Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 359: Lectures on the Dharma and the Golden Cicada’s Method Makes Another Breakthrough

Chapter 359: Lectures on Classics and Dharma: Jin Chan’s Method Makes Another Breakthrough

After listening to Taoist Master Bai Yi's careful explanation, Di Chan and the other five Buddhist masters were a little surprised. There was actually a Buddhist master named Dizang who had some connection with their great Buddhist temple in Changtian Domain?

Master Di Chan pondered for a while and said, "Perhaps he is really the disciple of some traveling uncle and uncle?"

He looked at Taoist Master Bai Yi, put his hands together and saluted, and said with compassion in his eyes: "Almsgiver Bai Yi, I wonder if someone can take a few young monks to see the Ksitigarbha Buddha?"

Taoist Master Baiyi returned the greeting and said: "Buddhist, you are polite, of course."

If he hadn't been guarding the Immortal Sect, he would have wanted to go along and have a look.

 After all, this is the rumored eminent monk of the Great Buddha Temple in the Buddha Realm.

  It’s so strange.

 This was the first time he met such a person.

Then Taoist Master Bai Yi called his own disciples, and a Venerable Fenshen led the way through the teleportation array to the nearest place to Yuen Long Fairy City, and then to Yuen Long Fairy City.

The moment the local Zen Buddhist master and others arrived at Yuen Long Fairy City, the eyes of the local Zen Buddhist master and the other five people moved slightly, and they all looked at a towering Buddha statue in the city that was a hundred feet tall.

 The appearance of this Buddha statue is exactly the same as that of Ksitigarbha.

However, what attracted the most attention of Master Di Chan and others was the fluctuation of incense and vows permeating the Buddha statue, as well as the traces of pure Buddhist power.

Such a radiant and strong aura of Buddhist power, in the eyes of Dichan Buddhist Master and the other five people, it is even more dazzling than the rays of the sun in the sky.

Master Dichan's face changed slightly, and he said in horror: "Masters and uncles, what kind of Buddhist inheritance is this?"

The four eminent monks who had been following Master Dichan all looked serious at this moment, carefully sensing the breath of Dharma on the Buddha statue in the fairy city.

 What surprised the four eminent monks was that the Buddhist aura on this Buddha statue seemed to be somewhat different from all the Buddhist traditions in their great Buddhist temple.

 “It seems a bit like the Maharaja Sutra? And the Maharaja Heart Sutra?”

“No, the top lineage of the Diamond Sutra in our Great Buddha Temple has a total of four gates, but this breath of Buddhism is different from the lineage of the True Sutra in our Great Buddha Temple.”

“Originally, I thought that Master Ksitigarbha was just an outside disciple who passed down the inner sect or even the outer sect of Buddhism, but now it seems that this is not the case.”

“This breath of Buddhist dharma is absolutely extraordinary, but it is not like the dharma of other Buddhist sects in the Buddhist realm. It is really strange.”

 The expressions of the four eminent monks instantly became solemn and frightened.

An eminent monk with white eyebrows thought for a moment, and suddenly his heart was shaken, but everyone said: "Could it be the lost ancient Buddhist Dharma?"

The four eminent monks, including Master Dichan, were all stunned when they heard this, even a little incredulous.

 The lost top ancient Buddhist Dharma! ?

  After a long time.

The white-browed monk took a deep breath, suppressed some of the excitement in his heart, and whispered: "Let's go into the city and see the Ksitigarbha Buddha first."

But the moment they walked into Yuen Long Fairy City, not far ahead, a bald monk was already waiting there.

Wu Chengzhi, who was given the Buddhist title of "Ming Zhi" by Su Yu, put his hands together, wore a monk cassock, stood in front with a big headlight, and kind eyes.

 Seeing the arrival of Master Dichan and others, although I was shocked, I did not show any fear.

Wu Chengzhi bowed his head slightly and saluted, and said with some respect: "The poor monk Mingzhi has met several senior Buddhas."

