Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 347: Distracted Level 2 Dragon Jian Clan Monster Lord Killing Order

Chapter 347: Distraction and the Killing Order of the Demon Lord of the Dragon Jian Clan on the Second Level

 Di Xian Mansion Immortal Gate.

 Yuelan Peak.

The master of the palace, Fan Xiao, and Taoist Qingquan looked at the returning Luo Qianyu with shocked expressions.

After a moment, Qingquan Taoist's face changed slightly and he said, "Qianyu, you, you want to leave? Go to the ancient land of Xianmen, Zhenwu Immortal Court, to practice?"

Luo Qianyu nodded lightly and said: "There is a sword tomb in the Zhenwu Immortal Courtyard. Perhaps it is the most suitable place for me to practice."

 She looked at everything familiar in the fairy gate, including the familiar people here.

However, the person she most wanted to see when she returned to Xianmen this time did not know where she was.

Fan Xiao said: "My uncle was here a few days ago, but I don't know where he went since then. Maybe he went into seclusion again to practice."

Luo Qianyu met his master, Taoist Master Youjian, that day, and left with the people from Zhenwu Immortal Courtyard in the evening.

 She did not talk about what happened to her in Kunling's Nest.

He didn’t say that his body was on the verge of collapse.

 In the past, in the real lair of Kunling Nest, Luo Qianyu inherited an ancient Taoist sword.

 However, it was the Dao sword that her current body simply could not bear.

Now every moment, Luo Qianyu's body is bearing the backlash of that Dao sword. The endless sword energy is raging, as if he is being tortured by a thousand knives all the time, and his body is on the verge of collapse.


At the time of desperation, the relative of Zhenwu Immortal Court told the story about the sword tomb.

If she can go to that sword tomb to practice, maybe she can suppress the Tao sword in her body and achieve the foundation of the supreme sword.

Originally, the personal successor wanted to take her directly back to Zhenwu Immortal Court, but Luo Qianyu insisted on coming back for a visit before leaving, so he took a detour and came to Cangzhou Territory.

I never thought that I would never be able to meet him in the end.

Luo Qianyu glanced back at the Earthly Immortal Mansion before leaving, and thought to herself: "I will come back when I have mastered the art of swordsmanship. I hope you will still be there at that time."


As the flying boat filled with a terrifying aura escaped into the void, Zhenwu Xianting and his party disappeared without a trace.

 In the Dixian Mansion.

Golden Spirit Demon Master, Jiuling Taoist Master, Ten Lord Taoist Master, Molong Taoist Master and others appeared, looking at the void in silence, with expressions of surprise and uncertainty.

 After a while, the master of the palace, Fan Xiao, came to the Taoist masters.

Taoist Master Shijun asked in surprise: "That person just now was from the Immortal Sect before?"

Fan Xiao nodded and said: "I was the master of Xianmen Youjian Peak before. Later I went to the Kunlingchao ruins. I just came back with the people from Zhenwu Immortal Court."


Taoist Master Jiuling, Taoist Molong and others shrank their pupils and took in cold air.

“Zhenwu Xianting? Is it really the legendary ancient land of immortals, Zhenwu Xianting!?”

 “She, she can actually join the Zhenwu Immortal Court?”

“Earth Immortal Mansion—no, it should be said that it’s our Immortal Sect, but someone can actually join the Immortal Sect’s ancient land to practice? This, this is not a dream!”

 This Taoist master became restless, and some were even envious.


 More Taoist masters showed joy on their faces and were a little firmer in their decision to join the Earthly Immortal Mansion.

 In the past, there was Su Yu, a monster who used distraction to suppress the Taoist master, and later there was a genius who was able to join the ancient land of Xianmen Zhenwu Immortal Court to practice.

It can be said that the Dixian Mansion has a bright future.

I don’t know if it was due to the influence of Luo Qianyu joining the Zhenwu Immortal Palace. The Canggu Immortal City, which was about to move, fell silent in the following time, and did not make any changes to the Earthly Immortal Palace.

