Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 376: Zhenwu Trial, Seventh Level of the Distracting God Realm

Chapter 376 Zhenwu Trial, Seventh Level of Distraction Realm

Seeing this scene, Su Yu was furious and deduced from the secrets why going to Zhenwu Immortal Court this time would put him in danger.

After the completion of the Kunling Nest ruins, Luo Qianyu had an extraordinary opportunity, and even met a true disciple who was born in the Zhenwu Immortal Court, and followed him to the Zhenwu Immortal Court to practice.

Originally, he thought that Luo Qianyu would have integrated into the world of immortality here after joining the Zhenwu Immortal Court.

However, the result deduced from Fate Communication is that Luo Qianyu was imprisoned in a sword tomb with the collarbone of a great magic weapon!

 Luo Qianyu came to Zhenwu Immortal Court, but she didn’t really get an opportunity. Instead, she was targeted by someone trying to steal the opportunity from her!


Su Yu closed her eyes and took a deep breath, whispering in her heart: "Zhenwu Xianting's true disciples, Xiao Shuiyue and Jin Xiandu."

Judging from the results of Fateful Pass's deduction, Luo Qianyu's situation is related to these two people.

And Luo Qianyu's current location at the Sword Tomb seems to be deep in the Zhenwu Immortal Courtyard.

 Such a place is not something he can break into if he wants to.

Su Yu opened his eyes with a cold expression and told the Tianxu Palace Master about Luo Qianyu's affairs: "Qianyu is in trouble. He was targeted by two true disciples of Zhenwu Immortal Court and imprisoned in a sword tomb."

The crisis he sensed was that if they really went to Luo Qianyu directly, they would definitely be targeted by the two true disciples of Zhenwu Xianting, Xiao Shuiyue and Jin Xiandu.

 At that point, it’s hard to say what will happen if you are unprepared.

The expression of the master of Tianxu Hall changed.

If they went to find Luo Qianyu, they would be running into a pit.

 After all, based on their relationship with Luo Qianyu, Xiao Shuiyue and Jin Xiandu would definitely not let them go.

The master of the Tianxu Palace thought for a while and said: "Master, let's go to the Zhenwu Immortal Courtyard first. Let's learn about the Zhenwu Immortal Courtyard first, and then we can find a way to rescue Fellow Daoist Luo."

Su Yu suppressed the anger in her heart and continued to Zhenwu Xianting with the master of Tianxu Palace.

When they arrived outside the area of ​​Zhenwu Immortal Court, Su Yu and the master of Tianxu Hall realized why Zhenwu Immortal Court was called one of the three ancient places of the human race.

That was an extremely broad barrier that enveloped the entire Zhenwu Immortal Territory and isolated it from the outside world.

 It is like a small world in the world of immortality.

 This is not comparable to some cave or secret realm.

Through the fairy city passage established by Zhenwu Immortal Court, only immortal cultivators above the True Lord of Nascent Soul Realm can enter Zhenwu Immortal Court. The fee for each entry and exit is one hundred high-grade spiritual stones.

Su Yu paid the fee for both of them, and went to Tai'an Fairy City, the nearest fairy city to Zhenwu Immortal Court, through the teleportation array with the master of Tianxu Hall.

Looking at the number of immortal cultivators entering and leaving the Zhenwu Immortal Courtyard, Su Yu secretly sighed.

This Zhenwu Xianting can make countless accounts with just this entry and exit fee.

I have been to Tai'an Fairy City for half a month.

Su Yu and the master of Tianxu Hall spent some spiritual stones to rent a fifth-level cave in the city. They went out for wandering from time to time and basically understood the situation of Zhenwu Immortal Court.

Sitting in the courtyard, Su Yu looked up at the sky. There were actually nine 'suns' in the sky.

If it's night, there will be stars all over the sky.

These nine ‘suns’ are actually the real fairy palace of Zhenwu Immortal Court.

 The so-called ‘stars’ all over the sky are floating fairy cities.

Floating Fairy City is only qualified to be built by Dao Lords of the Fusion Realm and above. It is a cave built on the top of the spiritual vein cave. He has observed it these days.

