Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 329: A peek at the ancient fairy city of Lei Chang Tiancang at the peak of Dongxu

Chapter 329 A peek at the ancient fairy city of Lei Chang Tiancang at the peak of Dongxu

The Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty has an extraordinary origin. It is the legacy of the Black Dragon Emperor Court, one of the top immortal sects of the human race in ancient times. It is said that its ancestors had powerful people who were pursuing true immortals and even became immortals.

 In ancient times, it was as famous as the Tianxian Mansion and dominated the northern territory of the human race.

Although today's Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty is not as fierce as the Black Dragon Emperor's Court in the past, it is still a well-known force in the northern border of the human race.

The reason why the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty is called the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty is not only because the Lei family bloodline is good at controlling thunder, but also because the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty has a group of black thunder dragons that are attached to them.

This dragon demon group also controls some demon python groups with extraordinary blood, so that the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty has a lot of demon python mounts.

 Even a hybrid dragon mount that turned into a dragon.

Lei Zhen suffered a big loss at the hands of Jinjiao Tuo Tianxiang. He led the people of Leilong Immortal Dynasty to retreat from Diling Immortal City and temporarily retreated to Qianhong Immortal City to defend themselves.

 Lei Zhen then spent nearly two years leaving Cangzhou Territory and returned to the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty.

 At this point, more than two years have passed.

The elder of the clan whom Lei Zhen had been waiting for finally came out of seclusion.

 Depths in Dragon City.

 In a secret and blessed place.

Lei Zhen looked at the tall and majestic man in front of him, shirtless and with disheveled hair, sitting at the table making tea. He even bowed respectfully and said, "Lei Zhen, I have met the Third Ancestor."

The burly man's hair was glowing with a faint thunderous light, and even his eyes and skin were glowing with a dark purple light.

The immortal power is like a sea of ​​thunder, majestic and unfathomable.

Even Lei Zhen, who was on the eighth level of Dongxu Realm, stood in front of the man, feeling a little uneasy and his hair standing on end.

The burly man raised his eyelids slightly, looked at Lei Zhen and was slightly dissatisfied, and said calmly: "You asked the patriarch to call me out of seclusion just to deal with a small force in the Cangzhou region?"

Although that small force is a bit interesting, the burly man doesn't really want to be distracted by these things.

In his opinion, even if there are big things outside, as long as the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty is not about to be destroyed, then he should not be born.

Although he still seems to have some longevity, if he wants to pursue a higher level of immortality, he must race against time and cannot tolerate any wastage.

 Just fighting for the slightest possibility of breaking through the combined realm.

 Now Lei Zhen has dragged himself down because of his own affairs, and has to go out and intervene in this matter.

How could Lei Changtian give him a good look?

Lei Zhen quickly bowed down and said with fear: "The third ancestor calmed down, the third ancestor calmed down, that is not a small force. It has the inheritance of the ancient immortal sect Yuexian Mansion, and has the foundation of a sixth-level top statue power."

“And this matter, I, I also want to regain the inheritance of the ancient ancestors’ immortal way that Yuexian Mansion may have left in the clan calendar records.”

“If we can recapture that inheritance, then our Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty may be able to restore the glory of the imperial court in the past.”

Lei Changtian's expression did not show any fluctuation, his expression was extremely indifferent, and his eyes showed a trace of indifference.

 What is the ancient Yuexian Mansion and the inheritance of ancient ancestors' traditions?

 Sounds very attractive of course.

 However, these are all things that have no shadow.

If that kind of inheritance was so easy to obtain, how could it have been dormant for so many years and still not come out?

So, if you want to regain the inheritance of your ancestors and restore the glory of the ancient imperial court, just listen to it.

 As far as Lei Zhen's Taoism is concerned, if you want to inspire his Taoist heart, it is still very immature.

  Back when he was rampant in the spiritual world, this kid was still rolling in his mother's womb.

