Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 357: Ksitigarbha Buddha who deceives people too much

Chapter 357: Bullying Ksitigarbha Buddha Too Much

 Depths of the Halloween Demon Realm.

Cang Hai, Cang Yu, and Cang Tu, the three Taoist masters, looked at Zhang Ting and Zhang Tianyi, who were intact and only slightly injured, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

 Although the two met with an accident, at least they were still alive.

In this way, the Cang family can still explain themselves to Lord Haihong.

Zhang Ting looked gloomy, while Zhang Tianyi next to him was still in shock, his delicate and charming face was still extremely pale, and his eyes were blank.

There are only five of them here, and everyone in Dixian Mansion is isolated.

 Zhang Ting frowned: "The ones who attacked me and my junior sister were not demons. And if there were demons behind it, then it would be absolutely impossible for me and my junior sister to come back alive."

Cang Hai didn't answer the question immediately, feeling shocked and uncertain.

From Zhang Ting’s description, the brothers and sisters were ambushed in the void and entered the inner world of a top-grade magic weapon. They were forced to break through the defense of a sixth-grade high-grade battleship and fell into the opponent’s hands.

However, the other party did not kill the two senior brothers and sisters Zhang Ting. Why on earth was this?

If it wasn’t the demon clan that took action, then who would be the person behind it?

And possesses a superb magic weapon.

Being able to hide in the void and quietly take down the Zhang Ting brothers and sisters who control the sixth-order high-grade warships is a strength that even the Taoist masters at the peak of the Dongxu Realm cannot achieve.


 Could it be a Taoist Lord who took action?

 But what about the motive?

The Cangyu Taoist next to him frowned and said in a low voice: "You must not be here for the spiritual formation, right?"

Zhang Ting and Zhang Tianyi also had many speculations in their minds, and even doubted whether other Taoist monarchs in Xuanhuang Ancient Land wanted to interfere in the Cangzhou Territory.

After all, although they were born in the Xuanhuang Ancient Land, and their master was able to touch people at the pinnacle level of power in the ancient land, compared to the real big shots in the ancient land, his master was just a **** in the hierarchy.

The factional disputes, power struggles, and orthodoxy battles in the Xuanhuang Ancient Land are far more serious than all outside immortal cultivators imagined!

 The fact that their department is responsible for the tasks in the Cangzhou region has made many people dissatisfied.

It may not be impossible for those people who want to cause trouble.


In addition to the Xuanhuang Ancient Land itself, they believe that matters in the Cangzhou Region are not only of interest to their own Ancient Land.

 Other forces may not get involved.

 So, there are quite a few suspects as to who did this to his senior brother and sister.

Zhang Ting took a deep breath, feeling extremely aggrieved, ashamed and angry.

He whispered: "That man didn't kill me and my junior sister, but took everything from me and my junior sister. Maybe he just wanted to give us two a warning."

“Next, my junior sister and I will find an opportunity to quietly return to Canggu Immortal City to look for our master. The three seniors are still here to guard the Ten Thousand Saint Demon Realm.”

"If possible, Master will definitely find a way to find that guy."

Xuanhuang Ancient Land is one of the three top immortal sects in the world, and its control methods are by no means ordinary.

Whether it’s intelligence or deduction, if that person takes action, he will definitely leave clues.

One day, I will find that person!

Zhang Ting and Zhang Tianyi rested in the Wansheng Demon Realm for a few days, and finally borrowed a few magic weapons from Cang Hai and the others before leaving the Wansheng Demon Realm and returning to Canggu Immortal City.

the other side.

Su Yu looked at the sixth-order high-grade battleship and several top-level mid-grade magic weapons that he had thrown into the ninth floor of the nine-story Taoist Tower.

 There is another Taoist edict that has lost its immortal power.

This edict should come from the Taoist Lord Haihong from the Xuanhuang Ancient Land, and it has the word "kill" written on it.

The talisman is somewhat similar to the talisman, and it can inspire the power of Taoism and Taoism.

 But this decree is a good thing and the material is extraordinary.

 After using it once, there are only a few cracks on it.

 Perhaps it can be used three or four more times.

Of course, if you want to use it again, you have to ask someone to 'leave' it again.

"I wonder if I could give it to the First Commander, senior commander, if he could use this decree for himself?" Su Yu couldn't help but feel moved when she thought of the giant finger that destroyed most of the defense barrier of the Ten Thousand Saint Demon Realm.

 If it can be used, then this edict can also become one of his trump cards.

Although it cannot be used in normal times, in times of danger, this can be a life-saving tool.

How could he dislike it!

 Actually, he had no intention of attacking Zhang Ting and Zhang Tianyi. After all, there was no blood feud between them, so there was no reason to have any grudges because of something that happened before.

But who would have thought that there is a thousand-year ethereal Dao Fruit hidden in the mysterious little cave of the Wan Sheng Demon Realm?

