Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 372: Deduction decision to take action

  【Spell: Fate Pass (entry, proficiency 0.01%). 】

Recalling the inheritance of Fate Tong in his mind, Su Yu felt for a moment, and the golden light gathered in his eyes. He wanted to deduce the existence of immortals in the world.

However, as soon as this thought emerged, Su Yu felt the breath of death coming.

There is no doubt about the power of the Buddhist magical power of destiny.

 But there are some things.

 But it is far from what he can peep at now.

Su Yu paused for a moment and thought about it for a long time. Since immortals cannot deduce, how about deducing those who abandoned the immortals?

 But this thought, although the aura of death in his body has been greatly weakened, the result is still death.

If you insist on deducing the renunciation of immortal disciples, he will die.

This feeling made Su Yu couldn't help but take a deep breath. The breath of death suppressed his heart, although he didn't know how he would die if he really deduced this thing.

But he knew that with his current cultivation strength, he could not touch the abandoned immortal disciples, the biggest hidden danger in the world of immortal cultivation.

Eighteen half-immortals in ancient times joined forces and planned for countless years, but in the end they failed to save the fate of the world of immortality.

 One can imagine how terrifying the fate of this world of cultivating immortals is.

Su Yu must not touch these things now, lest he expose himself.

 Even the abandoned immortal disciples cannot deduce it.

Su Yu pondered for a while, frowning slightly, thinking about the strange and dangerous secrets in the sea area and the outbreak of the ferocious tide of sea beasts.

 It should be possible to deduce the outcome of this matter?

Su Yu's thoughts emerged, and the aura of death he had sensed before dissipated instantly. This meant that he could indeed deduce this matter.

 But when he tried it, the speed at which his longevity evaporated like running water shocked him.

Hurryly stopped to spy on the hidden secrets of the dangerous place.

There's something wrong with that place!

He felt that if he really continued to deduce and uncover the secrets of that place, it would take at least hundreds of thousands of years of life!

Su Yu’s expression darkened and he slowly stood up from the ground.

 Between his brows, the joy of breaking through the sixth level with the Golden Cicada Technique is no longer there.

His eyes were focused on looking outside Shangxingxian Island.

 In the sea areas in all directions outside, countless sea beasts have gathered densely.

Moreover, compared with before, the auras of these sea beasts have changed greatly, and an unprecedented sinister aura permeated the heaven and earth.

 This aura greatly enhanced the strength of this group of sea beasts.

at the same time.

 It also made this group of sea beasts restless and even more bloodthirsty and murderous.

In a submarine ravine about a thousand miles away from Shangxingxian Island, Su Yu saw the huge sea beast that had been the main force in attacking the defense line of Shangxingxian Island.

 The appearance is very strange. According to Taoist Master Xingsi, this sea beast looks a bit like a sea beast, a sea dragon, but this sea beast has obviously transformed.

 There is an extra poisonous tail on the tail.

This tail not only greatly increases the strength of the sea dragon, but also gives the sea dragon a powerful ability to break formations.

The reason why the previous formations on Xingxian Island were broken through again and again was mostly because of the scorpion-like tail of the sea dragon.


In the depths of the submarine ravine, a huge sea dragon, a sea beast, was prostrate and sleeping.

From all directions in the sea, traces of blood-colored power gathered and were swallowed up by sea dragons.

This is just less than a year.

Compared to its original size, the sea dragon has grown a lot bigger now.

The fierce power on his body is not even weaker than that of the eighth-level Taoist master of Dongxu Realm.

 Keep going like this.

Probably within ten years, this sea dragon, centipede and sea beast will be difficult to deal with even the Taoist master at the peak of Dongxu Realm.

“This sea beast, which is related to the Abandoned Immortal, is using the ferocious tide of sea beasts to increase its own strength!” Su Yu’s heart moved slightly, and the target of deducing destiny changed from the dangerous secret realm to this sea beast.


 In an instant, Su Yu's mind seemed to have entered a mysterious state.

Scene after scene comes to mind.

These pictures are different, some are blurry, and some are extremely clear.

 In some of the scenes, you can see that the sea dragon transformed into a huge sea beast thousands of feet high, wreaking havoc in the sea area of ​​Huiling. Shangxing Immortal Island, Changming Immortal Island, and Ziling Immortal Island were all reduced to ruins, and they were beyond recovery.

There are also some blurry scenes that can be seen. Faced with the sea dragons raging on Xingxian Island, Su Yu and the Earthly Immortal Mansion could not resist taking action in the end.

Hydrapod was easily killed by Su Yu using his golden horns and other trump cards.

But not long after the death of the sea dragon, several more powerful sea beasts appeared, setting off an unprecedented wave of sea beasts and attacking Shangxingxian Island.

Although Su Yu and Dixianfu had all their trump cards, they were still unable to resist the endless tide of sea beasts with no end in sight.

