Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 343: Holy land monopoly takes final action

Chapter 343: Holy Land Monopoly’s Last Move

Although this bone doesn't look like anything special, it can make Ma Tianling's own spirit body feel palpitations. Obviously, this thing is not simple.

Su Yu took the bone and peered carefully for a moment, but couldn't tell what it was.

He thought for a while and then said: "I'll take the thing first, and then I'll give it back to you after I find out what it is."


Ma Tianling smiled and said: "No, no, mine belongs to Uncle Yu. Besides, I brought it out just to give it to you, Uncle Yu. I feel that it should come from an extraordinary being."

Venerable Tai Xi beside him shook his head slightly and said, "I brought a gift to your Uncle Yu, but what about the gifts from me and your Uncle Tianyu?"

Ma Tianling spat out her tongue and said, "No, Master, don't you think about it, how dangerous it is inside the Kunling Nest. It's not easy for me to come out safely."

“Otherwise, I’ll go out to catch a fish later and come back to stew you some fish soup to replenish your health.”

Venerable Taixi glared at the heartless disciple, gave Taoist Tianyu a wink, and asked him to leave with him: "Jianzui, go and drink with your Uncle Yu."

 Su Yu was the only one left, listening to Ma Tianling talk about her experiences and experiences in the Kunling Nest.

Although Ma Tianling got many opportunities in Kunling's Nest, and even a treasure of heaven and earth that could greatly increase her cultivation level was born, in the end, Ma Tianling did not break into the real Kunling's Nest.

Su Yu asked: "Have you seen your sister Qianyu?"

What made Su Yu nervous was that Ma Tianling shook her head, and her tone was a little more surprised and nervous: "I haven't seen it before. Has Sister Qianyu also entered the Kunlingchao ruins?"

After speaking for a while, Ma Tianling continued: "The Kunlingchao ruins are so huge. I, I haven't moved around much."

Su Yu took a breath and reassured her: "It's okay. Her soul monument is still intact, so she should be fine."

 The two of them talked about other things.

Ma Tianling lowered her voice and said: "I heard that Kunling's lair really contains the magical inheritance left by the powerful sea tribe man in ancient times!"

“In addition, there is the Sea King Halberd, a Taoist treasure left behind by the mighty one. It seems to be a top-quality Taoist treasure.”

“It’s just a pity that the geniuses who can break into Kunling’s lair are at least at the peak of the Divine Distraction Realm, and there are even Taoist masters and sixth-level demon masters with the Cave Void Realm.”

“I only know that the Sea King Halberd seemed to have been snatched by a demon in the end. I don’t know what other traditions were inherited.”

Listening to Ma Tianling's narration, Su Yu was slightly shocked: "Devil? Human race?"

Ma Tianling said: "I heard it was from the human race, but it was a demon. It is said that he killed many people. Of course, he was not only ruthless to the geniuses of the human race, but also seemed to be more ruthless to the demon clan and the sea clan."

“He is very strong and has reached the third level of Dongxu Realm. He is almost the strongest among the geniuses who have entered it.”

“Of course, the most important thing is that he seems to have a Taoist weapon in his hand. This is why he was able to win the Sea King Halberd against all the geniuses.”

Su Yu was also amazed when she heard this.

The Taoist master of the third level of the Dongxu Realm who is less than a thousand years old—no, it should be said to be the Demon Lord.

This talent is really evil.


Not long ago, he also relied solely on his own combat power to severely injure the Immortal Spirit Taoist. In terms of combat power, he could be considered to have reached the level of an ordinary Cave Void Realm Taoist.

 But his current cultivation level is only at the first level of the distraction realm.

Compared to those monsters, they are so far away.

 This would allow him to reach the third level of Dongxu Realm.

 Su Yu's eyes flashed with a strange light, so no one should be able to **** the opportunity and treasures at the Kunling Nest Ruins this time from him.


With his current talent, which is not outstanding, the only things he can rely on now are his own lifespan and proficiency panel.

 Let's stay calm for a few thousand years, and then find an opportunity to talk to them about chance.

Although his current cultivation speed is much mediocre compared with that group of monsters, it is not certain who will be able to stand at the top of the world of immortality in a few thousand years and who will become an immortal first.

Su Yu waited on Shangxingxian Island for a few more days.

 In the end, Luo Qianyu, Taoist Shuhai, and Taoist Master Hongyue did not wait, but news of the sudden change in the Black Turtle Sea Clan came.

Su Yu looked at the leader of the Shangxing Sect who reported to him in front of him, and said in surprise: "What? A turtle-shaped demon lord appeared out of nowhere and attacked the Black Turtle Sea Clan, and was fighting fiercely with the ancestor of the Black Turtle Sea Clan. Fight?"

The leader of the Shangxing Sect nodded and said: "Yes, Master. I still don't know who the demon master is, and why he attacked the ancestor of the Black Turtle Sea Clan. I only know that the two of them are fighting fiercely now, and it doesn't look like a fake fight. "

Su Yu thought about this matter. Could it be that the Black Turtle Demon Lord from other places discovered that there was a lineage of Black Turtles in the Fuling Sea, so he planned to subdue them for his own use?

