Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 379: Lower your head and vibrate

Chapter 379: Bowed and Shocked

Shan Tianxu looked at Su Yu who was walking slowly. He had never seen or heard of the young man in front of him. He didn't even know his name. This meant that the man in front of him was probably not from the ancient land of Zhenwu Xianting. man, but an outsider.

Even though Su Yu's cultivation was only at the seventh level of the distraction realm, facing Su Yu, Shan Tianaxu felt an unprecedented sense of oppression.

This feeling of oppression cannot be compared to even Xian Changsheng, who is ranked first on the Tianjiao Trial Ranking, and Lei Ruobing, who is ranked second.

Obviously he is just a Venerable Master of the Distraction Realm, but Shan Tianaxu feels that even if he faces the Taoist Master of the late Dongxu Realm, the pressure may not be that great.

 Think again about the power of the Five Elements Avenue, Space Avenue and other avenues that Su Yu just used.

Even though Shan Tianaxe still had a trump card at this moment, which was the basis for him to be ranked third in the Tianjiao Trial List, he fell silent when facing Su Yu.

When Su Yu walked up to him, Shantian Ax stared at Su Yu and said in a trembling voice: "Have you cultivated the Nine-turn Golden Pill Dao Foundation?"

 “From the beginning of the Alchemy Realm, you have been cultivating the Perfect Tao Foundation!?”

Only in this way can it be possible to comprehend such various powers of the great road in one body!

Only with such a Taoist foundation, it is possible to cultivate in the state of distraction and almost kill him in a single encounter!

Su Yu pondered for a while, knowing in his heart that in this trial space, people from the Zhenwu Immortal Palace, the Antarctic Palace, and maybe even the Lord of Antarctica were watching here.


 From the moment he participated in the entrance test of Zhenwu Immortal Court, he was already ready to reveal himself.

 Otherwise, how could it be so easy to obtain the true identity of Zhenwu Xianting?

That is a true successor whose status can be equal to that of the elders of Zhenwu Immortal Palace!

 He nodded lightly and said, "Not bad."

Shan Tianaxu took a breath and looked at Su Yu with round eyes, as if he wanted to imprint the young man in front of him deeply in his heart, and he had practiced and perfected the Taoist foundation since the beginning of the Dan Formation Realm!

 This is a legend that has never been heard in Zhenwu Immortal Court since the beginning of his practice!

Even if he is the Immortal Changsheng who ranks first in the Tianjiao Trial Ranking, there is absolutely no way he is the Nine-turn Golden Pill Daoji!

 In other words, from a purely Daoist perspective, the young man in front of him has surpassed everyone on the Tianjiao Trial List.

However, when Shan Tianxu heard Su Yu's admission, besides being relieved, he also felt a trace of indescribable loss and bitterness.

 He was relieved because he felt that it was normal for him to lose to a perfect Taoist monster and it was not a shame.

 The feeling of loss and bitterness is that the gap between people is really that big?

How can I say that he is also the third genius in the Tianjiao Trial List!


 Can you still be defeated by someone who has surpassed a great level with just one move?

 The disparity is truly disappointing.

 Shan Tianaxe gave up the idea of ​​using his trump card to fight Su Yu again. It was not yet time. If he fought to the death with Su Yu at this time and ended up losing both sides, wouldn't it be a waste of advantage to others.

Thinking of this, Shan Tianaxe said: "Okay, I will collect the trial tokens for you."

Su Yu had a smile on his face, not because he was happy because Shan Tianaxu chose to lower his head, but because he had seen this scene before in the Fate Deduction.

 When this thing really happened and unfolded like a planned trajectory, Su Yu not only felt a creepy feeling, but also had an indescribable sense of stimulation and excitement.

 Heavenly secret, destiny.

 Is it really fixed?

 After thinking for a moment, Su Yu temporarily had some insights in her heart.

 The past is unique, the present is fixed, and the future is unlimited.

It's just that in the deduction of fate, the possible trajectory is deduced, which is regarded as a relatively high probability event.

 Although it is a high probability, it may be changed and not happen.

 ‘It’s like if Shantian Ax explodes his trump card, a miraculous power of the blood of the fairy beast, the physical body is strengthened to an unimaginable level.'

 ‘At that time, I will have to use all my strength to severely damage his soul and force him to be eliminated from this world. ’

 ‘The result will be different from now. ’

Su Yu glanced at Shan Tianaxu and knew that Shantianaxu still had some thoughts, but he was not surprised. If a true genius was so easily impressed, he would not have grown up to this point.

 He is also a young prodigy who is famous in the ancient land of Zhenwu Xianting.

“Let’s go, let’s go find Nangong Miao.” Su Yu turned around and walked out of the metal desert. At the same time, wisps of magical aura descended from the sky and the earth, and he refined it to restore his own magic power.