In the ancient semi-immortal elixir scripture inheritance he received in the past, there was a record of a sixth-level elixir to cast a spiritual elixir. One of the required materials was a thousand-year ethereal Taoist fruit.

In addition, there are six other materials: a drop of blood from the heart of the sea-covering black turtle, a drop of the colorful dragon's saliva, and a source stone.

 After refining the spirit-casting elixir, it will be possible to cultivate the talent of pseudo-spiritual body.

Although it is definitely not as good as his natural spiritual body, it is still much better than his current talent.

 It can more or less narrow the talent gap between himself and those top geniuses and monsters.

 “There are still five ingredients left.” Su Yu took a breath.

 It seems that we need to have people look for clues and information about the remaining materials.

 A few days later.

Su Yu noticed that Zhang Ting and Zhang Tianyi left the Ten Thousand Saint Demon Realm, and then he quietly left here without staying in the Ten Thousand Saint Demon Realm.

At the edge of the wilderness, thousands of miles away from the Daqian Immortal Realm, on the top of a mountain in the wilderness.

 Zhang Ting and Zhang Tianyi flew through the sky with a highly concealable sixth-level low-grade flying shuttle magic weapon, dodging many high-level monsters along the way and returning to the world of human cultivation.

However, when the two of them passed by a big mountain, a violent force suddenly shot up from below and struck the sky.

Zhang Ting was already holding a ball of anger in his heart because of the previous encounter. At this moment, he felt the violent aura of power coming from below, and he suddenly became furious: "How outrageous!"

 The shuttle was originally just for traveling.

 But at the moment when the power from below struck, the shuttle suddenly changed direction.

 An unprecedented edge burst out from the shuttle.

 Fight the violent aura of power below and kill.

However, when the shuttle was struck by the aura of violent power below, Zhang Ting's complexion inside the shuttle suddenly changed drastically, and a powerful force that was even more domineering than the ordinary masters at the peak of the distraction realm came.

Even the sixth-level low-grade flying shuttle's sharp edge was unable to break through that overbearing and arrogant power.


 The two were violently shaken, and a loud noise shook the ground for dozens of miles.

The huge mountain hundreds of feet below also seemed to be hit by a giant hammer. Countless trees and boulders shattered into powder, cracks appeared, and collapsed in an instant.

Zhang Ting felt a sharp pain in his head, groaned, and flew out with the shuttle.


  A hoarse old voice came: "I originally thought that the genius of Xuanhuang Ancient Land would be something extraordinary, but this is the result."

"Well, I watched it high, and resigned." Later, the violent figure galloped towards the distance.

In a matter of moments, he disappeared into the depths of the wilderness.

 Above the sky.

 Inside the shuttle.

Zhang Ting's face turned red and his eyes widened with anger. The words of the guy who suddenly came out made him explode with anger.

 What does it mean to be like this?

 What a great deal! ?

Who are you riding a horse on?

 Why do you want to attack the two of you? How dare you take action!


 A moment later, Zhang Ting spurted out a mouthful of blood. His body trembled and he fell to the ground. Veins popped up in his hands. He clenched his fists and said angrily: "It's too much to bully others, it's too much to bully others!"

Beside Zhang Tianyi, he was still a little confused. This battle came and ended suddenly.

“Senior brother, that person just now is a body refining monk!?”

 That punch that shook the shuttle just now was all pure physical strength!

It is precisely because of this that the two of them were not aware of it.

 It wasn’t until the man started to act that he realized what he was doing.

But why did that man only punch once and then leave?

Zhang Tianyi thought about it, and then thought about the few words left by the man, his face suddenly became ugly, and he felt ashamed and angry, but also had lingering fears.

This person—

This is looking down on her and her senior brother!

I feel that I and my senior brother are not even qualified to compete with him! ?

However, when Zhang Ting calmed down, he took a deep breath and understood in his heart that although the man just used his physical power, the domineering and amazing physical power was definitely not the one who is currently in the middle stage of the distraction realm. Able to shake hard.

If it weren’t for the shuttle in hand, that punch just now—

 It might just kill him!

 “Let’s go!”

Zhang Ting endured the frustration and shame in his heart and let Zhang Tianyi control the shuttle to return to Daqian Cultivation World as quickly as possible.

As long as they return to the world of human cultivation and Canggu Immortal City, they will be safe.

These two consecutive encounters made Zhang Ting and Zhang Tianyi feel fear in their hearts.

The world of immortality outside is too unsafe.

 If you stay outside here any longer, will you die? ?

I originally thought that if a genius like me walked out of the ancient land, he would definitely be able to walk sideways outside.

Who would have thought that this vision had just begun and encountered two Waterloos at once.

Zhang Ting and Zhang Tianyi hurriedly fled towards the Daqian Cultivation Realm. On the other side, the rough man transformed by Su Yu walked away and then escaped into the void, heading towards the ruins of the Yuexian Mansion Immortal City in the wilderness.