Especially one of the sea beasts successfully transformed and broke through through the ferocious tide of sea beasts, turning into a seventh-level sea beast.

At the moment when this sea beast broke through, Shangxingxian Island was destroyed by the ravages of the sea beast not long after.


Su Yu's expression changed slightly. When he saw a few familiar figures appearing among the results of thousands of deductions, almost instantly, the results of this deduction came to mind.

Su Yu woke up from the state of deducing fate through fate, and breathed out gently.

  Having a little sense of my own condition, it’s not bad.

That sea dragon has few secrets, its fate is not hard, and it is not difficult to deduce the secrets.

After this calculation, he only spent less than twenty years of life.

 He can still afford this little longevity.

  【Spell: Fate Pass (entry, proficiency 1.36%). 】

Twenty years of life, but the proficiency of the Fate Gate has been improved a little.

You can imagine how difficult it is to practice this Buddhist magical power.


Su Yu took a deep breath and recalled the results of the secret deduction. He frowned slightly and looked at the sea dragon, centipede and sea beast in the ravine on the seabed outside again.

He whispered: "Behind this sea beast, there is actually the Qingjing Immortal Palace!"

This result was beyond his expectation.

This is the past of Destiny's deduction about sea dragons, centipedes and sea beasts.

 The past is the only one!

The Green Prison Immortal Palace is the secret hidden behind the sea dragon and sea beast. They want to cultivate the sea dragon and sea beast, let it transform into the seventh level, and control it for their own use.

 The resources for cultivating sea dragons, centipedes and sea beasts are the creatures in the entire Covering Sea area.

 Including sea beasts, sea people and human cultivators.

In addition to the secrets of the sea dragon's past, Su Yu also calculated the future secrets of the sea dragon using fate.

There are countless consequences, and the fate of every living being will have infinite and unknown consequences in the future.

 Every outcome is just a probability.

 The difference is nothing more than which outcome is more likely or less likely. The consequences of the various consequences of sea dragons, earthworms and sea beasts deduced by Su Yu are not good for Su Yu or the immortal cultivators in Shangxingxian Island and Fuling Sea.

If you don’t deal with the sea dragon, centipede and sea beast, the moment it transforms into a seventh-level sea beast, a catastrophe will come to the sea area.

 You have to deal with sea dragons, sea dragons and sea beasts—

A sea dragon, centipede, and sea beast died, and behind it was the Green Prison Immortal Palace, as well as the dangerous secret realm related to the abandoned immortal disciples in ancient times.

 To completely resolve this matter, it is obvious that we cannot just deal with sea dragons, centipedes and sea beasts.

Su Yu suppressed the thought of killing the sea dragon, centipede and sea beast, and instead wanted to deduce the power or stronghold of the Qingjing Immortal Palace in the Huiling Sea. But as soon as the thought came up, he frowned slightly.

 He stopped decisively.

Although he has a long lifespan, more than 7,000 years, he is unwilling to continue to waste his life for such a trivial matter.

Even if we really find the power of the Qingjing Palace in the Huiling Sea, how will we deal with the Qingjing Palace?

Even if they kill all their people in the Overlying Sea Area, will the Qingyu Immortal Palace give up their plans for the Overlying Sea Area?

 Think again and again.

Su Yu sighed softly and had the idea of ​​giving up on the Xingxian Island.

 A man is capable of bending and stretching.

 Having a proficiency panel, his longevity is now more than 7,000 years, time is his!

Now he is indeed somewhat powerless in the face of forces such as Xuanhuang Ancient Land and Qingjing Palace, and he is not even qualified to contend with these forces.

 But what about a thousand years from now, or even thousands of years from now?

 “If Shangxingxianmen is asked to evacuate, where can they go?” Su Yu frowned and thought, they definitely can’t go to the Cangzhou area, and they can’t stay in the Feiling Sea area for a long time.

Southern Immortal Territory and Changtian Territory are also not suitable for resettling people from the Xingxian Sect.


How about going to the north and looking for the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty?

As soon as this thought came out, Su Yu could no longer suppress it. The Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty was relatively far away from the Cangzhou Territory and Huiling Sea Territory, and was located in the northern border of the human race.

The area originally belonged to the ancient power Black Dragon Emperor's Court.

Taking the people from Shangxingxian Island to the north, they stayed away from Cangzhou Territory and Feiling Sea Area, where traces of abandoned immortals had appeared, as well as places and deeds involving top forces such as Xuanhuang Ancient Land and Qingjing Immortal Palace.

Secondly, you can take a break in the north and use the resources and time in the north to improve your own cultivation strength.

 When the immortal path is accomplished, it will not be too late to return to the Cangzhou region!

 It’s just that it’s not easy to go to the North to find the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty.

Su Yu thought for a long time and finally made up his mind to leave.