 The trial space cannot stop his power of space avenue.

Shantian Ax retrieved his axe. When Su Yu took back the two mana that tortured him, he felt much better.

 The flesh and blood injuries are also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But correspondingly, his strength is being consumed at an accelerated rate.

So when he noticed that Su Yu was recovering his mana little by little, Shan Tianaxu opened his mouth and wanted to say, "Isn't this cheating?"

But the mana that relies on one's own ability to recover, isn't it a manifestation of strength?

 This does not rely on external forces!

Shan Tianaxu felt an unspeakable feeling of envy in his heart. While following Su Yu, silently licking his wounds, he murmured to himself: 'Is Perfection Daoji so terrible? ’

  ‘If I had known it, I would have endured it and attacked the Nine Transformations Golden Pill. ’


 That road is too difficult to walk!

If he really took that path, he might not be a genius in the Dongxu Realm now, but would have died of old age.

As he walked, Shan Tianaxu suddenly realized, what did this guy just say? Go to Nangong Miao?

This sentence made Shan Tianxu's expression perk up. It's interesting!

Does he not just want to collect trial tokens for him, but also plans to let other geniuses on the trial list join him?

Shan Tianxu licked his lips, this is very interesting!

 His heart became excited again, and his blood boiled.

Carrying an ax and following behind Su Yu, they soon met a Tianjiao Xianmiao. At first, the man wanted to take action when he saw Su Yu, but the next moment he saw Shan Tianaxe following behind him, his expression suddenly changed. Without even thinking about it, he turned around and ran away.


 In an instant, the man had already escaped far away.

Su Yu turned around and looked at Dantian Ax, and said expressionlessly: "You still want me to do it?"

Shantian Ax: "?"

His expression froze for a moment, and then he realized, it seems like he hasn't adapted to this identity yet.

  When have you ever done anything for others?


The muscles in Shan Tianaxe's arms surged, and lines appeared one after another. An extremely violent and savage aura erupted from his body, like a living humanoid tyrannosaurus beast.

 The enlarged arms were out of proportion to his nearly one-foot-tall body, becoming larger than his body.

 And this arm was swinging the **** ax, and it was thrown out with a sudden swing.



The space seemed to be exploded by Shantian Ax, and the **** ax turned into a bright light and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The monk's body in the distance exploded with a bang and turned into blood mist and fell.

When Shantian Ax's arm recovered, the Blood Ax turned a corner and returned to his hand. At the same time, there was a trial token.

Shan Tianaxe remained silent and handed the trial token to Su Yu silently.

Su Yu just glanced at the fallen monk in the distance, without any fluctuation in his heart. After all, the Taoist Lord before coming in had already said that if you come here, you will live and die according to your destiny. If you don't want to die, you can exit.

The person who chooses to come in, that is his fate.

As he walked towards the direction where he met Nangong Miao during the deduction, he chatted: "Is Fellow Daoist Shan always so violent and cruel?" Shan Tianaxe: "."

Is it really okay to say that I am violent and cruel in front of my face? Should I admit it?


Shan Tianaxu thought about the scene where Su Yu had just turned into a hundred and thousands, and hundreds of terrifying spells were blasted on him, almost turning him into ashes.

 What the hell, why do I feel that you are more ruthless than me?

Shan Tianaxu twisted a little and said: "He wants to kill me, how can I be so kind as to tie my hands and let him kill me?"

Su Yu smiled when he heard this, nodded and said: "It makes sense. Maybe I should have done the same thing just now and learned from it."

Shan Tianaxu's hair suddenly stood up and he said repeatedly: "No, no, no, we are different!"

He smiled sarcastically and said, "I am me. Fellow Taoist, you have your own way. Don't imitate me!"

Su Yu teased Shan Tianaxe, feeling that this guy was quite interesting, and his attacks were indeed a bit ruthless, but he was still very measured in front of him.

 At least he's not a strong-willed guy.

While chatting, Shan Tianxu also took the opportunity to ask about Su Yu's name and origin, and the two gradually became familiar with each other.

More than a hundred miles away, in a towering primeval forest, Nangong Miao suddenly felt a chill in his body and had an inexplicable creepy feeling.

This feeling made Nangong Miao's face change slightly: "What's going on?"

As the feeling became stronger, Nangong Miao felt a little panicked. She didn't dare to stay here anymore, and hurriedly chose a direction to escape.


 This direction is exactly where Su Yu and Shan Tianaxu came.

 Outside the trial space.

 The Immortal Palace.

The Lord of Antarctica, the white-haired old man, Commander Baili, and even Gu Xianzi were all staring at the trial space at this moment, and their expressions were actually more dignified, surprised, and shocked.

