her, a little real person at the first level of the Dan Formation Realm, to hurt the ancestor of the Zhao family.

Gao Nian'er took a moment to recover from the intimidation of the Zhao family ancestor's broken Nascent Soul just now.

With a hint of fear, she bowed to Taixu and said gratefully: "Thank you, senior, for saving me."

Taixu chirped, and then said: "How about you call me Bird Master from now on, I will protect you."

Lord Bird

Gao Nian'er glanced at Su Yu and saw that he had no objection. He pursed his lips and nodded: "Nian'er understands. Thank you, Mr. Bird."

Su Yu did not tell Taixu’s real name. After all, he was walking here under a pseudonym.

Taixu wants to be called Master Bird, so let’s call him Master Bird.

"You go and deal with the affairs of the Gao family first. I'll give you three days." Su Yu temporarily stayed at the Gao family and asked Taixu to follow Gao Nian'er to deal with some small things that she couldn't handle.

When Gao Nian'er rescued all the Gao family members and threw the bodies of the Zhao family ancestors and Zhao Kaiyuan, the head of the Zhao family, out of the Gao family mansion, letting the immortal cultivators in Gongyue Immortal City see their fate, The entire Gongyue Immortal City lost its voice and fell into silence.

 Some immortal cultivators and spies from other forces are a little unbelievable.

The ancestor of the Zhao family, Yuan Ying Zhenjun, actually fell into the hands of the Gao family?


  Many powerful people had a heated discussion in private.

“How did the ancestor of the Zhao family die? Just now he came to the fairy city, and I think I saw a purple-black fire appear? Then he disappeared.”

"When did the Gao family still have such strength? When the Zhao family attacked them before, why didn't the Gao family fight back like they did today?"

“I heard, just heard, that the reason why the Gao family was able to get started hundreds of years ago was because they surrendered to a powerful mysterious monk.

Later, the strong man took the Gao family out to sea to Huangling Island.

It’s just that in recent years, there has been no movement or news about the strong monk. "

"You mean, the strong monk who supported the Gao family is back? Is that why the Zhao family ended up like this?"

Countless immortal cultivators in Gongyue Immortal City outside were discussing, and the Gao family members were also rejoicing after being rescued.

Everyone knows that the master whose ancestors established the clan rules and ancestral precepts has finally come to their Gao family again.

 And rescued them from the blood of the Zhao family.

 That mysterious and powerful man’s cultivation is far beyond the reach of the Zhao family, and the rumored backer of their Gao family really exists.

Gao Nian'er rescued the tribesmen and arranged for them to regain control of Gongyue Immortal City. Then he hurried to Su Yu's courtyard and carefully served Su Yu's daily life.

Gao Nian'er even wanted to sleep with Su Yu, but unfortunately, he never found the opportunity.

 Three days later.

Su Yu left a fourth-level middle-grade puppet to the Gao family, and then left the Gao family with Gao Nian'er and headed to Sangmu Fairy City.

In a fifth-level high-grade flying boat, Su Yu looked at the scenes of young monks fighting below and said, "Sangmu Mansion is in chaos now?"

Gao Nian'er nodded obediently and said, "Yes, yes, master."

"Now that the outer sea is blocked by the sea tribe, no one can go out to the sea, so we can only think about other aspects."

“Therefore, many conflicts and melees gradually appeared in Sangmu Mansion, all for the purpose of competing for various resource areas.”

Su Yu nodded lightly and did not continue speaking.

Sangmu Mansion is actually on the edge of the Daqian Immortal Cultivation World, so there are not many immortal cultivators and not many strong people.

 At most, there are only a few Nascent Soul Lords.

Moreover, the entire Sangmu Mansion cannot be divided together, and the power is very scattered.

This situation is the fundamental reason why Sangmu Mansion is now in chaos.

However, precisely because Sangmu Mansion is located on the edge of the Daqian Immortal Realm, it should not be attacked by sea tribes and sea beasts here.

As for the front of the Daqian Immortal Realm, corresponding to the seaside coast on the other side of the Feiling Sea Area, there should be three areas of influence: Yulong Palace, Guangyuan Palace, and Xianfan Pavilion.

 So facing the oppression of the Sea Clan, the three immortal sects are also under the greatest pressure. Buzz!

As Su Yu thought, ripples appeared in the space around the spirit boat outside. The next moment, the spirit boat disappeared from the high-altitude clouds. When it reappeared, it was already thousands of miles away.

After moving again and again, Su Yu stood up in less than half an hour and said, "We're here, let's go down and have a look."

Gao Nian'er, who was a little silly, walked out of the flying boat, and a huge fairy city appeared in their field of vision below.

 At this moment.

Sangmu Fairy City has begun to be on alert. There are many immortal cultivators patrolling and guarding the surroundings of the fairy city, guarding against the sea tribe and the vicious tide of sea beasts in the sea.

When Su Yu and Gao Nian'er approached Sangmu Immortal City, three immortal cultivators immediately came up to them and stopped them: "Stop!"

“Who are you two? Do you have the Fairy City identity token?”

Gao Nian'er took out his token, waved his hand, and the identity token flew towards the three of them.

The leader of the three, the Foundation Establishment Realm monk, took the token. When he saw the identity on the token, his expression changed slightly and he glanced at Gao Nian'er.

 The head of the Gao family?

 How did she appear here?

Isn’t the head of the family targeting the Gao family now?