There are at least hundreds of ‘stars’ in the sky of Zhenwu Immortal Court.

The system of Zhenwu Immortal Court is different from ordinary immortal sects, and different from Xuanhuang Ancient Land. This is a real immortal court, governed by Emperor Zhenwu, one of the strongest men in the human race.

 This is quite similar to the Black Dragon Emperor’s Court, the dominant force in ancient times.

Under Emperor Zhenwu, the Lord of the Four Directions was established to control the four areas of Zhenwu Immortal Court. There was also a Zhenwu Immortal Army, which was directly under the control of Emperor Zhenwu.

The status of the three major commanders of the Zhenwu Immortal Army is equal to that of the Lords of the Four Directions.

As for the nine ‘suns’ Zhenwu Immortal Palace, there are twelve immortal palace elders and thirty-six outer palace elders. Among them, the disciples are divided into true disciples, inner palace disciples, outer palace disciples and miscellaneous disciples.

Zhenwu Immortal Court has strict hierarchies and strict laws, and its majesty will never allow anyone to offend.

Outsiders who want to act wild and provocative in the Zhenwu Immortal Court, even if they escape to the ends of the earth in the world of immortality, the Zhenwu Immortal Court will arrest them and destroy them physically and mentally.

The master of Tianxu Palace frowned and whispered: "Master, if you want to deal with Xiao Shuiyue and Jin Xiandu, the true disciples of Zhenwu Xianting, I'm afraid there is only one way."

Su Yu glanced at him and said calmly: "Join the Zhenwu Immortal Court?"

The master of Tianxu Palace nodded and said: "From what we know, the most fearful thing about these two people is that they are the true disciples of Zhenwu Immortal Court. If we attack them like this and rescue Luo Qianyu, then it will be a conflict between outsiders and Zhenwu. Immortal Court is our enemy.”

“But if the poster joins Zhenwu Xianting, then he will look for opportunities to deal with Xiao Shuiyue and Jin Xiandu, but it will only be internal competition.”

“There may even be other help.”

The master of the Tianxu Palace said in a determined tone that the Zhenwu Immortal Court was an unshakable behemoth to the outside world. With their strength and power, they would be courting death if they head-on against the Zhenwu Immortal Court.

 But inside Zhenwu Immortal Court, it was not necessarily peaceful.

 Lord of the Four Directions!

 The three commanders of the Zhenwu Immortal Army!

There are twelve inner palace elders and thirty-six outer palace elders in Zhenwu Immortal Palace!

Plus other immortal cultivators and forces dormant in the Zhenwu Immortal Court area.

How many factions are there?

Su Yu frowned slightly and said nothing. He had no intention of joining any more forces, even forces like Xuanhuang Ancient Land and Zhenwu Immortal Court.

I just wanted to come to the north to hide from the turmoil and changes in the Cangzhou region, as well as the 'abandoned immortal disciple' who was very likely to be born.

Hide here for a period of time and cultivate into the Cave Realm, or even the Fusion Realm or the Mahayana Realm.

 Then make other plans.

 But now facing Luo Qianyu's difficult situation, he had to make changes.

Taking a breath, Su Yu whispered: "The Zhenwu Immortal Court will hold an entry test every hundred years. Immortal cultivators under a thousand years old will have the opportunity to participate in the test. The selection will start from the four regions. Only the first 100 people will be eligible to go to the Immortal." Palace, eventually less than a hundred people will have the opportunity to join the Zhenwu Immortal Palace."

"If you can't enter the Immortal Palace, you still have the opportunity to join the Zhenwu Immortal Army or serve under the Lord of the Four Directions, but such people have a low status."

“If you want to save Qianyu, you can only join Zhenwu Immortal Palace and become one of the twelve true disciples.”

The number of Zhenwu Xianting's true disciples is fixed, and there are only twelve at most. The strong ones will be promoted and the weak ones will be left behind.

 The status of some true disciples is not even worse than that of the inner palace elders.

