Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 309: The Hunting Demon Lord is about to be distracted

Chapter 309: Hunting the Demon Lord is about to get distracted

Taoist Shuhai listened to the tone of the little turtle demon, and the look in his eyes changed slightly, and he asked in shock: "What's wrong? What's the Kunling Nest? What's the omen of great evil, the sign of the world?"

The little turtle demon was silent for a while, and then his voice rang out from Taoist Shuhai's ears again, saying: "In ancient times, there used to be a spiritual beast with amazing talent who wanted to pursue the path of immortality and set foot in the portal of the immortal."

“As a result, just when he was attacking the sky and his bloodline was about to transform, an ancient immortal came and tried to kill him.”

“The spiritual beast was so angry that it rushed straight to the Immortal Gate with the nine-day thunder tribulation, and fought to the death with the ancient immortal with the help of the immortal power transformed by its bloodline.”

“That battle was close to destroying the world. The land was shattered, mountains and rivers were no longer there, and endless thunder and aura of destruction ravaged the earth.”

“I don’t know how long it took for the world of immortality to finally return to what it is now.”

“And the cave left behind by the ancient spiritual beast that was about to transform into a fairy beast—”

Taoist Shuhai took a breath of cold air and blurted out with shock in his eyes: "Is this the Kunling Nest?"

 The ancient rumors told by the little turtle demon shocked Shuhai Taoist.

 An ancient spiritual beast was on the verge of becoming an immortal, but was sniped and killed by an ancient immortal? In that battle, even the land was destroyed and shattered?

is this real?

After Shuhai Taoist came to his senses, he asked with confusion: "How do you know this?"

The little turtle demon did not answer Taoist Shuhai's question, but said to himself: "What you need to consider now is how to enter the Kunling Nest."

"As long as you can enter it, I can guarantee that you will undergo an incredible transformation."

 “At least, you can be qualified to explore a higher immortality.”

Taoist Shuhai pondered for a moment, nodded slightly to show that he knew, and then asked: "Then, will he enter the Kunling Nest?"

The little turtle demon said angrily: "How do I know about that person? If you want to know, wouldn't it be better to find him directly and ask him?"

“If he goes in, it’s easy for you. You can just follow him and sneak in.”

“If he doesn’t go, you’d better think about how to save your life and get in.”

Originally, Taoist Shuhai wanted to go back to Dixian Mansion to see if Dixian Mansion was interested in the so-called Kunling Nest ruins, and then they could go there together.

But suddenly his heart moved slightly, and he turned around and went to Tianshu Pavilion.

With the permission of a small group of little turtle demons to reveal the secrets of the Kunling Nest, he made a deal with Tianshu Pavilion and asked Tianshu Pavilion to take him to the Kunling Nest.

 And over there at Dixian Mansion.

After discussions between Hongyue Taoist Master, Fan Xiao and others, Fan Xiao began to summon the core elders and geniuses of the Xianmen to let them choose whether to go to the sea to explore the Kunling Nest ruins and inform them of the dangers involved.

Zhao Zangfeng, the elder of the Dark Hall, and Chang Baiyu, the elder of the Affairs Hall, were extremely moved after hearing this.

However, after hearing that this matter may cause a war between countless forces and strong men such as the human race, sea tribe, and monster tribe, and even the Taoist master may not be safe, the two people's expressions suddenly changed, and they immediately retreated.

 Look at the eyes, nose and heart, and no longer be tempted by Kun Lingchao.

What surprised Fan Xiao was that peak master Luo Qianyu, Qingquan Taoist, and Dayu Peak disciple Long Yiren, who had just broken through the Danjie realm, all applied to explore the Kunling Nest ruins.

After Fan Xiao thought for a while, he found three people to talk secretly.

 But finally agreed to their request.

 Half a month later.