After slowly tasting a pot of spiritual tea, Lei Changtian finally released some of his irritability after being awakened from seclusion, and his mood recovered a little.

Lei Changtian stood up and said, "Let's go, come with me to the Immortal Mansion."

 “Go back quickly, I have to continue to retreat.”

 He did not take the Earthly Immortal Mansion seriously at all.

He didn't even worry about the Cangzhou region.

The sixth-level top statue sounds like it is very strong. Even when Lei Zhen brought many people there, some of them were beaten and lost.

 But compared to the foundation of the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty, that thing is still far behind.

You dare to show off your power in front of the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty with a statue of a **** you picked up from nowhere? He even dared to resist and let the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty lose two Taoist masters?

Lei Changtian whispered while taking Lei Zhen and others to Cangzhou Territory.

“Is it that my Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty has been silent for too long and no one takes it seriously? A mere small force, not even a Taoist master, dares to be so arrogant.”

 He thought about it, but still didn’t go directly to the Immortal Mansion.

 Instead, he took Lei Zhen and others to Canggu Immortal City.

 With the identity and status of the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty, and with the identity and status of Lei Changtian, it would be too shameful for them to directly attack such a small force.

It's better to go to Canggu Immortal City and let the people in Cangzhou Region give them an explanation.

 Let them deal with that small force.

This way he doesn’t have to do it himself, and it won’t dirty Lei Changtian’s hands.

 Two years later.

 The Immortal Gate of the Underworld Palace, the secret realm of the Underground Palace.


As the power of heaven and earth descended, the figure crazily impacted the earth below. The body transformed by Huang Zhu screamed and hissed in pain. The dark yellow scales on his body were torn apart inch by inch under the impact of the power of heaven and earth, and his flesh and blood turned into blood. The fog dissipated, revealing the bones.

Although Su Yu practices as immortals, or as creatures such as monsters, Su Yu has never seen a thunder disaster coming.

 But the catastrophe actually exists.

 Starting from the Alchemy Realm, with each breakthrough, all living beings will be baptized by the power of heaven and earth through their own cultivation.

 Once you get through it, you will be able to get a new life.

 If you can't survive it, you will turn into an insignificant dust between heaven and earth.

Huang Zhu is now undergoing the baptism of the catastrophe of bloodline transformation.

 Nearly half a month has passed.

"hold head high!!"

Accompanied by a deafening dragon's roar that resounded throughout the underground palace and the secret realm, Huang Zhu opened his mouth and spat out, and a sky-reaching khaki light beam blasted through the already weakened heaven and earth power above.

The yellow candle soared into the sky and transformed into a two-clawed, one-horned yellow dragon that was a hundred feet long.

The aura on his body was so fierce that it was more than twice as strong as it was a few years ago.

Even his cultivation level has reached the peak of the fifth-order lower grade without realizing it, and is not far from the fifth-order middle grade!

 The back courtyard of the underground palace.

In an Ice Spirit Pond, the Ice Scale Fish King looked with envy and awe at the yellow candles flying in the clouds and mist above, with streaks of spiritual light emerging in his mind.

This time watching the great disaster of Huangzhu turning into a dragon, the Ice Scale Fish King was shocked and gained a lot.

Today, several years after swallowing the ichthyosaur fruit, he seemed to have penetrated the bottleneck of his own bloodline and found the way to transform into a dragon. Buzz!

The Ice Scale Fish King sank to the bottom of the Ice Spirit Pond, his mind became empty, and he began to fall asleep to comprehend and digest what he had gained from watching the great disaster of Huangzhu turning into a dragon.

While sleeping, the body of the Ice Scale Fish King was still glowing with dark blue light and was quietly transforming.

 In the Ice Spirit Pond, there are about twenty ice-scaled fish monsters.

 The cultivation level is between the first level, the second level, and the third level.

These ice-scale fish have also awakened their own intelligence, but they are not as smart as the ice-scale fish king and can transform into human form.