 Otherwise, why would the two turtle monsters start fighting?

 He frowned slightly.

Originally, he thought that after his beast-controlling turtle, the sea-turning turtle, would grow up, he would then let the sea-turning turtle attack the Black Turtle Sea Clan and take control of this black turtle force.

I never thought that there would be such a change now.

 ‘I hope that the ancestors of the Black Turtle Sea Clan can hold on and drive the opponent away. ’ Su Yu secretly said.

 Just less than seven days.

The Black Turtle Sea Clan once again received news.

The sixth-level high-grade Black Turtle Ancestor was suppressed by the other party and bowed his head. Now the mysterious turtle-shaped demon lord has taken over the Black Turtle Sea Clan, although the Black Turtle Sea Clan suffered a lot of losses when the Kunling Nest ruins was born.

But the addition of a demon lord who is more powerful than the ancestor of the Black Turtle Sea Clan has made the Black Turtle Sea Clan even more powerful.

 After this news came out, all the human immortal sect forces in the sea area suddenly felt a little uneasy, including the Shangxing Immortal Sect.

Su Yu, Jinling Demon Lord and others waited for a month on Shangxingxian Island, but did not wait for Luo Qianyu and Shuhai Taoist to come back, so they could only temporarily return to Dixian Mansion.

 “Don’t worry.”

Su Yu comforted the leader of the Shangxing Sect and said, "Once there is any change in the Black Turtle Sea Clan or other sea clans, you can send people to the Earthly Immortal Mansion to ask for help."

“As long as the teleportation array is not destroyed, Earth Immortal Mansion will be able to arrive with support within a short time.”

“With the little strength of the Black Turtle Sea Clan, they can’t do anything to us.”

 Return to Dixian Mansion.

Su Yu, Fan Xiao, Jin Ling Yao Lord, Jiu Ling Taoist Master, Tianyu Taoist, Tai Xi Venerable, Huang Zhu, and the newly promoted Fenshen Venerable Qingquan Taoist and Ma Tianling gathered together.

Su Yu looked at Ma Tianling and asked, "Tianling, when I picked you up before, what did the geniuses say about the quota for the Xuanhuang Ancient Land trial?"

Ma Tianling said a little nervously: "Uncle Yu, I didn't promise them."

Su Yu waved his hand and said, "That's not what I meant. I just want to know what the quota for the Xuanhuang Ancient Land trial is. It should be very important for them to use this to win over you."

Ma Tianling breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "I heard that it is a trial for selecting disciples in Xuanhuang Ancient Land."

“According to them, the Xuanhuang Ancient Land will arrange trial quotas every three hundred years based on the luck of the overlords of the various immortal cultivation areas outside.”

“The genius who obtains the quota must be under a thousand years old, have a spiritual root above the heavenly level, and an understanding above the extreme level.”

“Cultivation level is not so strict, it only needs to be above the distraction level.”

“If you can pass the trial of the Xuanhuang Ancient Land, you can join the Xuanhuang Ancient Land to practice.”

 Speaking for a while. Ma Tianling whispered: "The Xuanhuang Ancient Land is said to be very big. Nowadays, although there are fifth-level spiritual veins and even sixth-level spiritual veins in the outside world."

“But there are none above the sixth level. I heard that all the spiritual veins above the seventh level are in the ancient land.”

“Even at the core of the ancient land, there is an almost immortal spiritual vein. That is the true holy land of the ancient land.”

“That’s why so many people want to enter the ancient land to practice.”

Ma Tianling said with a little envy.

Su Yu, Fan Xiao, Jin Ling Yao Lord, Tian Yu Taoist and others' expressions changed slightly. Although they had heard of the Xuanhuang Ancient Land, they did not know the specific conditions of the Ancient Land.

Now listening to Ma Tianling's narration, all spiritual veins of seventh level and above in the human race's Immortal Sect territory exist in the ancient land.

 This sentence is enough to explain the status of the ancient land.

Taoist Tianyu murmured: "No wonder the Taoist master of Canggu Immortal City who transcended the cave realm left Canggu Immortal City. That's why."

When the top resources are monopolized by the Ancient Land or other overlords, even if others are lucky enough to break through the bottleneck.

So if you want to go further, you must choose one of the parties to join.

 Otherwise, waiting for your own results may mean standing still or even going backwards.

 Until the end of life.

Thinking of this, imagine the promise made by the group of geniuses before, a quota for the Xuanhuang Ancient Land trial. In order to win over Ma Tianling, they really spent a lot of money.

Although, this cake may not be exchanged.

"The trial quotas are allocated according to the overlord force in each immortal cultivation area." Su Yu looked at Ma Tianling and asked: "What is the overlord force? How do they identify it?"

“What if there are several equal forces in a large domain of cultivating immortals?”

Ma Tianling shook her head slightly and said, "I don't know, maybe it just depends on luck?"

She suddenly looked at Su Yu and said in surprise: "Uncle Yu, do you still want to compete for a place in the Xuanhuang Ancient Land trial?"

