Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 331: Recovering all the lost land shook the Cangzhou region

Chapter 331: Recovering all the lost land and shaking the Cangzhou region

 He looked at the proficiency panel.

  【Cultivation: Level 1 of the distraction realm. 】

  【Shouyuan: 515/6547 years. 】

[Skills: Five Elements Technique (Level 1 of Distracting God Realm, proficiency 46.83%), Immortal Body Refining Technique (Fifth Level, proficiency 33.28%), Blood Whale Swallowing Moon Technique (Fifth Level, Proficiency 30%), Shangqing Taiyi Taoist method (perfection). Golden Cicada method (fifth level, proficiency 25.98%), Heavenly Refining Divine Art (fifth level, proficiency 15.64%), Immortal Transformation Sutra (fifth level, proficiency 3.31%). 】

  【Spells: Wooden Vine Technique (Perfection)...Void Escape Technique (Dacheng, Proficiency 42.52%), Enlightenment Magic (Fifth Level, Proficiency 6.54%), Fire Luan Ninth Life (Proficiency 55.11%). 】

 Over the past few years, he has accumulated about eight points of proficiency in Five Elements Jue.

The body refining patterns of the Celestial Immortal Refining Technique have been steadily condensed and accumulated, and now they have reached a level comparable to the third level of Bishen Realm.

 The other body refining art, the heavenly refining art, has made little progress.

However, as long as Su Yu takes the time to refine a few mid-grade magic weapons and integrate them into her body, it is not difficult to improve her divine refining skills.

The Void Escape Technique has been completed, and the proficiency level has reached more than 40 points.

 Before breaking through the Dongxu Realm, one should be able to cultivate it to perfection.

 This escape method plays an extremely important role in understanding the avenue of space.

 Judging from the daily practice during this period, it is estimated that it will take about thirty years to advance to the second level of the distraction realm.

Su Yu thought: "It's a bit slow."

It’s a pity that the Five Elements Spiritual Roots in his body have not changed for a long time after transforming into the Earth Grade.

If he can transform into a heavenly spiritual root, the speed of his cultivation will definitely increase greatly.

 For the transformation of spiritual roots, the magical seed in his hand is the most helpful, but the effect of the spiritual object condensed from the magical seed blooming each time is uncertain.

And now the magical seeds take longer and longer every time they are conceived and bloomed.

 It is a bit mysterious to simply rely on spiritual objects with magical seeds to transform spiritual roots.

In addition, the spiritual liquid condensed in the Qi Refining Pot also has the effect of transforming spiritual roots.

But with the traces of miraculous power contained in the fifth-level spiritual liquid, it is still far away to transform his five-element spiritual roots into a heavenly one.

  The remainder—

“Maybe, we can only look for other immortal spiritual beings.”

Su Yu whispered.

In addition to the issue of spiritual roots, he also wanted to find suitable materials to prepare his own natal instrument.

  The main material of the natal Taoist tool cannot be careless.

"Practice first, your own strength is the foundation and everything." Su Yu calmed down these thoughts, "I still have a long life."

“As long as you find suitable Taoist materials before entering the Cave Realm or the Fusion Realm.”

 He began to practice in seclusion.

 In addition to daily practice, forge a fifth-level mid-level puppet.

 This time he plans to change his image.

 In the past, he worked as an alchemist, a talisman master, and also had the identity of a Huoluan Taoist who used a bow.

This time, he plans to make the Taoist puppet a monk.

 Monks practice Buddhist power, which is different from the magical power of immortals.

If you want to forge a puppet with Buddha power, you need to use special materials from the Buddha Realm.

Su Yu searched the Puppet Book and finally settled on a Buddhist puppet.

 Chastise the Buddha.

  A kind of ascetic monk similar to a body-refining monk, who is good at using physical strength.

 The reason why he wanted to forge a monk's Taoist body puppet was because Su Yu wanted to go to the Buddhist realm.

