Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 361: Great Disaster Is Coming Eighth Life Golden Cicada Reincarnation Method

 The long sky domain.

 In the Wuliang Immortal Mountain area, the Golden Jade Immortal Gate Site and the Immortal City.

 Su Yu Tao Shen Puppet, Di Chan and other eminent monks, as well as Taoist Master Zijun and other immortal sect masters watched the void collapse, and a supreme immortal city fell from the depths of the void, annihilating everything.

Everyone hid in the void and did not reappear until the dust settled outside.

Su Yu and Master Di Chan once again used their magical powers to peer into the depths of the fairy city, but they could no longer see the skeleton figure from before.

I saw a huge fairy city covering a hundred miles falling into the depths of the earth, embedded in the earth like a nail.

 The surrounding land collapsed, and the bottomless cracks even spread to the edge of the Infinite Fairy Mountain in the distance!

Su Yu had previously heard Master Dichan exclaiming, "Abandoned Immortals." He had also heard of the existence of "Abandoned Immortals" from the ancient adventure at the Yuexian Mansion Fairy City ruins.

 But he did not show any understanding of the abandoned immortal disciple.

Instead, he looked at Master Dichan in astonishment and asked, "Brother, who was that just now? Also, what was the abandoned immortal disciple you just said?"

Master Dichan's mind was already confused and his expression was changing.

When he came out this time, he originally planned to take a few of his masters and uncles to the Cangzhou region to see the legendary immortal formation, and then have a discussion with the geniuses and monsters from other forces.

If the Immortal Formation is really born, the Cangzhou Region will definitely be very lively.

 But now the sudden appearance of the abandoned immortal disciple has disrupted all his plans.

Even recalling some records about ancient abandoned immortal disciples in the Great Buddha Temple, Master Dizen’s heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

Since the ancient war, many dying Buddhas have left prophecies in the Great Buddha Temple. When the abandoned immortal disciples are born again, it will definitely be a time of great chaos in the world of immortality!

  Such turmoil may even cause the world of immortality to break down again.

 Just like in ancient times, this is an unbreakable reincarnation.

Abandoned immortal disciples are born and will kill all the creatures in the world of immortals who want to transcend this world!

Master Dizen shook his head slightly, put his hands together with an extremely solemn expression and said, "Amitabha, junior brother, the great calamity has occurred. Next, I have to return to the Great Buddha Temple to make preparations."

“If you are willing, you can go to the Buddha Realm Grand Buddha Temple in person, and I am willing to introduce you to the master.”

After saying these words, Master Dichan immediately left in a hurry with Tianlun and other four eminent monks.

 Leave Dao Master Zijun and others with stunned expressions.

Then, Taoist Master Zijun and others turned their attention to Su Yu's Taoist puppet. Taoist Master Zijun sent a message and asked: "Master Ksitigarbha, Master Ksitigarbha, who are they?"

Su Yu frowned for a long time and felt a little uneasy.

 Recalling what happened to the forces of Yuexian Mansion in the ancient times, his pupils gradually shrank.

 Judging from the previous scene of dreaming back to ancient times, even with the incomparably powerful force of Yuexian Mansion, it was ultimately unable to withstand the attacks of the seemingly endless and terrifying Abandoned Immortal disciples.

 Having to give up the foundation, only the remaining forces are left to escape into the depths of the void.

 Such a scene, not to mention the Earth Immortal Mansion, even the Xuanhuang Ancient Land may not be able to guarantee that it will be able to protect itself from the attack of the Abandoned Immortal Disciple!

Su Yu's Taoist puppet looked at the Golden Jade Fairy City falling into the depths of the earth. He couldn't help but take a deep breath and murmured: "A disaster is coming. Please wish yourselves good luck."

As he spoke, ripples appeared in the space around Su Yu's Taoist puppet, and he stepped out and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing ‘Ksitigarbha Buddha’ suddenly exerting the power of the Great Path of Space, he disappeared in an instant.

The expressions of Taoist Master Zijun and others suddenly changed, and they were extremely shocked.

Taoist Master Zijun exclaimed in a low voice: "The Tao of Space!"

This is the power of Ksitigarbha Buddha that has never been exposed in front of them. Originally, Taoist Master Zijun and others thought that they knew Ksitigarbha Buddha more or less.

 Before, many people did not even take Ksitigarbha Buddha seriously.

Even if Master Ksitigarbha has made a breakthrough and has become a figure at the level of the Lord Buddha, this is the same.

 But now, they saw that the familiar "Ksitigarbha" suddenly exerted the power of space and disappeared in an instant under their noses.

 This caused many Taoist masters to break their defenses and look extremely ugly.

“Space One Path. Isn’t this Ksitigarbha Buddha a practicing Dharma power? How could he practice Space One Path!”