 At the moment when the Ice Scale Fish King transformed, they gathered not far away.

Under the shining light of the special power of the Ice Scale Fish King, the group of ice scale fish seemed to have gained a lot and began to fall asleep one after another.

 Inside the Immortal Palace.

Su Yu, Tianyu Taoist, Palace Master Fan Xiao, and even Jinling Jiao Demon Master and Jiuling Taoist Master all came here.

  When Huangzhu transformed into a human form and re-entered the Immortal Palace, everyone congratulated him continuously.

The Demon Lord Jin Ling Jiao looked at Huang Zhu, and also smiled and asked Huang Zhu to sit next to him, saying: "Sister Huang Zhu, come and sit here."

 Huang Zhu, who successfully turned into a dragon, finally caught the eyes of the demon master Jinling Jiao.

But the laughter and laughter of everyone present did not last long. Suddenly, Fan Xiao's face changed slightly, his consciousness penetrated into a communication token, and the voice of Zhao Zangfeng, the elder of the dark hall, came.

Zhao Zangfeng said solemnly: "Master of the Palace, there is a Taoist master from each of the five clans including the Winner, the Fifth Family, and the Gongsun Family in Canggu Immortal City, and they want to pay a visit."

  After a while.

 The main hall of the Immortal Gate of Dixian Mansion.

Fan Xiao, accompanied by the Jinling Jiao Demon Master and the Jiuling Taoist Master, met with the five Taoist masters who suddenly visited Canggu Immortal City.

Fan Xiao has never seen these five people before, and they are not the Sixth Patriarch and others who have been to Dixian Mansion in the past.

However, these five people are still headed by a white-haired old man who is the winner of Taoism. The old man's cultivation is not very strong, and he is only at the third level of Dongxu Realm.

The white-haired old man looked at the Golden Spirit Demon Lord, then at the Nine Spirits Taoist Master, and said with a chuckle: "I am the winner of Canggu Immortal City, Win Thousand Eyes. Fellow Taoists, you can call me Thousand Eyes Taoist Master."

“I came to Dixian Mansion this time mainly because I want to discuss something with Dixian Mansion.”

Fan Xiao frowned slightly. This person's posture was different from that of the previous winner.

 between words

 It feels a bit condescending and bossy.

 It seems that in his eyes, the Earthly Immortal Mansion is just a servant that he can call upon at will.

However, thinking of the strength and power of Canggu Immortal City, Fan Xiao still suppressed the discomfort in his heart and said: "Okay, Senior Qian Tong, please tell me."

"Of course, the ugly words are ahead. If my immortal government is unable to do anything about what the senior said, then I can only apologize."

Ying Qiantong frowned slightly and looked at Fan Xiao a little displeased, with a cold look in her eyes. What she said was not giving them the face of the winner.

Ying Qiantong said: "It's easy to say, your Immortal Mansion can easily handle this matter."

“Not long ago, the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty found me, Canggu Immortal City, and wanted to put pressure on me, Canggu Immortal City, to take action against your Earthly Immortal Mansion and give them an explanation.”

“That person’s name is Lei Changtian, a Taoist master who has lived at the peak of the Dongxu Realm for nearly three thousand years.”

“Although he has been in seclusion for a long time and has never been born, the number of Dao masters and demon masters who have fallen into this man’s hands is more than the number of hands.”

Ying Qiantong said calmly while observing the changes in the expressions of Fan Xiao, Jinling Demon Master, and Jiuling Dao Master.

 Sure enough.

 After hearing the information about Lei Changtian's identity and strength, Fan Xiao's expression suddenly changed.

The faces of Jinling Demon Master and Jiuling Taoist Master also darkened, and they didn’t look good.

Fan Xiao frowned and stared at Ying Qiantong and the other five Taoist masters of Canggu Immortal City, and said: "Several seniors came to my Immortal Mansion, I'm afraid they didn't want to do anything to my Immortal Mansion."