“Master has ordered me to come and wait for several senior Buddha Lords to enter the city.”

Master Dichan looked Wu Chengzhi up and down, feeling the pure aura of Zhiyang Zhigang Dharma on Wu Chengzhi's body, and was shocked again.

 This aura of Buddhism is no weaker than that of the talented disciples of the inner sect of the Great Buddha Temple!

 This is serious.

It should be noted that the Great Buddha Temple is one of the top Buddhist temples in the Buddhist field.

The Buddhist masters who can enter the inner gate of the Great Buddha Temple to practice, without exception, are all the top Buddhist geniuses and evildoers in the Buddhist realm. Only one person in hundreds of millions can enter and practice, and the number is not large.

I didn’t expect that this time I would see geniuses practicing top-notch Buddhist teachings outside the Buddhist realm!

Master Ksitigarbha asked curiously: "Is your master Ksitigarbha?"

Wu Chengzhi nodded and said: "Indeed."

Master Ksitigarbha said, "Can you take the poor monks and others to see Master Ksitigarbha?"

Wu Chengzhi even asked: "Several Buddha Lords, please follow me."

Follow Wu Chengzhi all the way to the depths of the fairy city, until the Wu family's cave in the fairy city of Yuen Long was located. When they came to the most splendid fairy palace inside, the five people including Master Dizen finally met the Buddhist master Ksitigarbha. .

However, when he saw Su Yu's Taoist puppet, Master Dichan was startled, and then his expression returned to normal.

I walked into the Immortal Palace with several uncles and uncles, and came to the figure sitting cross-legged in the Immortal Palace and reciting the scriptures.

Ji Zang stopped chanting sutras, opened his eyes and looked at the Zen Buddhist masters. Although he was a little frightened and surprised, he did not panic. He was just wondering: 'Why are there so many real monks here? ’


Ji Zang slowly stood up, saluted the others with his hands clasped together, and said with a slight smile on his face: "The poor monk Ji Zang, I have met several senior brothers."


Di Chan Buddhist Master and others quickly returned the salute, put their hands together and said in respect: "Poor Monk Di Chan (poor monk Yi Huan, Yi Hong, Tianlun, Tianzhen) has met my junior brother."

 Then Ksitigarbha invited Master Ksitigarbha and several others to sit down on the futon together.

Master Di Chan looked at Ksitigarbha and said directly without hiding anything: "Junior brother, this Buddha body seems not to be the real body?"

Jizo, the puppet in the Taoist body, was startled, and then the Zen Buddhist master said: "The poor monk has a pair of heavenly eyes, so I ask for your forgiveness, junior brother, and I have no intention of prying into junior brother's secrets."

The four eminent Buddhist monks sitting next to him became condensed when they heard this, and looked at the Taoist puppet with a little more surprise.

 Not the real person?

So, the Buddha body in front of us is just a Buddha statue or a sixth-order puppet?

Although Ksitigarbha was frightened, he did not panic. He pondered for a while and then nodded and said: "Yes, senior brother really has good eyesight."

Master Dichan understood clearly and said: "Originally, I and several uncles and uncles passed by the Changtian Territory, and we wanted to clean up the evil Buddhists who were causing trouble in the Changtian Territory."

“As a result, we heard that Junior Brother Ksitigarbha seemed to have some connection with our Great Buddhist Temple, so we took the liberty to come to visit and asked for your forgiveness.”

The Dao Shen Puppet felt a lot better when he heard this. After all, it was revealed that it was not the secret of the real body when they just met. This did make him a little worried.

But now it seems that these monks are not looking for trouble, at least they have a good attitude.

It’s just that what the young monk said was to test his true identity?

These people are really from the Buddha Realm Great Buddha Temple?

 At the beginning, he had told the outside world that his Dharma skills might be related to the Great Buddhist Temple!