 As far as he knew, there seemed to be only eight true disciples of Zhenwu Immortal Court, with four vacancies.

With a final sigh, Su Yu thought to himself: "Friend Qianyu, if you can get to know me, you must have accumulated good karma for nine lifetimes."

He looked at the master of Tianxu Palace and said, "Let me ask you when the next entrance test of Zhenwu Xianting will be."

Shortly after.

The master of Tianxu Palace returned again. He not only inquired about the time of the entrance test, but also inquired about whether there would be any geniuses who would participate in the entrance test of Zhenwu Immortal Court.

"Master, there are still thirteen years left. You can participate by going to Antarctic Fairy City and entering the trial cave." The master of Tianxu Palace said, and took out a booklet and handed it to Su Yu: "And this, Master, this It records some famous geniuses and monsters from all over the Zhenwu Immortal Court, and they may all participate in this entry test."

Su Yu looked through it out of curiosity, and found five big words on the booklet: Prodigy Trial List.

Turning over the first page, Su Yu's expression suddenly froze, a little surprised.

 First place: Immortal Immortality.

Cultivation level: Level 1 of Dongxu Realm.

 Age: 761 years old.

 Physical talent: Five Elements Spiritual Body, Five Elements Heavenly Grade Spiritual Root.

Introduction: Born in the immortal family of the hidden immortal clan, he is the most talented descendant of the immortal family in the past ten thousand years. He is a fellow practitioner of the five elements. It is said that his talent is second only to the evildoer Jie Tian Daozi in ancient times. He once cultivated to the first level of Dongxu Realm to become a strong He is an undefeated Taoist at the fourth level of the Shaking Dongxu Realm. His talent is unparalleled and he should be number one in the Tianjiao Trial Ranking.

Su Yu looked at the portrait of the immortal Immortal, who looked quite handsome.

Whether it was his cultivation, talent, or physique, Su Yu was a little jealous.

If he is allowed to possess the Five Elements Spiritual Body and the Five Elements Heavenly Grade Spiritual Roots, when he is more than 700 years old, he will probably be able to challenge the Taoist Master of the Fusion Realm.


"Although he is not a five-element Taoist body, but a spiritual body, his talent should not be underestimated." Su Yu commented secretly.

 At least in terms of talent, excluding the proficiency panel, he is definitely far inferior.

The master of Tianxu Hall has read the brochure before and also knows about the five-element spirit body and the five-element heavenly spiritual root of Xian Changsheng.

 In his eyes, this Immortal Changsheng is quite similar to the original poster.

They are all fellow practitioners of the Five Elements and possess the talents of the Five Elements.

I just don’t know, what is the Taoist foundation of this Immortal Changsheng? Can it be compared to the original poster?

While the Master of Tianxu Hall was thinking secretly, Su Yu turned over the second page. When he saw it, he raised his eyebrows lightly. The genius on the second page was also a spirit.

 And he seems to be an ‘acquaintance’.

 Second place: Lei Ruobing.

Cultivation level: Level 1 of Dongxu Realm.

 Age: six hundred and ninety-three years old.

Physical talents: Ice and thunder spirit body, ice and thunder heavenly spiritual root.

Introduction: Born in the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty, it is rumored that he is a bloodline descendant of the Black Dragon Emperor's Court in ancient times. He is the most evil genius of the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty. He once killed a head that was comparable to the first level of the Dongxu Realm with the peak cultivation level of the God of Distraction Realm. The demon lord caused great shock.

Seeing this person, Su Yu frowned slightly and murmured: "He is actually from the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty."

 A gleam of cold murderous intent flashed deep in his eyes.

 Look further down.

The so-called Genius Trial List records a total of thirty-four geniuses, among which there are fully seven geniuses with spiritual bodies.

Other geniuses have different talents and have extraordinary achievements or backgrounds.

The third one on the list made Su Yu a little bit suspicious. It was called Dantian Ax. He had no spirit body and only had the talent of heavenly gold spiritual root. He was from a humble background, but he seemed to have extraordinary talent for strength.