Dixian Mansion’s group of nearly thirty people, led by Taoist Master Hongyue, quietly set out from the Ten Lords Immortal City Teleportation Formation and teleported across domains to the Covering Sea.

 Among this group of people, there is also an extremely low-key figure, that is Jiuling Dao Master.

As the news of the birth of Kunling Nest spread, some people from other immortal sects and forces in the Daqian Immortal Realm chose to go there to seek opportunities.

 The cave opportunity left by a being who was able to fight against immortals in ancient times,

 Who is not moved?

After learning that the Hongyue Taoist Master of Dixian Mansion chose to go to the sea area in person, the Yulong Palace, Lihuo Palace and other forces immediately became more confident and took action to take people to the Feiling Sea area to participate in this grand fairy tale.

 Cangzhou Territory, Dayanxian Dynasty.

Since this period of time, the ferocious tide of monsters experienced by the Great Yan Immortal Dynasty is more dangerous and difficult than that of the Daqian Immortal Cultivation World, and the losses are not small.

With great difficulty, Immortal Master Great Flame managed to suppress the ferocious tide of monsters.

While the Great Yan Immortal Dynasty was waiting for some rest, news of the Kunling Nest came from the sea area.

The face of the Great Yan Immortal Master changed. After convening the ministers of the Great Yan Immortal Dynasty and a group of princes to discuss, he decided to take the five hundred most elite Great Yan Immortal Guards of the Great Yan Immortal Lord, as well as the three Taoist ancestors and ten disciples. Together with the Lord God, he protected the thirty geniuses and evildoers of the Great Flame Immortal Dynasty in their expedition against the Kunling Nest in the Feiling Sea.

 When the Great Flame Immortal Guards gathered together, and the three Taoist masters and the ten Venerable Lords of the Gods gathered together, the Great Yan Immortal Lord descended and looked at everyone.

Especially the group of geniuses and monsters from the Dayan Royal Family.

A surge of imperial immortal power spread across the world, and Immortal Lord Great Flame said solemnly: "In this battle, we must enter the Kunling Nest!"

“Whoever can seize the opportunity to return from the Kunling Nest may become the new Immortal Master of the Great Flame Immortal Dynasty!”

As soon as these words were spoken, the breathing of the thirty Great Flame Immortal Chao Tianjiao and the monsters in front became a little more rapid, their eyes were condensed, and they were extremely excited and excited.

 “Great Yan, fight!”

 “Fight, fight, fight!!”


In the Imperial City of Great Yanxian, several huge warships flew across the sky, pulled by several giant beasts and birds, and rushed into the space ripples of the teleportation array in front and disappeared.

In addition to the Great Yan Immortal Dynasty, there are many immortal cultivators from other places in the Cangzhou Region, including Canggu Immortal City, who are trying to find ways to go to the Feiling Sea area to seek opportunities.

 Canggu Fairy City.

Su Yu Dao Shen Puppet looked outside in the Linglong Talisman Pavilion and saw a number of airships, warships, and even extremely huge beast mounts crossing the sky, heading towards the teleportation array outside the outer city.

In addition to the five major families, many other forces and immortal cultivators in Canggu Immortal City are also interested in Kunling Nest.

Although Linglong Talisman Pavilion is not strong in strength, it only has a small number of third-level and fourth-level talismans.

However, after the news of the birth of Kun Spirit Nest came out, the third-level and fourth-level talismans in the Fu Pavilion were sold out not long after.

Even though the price has almost doubled, it is still being snapped up by cultivators who want to go overseas.

 You can imagine how crazy and in short supply other materials such as elixirs, magic weapons, formations, etc. are.


The apprentice shopkeeper appeared next to Su Yu, shook his head and sighed, and said: "Master Tu Fu and Master Yu Fu both chose to join a team of casual cultivators and go to the Feiling Sea to compete."

  “Once they leave, they will almost be dead.”

"Master Bai Talisman, you are more prudent and wise. Although the opportunity of Kunling Nest is good, not everyone has the opportunity to participate."

