Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 416: Immortal Body Sword Bone Introductory Trial Restarts

In the first year of practicing the Earthly Immortal Method "Gengjin Immortal Sword Jue", Su Yu successfully completed the foundation of Immortal Dao and Immortal Body, and entered the Gengjin Immortal Sword Body. The bones in his body were transformed, and it seemed that his own background had undergone extraordinary changes.

In the third year of practicing the Geng-Gold Immortal Sword Body, Su Yu completed the transformation of the first bone of the Geng-Gold Immortal Sword Body. The first Earth Immortal Sword Bone transformed, condensing strands of terrifying Geng-Gold edge.

Gazing at the Earth Immortal Sword Bone that had completely transformed inside her body, Su Yu looked awe-inspiring and felt a little surprised.

 ‘This sword bone is so similar to the secret method of Taoist bones taught by Yan Gong Half Immortal! ? ’

He compared them and found that they were indeed very similar.

Although Geng Jinxian's sword body has only transformed into the first sword bone at present, and it is far from the completion of the transformation of the whole body's sword bones, if this sword bone explodes, the unimaginable edge power contained in it will definitely shock the world.

The same is true for Tao Gu, which can make Su Yu's five elements of magic power surge, and his strength will greatly increase in a short period of time.

Su Yu's expression was slightly condensed, and his inner thoughts were spinning. He once thought that the Dao Bone method was a heaven-defying method created by the Yan Palace Half Immortal. After all, a Dao Bone method could significantly improve his strength.

What if all the bones in the body degenerate into Dao bones?

But now if we look at the Gengjin Immortal Sword Technique of the Earth Immortal Sect, I am afraid that this bone is not as simple as the creation of the Half Immortal of Yan Palace.

 ‘In ancient times, in the world of immortal cultivation, there was a method of building the foundation of an immortal body? ’ Su Yu’s expression became solemn. There are only half-immortals in the Tribulation Realm in the world of immortality. Immortals cannot come and break through the upper limit of the world of immortality.

He didn’t believe that a group of people in the Tribulation Realm could realize themselves and create a fairy body foundation-building method that was almost the same as that in the fairy world!

There must be something hidden in this.

So, it is possible that the bone method was obtained by the half-immortal of Yan Palace in ancient times. It was even possible that it was obtained from the legendary immortal or someone who had been in contact with the immortal world? ’ Su Yu’s scalp felt numb.

Since those demi-immortals in ancient times were very likely to have obtained the immortal foundation-building method, did they ever successfully break into the immortal world?

 Have they really failed?

Su Yu didn't know, but in his heart he hoped that the ancient group of ancestors had not failed and that someone would successfully break into the immortal world and become an immortal.

 Because if they obtain the immortal foundation-building method, they will still end up with failure and the destruction of the ancient times.

This truth is so disappointing.

Performing the Eighth Life Golden Cicada Reincarnation Method and the Ksitigarbha Immortal Sutra to stabilize his mind, Su Yu suppressed these chaotic thoughts, took a deep breath, and took stock of his resources.

 Before joining Zhenwu Xianting, Su Yu accumulated quite a lot of resources.

 But during this period of time, he has been in seclusion in Zhenwu Xianting, and the consumption is also very scary.

Especially these days, practicing the Gengjin Immortal Sword Body and nurturing the Immortal Body Sword Bones has almost consumed all of Su Yu's resources except for the renewable Qi Refining Pot spiritual liquid.

Su Yu thought for a while and murmured to himself: "We have to find a way to open up the source of money."

 He closed his eyes and continued to practice the Gengjin Immortal Sword Body in seclusion.

At the same time, he is still secretly wondering whether he can integrate the Dao Bone Cultivation Method with the Gengjin Immortal Sword Body, because the Dao Bone Cultivation Method seems to be very suitable for his Five Elements Dao Foundation.

The Gengjin Immortal Sword Body is only the Dao foundation of the Jinxing Immortal Body. Although he can also practice it, it is still narrow.

More than ten years have passed.