With the cooperation of Taoist Master Ten, Taoist Molong and others, the original Daqian Immortal Alliance was banned, and Taoist Ten, Taoist Molong and others moved to the Immortal Gate of Dixian Mansion.

 The Daqian Immortal Realm has officially entered the era of unification of the Earthly Immortal Mansion.

 After this news came out, the entire Daqian Immortal Cultivator world was in an uproar.

Dixian Palace, on the other hand, is integrating the power of all parties step by step, including genius disciples, body-refining armies, and outer sect forces, etc.

 The Earthly Immortal Mansion, which swallowed the entire Daqian Immortal World and gathered forces from all sides, instantly expanded by more than ten times in terms of strength and power.

 With the help of the prescriptions and resources left by Su Yu, it is conceivable.

 In the coming time, the strength and foundation of the Earthly Immortal Mansion will definitely increase rapidly.

 Eight years later.

 Desolate territory.

The ruins of Yuexianfu Fairy City.

The distraction in Wutong Dao's body once again refined a fifth-level high-grade spirit-nourishing pill that can strengthen the spirit. He frowned slightly and opened his eyes in the spirit body.

 The spirit-nourishing pill still has some effect on him, but it is only about 20% more efficient than his own practice.

If you want to cultivate your distraction to reach the peak level of the God Realm, it will take years and months of the monkey.

Su Yu thought for a while and said secretly: "In the Yan Gong Dan Sutra, there is a soul elixir refined with ghost body as the core material, which is very useful for the cultivation of the soul."

 However, where are there people who practice the path of ghosts and immortals in this world of immortality?

 He really doesn’t know.

Furthermore, if someone practices ghost and immortality, and they do it for no reason, it is impossible for him to capture them and use them to make elixirs.

 What is the difference between doing that and being a demon?

"There is no soul pill. In the puppet heavenly book, there is also a way to strengthen the soul with the power of incense and wish." Su Yu looked at the Tao body puppet.

Looking at it this way, the chance of improving the Wutong Dao Body God depends on the efforts of the Dao Body Puppet.

If the distraction of Wutong Taoist body can be raised to the peak level of distraction.

At that time, not to mention completely controlling the Wutong Taoist body, at least -

It won’t be like now, where you have to lie down for many years just to control the only branch that can move, right?

"Wait a moment, continue to practice the Golden Cicada Technique, and comprehend the power of the Great Way of Time and the Taoist charm of the Wutong Taoist body." He let out a sigh while distracted, and continued to calm down. His mind penetrated into the long river of the Great Way of Time, and comprehended The power of time.

Despite all these years of enlightenment and practice, I still haven’t been able to reach the Hinayana realm marked by the great path of time.

However, compared to when the imprint of the Avenue of Time was first condensed, the vicissitudes of the Avenue of Time on Wutong Road have obviously become much deeper.

According to Wutong Tao Shen's own estimation, without relying on other opportunities, he can hope to achieve the Great Path Mark of Time in the Hinayana realm within fifty years.

the other side.


Su Yu was flipping through a book of insights notes left by an ancient Venerable Master of the Dividing God Realm. While observing the notes, the power of the Five Elements Dao around him also changed.

 It seems that the mind is always immersed in the long river of the Five Elements Avenue, and is constantly comprehending.

 Half a day later.

Su Yu put down the notes, the power of the five-line path mark on his body returned to calm, and his mind returned to its original state. He sighed softly: "It's really not easy to get the seal of the Five Elements of Mahayana."

Although there is no proficiency data on the Mark of the Five Elements Avenue on the proficiency panel, it is impossible to forcibly improve it through the proficiency panel.

But according to Su Yu's own estimation, if we set a data for the enlightenment process of the Mahayana realm imprinted by the Five Elements Avenue.

 That should be: Five Elements Avenue Mark (The Hinayana realm, proficiency 92.68%.)