Su Yu Taoist Puppet looked away, shook his head slightly and said: "Master Tu Fu and Master Yu Fu have arranged for their descendants' bloodline a few days ago, and purchased a second-level cave in the outer city for their family."

“And their two lives are short. Even if they don’t fight hard, they won’t live long.”

“It’s better to go and visit the Kunling Nest ruins.”

"Even if you just pick up a little bit of opportunity that others don't want, and you can break through the realm of alchemy and come back, it will be a big profit."

“As for the death, the family has made arrangements, so there is no regret.”

 Hearing Su Yu talk about this, shopkeeper Tu looked at him in surprise. After a moment, he nodded and said, "Master Bai Fu has seen things thoroughly."

At this time, Su Yu suddenly asked a question: "Shopkeeper, you said before that a powerful person from the human race came and asked Cangzhou Territory to negotiate peace with the demon clan, which could not even arouse the anger and conflict of the demon clan."

“Then the Kunling Nest in the sea is now born. With such an opportunity, do we, the Immortal Sect of the human race, really have a chance to compete for it?”

The shopkeeper was stunned for a long time.

How does he know the answer to this question?

He doesn’t even know who the powerful human being was at the beginning or why he ordered Canggu Immortal City to be like this.

However, when Su Yu asked this question, Shopkeeper Tu felt a little uneasy.

 Sure, everything will be fine, right?

 Hulu sea area.

 Qingxuan Immortal Gate.

Su Yu quietly returned to the secret realm of Qingxuan Immortal Sect, waved his hand and took out the body of a fifth-level low-grade sea demon from the Yun Cang Ring. This demon looked like a crab demon, and its soul was imprisoned by him. Finally, he brought the body back intact.

This is the third sea monster he has hunted in the Huiling Sea in just half a year.

In the past six months, he had spied on the conditions of many sea tribes near the Qingxuan Islands, and found that most of the strong men of the sea tribe had really left their own tribes and went to the Black Turtle Sea Clan waters to compete for the opportunity of the Kun Spirit Nest. Those who stayed behind The power of the Sea Clan is extremely empty.

Under such circumstances, Su Yu chose several sea areas slightly away from the Qingxuan Islands and hunted down the fifth-level demon kings who were left behind one by one.

Conveniently, he emptied out several more treasures of the Sea Clan, and he had already collected the void stone materials needed for a cross-domain teleportation array.


Su Yu sat down cross-legged, running the Immortal Transformation Sutra, and began to use the power of the Immortal Transformation Sutra to refine the body of the demon king before the incarnation, returning it to its origin and helping her practice.

 Time passed slowly, less than a month.

Su Yu refined all the soul of this demon king, and the mana in his body was greatly improved again, soaring by a lot.

 His aura gradually became restrained and he looked at the proficiency panel.

  【Kung Fu: Five Elements Technique (ninth level of Nascent Soul Realm, proficiency 24.85%). 】

  Being far from the state of distraction, one-quarter of the proficiency has been accumulated.

The practice in these few short years is at least equivalent to Su Yu's own seclusion and practice for more than ten years.

“If we search for ten and eight demon masters to practice the Immortal Transformation Sutra, we will probably be close to the realm of distraction.” Su Yu’s eyes flashed with five-colored light, and she became more and more expectant.

Kunlingchao was born, and basically most of the power of the sea tribe in Huiling Sea went to Kunlingchao.

 The remaining forces are very weak, with at most two or three fifth-level demon masters staying behind.

 In this case, he can hunt one by one.

 Before the Hai Clan noticed it, he had already retired!

And the fifth-level demon king who hunted the sea clan in the Overlying Sea area could also take the opportunity to weaken the power of the sea clan in the Overlying Sea area.

In this way, after the incident at the Kun Lingchao ruins is over, the Black Turtle Sea Clan may no longer be able to start a war against the Daqian Cultivation World.