Ying Qiantong smiled contemptuously and said: "How can the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty control our Canggu Immortal City? Even if it is Lei Changtian, so what?"

Just saying that, Ying Qantong looked at Fan Xiao, Jin Ling Yao Master, and Jiu Ling Dao Master and changed the topic: "However, I am not afraid of Canggu Immortal City, but your Earth Immortal Mansion is different."

“If the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty really takes action against your Immortal Mansion, do you think that the sixth-level peak statue in your hands can protect your safety?”


“The Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty wants to deal with you, and wants to kill you, the Earth Immortal Palace, there are more than a hundred or a thousand ways they can use it.”

Jin Ling Demon Lord was a little impatient and said: "Fellow Taoist Qian Tong, it's better to just tell the truth."

Ying Qiantong was interrupted from showing off, and her eyes suddenly became gloomy.

He snorted coldly and said: "Lei Changtian is here. Your Earthly Immortal Palace has only two choices. The first is to be destroyed and plundered by Lei Changtian, and the Taoist lineage will be destroyed."

“The second option is to dedicate the statue and the heritage behind it to our Canggu Immortal City. I, Canggu Immortal City, will keep you safe and sound!”

It turned out that I came here for the statue of the gods in the Earthly Immortal Mansion and the so-called inheritance opportunity.

 Fan Xiao, Jin Ling Yao Master, and Jiu Ling Dao Master were all shocked and angry.

Not long ago, the Great Yan Immortal Dynasty suddenly suffered a catastrophe. The Xianwu Clan descended and destroyed the imperial city. They suffered heavy losses and were unable to target their Immortal Mansion anymore.

 This is great news, and the people in the Earthly Immortal Mansion who have been worried about it are finally relieved a lot, and they are extremely pleasantly surprised.

 But how long has it been?

 The Great Yan Immortal Dynasty left, but a stronger Canggu Immortal City came! ?

As for handing over the inheritance of the statues and so-called ruins to Canggu Immortal City, and letting Canggu Immortal City protect the safety of the Earthly Immortal Mansion?

 This is a big joke.

I'm afraid that the next moment the Dixian Mansion does this, the five clans in Canggu Immortal City will abandon the Dixian Mansion and let the Dixian Mansion be destroyed by the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty and bear the wrath of the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty.

“Once the Sixth Patriarch of the Winner came to our Immortal Mansion, I thought that Canggu Immortal City could really become the head of the Immortal Sect in Cangzhou Region and protect the safety of the immortal cultivators in Cangzhou Region.”

 “Now it seems that I am the one who thinks highly of you.”

 “Please go back, I won’t send it away.”

Golden Spirit Demon Lord stood up and said with an indifferent expression.

Although Ying Qiantong and the other five people are the Taoist masters of the five tribes in Canggu Immortal City, the Dixian Mansion now has a top-notch sixth-level statue in its hands, and its strength is not weak.

 Naturally, the five of them did not dare to be truly arrogant in the Earthly Immortal Mansion.

I can only leave the Earthly Immortal Mansion with a cold face.

After sending Ying Qiantong and the other five people away, Fan Xiao, Taoist Tianyu, Huang Zhu, Zhao Zangfeng and others appeared in the Immortal Gate Hall one after another, discussing the impact of the arrival of the Taoist masters of the five races in the ancient Immortal City.

Su Yu didn't say much, and a thick layer of dark clouds once again enveloped the sky over Dixian Mansion.

When he returned to the secret realm of the underground palace, Su Yu sighed softly and murmured in his heart: "Without the strength, it is a luxury to hope to practice stably in this world of immortality."

the other side.

 Desolate territory.

In the ruins of Yuexian Mansion's Immortal City, Su Yu's Fenshen Dao body, sitting cross-legged in Wutong Dao's body, slowly opened his eyes, and on Wutong Dao's body, the green branch slowly moved.

 (End of this chapter)

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