In the Yuexian Mansion Fairy City ruins, in addition to the various Taoist inheritance in Wanshu Tower, the biggest help is undoubtedly the fairy city guards including the first and second commanders.

 But if these fairy city guards want to regain their former glory, they need to use the power of incense and vows.

At present, Su Yu only has an area where it takes more than ten years to accumulate a little incense and will power, which can revive a black scarf warrior or maintain the spiritual consciousness of more than a dozen black scarf warriors.

This little incense has too little power.

 He needs more incense and will power to truly take charge of the Yuexian Mansion Fairy City.

 Resurrect all the black-clothed warriors and the silver-white guard captains.

At that time, he could truly inherit the legacy of the ancient Yuexian Mansion.

 The best place to collect incense and make aspiration is the Buddha Realm.

“When the Punishment Buddha Puppet is forged, let it take the statue to the Buddha Realm.” Su Yu thought of the evil Buddha forces that had previously wanted to attack the Daqian Cultivation World.

"Buddha Sect, if we capture them and take away their foundation of incense and wish power." Su Yu thought to himself, "It shouldn't be difficult to revive all the black scarf warriors."

There are hundreds of black scarf warriors in the fairy city of Yuexian Mansion, and the peak strength of each black scarf warrior is comparable to the realm of gods.

With the support of these black-turbaned warriors, it will no longer be difficult for the Earthly Immortal Mansion to unify the Daqian cultivating world.

 While Su Yu was practicing in seclusion.

The Golden Spirit Demon Lord and Jiuling Dao Master of the Earthly Immortal Mansion rushed out of the immortal gate, escaped into the void, and arrived at the top of the completely silent battlefield as quickly as possible.

They looked at the shattered and destroyed ruins dozens or hundreds of miles below, their eyes full of shock and horror.

Although this place is extremely far away from the Immortal Gate of the Earthly Immortal Mansion, the sound of the battle that just happened here, or the aura of power that transcends the Cave Realm, allows them to clearly feel it even if they are in seclusion in the Immortal Gate.

When they arrived here, they were shocked as they looked at the ruins of the battlefield that had obviously just been left.

Jiuling Taoist Master lowered his voice and said in a trembling voice: "Who is this who is going to fight?"

 They searched the battlefield.

 Finally, a few fragments were found on the battlefield, including the fragments of the sixth-level battleship and the fragments of the semi-premium magic weapon Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Barrier.

 There is still a little bit of burnt black Taoist blood remaining.

 Looking at the fragments of the sixth-level battleship in his hand and the remaining Taoist blood aura.

The eyes of Jiuling Dao Master and Jinling Demon Master changed slightly.

Jiuling Taoist Master whispered: "They are from the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty! And this aura"

Jiuling Dao Master was extremely shocked. It seemed that the aura of the Tao Master was in the late stage of Dongxu Realm, or even at the peak of Dongxu Realm?

 Has a powerful person taken action to kill the Taoist Master of the Dongxu Realm who is about to come to the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty?

Who moved the hand?

Jiuling Taoist Master looked at Jinling Demon Master with a bit of anticipation and excitement in his eyes.

The Demon Lord Jin Ling frowned and said: "I don't have such a strong person in the Immortal Mansion. If there were one, Daqian would have been unified long ago, why would it be like this?"

Jiuling Taoist Master thought about it for a while, and it was right.

 So, that powerful person is not from the Earthly Immortal Mansion.

Then why did he attack the people of the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty?

Golden Spirit Demon Lord was equally puzzled, and in the end he could only whisper: "Maybe it's the enemy of the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty? Or, it could be said that the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty had a bad fate and suffered such a catastrophe."

Jiuling Taoist Master did not speak.

Rather, I was thinking about what Jin Ling Demon Lord said about his bad fate—

 It seems that it also makes sense?

For example, the Great Yan Immortal Dynasty some time ago was not very lucky. Somehow, it provoked the top overlord of the demon tribe, the Xianwu tribe, so that the imperial city was destroyed.