This is because the real owner came to the door.

The Taoist puppet shook his head slightly: "Senior brother, you are serious." Then he pondered for a moment, and the Taoist puppet added: "I did say at the beginning that my Dharma may have some connection with the Great Buddha Temple, but this is the legacy of my master. inherited."

“I’m not sure whether it’s true or not.”

“But brothers, please rest assured that I will never act in the name of the Great Buddha Temple, and I will not even mention it from now on.”

At this time, a white-browed eminent monk behind Master Dichan suddenly interrupted: "Hey, this. Judging from your Buddha name, you should be of the same generation as Dichan, and can be regarded as my nephew."

“We came here not to call for punishment, but we were surprised that there were still disciples from our Great Buddha Temple outside.”

The white-browed monk looked at Ksitigarbha. Although he knew that Ksitigarbha was not his true form, his eyes were shining, and he continued: "In my opinion, there is at least a 90% chance that Ksitigarbha's nephew is a disciple of my Great Buddha Temple. "

“Even if it’s not true, it doesn’t really matter.”

“As long as Ksitigarbha is willing, I can recommend you to join the Great Buddha Temple and even introduce you to the abbot.”

The Taoist Puppet looked at the extremely enthusiastic white-browed monk, feeling a little weird in his heart.

Big Buddha Temple!

This is the top Buddhist power that can be compared with the Xuanhuang Ancient Land!

 It is the holy place in the hearts of all Buddhist monks!

This person actually directly invited him to join?

This is equivalent to Xuanhuang Ancient Land’s extremely enthusiastic invitation to join, and also allows him to meet the real powerful person of Xuanhuang Ancient Land!

But soon, Su Yu thought of the two top Buddhist dharma that he had practiced. These were the top Buddhist dharma inheritance left by the ancient Yuexian in Wanshu Tower.

 Every Buddhist method can definitely achieve an existence comparable to that of a semi-immortal.

With two top ancient Buddhist teachings in hand, it’s no wonder that the Buddha was so excited and even introduced him to the abbot of the Great Buddha Temple!

 It’s just that Su Yu doesn’t want to join a big Buddhist temple.

He shook his head slightly and said: "If there is a chance, maybe I will go to the Buddha Realm, but for now, I have no idea of ​​joining the Great Buddha Temple."

The white-browed monk behind him was very anxious and wanted to say something else.

However, Master Dichan stretched out his hand to stop him. He looked at the Taoist puppet with his hands clasped together and said with a smile: "Junior brother's practice of Buddhism is extraordinary. Senior brother wants to ask junior brother for advice. I don't know what junior brother means?"

 Tao Shen Puppet thought for a while, nodded and said: "Good."

Master Di Chan stretched out his hand and said, "Junior brother, please."

The bright golden Buddha light emerged from the body of the Tao body puppet. At this moment, the whole person seemed to be transformed into a golden Buddha body. The aura of the most powerful Yang slowly condensed. He said softly: "The name of the Vajra Buddha Dharma I practice is [Māra Mahavajra Sutra] 】, holding the Purgatory Ksitigarbha butcher knife, cut off all evil obstacles in the world, and protect the pure and true meaning of my Buddhism."

“The Heart Sutra I have cultivated is called [Ksitigarbha Immortal Sutra]. If the evil obstacles in the world are not empty, I will live forever. But similarly, if Ksitigarbha is not empty, I will not become a Buddha."

Master Dichan and several other eminent monks were shocked when they heard this.

 The aspirations of these two branches of Buddhism are so huge.

However, as Su Yu narrated the scriptures, the expressions of Master Dichan and the other five people gradually became serious.

 Because the Buddhist teachings of the Maharaja Sutra are too extreme, they are truly about stopping wars with killing. Taking the true meaning of "If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell," I have made a great wish to stop wars with killing and protect the purity of Buddhism.

If you are not careful with this Buddhist teaching, you can easily go astray and fall into the devil's path!

