Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 401: Make Great Wish, Diamond Burial Demon Sword

Su Yu’s Taoist puppet Ksitigarbha was standing calmly on a large stone in his cassock, and the rich spiritual energy from all directions shrouded him like clouds and mist.

Hushly, through the layers of mist, Su Yu seemed to be able to glimpse a burst of golden light.

 Just like the vision of Buddha's light shrouding the entire Ksitigarbha Spirit Mountain.

This is the miraculous change that occurred in Ksitigarbha Lingshan after the heavenly change. The Buddha's light from unknown sources illuminated the entire Lingshan.

The sky and the earth are transformed in all directions of Ksitigarbha Lingshan, and the space is rippled, enveloping Ksitigarbha Lingshan and Ksitigarbha City, and it seems to form a secret realm of cave heaven.

The extremely rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth erupts, which is no weaker than that of a sixth-level spiritual blessed land.


Su Yu frowned as she spied on the vision of Buddha's light that appeared on the top of the mountain. In the past, this place was the gate of the Golden Jade Immortal Sect of the ancient power. This land may not have any secrets hidden.

The changes in the spiritual veins of Ksitigarbha Lingshan and the reflection of Buddha's light all over the sky are the best proof.


 He has been snooping here for a long time, but he has never been able to find out the true source of the Buddha's light.

Thinking of this, Su Yu couldn't help but think of the location of the Buddha's lair. According to the former Kuya Buddhist master, the Buddha's lair was once the site of an ancient powerful Buddhist temple that suppressed the evil ways. Later, the Buddhist temple was destroyed, and the land was polluted by the evil ways.

 The land occupied by the Buddhist temple is the greatest heritage of the Buddhist temple.

 The world has changed greatly now.

 Will that area also undergo transformation?

While frowning and thinking, Wu Chengzhi, Wu Qingping, Taoist Master Zijun and others appeared. During this period, Wu Chengzhi, Taoist Master Zijun and others were extremely busy.

The world has undergone great changes. In the Changtian Domain, countless spiritual and earth transformations have occurred, and rare spiritual beasts have been born. There are countless opportunities.

These opportunities appeared in the land of Changtian Territory. When Wu Chengzhi, Wu Qingping, Zijun Taoist and others saw them, how could they turn a blind eye?

Taoist Master Zijun, who was originally only at the eighth level of the Dongxu Realm, relied on the opportunities he gained during this period, and his cultivation level was promoted to the peak of the ninth level of the Dongxu Realm without realizing it!

Reaching the top of the mountain, Taoist Master Zijun was filled with a wisp of Dongxu Peak Immortal Power.

Since this time, he has been the one who comes to see Ksitigarbha. Now Taoist Master Zijun feels that maybe he can change it. If something happens, he can let Ksitigarbha go to Changtian Xianmen to see him on his own in the future.

But when he walked to the top of the mountain, Taoist Master Zijun's eyes fell on the bald cassock figure on the big rock in front. When he sensed the looming Buddha's power, which made his scalp numb, Taoist Master Zijun's expression Huoran suddenly changed, and his heart trembled.

Taoist Master Zijun paused, looked at Ksitigarbha and exclaimed: "You, your cultivation"

Wu Chengzhi, Wu Qingping, Wu Qianhua, and Wu Fengxian brought Wu Zhi to Su Yu, bowed respectfully and said, "Master, Master."

Wu Zhi looked at Su Yu and chuckled: "Brother, brother. Brother Ksitigarbha."

Su Yu lowered his head and walked down the stone in a flash to Wu Chengzhi and others. He looked at the changes of Wu Chengzhi, Wu Qingping, Taoist Master Zijun and others.

Wu Chengzhi has followed him for many years and has been practicing the Maharaja Sutra taught by him. Now the aura of the most yang and strong Dharma in his body is extremely fierce.

Although his eyes are full of compassion, underneath the auspiciousness is the evil aura of Vajra Buddha.

It can be seen that Wu Chengzhi's hands were stained with blood during the years he was in charge of Ksitigarbha City for Su Yu. I don't know how many people who had the idea of ​​​​Ksitigarbha City perished in his hands.