"Oh, it's so well hidden. It turns out that Ksitigarbha Buddha has such a hidden side. Unfortunately, I thought he was really an eminent monk with unparalleled virtues. Turns out, Teh! Madh , compared with him, I feel more like a eminent monk with perfect virtue!"

“Who is this Ksitigarbha Buddha? He practices top-notch Buddhism and has a space for enlightenment. How many details about him have not been revealed?”

  Many Taoist masters were talking about it and looking at it strangely.

 They really didn’t expect it.

 A monk who has been under the nose of me and others for so many years is still a hidden figure!

So the Buddha's name "Ksitigarbha" he mentioned is also false?

Taoist Master Zijun looked at the fairy city below that fell into the depths of the earth. Although he could not see through the sky and the earth to see the situation inside the fairy city, he felt that the Ksitigarbha Buddhist Master might have escaped into the ruins of the fairy city. Search for opportunities.

After all, he controls the power of space, so how can a mere fairy city barrier stump the opponent?

However, compared to the opportunities in the Immortal City, Taoist Master Zijun was more concerned about the hurried departure of Zen Buddhist Master and other eminent monks from the Great Buddha Temple, and did not even care about the opportunities of the ancient forces that were right in front of him.

Also, what did Ksitigarbha Buddha mean when he said "a great disaster is coming" before he exposed the power of space?

What on earth could make the eminent monks of the Great Buddha Temple and the Ksitigarbha Buddha so nervous! ?


A Taoist master exclaimed, realizing that the Ksitigarbha Buddhist master might use the power of space to escape into the fairy city below and seize the opportunity.

This exclamation immediately made most of the Taoist masters rush towards the fairy city below, and began to use their own methods to break into the ruins of the Golden Jade Fairy City.

 In the ruins of Jinyu Fairy City.

Just as the Taoist master outside guessed, Su Yu's Taoist puppet had broken through the barrier of the fairy city and escaped into it. It was walking on the dilapidated streets, looking at the buildings on the left and right sides, and using the golden cicada's magical power to spy on Everywhere in Fairy City.

This fairy city looks very dilapidated, as if it has experienced a devastating war.

Countless palaces, immortal halls, and caves in the city have collapsed, and there are traces of the aftermath of the war everywhere.

 There are even the remains of many immortal cultivators.

The streets that seemed to have been specially forged were full of cracks and fissures at this moment. The entire fairy city, with a huge pit in the center as a dot, was cracking like a spider web.

At this time, Su Yu's expression changed slightly, and a half-kneeling corpse in front of him still kept his head held high.

Hold a half-broken shield in each hand.

Wearing a steel helmet on his head and armor on his body.

 However, even this kind of defense was still cut in half by some force and refused to perish.

Looking at the corpse, Su Yu took a breath and murmured: "A Taoist Master of Dongxu."

Although in the ancient times, Taoist Master Dongxu was not a very powerful person and could not be ranked among the upper echelons of the human race, he could still be regarded as a top immortal cultivator and a reserve for the upper echelons of the human race.

 But such people are still as fragile as ants amidst the changes in ancient times.

This is a powerful immortal cultivator who is much better than his current cultivation level!

 He ​​went forward and searched for it. There was no way to save the damaged armor and shield magic weapon. However, the material of this magic weapon was extraordinary and could be used to practice the divine art of heavenly refining. As he walked forward, he searched for magic weapons, secret treasures, storage rings and other opportunities on the corpses in the fairy city.

When Su Yu walked close to the giant pit, he saw a corpse that was still emitting a faint golden light. There was also a magic sword in his hand, stabbed between the eyebrows of a giant beast.

 The giant beast’s claws fell in front of the human corpse.

  Falled next to the huge pit in an attitude of perishing together.

Su Yu felt the aura of the magic sword. Even after countless years of baptism, this magic sword still exuded an extremely terrifying edge.

Su Yu felt a creepy feeling even though she was far away.

It seems that this magical sword can break through his proud physical defense with just one stroke.

Su Yu’s eyes sparkled: “Excellent magic weapon!”

 This is the real treasure.

Even some low-level Taoist weapons may not be as powerful as top-quality magic weapons in some aspects.

 In addition to the magical sword, the huge monster corpse is also a good thing.

 After endless years, it still contains a strong aura of evil, making it an excellent material for refining evil weapons and puppets.

But when Su Yu wanted to step forward and take these things away, suddenly, a subtle wave of Taoist rhyme came from the huge pit in front.

This slight fluctuation immediately made Su Yu stop, not daring to go any further.

 The world ahead seems calm.

However, in that ancient war, the terrifying power had already changed this space and world, and the destructive power of the avenue penetrated every inch of the place.

 A field similar to an innate evil formation and a Jedi was formed.