It has been a hundred years since Su Yu joined Zhenwu Immortal Court. Zhenwu Immortal Court, Xuanhuang Ancient Land, Shangqing Cave Mansion and other human and demon clan forces have recently changed their direction. They no longer persecute the group of genius monsters who came from the immortal world, but instead go on a rampage. Promote and welcome them to join their own forces to practice.

 Antarctic Fairyland, Antarctic Fairy City.

Su Yu came to Gu Xianzi Nan Xiaogu's palace. Because the Zhenwu Immortal Court's once-in-a-century trial for disciples was about to be held again, Gu Xianzi asked him to come and have a look before leaving seclusion.

In the palace, Gu Xianzi asked someone to take out more than a dozen photo talismans for Su Yu to see.

In the first photo talisman, there is an extremely young-looking boy, holding a harpoon, hunting and killing a sixth-level low-grade demon python. His movements are cruel and decisive, and he seems to be able to do it with ease.

While Su Yu was watching, Gu Xianzi narrated: "This person's name is Yu Xiaohe. He was originally just the son of an ordinary fisherman near the fairy city on the east side of the Antarctic Fairyland. However, during this period, he suddenly rose to prominence. He was only a hundred years old. He is over thirty years old, and his recorded cultivation level more than ten years ago was at the first level of the Foundation Establishment Realm, but now his cultivation level has reached the seventh level of the Distraction Realm."

Su Yu's face changed slightly when he heard this. He had broken through from the Foundation Establishment Realm to the Seventh Level of the Distraction Realm in just over ten years?

 Let’s look at the second photo talisman.

That was a young man who was as fat as a mountain. His seemingly clumsy figure was actually very flexible, and he could easily survive the siege of a group of fifth- and sixth-order low-grade monsters.

Even if the claws of a sixth-level low-grade monster fell on him, the boy's body would bounce the claws away like a ball, leaving no trace.

This defensive power is simply astonishing.

Gu Xianzi added: "This man's name is Zhang Zhenshan. He was originally the legitimate son of a centurion under the Antarctic Immortal Army. He is now three hundred and twenty-nine years old. He used to be a skinny man, but now his body shape has become like this .

Moreover, the recorded cultivation level more than ten years ago was at the second level of Nascent Soul Realm, but now the cultivation level has reached the ninth level of Distraction Realm, and its defensive power is comparable to that of sixth-level mid-level monsters at the fourth level of Dongxu Realm. Hard to hurt. "

"However, judging from the intelligence, his size should be caused by practicing special techniques. He still has flaws and vitality, and he does not dare to let too powerful monsters get close to him."

Su Yu continued to look down.

The third photo-taking talisman is that of an alchemy girl with a calm expression. She refined a batch of sixth-level low-grade elixirs with her eighth-level cultivation at the distraction realm.

 Four pills were obtained, and two of the four were of fine quality.

Gu Xianzi added: "This man's name is Lin Baihe. He is originally from a branch of an alchemy family. He is only 416 years old. More than ten years ago, he was only at the first level of Nascent Soul Realm. His alchemy talent is not outstanding. He is just a third-level high-grade alchemist."

"But now more than ten years have passed, and her cultivation has reached the seventh level of the distraction realm. She has also refined sixth-level low-grade elixirs in public, and made two fine pills in one furnace. Even many sixth-level low-grade alchemists have seen this alchemy technique. Humbled."

Su Yu was also amazed in her heart, except for him.

 All the alchemy geniuses and sixth-level low-level alchemists he has seen in the world of immortality are indeed not as good as Lin Baihe.

But Su Yu thought about He Xiu's situation. He was a semi-immortal in the Tribulation Realm. He took the risk to come to the immortal world to be reborn, and his memories and realm of the past were still there.

I wonder what kind of alchemist this Lin Baihe was once?

 Eighth level? Or is it already ninth level?

Under such circumstances, it was only possible to refine six-level low-grade elixirs into two high-quality elixirs—

Su Yu pondered for a long time, and could only say that this person's alchemy skills were actually only marginally good.

 Look down.

More than a dozen photographic talismans, each recording the rise of a 'genius monster' who had a transformation-like transformation, and each practiced different methods. There were even special beings such as alchemists, formation masters, and talisman masters.