Even his cultivation level has broken through the first level of Dongxu Realm without realizing it.

When Wu Chengzhi followed Su Yu, his cultivation was only at the second level of the Divine Realm. But after turning to Buddhism, his talent for Buddhism was extremely high.

His current cultivation level has broken through the first level of Dongxu Realm, which is considered normal compared to his Buddhist talent.

Su Yu's eyes fell on him, and she was a little surprised that his cultivation had broken through the first level of Dongxu Realm: "Breakthrough?"

Wu Chengzhi bowed his head respectfully and said: "During this period of time, countless spiritual changes occurred in the Changtian Realm, and there were countless opportunities. This disciple happened to have the opportunity to successfully break through the six levels of Buddhism."

“Very good.” Su Yu smiled, Wu Chengzhi broke through the cave realm, and then he would be able to manage Ksitigarbha City more easily, without having to worry about it himself.

Looking at Wu Qingping, Wu Fengxian, Wu Qianhua and Wu Zhi again.

Wu Qingping’s cultivation has now reached the sixth level of the distraction realm, while Wu Fengxian has reached the seventh level of the Nascent Soul realm.

Wu Qianhua and Wu Chengzhi practiced the Maharaja Sutra together. Their Buddhist talents are quite good, and their cultivation has reached the eighth level of the Nascent Soul Realm.

 Compared with them, Wu Zhi, the youngest, is almost as talented as a demon, and his cultivation level has improved, reaching the eighth level of Nascent Soul Realm.

  Shenhun is even more powerful, comparable to Wu Qingping, who is at the sixth level of the distraction realm.

After looking around, Su Yu's eyes fell on Taoist Master Zijun who was a little further away. He smiled softly and said: "This time the retreating monk has made a small breakthrough, Taoist Master Zijun, I think it may be time to take action against the Buddha Sect. "

"Now that the world has changed drastically, if we delay it any longer, I'm afraid something will happen again."

Taoist Master Zijun's expression changed, and he was horrified in his heart.

 The aura he sensed from Su Yu's body

 This aura clearly surpasses the cultivation level of Dongxu Realm!

 Him, he has achieved the state of integration! ?

Taoist Master Zijun is a little confused. When he came to the Changtian Territory in the past, he had only reached the level of the God Realm. How could he have become a powerful person in the Fusion Realm in only one or two hundred years?

This horse riding—how is it possible!

At this time, Taoist Master Zijun couldn't help but think of what happened before when a powerful man from the Great Buddhist Temple came and took Ksitigarbha away, but then sent him back in person.

His heart tightened, his pupils narrowed and he guessed: ‘Could it be that Ksitigarbha is the reincarnation of a powerful Buddhist figure? ’

How else to explain the change in his strength and the attitude of the powerful man from the Great Buddha Temple towards him!

Thinking of this, Taoist Master Zijun suddenly looked respectful again. The immortal power of the peak cultivation level of Dongxu Realm that he originally wanted to reveal quickly restrained himself and stood respectfully in front of Su Yu like a good baby.

"But according to the instructions of the Buddha, our Changtian Immortal Sect is willing to obey the orders of the Buddha."

However, as he spoke, he looked slightly hesitant. He glanced at Su Yu and gritted his teeth and whispered: "However, Master Ksitigarbha, I have checked with the Changtian Immortal Sect. There seems to be a change in the sky at the Buddha Sect, and there is a terrible opportunity to be born."

“Now if we attack the Buddha Sect again, something might happen.”

Su Yu thought for a moment.


Although he has now transformed into a seventh-level low-grade Tao body puppet, which is comparable to the cultivation level of the Tao Lord in the early stage of the Fusion Realm, he does not have a valuable treasure in his hand.

Whether it is a Qi refining pot, a small void cauldron, or a Taoist tower, all treasures are in the hands of the main body.

With nothing in his hands, if he attacks the Buddha Sect so recklessly, he will have no way to deal with anything that happens.


"I have to go to the Yuexian Mansion Fairy City to ask for some treasures from the two golden-armored seniors." Su Yu thought to himself.