 He came back to Yuexian Mansion and stayed in seclusion in Xiancheng for eight years, which probably increased this value accumulation by less than two points.

 Based on this progress, it will take about thirty years to realize the power of the seal of the Mahayana Five Elements Avenue.

 He looked at the proficiency panel.

  【Cultivation: Second level of distraction realm. 】

  【Shouyuan: 528/6886 years. 】

  【Kung Fu: Five Elements Technique (Second Level of Distracting Mind Realm, Proficiency 4.16%). 】

Looking at this panel, Su Yu thought to himself: "Looking at it this way, there is hope that you can realize the mark of the Five Elements of Perfection before breaking through the Dongxu Realm at the peak of the Distraction Realm."

In the past, the foundation of Jiujin Jindan and the foundation of the Five Elements of the Five Elements allowed him to practice on the first layer of divisions, and he had the combat power that he was shaken with the Lord.

If one can also perfect the Five Elements Dao Mark in the Distracting God Realm, then how terrible will the Dao Foundation be after breaking through the Dongxu Realm Dao Master?

Gently shaking her head, Su Yu calmed down these thoughts.

 Looked at Yun Cangjie mentally, the elixir materials brought here before were almost exhausted.

 The spiritual liquid from the Qi Refining Pot left in the Immortal Sect before coming here must have been consumed over the years.

 “Go back.”

Su Yu tidied up and took a few more glances at Taixu and Fuhai Xuangui who were sleeping on the side of Wutong Road. Without disturbing them, he turned around and left the Yuexian Mansion Immortal City and returned to the Dixian Mansion Immortal Gate.

 He is not in seclusion this time.

 After making breakthroughs in practice, you can still find time to come back and take a look, and go back to the Immortal Sect to replenish elixir materials and other resources.

After replenishing resources, you can come back and continue retreat.

 Di Xian Mansion Immortal Gate.

When Su Yu learned about Luo Qianyu's whereabouts from Taoist Qingquan, he just breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay. As for her choosing to go to Zhenwu Immortal Court to practice, it's a good thing."

“Others who want to enter the ancient land of Immortal Gate have no chance to practice.”


Zhenwu Xianting seems to be far away?

Cangzhou Territory is within the boundaries of Xuanhuang Ancient Land, Zhenwu Immortal Court is still in the north, and Luo Qianyu doesn’t know if there is any possibility of seeing him again after leaving.

Su Yu stayed at Xianmen for a few days and obtained three materials for Yin Yang Tian Dan again from Huang Zhu.

After some refining, Su Yu refined thirteen Yin-Yang Heavenly Pills, including four of perfect quality and nine of fine quality. He once again saved two perfect-quality Yin-Yang Heavenly Pills.

 The remaining eleven elixirs were all given to the Immortal Sect to cultivate the Venerables of the Distracting Realm.

Before heading to the wilderness again, Su Yu gave two perfect-quality Yin-Yang Heavenly Pills to the Master of Tianxu Hall, asking him to train the elites of Yuexian Tower.

 After that, Su Yu went to Yuexian Mansion Immortal City for retreat again.

 Long sky domain.

 Jizang City.

The moment Su Yu's Taoist puppet walked out of the cave, the aura on his body had transformed from the fifth-order middle-grade puppet that first arrived, to a fifth-order high-grade puppet that was comparable to the eighth and ninth levels of Bishen Realm.

The tyranny of the Buddha's majestic aura is no weaker than that of the ordinary distracted master.

Over the past ten years, he has entered the territory of the Infinite Immortal Alliance several times to attack it, and once again captured two medium-sized fairy cities controlled by the Buddha Sect.

  Seize the foundation of its incense and vows, and save everyone from the hands of the Buddha Sect.


Su Yu brought back everyone who was willing to follow him to Ksitigarbha City. Those who were unwilling could leave on their own, and he did not stop them.