Just like the ruins of the battlefield in front of us, the peak Taoist master of the Dongxu Realm who came from the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty seemed to have encountered misfortune and was killed by a powerful person.

 For a time, the two major enemies who attacked the Earthly Immortal Mansion suffered great disasters and calamities one after another.

 The dangerous situation in the Earthly Immortal Mansion suddenly collapsed like this.

 Swish swish!

Shortly after Jiuling Dao Master and Jinling Demon Master cleaned up the battlefield, Ten Lord Dao Master, Mo Long Dao Master and others came out of the void one after another.

They looked at the ruined battlefield in front of them, their expressions changing slightly.

 In the Daqian Immortal Realm, they also sensed the arrival of the power of a powerful person who transcended the level of the Cave Realm. That is the real top power in the world of immortality.

Except for the three ancient human race immortal sects, they are very rare in other places. Even one may not be born in thousands of years.

However today,

 But there is a powerful person who comes to their Daqian cultivation world and takes action!

 When Taoist Master Ten and others knew that the powerful man had taken action to kill the Taoist at the peak of Dongxu Realm who was about to descend from the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty, the expressions of Taoist Ten and others changed again.

 Looking at the Jinling Demon Master and Jiuling Dao Master, they looked a little more frightened and a little bit afraid.

The hairs all over my body stood on end, and it was terrifying.

Taoist Master Shijun swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, looked at Demon Master Jin Ling and asked in a trembling voice: "Fellow Taoist Jin Ling, is it the senior who took action?"

Taoist Master Molong of Yulong Palace, Taoist Master Tianhuo of Lihuo Palace, and others all looked at Demon Lord Jinling, their expressions changing, showing both fear and uneasiness.

 Dixian Mansion—

There is actually a Taoist beyond the cave realm?

The Golden Spirit Demon Lord frowned and shook his head: "It has nothing to do with my Immortal Mansion!"

 Others were silent.

That is the peak Taoist master of Dongxu Realm who is about to come to the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty.

 I came here to deal with the Earthly Immortal Mansion.

 The result just came here,

He was obliterated by a powerful person who transcended the cave realm.

Who would believe that this has nothing to do with the Earthly Immortal Mansion?

But to say that it is really related to the Earthly Immortal Mansion, they feel a little unbelievable and feel a bit dreamy.

 After being silent for a long time, Master Shijun thought to himself: "Maybe, it's just a coincidence?"

 But when he thought about it, he thought of the Great Yan Immortal Dynasty that once attacked the Earth Immortal Mansion.

 The Taoist Master Shijun’s pupils shrank suddenly.

 Not long ago—

The Great Yanxian Dynasty was attacked by the Xianwu Clan, the top overlord of the demon clan, for some unknown reason, and destroyed the imperial city of the Great Yanxian Dynasty, causing heavy losses.

 The two top forces that attacked the Earthly Immortal Mansion both suffered misfortunes one after another.


Jiuling Dao Master said: "If the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty is really robbed, then their top power in Daqian may no longer exist."

As she spoke, she said with a bit of excitement: "Now is the best time for us to counterattack!"

 Golden Spirit Demon Lord, Ten Lords Taoist, Molong Taoist and others were perked up after hearing this.

The Demon Lord Jinling immediately said: "Fellow Taoists, would you like to come with me to Qianhong Immortal City?"



 “Let’s go together!”


At the moment, more than ten Taoist masters of the Cave Void Realm, including the Jinling Demon Lord, the Ten Lord Taoist Masters, etc., left together and fled towards Qianhong Immortal City from the void.

When they arrived at Qianhong Immortal City, nearly 100,000 people from the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty army in Qianhong Immortal City had already gathered here.

 The remaining four Taoist masters sit here.

Although there are four Taoist masters here, and there are more than 100,000 troops here, the moment the Jinling Demon Lord and others took action, the four Taoist masters of Lei Longxian Dynasty suddenly fled.


 “Take the people out of Daqian, no, leave Cangzhou Territory!”