While Su Yu was narrating the Immortal Sutra of Ksitigarbha, the hearts of the three eminent monks, Master Ksitigarbha, gradually calmed down, and finally returned to the state of mind of Gujing Wubo.

 When Su Yu stopped lecturing, the five Buddhist masters of Dichan all looked shocked and woke up.

Dichan Buddhist Master looked at Su Yu's Taoist puppet, but his face was filled with joy, as if he had gained a lot, and exclaimed: "Junior brother, even I am a little ashamed of my level of Buddhism!"

Then his expression became serious, he clasped his hands and leaned forward and said, "The name of the Dharma I practice is [Mingwang Great Self-Heart Sutra], and I would like to ask my junior brother for your advice."

This lecture and discussion lasted for nearly three months.

 Starting from Su Yu, then to Master Dichan, followed by several eminent monks such as Yi Fan.

During this process, the Yuen Long Fairy City outside the Fairy Hall witnessed a shocking vision. Bursts of Buddha light illuminated the heaven and earth. One after another, the phantoms of Buddhas of various shapes condensed in the sky above the Fairy City, and countless Buddha lights descended to illuminate all living beings.

And with the appearance of these phantoms of Buddha, bursts of Buddha's voice echoed and lingered throughout the land for hundreds of thousands of miles.

 Buddhist believers one after another immersed themselves in these Buddhist sounds and practiced cross-legged practice.

 Follow the mysterious meaning of these bursts of Buddha’s sound and cultivate yourself in your heart.

 Under this top-notch Buddhist discourse, the millions of immortal cultivators in Yuen Long Fairy City, as well as countless ordinary people, undoubtedly became more pious to Buddhism.

Most cultivators have even achieved breakthroughs in their cultivation due to the opportunity of this top-notch Buddhist discussion.

 In the Immortal Palace.

Su Yu's Taoist puppet is sitting with his eyes closed. The golden divine light on his body is shining brightly. The divine soul is fluctuating. The golden cicada method is constantly operating and practicing. One after another magical power aura comes from the heaven and earth, and is absorbed, refined and improved by the divine soul.

 The commotion did not end until two days later.

 He stopped practicing the Golden Cicada Technique and looked at the proficiency panel.

  【Kung Fu: Golden Cicada Technique (Level 5, proficiency 63.88%). 】

 Looking at this change in proficiency, Su Yu was amazed.

Several people with the Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist scholars talked about the scriptures, and they actually made Jin Chan's law unexpectedly harvest, and the power of the soul was greatly improved.

In just less than three months, his soul has risen to a small level.

Moreover, Master Dizen and others have extremely profound understanding of Buddhism, far better than him. Talking with Master Dichan and discussing the Dharma will be of great benefit to him in practicing the Maharaja Sutra and the Immortal Sutra of Ksitigarbha. .

Perhaps it will be smoother for him to use the power of incense and vows to transform into a Taoist puppet and practice.


Di Chan Buddhist Master and others also have changes in their aura. If they simply lecture on sutras and discuss Dharma, their gains may not be too obvious.

 But when Su Yu used the spiritual Buddha realm of the Ksitigarbha Immortal Sutra, they realized the power of the soul.

 For Master Dichan and others, this was no less than a spiritual baptism.

When Su Yu's Taoist puppet opened his eyes, Master Di Chan and several others also woke up. They looked at Su Yu, stood up immediately, and saluted Su Yu again and said gratefully: "Thank you, junior brother and nephew, for your generous Give me some advice.”

 “Several senior brothers and uncles have spoken seriously.”

Jizo, the Taoist puppet, even said: "I should be grateful."

 Then he asked again: "I wonder what the senior brothers and uncles are planning to do next?"

Master Di Chan pondered for a moment, looked at the Taoist puppet and said, "Junior brother, do you need our help to eliminate those evil Buddhists together?"

 (End of this chapter)

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