 Don't say that he wants to enter after he understands the power of space.

Even if his Dao body puppet becomes a seventh-level puppet comparable to the Fusion Realm, he may not be able to break in.

After realizing this, Su Yu just took one more look at the huge pit, then turned and left, avoiding all the dangerous places in the fairy city, and searching for all the opportunities and resources that could be found.

 Finally, he came to the fairy palace where the skeleton had been discovered by Jin Chan’s magical pupil technique.

Su Yu originally thought that this would be the most dangerous place in the fairy city, but she never thought.

He walked into the Immortal Palace step by step and came to the spiritual pool filled with mysterious spiritual fluid without encountering any obstacles.

 Here, the skeleton that woke up before had long since disappeared.

Su Yu was startled when she spied on the puppet waking up, especially the terrifying look in the puppet's eyes, but then Su Yu discovered that the aura of the puppet was not actually strong when it was born.

 It can even be said that he is weak and pitiful, like a half-dead person who is dying in his old age, half of his feet have entered the gate of hell, and half of his feet are still in the world.

Just the moment he and Master Di Chan reacted, something happened to the Golden Jade Immortal City, and it fell from the depths of the void with destructive power.

By the time they escaped such an incident, the skeleton in the city had already fled and disappeared.

When Su Yu came here, his vision fell on a golden and jade-like stone tablet in front of the Lingchi for the first time.

There are no words on the stone tablet, not even the slightest breath.

But the moment Su Yu saw the stone monument, his heart suddenly moved slightly. He cast the Golden Cicada Technique and looked at the stone monument again with the magical power of the Golden Cicada Technique.


 In an instant.

 A majestic inheritance poured into Su Yu's mind.

The moment Su Yu woke up from this inheritance, Su Yu's expression changed slightly: "The Eighth Generation Golden Cicada Reincarnation Method!"

The inheritance hidden in this stone tablet is clearly the top Buddhist inheritance of the Golden Jade Immortal Sect in ancient times that Master Dichan once mentioned before!

 Because of the skeleton before, Su Yu suddenly felt a little wary about this technique.

 So after receiving this inheritance, Su Yu was not much surprised, but rather worried.

He carefully sorted out the inheritance of the "Eighth Golden Cicada Reincarnation Method" in his mind. As time passed slowly, Su Yu gradually frowned.

This Eighth Generation Golden Cicada Reincarnation Method—

  A bit evil.

  It is a method of spiritual soul. I believe in the eternal life of the divine soul and feel that the body is a burden and dirt.

So this Eighth Generation Golden Cicada Reincarnation Method specializes in cultivating the soul, using the essence of the body to support the soul, and then putting it to death and rebirth, just like the golden cicada sheds its shell, completing transformations that shock the world again and again.

 It’s just that such a transformation has extremely serious side effects and consequences, that is, each time the transformation starts and the early stage of rebirth after the transformation is completed, one will be extremely weak.

Normal inheritors of the Golden Jade Immortal Sect who practice this technique will use treasures to restore their own cultivation strength bit by bit, and may not be able to move for hundreds or thousands of years.

 But the most fearful thing is people with evil intentions.

If you kill creatures and devour the souls of creatures to restore yourself, the speed of recovery will be unimaginable.

 Hundred years? Or ten years?

The biggest benefit of practicing this technique is longevity. One reincarnation is twice as long as the same level. And the longer you live, the stronger your soul will be after practicing this technique, almost endless.


 This is not very attractive to Su Yu.

Especially this Eighth Generation Golden Cicada Reincarnation Method, every time it reincarnates, it will fall into an extremely weak state, almost to the point of being slaughtered by others.

So this Eighth Generation Golden Cicada Reincarnation Method, even if it is an advanced method of the Golden Cicada Method, is definitely the best inheritance in the world for cultivating the soul.

 But Su Yu was not very interested.


But suddenly, Su Yu seemed to have thought of something, and once again carefully sorted out the inheritance of the Eighth Generation Golden Cicada Reincarnation Dharma. Gradually, his eyes widened a little.

“When your lifespan is approaching its end, you can use the golden cicada soul liquid to start the transformation of reincarnation.” Su Yu looked a little weird at this time.

What if you have practiced the Golden Cicada Reincarnation Method for eight generations, but your lifespan has not expired?

 Think about it for a while.

Su Yu temporarily suppressed his thoughts on the reincarnation method of the eighth golden cicada, and planned to ask the two senior golden armor commanders of Yuexian Mansion for advice.

He glanced at the stone tablet and wanted to destroy it or take it away, but after trying for a while, they all ended in failure, so Su Yu had to give up.

 After collecting the soul liquid in the spirit pool, Su Yu went to search other places in the fairy city. (End of chapter)

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