Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 313: Changes in the Earthly Immortal Mansion Decades Later

Chapter 313 Changes in Dixian Mansion Decades Later

 Twenty-three years since Kun Lingchao was born.

Taoist Master Hongyue was fighting with a sixth-level low-grade demon master as he escaped into the shallow void. Suddenly, a mysterious high-grade magic weapon came from behind. Although Taoist Master Hongyue was aware of the threat of this magic weapon in advance, at this moment he It is no longer possible to escape.

After striking the sixth-level low-grade demon master in front of him who took the opportunity to kill him, Hongyue Taoist Master suddenly turned around and struck down with an axe: "Boom!!"

It was a needle-shaped high-grade magic weapon. The moment Taoist Hongyue struck it with an axe, the magic weapon exploded and turned into countless tiny hair-like needles.

Hongyue Dao Master's face suddenly changed, and his mana shook the void and blocked most of it.

However, some of the small needles still penetrated his mana barrier and even the defense of the medium-grade magic weapon robes on his body, and penetrated into his body.


An extreme burst of ice-cold power erupted, and Hongyue Taoist Master's body was suddenly covered with a layer of blue frost aura, and his movements and thoughts seemed to slow down a bit.

Taoist Hongyue shouted angrily: "How dare you plot against me at this time!"

 This is an attack from a human Taoist Lord!

However, the man did not show up or respond. The next moment, the Demon Lord who had just fought with him suddenly came to kill him again. With one blow, the Red Moon Taoist Master spurted blood and flew away.

 At the same time, another murderous intention came from behind Hongyue Taoist Master.



Hongyue Dao Master chose to break through the void wall and escape into the deep void to escape.

Until Dao Master Hongyue was forced into the fourth layer of void, a figure hidden under a black robe appeared behind him, and then he turned around and left quietly: "On the fourth layer of void, there should be no people left."

“Without this junior, the Earthly Immortal Mansion and the Daqian Immortal Alliance won’t have anything to worry about.”


Luo Qianyu, Qingquan Taoist, Ma Tianling, Long Yiren and others gathered among the monks of Canggu Immortal City, and together with the genius monsters of Canggu Immortal City, they were looking for opportunities to enter the Kunling Nest.

 However, the human race, demon race, and sea race are all fighting in the entire sea area.

There are even demon cultivators, Buddhas, and human righteous celestial beings fighting, and the entire battlefield has become a mess.

When faced with an attack by a strong person from the Sea Clan, Luo Qianyu, Qingquan Taoist, Ma Tianling, Long Yiren and others all broke up and fled the area.

When they came back to their senses, they could no longer find where the other people were.


The group of people in Dixian Mansion all have a lot of space talismans left by Su Yu, whether they are mirror moon talismans, waning moon talismans, or fourth- and fifth-level space movement talismans, they all have a lot of them.

Relying on these talismans, Luo Qianyu and others were able to avoid danger time and time again.

More than thirty years after the birth of Kunling Nest, Luo Qianyu found an opportunity alone and escaped into the belly of a sea beast to enter the Kunling Nest area.

 Successfully sneaked into the Kunling Nest World.

On the other side, Taoist Ma Tianling and Taoist Qingquan were attacked and killed twice by human monks. Taoist Qingquan escaped by relying on the space talisman and returned to Xuantian Fairy City.

Ma Tianling, however, burst out with terrifying strength the moment she was attacked and killed.

Using the Mirror Moon Talisman to imprison the early-stage distraction realm venerable who attacked him for a moment, a charming aura from Ma Tianling enveloped the world, and the power of the spirit body was activated by Ma Tianling.

 A cold light flashed in his hand.

 A mid-grade magic weapon flying sword suddenly shot out.

At the moment when the Mirror Moon Talisman imprisoned the early-distracted venerable figure, the power of the spirit body made the opponent's spirit lose consciousness again. His mind was actually attracted by Ma Tianling's spirit body aura. He lost his mind for a moment and stared blankly at Ma Tianling.