 After thinking about these things, Su Yu came out of seclusion.

Ancestor Qingxuan, who went to Xuantian Immortal Sect to search for information, has returned here. After Su Yu came out of seclusion, he hurriedly came to see Su Yu.

 Qingxuan Immortal Palace.

Su Yu sat behind the desk, with Gao Nian'er and Taoist Qingyu serving him respectfully. One prepared some spiritual fruits for him, and the other brewed spiritual tea for him.

In front, Patriarch Qingxuan bowed his head respectfully and looked at the ground, not daring to look at Taoist Qingyu and Gao Nian'er who were serving Su Yu.

Su Yu frowned slightly and listened to Ancestor Qingxuan's narration and said, "So, Xuantian Immortal Island has already attracted many immortal sect forces from the mainland?"

“Isn’t it just a fairy sect in Cangzhou region?”

Ancestor Qingxuan nodded and responded respectfully: "Yes, senior, at first I wanted to count how many forces came to Xuantian Island, but then I couldn't count them at all. The number was too much."

Su Yu asked about many things and learned that many immortal sect forces from the Cangzhou region, including the Dixian Mansion, had descended on Xuantian Island.

 Go deep into the sea area of ​​​​Woling to fight for the chance of Kunling's nest.

His brows furrowed slightly, but soon relaxed.

Kun Lingchao's immortal fate is unpredictable, and there is no guarantee that there is a chance that will defy the heavens.

Since Dixian Mansion knows these things, it will definitely not miss them.

 As for those involved in this opportunity, whether it is a crisis or an opportunity.

he does not know.

 It is also impossible to block it for no reason.

Just like Gao Yuanyuan, he didn't stop him when he had the opportunity to participate in Kunling Nest.

 Some time ago, I sent Gao Yuanyuan to Xuantian Fairy Island, and took some talismans, formations and other treasures given by Su Yu to Kunling Nest to try them out.

Gao Nian'er poured a cup of spiritual tea for Su Yu, while Taoist Qingyu brought the best spiritual fruit to Su Yu's mouth.

 After some questioning, Su Yu asked Patriarch Qingxuan to leave and continued to Xuantian Island to inquire about the situation of Kunling Nest.

 Once the Kunling Nest War begins, come back and report immediately.

 A rare moment of leisure.

Su Yu stayed in the Immortal Palace for a long time before returning to the cave for retreat. As time passed, even the waters of the Qingxuan Islands were extremely far away from the area where the Black Turtle Sea Clan’s Kun Spirit Nest was born.

However, the solemn atmosphere on the sea has permeated the Qingxuan Islands, like a dark cloud, shrouding everyone's heart.

 Another year later.

 The land of the Golden Tiger Shark Clan.

 A figure quietly arrived, and with a wave of his hand, he laid out numerous formations. The realm of space enveloped the heavens and the earth, and the realm of time filled the air. Even the long river of time flowing here had ripples and slowed down.

In the cave ahead, a fifth-level high-grade Golden Tiger Spirit Shark Clan Demon Lord who was sleeping and cultivating under the spirit pond suddenly woke up.

Just now he raised his head and roared: "Roar!"


 The next moment, a tripod came down and hit him on the head.

The space exploded in an instant, and the destructive aura of power tore through the defense of the fifth-level high-grade Golden Tiger Spirit Shark Demon Lord, causing his head to splatter with blood and flesh, and his skull cracked with a crack.


The huge body fell directly into the ground under the pressure of the tripod, causing the entire cave to tremble violently.

  Under the terrifying suppression of space power, this fifth-level high-grade Golden Tiger Spirit Shark Clan Demon Lord was a little dazed, and his head was so dizzy that the ground shattered.

 And above, a flash of fire flashed in the hands of the figure.

 A fairy bow with an extremely terrifying aura of fairy power appeared and condensed.

 (End of this chapter)

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