Thinking of this, Su Yu said to Taoist Master Zijun: "I would like to ask fellow Taoist Zijun to invite other Taoist masters of the Immortal Sect to come here one by one. In a month, we will discuss the matter of conquering the Buddha Sect."

“Don’t worry, as long as we can capture the Buddha Sect, the treasures and opportunities gained by each family will belong to them, and the harvest will never be small.”

Hearing this, Taoist Master Zijun no longer hesitated and said: "I'll go right now!"

After Taoist Master Zijun left, Su Yu looked at Wu Chengzhi and asked, "Mingzhi, how many Vajra Buddhist masters have been trained in Ksitigarbha City now?"

Wu Chengzhi lowered his head and reported: "Master, there are now 3,000 Vajra Buddha masters of the fourth level and above in Ksitigarbha City, and about 30,000 Vajra Buddha disciples below the fourth level." In the territory of the Infinite Immortal Alliance, there are more than 10 million followers.

Some of them have a large number of believers who have a solid foundation in Taoism.

Now it is not difficult for Wu Chengzhi to select some outstanding Buddhist believers from among these believers to become his disciples, teach the Maharaja Sutra, and train the Vajra Buddhist masters who are the protectors of Ksitigarbha City.

These Vajra Buddha masters with more than 3,000 Nascent Souls are all devout believers in Ksitigarbha City!

Su Yu said: "Be prepared to fight."

After giving orders to Wu Chengzhi and Wu Qingping, Su Yu disappeared, and in a blink of an eye, he arrived at the ancient Yuexian Mansion fairy city hidden deep in the void beneath Ksitigarbha Lingshan.

The main hall of the Fairy City of Yuexian Mansion.

As soon as Su Yu's Taoist puppet walked in, the first golden-armored commander and the second golden-armored commander standing deep in the hall opened their eyes one after another.

Perceiving the aura of Su Yu, the puppet in the body, the two golden-armored commanders were a little surprised: "Seventh-level low-grade!?"

Su Yu’s Taoist puppet Ksitigarbha came to the two golden-armored commanders, put his hands together and bowed and said: "Amitabha, the poor monk Ksitigarbha has met these two seniors."

 The second golden-armored commander said speechlessly: "There are no outsiders here, you are just pretending to be a Buddhist monk."


Su Yu Ji Zang Dao Body Puppet grinned and continued: "My Dao Body Puppet is a monk. I am naturally a monk. Why am I just pretending? Senior, please don't slander me."

The first golden-armored commander didn't bother to argue with him and asked, "What are you doing here, a puppet in the Dao body?"

Su Yu said simply: "I plan to take action against the Buddha Sect. If I can seize the foundation of its incense and wish power, I may be able to revive all the guards in the fairy city."

“I can even put together more refined and pure high-quality incense to give to the two seniors.”

“It’s just that my true body is far away in the Zhenwu Immortal Courtyard, and all the magic weapons are in my hands. Now this Dao body puppet doesn’t have even a single magic weapon that I can handle.”

“I can’t, I can only come in and ask two seniors to see if they can give me one or two Taoist tools.”

When the first and second golden armored commanders heard this, their hands holding the swords couldn't help but move. Their two eyes stared at Su Yu, ready to move.

 One or two Taoist tools!

 You dare to speak.

The first golden-armored commander let go of the hand holding the sword and hummed softly: "We are not in charge of the treasure trove of the fairy city. You can go to the Hundred Treasures Hall to find it yourself."

“You, the Taoist puppet, follow the Buddhist path. There shouldn’t be many Buddhist treasures in the Buddhist treasure trove, but because it is a Buddhist treasure, no one has ever exchanged it for me. There are still a few in stock, so you can look for it yourself.”

Su Yu said: "Then this is my authority."

The First Golden Armor Commander didn’t waste any time and once again elevated Su Yu’s authority, which was comparable to the Taoist elders of the Fusion Realm in the Immortal City of Yuexian Mansion in ancient times.

 This has allowed Su Yu to climb to the fourth floor of Wanshu Tower.

 “Thank you, senior.”

Su Yu laughed and exited the main hall, and then headed towards the Baibao Hall. As he walked, he looked up and saw that the giant tree covering the sky above the fairy city had four new green branches swaying in the air.