However, after being baptized by the evil methods of the Buddha Sect, the people in the Wuliangxian Alliance area have already changed their belief in Buddhism and have the foundation to chant Buddha's name.

Coupled with Su Yu's slight guidance using the Dharma and methods of the Ksitigarbha Immortal Sutra, many people were finally willing to follow him to Ksitigarbha City and convert to Buddhism and become believers.

Don’t think that the pure inheritance of Buddhism does not have this. You must know that Buddhism also needs to be passed down and passed on.

The evil Buddhist path of Buddha Buddhism evolved from the orthodox Buddhist teachings.

 This does not mean that the Dharma practiced by Su Yu is impure or correct.

 The so-called right and wrong actually do not depend on the method and the Taoism, but on the person who uses them and their mind.

Like Buddhist Buddhism, they treat all living beings in the world as "material" and use evil methods to force others to become "slaves" of their own incense and vows.

And wantonly killing and causing evil.

This is the reason why Buddha Buddhism is characterized as an evil spirit.

The most Su Yu can do is use Ksitigarbha's Immortal Sutra to plant a seed of devotion to the Buddha in the hearts of these people. If they are willing to listen to his lectures and recite the Buddha's name, then they can practice Buddhism together.

 If you don’t want to, you can come and go freely, and there is no situation of confinement, breeding, or even killing.

 Make several shots.

Now there are nearly 300,000 cultivators and believers in Ksitigarbha City, who can provide Su Yu's Taoist body puppet with majestic incense and aspiration power to practice and transform himself every day.

 If this continues, Su Yu feels that it may not take a hundred years for this Taoist body puppet to transform into a sixth-level low-grade creature with the help of the power of incense and wish!

If this incense had more will power, the speed would be even faster!

Su Yu walked out of the cave. Wu Qingping, who was guarding outside the cave, looked up. She quickly stepped forward and bowed her head, saying respectfully: "Master."

Su Yu said: "Is something wrong?"

Wu Qingping continued: "The three Taoist masters from the eighth level of the Cave Void Realm in the Changtian Domain have convened all forces to discuss the attack on the Buddha Sect again. We also have the invitation in Ksitigarbha City. They invited the master to come to discuss the matter."

Wu Qingping took out the invitation and handed it to Su Yu.

Su Yu looked at the invitation and thought for a while.

Chang Tianyu once organized an alliance to attack the Buddha Sect before, but in the end, due to the terrifying power of believers of the Buddha Sect, all the forces retreated from the Infinite Immortal Alliance area and left the matter unresolved.

However, that alliance gave him an opportunity to seize the foundation of the incense and wish power of two medium-sized fairy cities in the Buddha Sect.

Su Yu took the invitation and opened it, her expression suddenly condensed: "Huh?"

On the invitation, it was clearly written that they were three Taoist masters from the eighth level of Dongxu Realm, inviting him to meet in Changtian Immortal City to discuss how to deal with the Buddha Sect!

 What do these three people mean?

Su Yu thought about it for a long time. Could it be that he wanted him to solve the evil ways of the Buddha Sect? After all, the orthodox Buddhist methods he has mastered during this period have indeed proved that they can deal with the controlled followers of the Buddha Sect.

If the group of manipulated believers can be eliminated, relying on the strength of the Buddha Sect, the forces in the Changtian Region can join forces to disintegrate them and drive them back.

After thinking for a long time, Su Yu decided to go and meet them: "Perhaps, I can also use their hands to obtain more Buddhists in a short period of time."

He took Wu Chengzhi and Wu Qingping with him and quietly went to Changtian Immortal Gate that day.

At this time, in the endless wasteland outside Cangzhou, in the Wanlong Demon Territory occupied by the Longjuan clan, a thundering roar resounded throughout the world, and the entire Longjuan clan trembled.

Not long after, an order from the Longjian clan spread throughout the surrounding demon clan: "Kill! The demon king has an order, blood debts will be paid with blood, and the human race in Cangzhou region will be washed with blood!"

 (End of this chapter)

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