 He originally wanted to compete with Zhang Ting and Zhang Tianyi, two ancient geniuses.

After all, the treasures that were taken away from Zhang Ting and Zhang Tianyi the previous time were borrowed from the powerful magic weapon of the Qi Refining Pot, which was not considered his true strength.

 But this time, when his two body refining skills exploded with full force, and he used the blood whale swallowing moon skill, combined with the power of the Immortal Transformation Sutra.

 After punching Zhang Ting's flying shuttle hard, Zhang Ting was blown away without any resistance.

When Su Yu saw this scene, he knew in his heart that the real strength of these two geniuses who were born in Xuanhuang Ancient Land was no different from the geniuses outside.

Perhaps the two of them do have extraordinary Taoist heritage, but after all, their cultivation is there.

Just because they are ancient geniuses and have extraordinary moral traditions, their cultivation in the middle stage of the Distracting God Realm will not allow them to have combat power comparable to that of the Dao Masters of the Dongxu Realm.

Although the foundation is indeed good, but—

In Su Yu’s opinion, it’s just good.

"For me, there is no need to worship at the Xuanhuang Ancient Land for cultivation." Su Yu was thinking about the next thing while going to the Yuexian Mansion Immortal City ruins.

The matter in the Wan Sheng Demon Realm has come to an end for the time being. Next, we have to see how the demon clan responds.

And what Xuanhuang Ancient Land wants to do next.

 ‘Spiritual Formation, Immortal Formation. The top place of cultivation in ancient times’ Su Yu murmured in her heart. This was the information she had previously learned from Zhang Ting, Zhang Tianyi and others.

If the Xuanhuang Ancient Land and the demon clan really break out in war over the Immortal Formation and those top cultivation places, then the Ten Thousand Saint Demon Realm and even the Cangzhou Region will be in big trouble.

Thinking of this, Su Yu's eyes became extremely solemn: "The deduction left by the master of Tianxu Palace before can't be true."

 It is beyond redemption!

 How to deal with this?


Su Yu went to the Fairy City of Yuexian Mansion, intending to find the first commander to get a Taoist edict for himself.

With one more trump card, even if the Cangzhou region is really in chaos, he will be able to deal with it better and calmly.

If nothing can be done, then quickly evacuate with the Earthly Immortal Mansion to the Changtian Territory.

 If the situation can still be controlled.

At that time, you have to look for opportunities to see if you can go to the Xuanhuang Ancient Land.

In ancient times, Yuexian seemed to have left something there for him!


 Long sky domain.

 The region of the Infinite Immortal Alliance.

As the power of Buddha Buddhism gradually disintegrated, the various immortal sect forces in the Changtian Region became more and more intense in attacking Buddha Buddhism. Su Yu's Taoist puppet followed behind these immortal sects, constantly relying on the power of Buddhist orthodoxy to resolve the evil ways of Buddha Buddhism. Immortal cultivators and mortals controlled by means.

On this day, Yuen Long Fairy City, one of the eight major fairy cities in the Wuliang Immortal League area, was outside the clan of the Wu family, one of the eight main forces of the Wuliang Immortal League in the past.

Su Yu sat cross-legged on a high platform, and the bright Buddha light on her body illuminated the heaven and earth.

 Reciting the Ksitigarbha Immortal Sutra in his mouth.

I saw scripture texts as big as mosquitoes appearing one after another in the sky and the earth, and the vision enveloped the entire Yuen Long Fairy City.

Under the dazzling golden Buddha light, the entire fairy city seemed to have turned into a supreme Buddha realm.

Outside the Fairy City.

The five Taoist masters from various immortal sect forces and the cultivators from other immortal sect forces looked a little more horrified and solemn as they looked at the terrifying scene in the immortal city.

Under the high platform, headed by Wu Chengzhi, Wu Qingping, Wu Qianhua, Wu Fengxian, and Wu Zhi, a group of Buddhist monks and devout believers sat cross-legged, listening to Buddhist scriptures, and practicing under the bright Buddha light.

 Everyone is kind-hearted and peaceful.

Even the cultivators of these immortal sects outside the city feel an unprecedented sense of tranquility in their hearts when they listen to the Buddhist scriptures in the city.

 It seems that practicing under the shroud of the Buddhist scriptures, even the thoughts and the mind can become somewhat ethereal.

 Be able to understand the Tao better.

A Taoist master at the first level of the Cave Realm looked solemn and said in a low voice: "The Taoist practice of this Ksitigarbha Buddha has become more profound and terrifying."

  At this time, the expressions of the five Taoist masters changed before others could speak.

 Because they sensed that the aura of the Ksitigarbha Buddha in Yuen Long Fairy City had quietly undergone a qualitative transformation at this moment.

 From the state of distraction to the state of void!

 (End of this chapter)

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