Green fairy light shines from the four hanging branches, reflecting the entire fairy city.

As the power of the divine soul grows, the power of the Wutong tree controlled by Su Yu's real divine body becomes even greater.

 The more he could feel how powerful this ancient sycamore tree was.

 He felt that because of his distraction, he might really be trapped in this body.

Thinking of this, Su Yu felt a little worried in her heart. She was distracted and trapped in the Wutong Taoist body. Can she successfully break through to the Taoist Master of the Cave Realm?

While thinking this, the Hundred Treasures Hall also arrived.

Stepping into the dusty Baibao Hall, Su Yu came to the counter in the main hall, blew the thick dust away on the counter, and then picked up the exchange list on the counter and looked into it.

Looking at it now, the treasures in the exchange list have indeed changed.

 The authority of elders is completely different from what disciples and even deacons can see.

 He can see most of the things in this treasure house.

 “Buddhist treasures and Taoist instruments.”

Su Yu thought about it, and within a short time, the originally dense roster became much emptier, with only a dozen or so remaining.

With his current authority as an elder, he can see the treasure ranked first on the list, which is called the Immortal King Ming's Relic.

 Eighth-level low-grade relics can be exchanged for killing one Mahayana-level abandoned immortal, with a contribution value of five million points, and for killing ten seventh-level top abandoned immortals.

 Su Yu: “.”

"Eighth-level low-grade relics, Mahayana realm!" Su Yu's eyes gleamed when he saw it, but when he saw the exchange conditions, he lost interest.

 Since I can kill the Mahayana realm, why do I need to replace you?

 The next five million points of contribution value.

Su Yu glanced at it. He had revived some black scarf warrior guards before, and now he had accumulated more than 500,000 contribution points, which was only 10%.

 It is also unrealistic to kill ten top seventh-level abandoned immortal disciples.

Shaking his head slightly, Su Yu ignored the eighth-grade low-grade relic and looked down.

At this glance, Su Yu immediately noticed a rather domineering golden Buddhist knife. The blade was like a golden dragon, but the handle was blood red like ink.

Diamond Burial Demon Knife: a top-notch magic weapon spiritual embryo, a Buddhist artifact forged by the Chief Buddha of the Vajra Buddha Temple. It uses the top relics of Buddhism and the golden dragon dragon bone as the knife embryo. It is tempered with the blood of the supreme demonic path and nourished with the blood of the golden dragon. In a thousand years, all it takes is the fusion of Buddhism and Taoism to become a supreme Buddha.

Redemption conditions: If you want to control the Vajra Demon Burial Sword, you must have reached the seventh level or above of the top level of Buddhism. You must make an oath and aspiration to rebuild the Vajra Buddha Temple, regain the Demon Burial Pagoda, and purify the place where the Demon Burial is.

 Seeing this condition, Su Yu's eyelids suddenly jumped, her heart was horrified, and she felt an inexplicable feeling.

Why does it feel like this condition is just for me?

"The King Kong Buddhist Temple, the place where demons are buried." Su Yu's expression changed a little. Isn't that the home of the Buddha Sect now occupied?

The chief Buddha of the ancient King Kong Buddha Temple, who left the King Kong Buried Demon Knife, what kind of person is it!

Make an oath and aspiration to rebuild the Vajra Buddha Temple, restore the Demon Burial Pagoda, and purify the place where Demons are buried.

Su Yu thought about it and realized that it wasn’t impossible to agree!

 There is no set time anyway

Immediately, he made his ambition according to these conditions, and at the moment when he made his ambition, the light of Baibao Palace flashed, and the space in front of Su Yu rippled.

The next moment, a terrifying King Kong killing intent and an indescribable cold evil energy erupted.

"hold head high!"

Accompanied by a deafening dragon's roar, Su Yu heard the sound of reciting the Buddha's name like a Buddhist whisper. An eight-foot-long sword appeared in front of him. Its whole body was like a golden dragon, full of domineering power.

But there are traces of blood-like veins on the blade, and the blood-red ink-like hilt is breathtaking!

This knife is so weird!

Like a Buddha or a demon, a living big killing weapon! (End of chapter)

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