Ma Tianling's middle-grade magic weapon flew across the sky with a sword, and cut off the opponent's head.

And severely damaged the opponent's spirit.

When the primordial spirit of this pre-distracted venerable was injured, his mind was violently shaken, and a charming aura instantly invaded it, completely capturing and controlling his mind.

After Ma Tianling saw that the other party's soul was controlled by her own spiritual body, she immediately waved her hand to seal it away, and then a fifth-level low-grade space teleportation talisman appeared in her hand.

 After activating the talisman, Ma Tianling disappeared.

far away.

A young genius saw the scene where Ma Tianling killed a second-level master of the Dividing Spirit Realm with the ninth level of Nascent Soul Realm. Although the power of the talisman was used, it still showed Ma Tianling's evil talent and strength. .

  The True Monarch of the Nascent Soul Realm faced the Venerable Master of the Distracting God Realm, let alone a reverse attack. Even if he could escape from the hands of the Venerable Dividing God Realm, his natural talent was already extraordinary.

It is already a demon to be able to shake a few moves from the first layer of the division.

 Behead the Venerable in the Dividing Spirit Realm in reverse.

 There are not many people in the entire world of immortality who can do it.

The young man watched Ma Tianling move away in space, and immediately stopped moving forward. He was very interested: "Who is this fairy?"

“I haven’t heard of the birth of such amazing fairies in these immortal worlds?”

“That breath just now must be a spirit body.”

The young man thought for a moment, and a smile appeared on his face.

With his status, it is not difficult to find the fairy. When the time comes, he can just tell him to go down and let the small fairy sects in the realm of immortality in the following states search for him.

 With her talent, she is enough to enter the ancient land to practice.

 In Xuantian Fairy City.

Taoist Master Jiuling gathered the remaining people from Dixian Mansion, including Taoist Qingquan and Long Yiren. However, Taoist Qingquan's expression changed slightly when he saw that Luo Qianyu and Ma Tianling were not there.

She quickly asked other people if they had seen Luo Qianyu and Ma Tianling, but they all failed to see them.

Taoist Qingquan's heart skipped a beat: "It's too bad."

Although they have been busy practicing these years and have not met much to reminisce about the past, Taoist Qingquan knows that Luo Qianyu and Ma Tianling are by no means just friends and old friends to Su Yu.

If Su Yu knew that both Luo Qianyu and Ma Tianling were missing from Kun Lingchao.

Taoist Jiuling is not very familiar with Luo Qianyu, Ma Tianling, Qingquan Taoist, Long Yiren and others, so he doesn't care much about them.

In addition to the loss or disappearance of more than half of the people in the Earthly Immortal Mansion, most of the more than ten elders and Tianjiao disciples she brought from the original disciples of Jiulingxian Mountain have also been lost.

But she doesn’t care about any of this.

After not finding Dao Master Hongyue, Dao Master Jiuling's expression changed, and he felt a little panicked for no reason.

“Is nothing going to happen to Fellow Taoist Hongyue?”

 Daqian is the world of immortality.

 Dixian Mansion.

 When everyone's attention and eyes fell on Kunling's Nest, the Dark Palace sent an unusual piece of intelligence information.

Zhao Zangfeng, the elder of the Dark Palace, stood in front of Fan Xiao, lowered his head and reported in a calm voice: "Master, there seems to be something wrong within the Immortal Sect recently. There are already signs of assassination of the elder Yuan Ying Zhenjun of the Outer Palace in three immortal cities!"

Fan Xiao frowned, a cold light flashed in his eyes and said, "Have you found anything?"

Zhao Zangfeng shook his head, but he whispered: "Although the deaths of these elders seem to have nothing to do with each other, and there are some disguises, it is obvious that there are forces targeting our Earthly Immortal Mansion."

 “It was a premeditated attack and killing.”