Gu Xianzi stared at Su Yu, her face couldn't hide the joy, and she said with great surprise: "Perfect Daoji talent!"

“The Five Elements Avenue, the Space Avenue, and seemingly the Power Avenue?”

“What other force is there? How do I feel that that force can already affect time!”

 “This boy, this boy—”

Gu Xianzi's eyes shone, feeling that this was the talented disciple she had always wanted to find!

 It’s just a matter of fellow practitioners practicing the Five Elements Great Way!

This guy actually practiced the Great Way of Space?

There is also the power of the avenue that affects time, which is even more terrifying.

With a seventh-level cultivation in the Dividing God Realm, he almost killed the first-level demon in the Dongxu Realm who was third on the Tianjiao Trial List with one blow!

 Isn’t this the invincible posture? ?

The middle-aged Taoist prince who had gone out to release the trial space and put the fairy seedlings into the trial space also had a change in his eyes at this moment. He was horrified, and his voice changed slightly and said: "He, he didn't even use it. Soul power!"

“With pure magic power, he can defeat Shantian Ax with one strike!? He is only at the seventh level of the God Realm.”

I barely divided the cultivation in the later stages of God, and almost killed a single -day ax. What a terrible amazing strength.

 The expressions of the people present were changing.

  After a moment.

Only then did an old man glance at Commander Baili secretly and said: "Shan Tianaxe hasn't made a move with all his strength yet. If he had made a move with all his strength, this shouldn't be the case."

Gu Xianzi glanced at him and said, "Then do you think Su Yu took action with all his strength?"

The old man was speechless: "This!"


Su Yu, who had not even used his soul yet, did not attack with all his strength.


Master Gu Xianzi, the white-haired old man took a deep breath, with surprise and a bit of solemnity in his eyes. He turned to look at the Lord of Antarctica and said: "The immortal seedlings that have perfected the foundation of Dao, Palace Master, this time the Antarctic Immortal Territory is afraid It’s about making a splash.”

The Lord of Antarctica also had a little joy on his face, but his brows furrowed slightly, a little confused.

“How can this little guy, who only has the five-element spiritual root talent, be able to cultivate the perfect Dao foundation? Moreover, he has also cultivated so many Dao powers.”

 This is really unbelievable!

Gu Xianzi said: "This shows that he is a real evil genius! He truly has invincible talent! Although spiritual roots are important, can it be said that spiritual roots are the only condition for practice? Not necessarily! Just like you, father, now you are not Have you become the Lord of Antarctica?"

The Lord of Antarctica naturally understands this.

It's just that - compared to him, he, the Lord of Antarctica, has already experienced countless difficulties and is a lucky person who is rare in a hundred thousand years.

 In his opinion, this Su Yu is much more outrageous than himself.

Commander Baili said at this time: "His cultivation level is a bit low."

 At the seventh level of the Divided Spirit Realm, one may not even be able to get in the first thousand fairy seedlings in the trial space.

It doesn’t matter if your Taoist foundation is good. No matter how good your Taoist foundation is, it’s useless if your cultivation level is low.

Gu Xianzi sneered without hesitation: "What's the use of having a high level of cultivation? Like Baili Qinglong, at the peak level of distraction, I'm afraid it can be crushed to death with just one finger."

other people:"."

  What a venomous tongue.

 Commander Baili glanced at Gu Xianzi expressionlessly, not angry, at least on the surface.

The Lord of Antarctica frowned and glanced at Gu Xianzi, who immediately shut up.

At this time, the white-haired old man pointed to the trial space again and said: "Look, this guy seems to be looking for Nangong Miao with Shan Tianaxe, and I feel that he knows where Nangong Miao is. He went to find Shan before. The same goes for Sky Axe.”

 A Dao Lord said: "Maybe he has some deduction skills."

 The topic was changed, the atmosphere in the Immortal Palace became relaxed again, and everyone's eyes fell on the trial space again.

 In the trial space.

Su Yu was standing outside the towering primeval forest ahead with a single sky ax. Not long after, a girl in a green dress walked out holding a black cat.

Just when she saw Su Yu and Shan Tianaxu on the small hill in front of her from a distance, the girl stopped immediately, her expression condensed, and her brows furrowed.

Her eyes fell on Su Yu, with a hint of doubt.

Then he turned to look at Shan Tianaxe and said in a deep voice: "Shantian Axe, do you want to fight with me now?"

Shan Tianaxu held the blood ax in one hand, took half a step back, shrugged and said: "It's not that I'm looking for you, but he is looking for you. Fellow Daoist Su wants you to collect trial tokens for him next, and he It can give you a chance to stay in the trial space without being eliminated."

After hearing this, Nangong Miao said: "?"

 (End of this chapter)

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