 “The three ancestors of Changtian have fallen, and someone powerful who has transcended the Dongxu Realm takes action!”

 “Run away quickly!”

The four Taoist masters were extremely frightened and received a message from Lei Zhen, letting them know what the terrible aura movement was before.

It was learned that Lei Changtian, the third ancestor of the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty, was killed by a powerful man as soon as he stepped into the Earth Immortal Mansion area.

How dare they stay here?



The moment Jin Ling Demon Lord and others came to kill them, they quickly fled with a small number of Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty troops, and the remaining army of less than 60,000 people fended for themselves.

 Under the suppression of Demon Lord Jin Ling and others, nearly 40,000 monks from the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty chose to kneel down.

The power of the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty that came to the Daqian Immortal Realm was wiped out.

 Time passes slowly.

Dixian Mansion suppressed the army of the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty, and then began to recover fairy cities and resource areas one after another, and absorbed the remaining forces from various places, rebuilt the outer palace of Dixian Mansion, and restored its own power and strength.

During this process, Yulong Palace, Lihuo Palace and other forces were very conscious and did not dare to make the slightest move to invade the resources of the Immortal Mansion and the Immortal City.

With the current strength of the Earthly Immortal Mansion, it is already the legitimate overlord of the Daqian Immortal Realm.

Who dares to take advantage of the immortal mansion at this time?

the other side.

 The remaining army strength of the Great Yanxian Dynasty has already shrunk back.

 It’s also a good thing they run fast.

When the news that the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty's army was destroyed and that the Dixian Mansion had regained all the lost land reached the Great Yan Immortal Dynasty, the expressions of many Taoists, Distracting Lords, and generals of the Great Yan Immortal Dynasty changed.

 Some time ago, because of the Xianwu tribe, their imperial city was destroyed and they suffered heavy losses.

 But more importantly, there are losses in terms of tribesmen, resources, treasures, etc.

 The truly top combat powers, such as the Taoist Master, the Venerable Distracting Realm Master and other core figures, had already escaped the moment the Imperial City was destroyed.

 After the Xianwu tribe retreated, they returned here again.

 Now, they are rebuilding the imperial city.

 But before the reconstruction of the Imperial City was completed, they heard the news of the defeat of the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty in the Daqian Immortal Realm.

 This news shocked the entire Great Yan Immortal Dynasty.

When the pieces of intelligence information were compiled, Immortal Master Dayan took a deep breath, with a hint of horror, solemnity, and unspeakable fear and fear in his eyes.

“Thunder Dragon Immortal came to the Third Patriarch Lei Changtian, but the moment he stepped into the Earth Immortal Mansion, he was killed by a powerful person who transcended the Cave Realm?”


That is a Taoist master at the peak of Dongxu Realm!

 How can Immortal Master Dayan not panic after seeing this news? How can the Great Yan Immortal Dynasty not be frightened?

 A Xianwu tribe member left!

 What if another powerful person comes who transcends the cave realm?

That land of immortals—

It’s really too mysterious!

"We can no longer be enemies with the Earthly Immortal Mansion!" Immortal Lord Dayan was restless and even abandoned the matter of rebuilding the imperial city and went out personally.

 He was afraid that the unknown mighty one would come to the Great Flame Immortal Dynasty.

the other side.

 In Canggu Fairy City, time passes slowly.

When the news about the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty from the local fairy mansion came here, the ancient fairy city was in an uproar, and many people were discussing the identity of the unknown powerful person.

Among the winners, Ying Qiantong was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground when he heard the news that Lei Changtian was killed by a powerful person just after he arrived in the Dixian Mansion area.

Everyone was dumbfounded: "Lei Changtian, is he dead!?"


Ps: I originally wanted to catch up on yesterday’s update today, but unfortunately, the author has caught a cold in the past two days, and his physical condition is very poor, with constant runny nose, cough, and lack of energy.

 From last night to now, I barely wrote a chapter.

  Sorry, I will make up for the missed chapter after my body recovers a bit.

 (End of this chapter)

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