"Master, we have to be on guard!" Fan Xiao frowned and thought for a long time, then she ordered: "Send the order to all the elders of the Immortal Sect to start martial law from today until the matter of the Kunling Nest ruins is over."

“In addition, do your best to investigate and find out who is doing this.”

  Thirty-five years since Kun Lingchao was born.

Su Yu is still missing.

Jiuling Dao Master returned from the sea with the remaining people of Dixian Mansion.

The news that Taoist Hongyue, Luo Qianyu, and Ma Tianling were missing caused the palace master Fan Xiao's expression to change drastically.

Thirty-nine years after the birth of Kun Lingchao, there was sudden turmoil in the Earthly Immortal Mansion in the Daqian Immortal World. The Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty army from far outside Cangzhou came. Taking advantage of the discovery of the Kunlingchao site and the turmoil in the Immortal World, they attacked the Earthly Immortal Mansion. declare war.

Thunder Dragon Immortal came with an army of 10,000 immortal cultivators and an army of 10,000 body refinement cultivators. Along with them, there were six Taoist masters and 16 sages in the realm of distraction.

 After the first battle, he successively attacked five fairy cities in Dixian Mansion.

Dixian Mansion lost the Taoist body of five Venerable Fengshen, and the elders and disciples of Yuanying Zhenjun who guarded the Immortal City suffered countless losses.

It wasn't until the Earthly Immortal Army returned from the wilderness, and the Taoist masters from other forces in the Daqian Immortal League of the Daqian Cultivation World returned, and gathered strength to support the Earthly Immortal Mansion, that the Earthly Immortal Mansion was able to stabilize and withstand the attack of the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty. cutting situation.

 Forty-five years since Kun Lingchao was born.

Thunder Dragon Immortal Chao came to an eighth-level Taoist master of the Cave Void Realm, and led the rest of the Taoist masters from the Thunder Dragon Immortal Chao to suddenly attack the Immortal Gate of the Earthly Immortal Mansion.

When the Immortal Gate Formation of the Earthly Immortal Mansion was about to collapse, Master Su Yu, Taoist Master Tianyu, sacrificed a golden horn to the celestial elephant statue. The golden horned celestial elephant statue absorbed the power of the Earthly Immortal Mansion's spiritual veins and struck out with one hoof.

That strike was like a magical power, covering the sky and the sun.

Including the eighth-level Taoist from the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty, a total of seven Taoist masters were trampled by the golden-horned celestial elephant, vomiting blood and flying everywhere!

That ferocious power shook the heaven and the earth, causing the Taoist masters and cultivators of the Immortal Sects such as Lihuo Palace and Yulong Palace of the Daqian Immortal Alliance to see it. Their expressions changed greatly and their minds were agitated.

 Inside the Immortal Gate of Dixian Mansion.

Long Yiren's face couldn't help but change as he watched the golden horn holding the sky elephant fly out from the hands of his master, Taoist Tianyu, and stamped on the sky with one hoof, trampling all seven of his ancestors and vomiting blood and fleeing from here.

 The depths of his eyes were filled with shock and disbelief.

This statue of a **** that even the elders in the family covet is actually in the hands of her master! ?

 ‘Didn’t Master just break through the state of distraction? In terms of strength, he should not be ranked among the top in the Earthly Immortal Mansion. ’

  ‘Why is this statue in Master’s hands? ’

Long Yiren was extremely surprised, and his expression changed slightly.

 One of the purposes for her coming to the Earthly Immortal Mansion was this statue of the god.

 But this idol is in the hands of his master.

what to do?

Long Yiren thought for a long time and finally suppressed his thoughts. With his current cultivation level and status in the Immortal Sect, he could not touch these things.

Now that I know that the idol is in the hands of my master, it will be easy to handle.

 At the worst, you can wait until you grow up and then see how to get it from the master.

 That way, Master won’t have to suffer any harm.

 After testing the Earthly Immortal Mansion once.

Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty no longer adopts a radical strategy, but continues to mobilize its army to attack the fairy cities of Dixian Mansion one by one, with the goal of killing the cultivators of Dixian Mansion and weakening the strength of Dixian Mansion little by little.

While fighting against the Earthly Immortal Mansion, the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty also contacted the Earthly Immortal Mansion.

 The conditions for the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty were opened.

As long as the Golden Horn Tuo Tianxiang and Yuexian Mansion ruins are handed over, the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty can withdraw its troops.

 From now on, we will not invade the Earthly Immortal Mansion any more!

 This condition was constantly promoted by the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty throughout the Earth Immortal Mansion area, and they even used other strategies to say that the senior officials of the Earth Immortal Mansion's Immortal Sect were in vain to care about their lives.

 They would rather sacrifice their lives than negotiate peace with the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty.

 As strategies were carried out one by one, and the wars continued frequently, Dixian Mansion suffered heavy losses. This incident really caused turmoil in Dixian Mansion.

 Sixty years since Kun Lingchao was born.

The Great Yan Immortal Dynasty suddenly joined the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty camp, and the army descended on the Daqian Immortal Realm, and attacked the Earthly Immortal Mansion together with the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty.

 The two major forces unite, and even if many Taoist masters join forces, the Daqian Immortal Alliance begins to lose ground.

 Eighty years after Kun Lingchao was born, the Dixian Mansion lost ten fairy cities and most of its territory.

Eighty-seven years after the birth of Kun Lingchao, Taoist masters of the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty and the Great Yan Immortal Dynasty joined forces to attack the Immortal Sect of the Dixian Mansion again. When the Golden Horn Tuo Tianxiang was born, a figure suddenly rushed out and attacked Taoist Tianyu.

Taoist Tian Yu’s body fell and his body suffered heavy damage.

The Golden Spirit Demon Lord took action angrily and suppressed and captured the Taoist form of the late-stage distraction realm venerable who had sneaked into the Earthly Immortal Mansion.

Although there is nothing in the hands of this venerable person to prove his identity, the Earth Immortal Palace can guess that this person comes from the mysterious Qingjing Immortal Palace force.

 Desolate territory.

The ruins of Yuexianfu Fairy City.

Su Yu's aura changed quietly. The moment his proficiency in the Five Elements Technique reached 100%, his mana, soul, and body all began to transform.

 When the distraction method is used, at the moment of breakthrough in cultivation, a ray of divided soul separates from the soul.

 A cool breath descends between heaven and earth.

 After the split soul was integrated into this aura of power, it grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

 Until the distraction grew into what Su Yu looked like when he was a teenager in the past.

 Distraction, mana, and physical transformation are all natural, without any obstacles or accidents.

Su Yu can feel the changes in the five elements of magic power in his body.

The understanding of Taoism and the changes in one's own Tao realm also emerged at this moment.


Su Yu only felt a thunderclap in the sky and the earth. In a daze, his consciousness seemed to have fallen into the outside world. This world was different from the world of immortality seen with the naked eye.

What he saw was a world that was colorful and intertwined with countless avenues.

 The difference between the Venerable Master of Fenshen Realm and the True Lord of Yuanying Realm lies in the Tao and Dharma.

The True Lord of Nascent Soul Realm is just the power of the Dao that he forcibly condenses to form a Dao realm.

At the moment when you reach the state of distraction, you have the opportunity to use your extremely powerful soul to imprint the next avenue mark seed on your own path of enlightenment.

This mark of the Great Dao is the essential gap in Taoism between the Venerable Master of the Fenshen Realm and the True Lord of the Yuanying Realm, a gap that cannot be bridged by the True Lord of the Yuanying Realm.

Su Yu consciously looked at the countless traces of avenues in this world, and his eyes wandered on the Five Elements Avenue and the space hidden in the depths, the Time Avenue.

 Finally, I looked at the Five Elements Avenue.

 He practices the Five Elements Dharma, and the Five Elements Great Way is his foundation.

 (End of this chapter)

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