Thoughts were swirling in his mind, but he did not say anything. Instead, he respectfully handed the identity token back to Gao Nian'er and said, "I'm sorry, senior, the Immortal City has been heavily guarded recently to guard against the coming of the sea tribe and the sea beasts. It's not us. Please forgive me for causing trouble for my seniors."

 “Senior, please come in.”

Su Yu glanced at the three of them and chuckled: "These three people should be from the same clan that attacked your family before."

 The face of the foundation-building monk changed drastically, and he was about to scream a warning.

next moment,

 He felt the world in front of him changing and lost consciousness.

Gao Nian'er heard that she was from the Zhao family, and the sharpness in her hands was revealed. The flying sword, a top-quality magic weapon, appeared in her hand again, and she was about to kill the three people from the Zhao family.

 But before she could take action, Su Yu stopped her.

Su Yu gently pressed her shoulder with one hand. This touch made Gao Nian'er's body tremble, his eyes widened, and the cold aura condensed on his face and eyes suddenly dissipated.

There is only a trace of shyness and uneasiness left.

This is the first time Su Yu has touched her.

Gao Nian'er asked in confusion: "Master?"

Su Yu said: "Do you want to experience the power of Nascent Soul Lord?"

 Hunting for Gao Nian'er to speak.

 A burst of mana poured into Su Yu's body from her hand, and Gao Nian'er felt her power soar in an instant, giving her an illusive feeling.

 Under Su Yu's perfection of the Five Elements Realm, Su Yu attached his own Five Elements magic power to Gao Nian'er.

That indescribably powerful magic power made Gao Nian'er's mind go blank.


 “This power is too strong!”

Su Yu chuckled, retracted his hand, and said, "Go, you can do what you want to do."

Gao Nian'er moved her body and found that her cultivation level had not changed, but the terrifying mana power in her body seemed to be under her control again, giving her a qualitative leap in strength.

Her face was flushed, and she bowed to Su Yu excitedly: "Thank you, Master, for giving me magic power."

Su Yu gently nodded and said, "Go."

Gao Nian'er waved his hand gently, and a ray of cold light flew out of the flying sword in his hand, causing the heads of the three Zhao family cultivators in front of him to fall off in an instant.

Then his figure flashed, and Gao Nian'er rushed into the Sangmu Fairy City below.

A body of spiritual energy locked onto the Zhao family's territory, and an immortal power beyond the realm of pill formation erupted from his body, pressing towards the Zhao family's territory.

“Zhao family, the blood debt of my Gao family must be repaid!”

Gao Nian'er's cold voice resounded throughout the entire Mulberry Fairy City, deafening.

 The faces of countless cultivators changed drastically.

 The main reason is that the aura on Gao Nian'er's body at this moment is too terrifying, far exceeding that of an ordinary late-stage Nascent Soul Realm true king.

The Immortal Power permeated the entire Mulberry Immortal City, and in an instant the sky and the earth above the Mulberry Immortal City changed color, and the wind and clouds changed like mountains, weighing on the hearts of all low-level immortal cultivators, making it difficult for them to breathe.

“Zhao family? Gao family? Are you here to seek revenge from the Zhao family?”

"Hiss, how is this breath possible? Why do I feel like she is scarier than my ancestors!"

“Isn’t this Gao Nian’er, the head of the Gao family? Didn’t she just break through to the Dan Formation Realm!? Did I suddenly wake up, or did I accidentally sleep for hundreds of years? Damn it!”

 “Oops, nothing can happen to the Zhao family at this time!”

 The faces of many immortal cultivators suddenly changed.

Especially the other members of the Yuanying True Lord's influence in Sangmu Fairy City, they felt very anxious when they saw Gao Nian'er heading towards the Zhao family with cold murderous intent.

Now is the critical moment for Sangmu Fairy City to defend against the sea tribe and the ferocious tide of sea beasts.

If the Zhao family is gone, the defense strength of Sangmu Fairy City will be greatly reduced.


The moment Gao Nian'er rushed toward the Zhao family, five waves of Nascent Soul True Lord's aura rushed out from other directions in Sangmu Fairy City.

 The strongest one among them has reached the sixth level of Nascent Soul Realm.

The man kept shouting: "Fellow Daoist, wait a minute!"

“Currently, the sea area of ​​​​Fuling is undergoing great changes, and the Sangmu Fairy City is in danger and danger. This is the time when we need to unite as one to fight against the sea tribe and sea beasts!”

“I hope fellow Taoist will calm down. If anything happens, we can sit down and talk about it slowly. If we really have any grievances, we can leave them until the crisis is resolved and settle them slowly!”

“At this time, there must be no internal strife in Sangmu Fairy City and Sangmu Mansion!”

 Above the sky.

Su Yu watched this scene with great interest. The Five Elements Realm of Perfection was blessing Gao Nian'er, and the magic power was actually equivalent to his own control.

  It's just attached to Gao Nian'er and let her perform it.

 I wonder how Gao Nian'er will choose?

 Continue to take action?

 Should we listen to the advice of this group of people and give up for now?


Gao Nian'er moved the flying sword in her hand, and in an instant, green sword lights gathered between the sky and the earth. At the moment when the Zhao family in front activated the family formation, she drew out with her sword.


At the moment when the five Nascent Soul Sovereigns came out in unison and the voice of exhortation had just fallen, Gao Nian'er's sword also fell on the Zhao family's defensive formation barrier.

The violent shock as imagined did not appear. The sword light fell on the Zhao family's fourth-level mid-level defense formation barrier, just like cutting tofu.

 Easily broke through the Zhao family's defensive formation.

That green sword light split the Zhao family's land in half in an instant.

 (End of this chapter)

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