Su Yu pondered for a long time, although he didn't care about the trial quota of Xuanhuang Ancient Land, and the trial conditions of Xuanhuang Ancient Land had already blocked him out.

But if we can win some places so that the geniuses of the Earthly Immortal Mansion can enter and practice, this would be a good thing for the Earthly Immortal Mansion or those geniuses and geniuses.

 Since it is a good thing, why not let the Earthly Immortal Mansion compete for it?

  There is no need to start a war anyway.

 It’s just a matter of luck.

“But if you want to do this, you must at least let Xuanhuang Ancient Land know that the Dixian Mansion exists.” Su Yu thought to himself.

 The dominant force in a large area of ​​cultivating immortals must no longer be able to stay in one corner.

 It is imperative to unify the world of Daqian cultivators.

Looking at Su Yu's appearance, Ma Tianling knew that he must have wanted to compete for a spot in the Xuanhuang Ancient Land trial.

She opened her mouth, but finally took back her words of persuasion.

 Her knowledge of the strength and power of the Earthly Immortal Mansion was still before entering the Kunling Nest ruins.

If we go by what Uncle Yu said before, their Immortal Mansion may not be able to compete with Canggu Immortal City and other forces.

Just like that, who will go to Xuanhuang Ancient Land to practice?

Ma Tianling was silent. Although Xuanhuang Ancient Land was nice, she didn’t want to go there.

When Su Yu expressed his desire to unify the Daqian Immortal Realm, Demon Lord Jin Ling, Fan Xiao, and Taoist Tian Yu looked at each other, but did not show any surprise.

Fan Xiao pondered and said in a concentrated voice: "If you really decide to do this, then you can't be lenient and leave no room for mercy!"

"There can never be any more Daqian Immortal Alliance. There is and can only be one force, and that is the Earthly Immortal Mansion!"

Taoist Tianyu frowned and said: "If we want to do this, Lihuo Palace, Yulong Palace and other forces will definitely be unwilling and resistant. We lack someone who can really suppress them."

As soon as these words came out, Jinling Demon Lord, Fan Xiao, Jiuling Taoist Master, Tai Xi Venerable, and Huang Zhu all looked at Su Yu.

Although people outside the world don’t understand Su Yu yet, their understanding of Su Yu is still based on the genius of the Dixian Mansion who understood the power of the Space Avenue.

 But Demon Lord Jin Ling, Fan Xiao and others were able to learn a thing or two through the submission of Shangxingxianmen.

Since Su Yu can make the Shangxingxian Sect surrender, it must not be difficult to suppress the Lihuo Palace, Yulong Palace and other forces.

Fan Xiao looked at Su Yu and said, "Uncle Master, only you can do this."

Su Yu closed her eyes and thought for a while, then finally opened her eyes and said, "Invite members of the Daqian Immortal Alliance, or Taoist masters, or power lords to come."

“One month later, we will discuss important matters together in the secret realm of the underground palace.”

If you want to unify the Daqian Immortal World, with the current majesty and status of the Earthly Immortal Mansion, you still have the bridge of the Daqian Immortal Alliance.

  It does not necessarily require a war.

 After practicing in the Earthly Immortal Mansion for so many years, he has only made a few attacks in his true form.

 This time, treat it as the last shot.

Once this matter is over, he will go to the Yuexian Mansion Fairy City in the wilderness to retreat again.

 Leave the secret realm of the underground palace.

Fan Xiao followed Jin Ling Demon Lord and said in a low voice: "Ancestor Jin Ling, do you think my uncle can make other forces bow their heads?"

The Demon Lord Jin Ling couldn’t see through Su Yu, so naturally he couldn’t tell.

 But currently in the Earthly Immortal Mansion, only Su Yu has such qualifications and possibilities.

There are only two possibilities if you want to make people bow their heads. One is absolute strength, and the other is talent that makes people willing to bow their heads and surrender.

 Fan Xiao does not touch either of these two.

So we can only look at Su Yu who made everyone in the Xingxian Sect bow their heads and submit to the Dixian Mansion.

The Golden Spirit Demon Lord paused slightly, and the aura from his body filled the air slightly, and said: "A few years ago, Xiaoyu gave me some spiritual fluid for me to practice. Although it is not a treasure that can change my life, it is of great use to me. .”

“Perhaps, after a while, my cultivation will surpass the limit of my bloodline and reach the sixth-level mid-level.”

With that said, Demon Lord Jinling left and went back to continue practicing.

Fan Xiao was startled, then his face was filled with joy, and he said with great surprise: "Ancestor Jin Ling is about to break through?"

Although he is only at the sixth level of mid-level cultivation, if the Golden Spirit Demon Lord can break through and improve, it will at least give the Earthly Immortal Mansion another strong person who can barely control the Immortal Sect in addition to the Golden Horn Tuo Tianxiang.

It also transcends the level of cultivation and strength of other Taoist masters in the Daqian Immortal Alliance, overwhelming them.

 This can also be turned into one of the bases for the unification of the Earthly Immortal Mansion.

 (End of this chapter)

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