Now over 800 years old, with a first-level cultivation in Dongxu Realm, he has killed two Taoist masters and three-headed demon masters, with a fierce record.

 He is the person with the most ferocious record on the Prodigy Trial List.

This Tianjiao Trial List records the Tianjiao in the entire Zhenwu Xianting ancient land, distributed in all directions.

Su Yu is now in the Antarctic region. When the time comes to take part in the entry test, she really doesn’t know who she will meet.

Closing the Tianjiao Trial List, Su Yu secretly said: "There are still thirteen years left, and I may be able to try to break through the seventh level of the distraction realm."

“There are also two body refining techniques, which may be able to be upgraded to the peak of Bishen Realm.”

Although he is confident in his own strength, Taoist foundation, and heritage, he sees that a full seven young geniuses on the list have already broken through to the first level of the Dongxu Realm.

 These geniuses are much better than me in cultivation, and their talents are not weak.

How could he be careless?


 Perhaps the power of talismans, formations, etc. can also be improved.

 Puppet aspect.

"I wonder if I can forge a sixth-level low-grade puppet now?" Su Yu thought, it should be difficult. Let's see if he can transform the fifth-level high-grade puppet he forged before, at least to make it have abilities beyond the peak of the ordinary distraction realm. The strength is even a 'pseudo' sixth level.

After confirming that he would participate in the next entrance test of Zhenwu Immortal Court, Su Yu settled down and began to practice in seclusion in the cave.

 When he was in the Huiling sea area, he and the Earthly Immortal Mansion finally took action and captured many fifth- and sixth-level sea beasts alive. They were all suppressed in the Qi Refining Pot and refined into their origins by the Immortal Transformation Sutra.

 It’s just right now and can be used to improve your cultivation level again.

 Time passed by.

Under the power of the Great Way of Time, Su Yu, in addition to practicing, also understood the power of transforming the Mirror Moon Talisman and the Waning Moon Talisman, as well as comprehending the fifth-level high-grade formation.

Although only thirteen years have passed outside, Su Yu feels that she has been practicing for more than thirty years.

After refining all the original power, he finally broke through to the seventh level of distraction state.

 After that, he spent more than 20 years honing his magic power foundation, trying to eliminate as much as possible the hidden dangers of using the Immortal Transformation Sutra to improve his cultivation.

On this day, the master of Tianxu Palace called Su Yu to come out of seclusion.

Su Yu opened her eyes and exhaled a steady breath. Two rays of light burst out in her eyes, and her breath returned to nothingness, just like an ordinary person.

 His mind fell on the proficiency panel.

  【Cultivation: Seventh level of distraction realm. 】

  【Shouyuan: 604/8461 years. 】

[Skills: Five Elements Technique (seventh level of distraction realm, proficiency 21.85%), Immortal Body Refining Technique (fifth level, proficiency 97.62%), Blood Whale Swallowing Moon Technique (fifth level, proficiency 80%), Shangqing Taiyi Taoism (Perfection). The Eighth Generation Golden Cicada Reincarnation Technique (sixth level, proficiency 6.11%), Heavenly Refining Divine Art (fifth level, proficiency 98.34%), Immortal Transformation Sutra (fifth level, proficiency 76.84%). 】

More than twenty years have passed since I left the Fire Phoenix Heavenly Palace in the Southern Immortal Territory.

 Including the fact that Su Yu used the Fate Channel several times to consume his life span, although the life span consumed was not much, it still made Su Yu's age reach 600 years old.

He once again felt the realm of the Five Elements Avenue Mark and the Time Avenue Mark.

 The Mark of the Five Elements Avenue (Mahayana realm, proficiency 16.92%).

 The Seal of the Great Path of Time (The Hinayana realm, proficiency 25.76%).

“There is also the Space Avenue.” Su Yu secretly realized that the Space Avenue already has a foundation that can impact the long river of Space Avenue and leave its mark.


Ps: A new book has been released. Brothers who are interested can read ~ "The Ultimate Talent: My Dantian Is a Black Hole".

 (End of this chapter)

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