But before leaving, it is impossible to make the Qingjing Immortal Palace so easy to obtain.

 At least let Qing Jing Immortal Palace feel pain and pay a price!

 He went out of seclusion and found Fan Xiao, Taoist Master Xingsi, Taoist Jiuling, Taoist Shijun and others to discuss the matter together.

 In the courtyard.

Fan Xiao and others were all shocked when they heard Su Yu's decision.

Fan Xiao exclaimed in shock: "Take the Shangxing Immortal Sect to the north? Settlement with the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty?"

Su Yu talked about the calamity of the Green Prison Palace and the dangerous secret realm in the Overlying Sea, frowned and said: "The conspiracy of the Green Prison Palace is too big, and we can't solve it and resolve it."

“If you don’t leave, the losses will be unimaginable.”

“After much thought, the only way to go to the north is to go to the Xingxian Sect and the Earthly Immortal Mansion.”

“Go to the northern border to establish a foothold. After you have sufficient cultivation strength, you can then plan to return to the Cangzhou Territory or the Fuling Sea Territory.”

 The Taoist Master Shijun and others remained silent, the sadness between their brows lingering for a long time.

 Originally, I thought that this was the result of Dixian Mansion escaping from Cangzhou Territory and hiding in a foreign land.

I never thought that this was not enough.

Now you want to go to the north to find a new foothold?

They are not familiar with life in that place.

There are also powerful enemies with blood feuds like the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty.

 Amid all kinds of unknowns and worries, the Ten Lords and others did not speak.

Su Yu added: "A year ago, the sea dragon, centipede and sea beast was only comparable to the strength of the seventh level of Dongxu Realm, but I observed not long ago that its strength has been improved to at least comparable to the eighth level Taoist Master of Dongxu Realm. "

“If it continues like this, when it breaks through the seventh level, who can resist it?”

Taoist Master Xingsi’s face changed slightly, and after looking at Taoist Master Xianling, he said: “Master, I am willing to take Shangxingxian Sect and follow you to the north!”

 Seventh level sea beast!

 The Shangxingxian Sect is absolutely irresistible.

 Instead of staying here to wait for death, it is better to listen to Su Yu and move away from such a place of right and wrong in advance.

 After everyone discussed for a long time, Fan Xiao and others finally made up their minds and headed to the north with part of the Dixian Mansion’s strength, including the Shangxingxian Sect.

 As soon as you come, stay away from this place, away from all the top forces and powerful people.

Secondly, it’s time to settle the accounts of the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty.

"Before leaving, kill a few sea beasts from the Qingjing Immortal Palace to make them bleed." Su Yu's eyes flashed with fierceness.

 After some planning, Su Yu made some deductions based on fate.

 After spending a few years of my life, I made sure everything was foolproof before deciding on a strategy.

 A few days later.

When the sea dragon and sea beast thousands of miles away under the ravine on the seabed woke up and let out a deep roar, the originally calm sea surface once again erupted into endless turbulent waves.

One sea beast after another was furious, and the **** evil aura that broke out gathered together, instantly causing the world to change for hundreds or even thousands of miles around Shangxingxian Island.

 Dark clouds gather and the wind howls.

As the storm swept across the sea, one wave after another became taller and larger, forming a tsunami. Driven by countless sea beasts, it pressed towards Shangxingxian Island.

 Just less than three hours.

 Go to Xingxian Island.

Taoist Master Xingsi, Taoist Immortal Spirit Master, and the millions of cultivators who were originally on Shangxingxian Island, saw a wave and tsunami that seemed to reach into the sky, sweeping everything and swallowing up Shangxingxian Island.

That terrifying power of heaven and earth, even the Taoist masters couldn't help but change their expressions when they saw it.

The sky suddenly became completely dark, without a trace of light.

Even the sound seems to have disappeared at this moment.


Under the gaze of countless cultivators, the terrifying wave and tsunami hit the defensive barrier of Shangxingxian Island. In an instant, the entire Shangxingxian Island shook violently, and the ground shook.

  Not only were the landslides and the ground cracked, but even the sky was cracked and cracked.

The defensive barrier of Shangxingxian Island was unable to withstand the impact of the monstrous tsunami and the siege of countless sea beasts.


The roar of the Immortal Spirit Taoist resounded throughout the world.

At first, the immortal cultivators on Shangxingxian Island were a little frightened, but the next moment, Taoist Master Xianling, Taoist Xingsi, Taoist Nine Spirits, Taoist Ten Lords, Fan Xiao and others appeared.

Following them, there was an earthly immortal army of 10,000 people, wearing divine armor, holding top-quality magical weapons, and riding fourth-level mounts.

Fan Xiao's cold voice sounded in everyone's mind: "The Earth Immortal Army obeys the order and punishes evil spirits." (End of Chapter)

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