After Su Yu had read all the photo talismans, Gu Xianzi looked at him and sneered: "How is it? Are you scared? Can you still retreat in the fairy palace with peace of mind?" Su Yu sighed and said: "Afraid, this unexpected change has happened It was so sudden and I was not mentally prepared at all.”

“If all these people grow up, senior sister, what do you think this world of cultivating immortals will become? Can the Immortal Court still exist?”

Gu Xianzi snorted and said: "I'm afraid it's too late. Who told you to stay away from business all day?"

 The main thing she said was obviously to make Su Yu stop being in seclusion all day long, and instead walk on an invincible path. That was the most exciting scene in her mind.

There is no rival in the world of immortality. His peers all tremble when they hear his voice and do not respect his name.

But she paused and then said: "What will happen to the world of immortality and what will happen to the Immortal Court is not something you can think about now. This is the emperor's business."

Gu Xianzi looked at Su Yu and said, "As for you, you might as well think about whether you can keep the reputation of the Immortal Court True Successor."

“The Immortal Court is now opening its doors widely and recruiting these talented monsters from the Immortal World to join, but the Immortal Court only has ten places for true disciples.”

"Now, excluding the fallen Jin Xiandu and Xiao Shuiyue, there are six others. You are the last one and the one with the lowest cultivation level. The fifth true disciple above, Cheng Yaoshuo, has already reached the level of integration. Realm level one.”

"If you are not strong enough and are kicked out of the position of true successor, then you will lose the face of the emperor."

 Just in the Antarctic Fairyland, there are already such abnormal monsters appearing.

Then how many are there in the entire Zhenwu Immortal Court and the entire world of cultivating immortals?

At this time, Su Yu had a thought in his mind and pondered: "You mean, I will definitely be challenged by this group of people? Use me as a stepping stone to achieve the position of true legend?"

Gu Xianzi said: "Although they came from the fairy world, they were reborn. Maybe in a short period of time, they used some methods to make their cultivation level rise by leaps and bounds, but it is conceivable that this method must not be sustainable, otherwise why would they show up? ?”

“They have only one purpose for showing up, that is, they want to participate in the Immortal Court’s entrance trial and want the resources of the Immortal Court.”

“As long as they are not as lazy as you and hide in the Immortal Palace all day long, they can redeem all the top resources of the Immortal Palace.”

 “It must be important to them, one step before the other.”

“So don’t think about it, you will definitely be challenged by them as a stepping stone, you have to be mentally prepared.”

"But except for the challenges during the entry trial, the challenges at other times are not just those you want to challenge." Su Yu murmured, "In this way, I can set some conditions for the challenge."

The resources needed to cultivate the Gengjin Immortal Sword Body were too terrifying, like a bottomless pit, which made Su Yu unbearable.

 He was originally thinking about finding something to do, such as leaving the Immortal Palace to guard somewhere in the Immortal Court?

 But now it seems that there is a way to raise some resources.

After chatting for a long time, Su Yu left and went to the cave arranged by Gu Xianzi to stay temporarily, waiting for the trial in the Antarctic Fairyland to begin.

Not long after Su Yu left, Gu Xianzi came to the secret place where the Antarctic Lord's cave was. The Antarctic Lord's eyes were deep, but there was a hint of solemnity on his face.

 Looking at his daughter's arrival, he asked calmly: "What do you think of Su Yu compared with those genius monsters who have descended from the fairy world?"

Gu Xianzi said: "There is no comparable qualification."

She looked at the Lord of Antarctica with her beautiful eyes and said: "They are used to the laws and environment of the fairy world, and now they have broken through the world and their souls have suffered heavy losses, leaving only a glimmer of aura left to take over and be reborn."

“Perhaps their previous cultivation and conduct were extraordinary, but after suffering this disaster, it is not easy for them to return to the top, let alone other things.”

“Furthermore, they are outsiders after all, and those who take over the property are not those who are lucky. In terms of pure luck, they will lose.”

A trace of surprise flashed in the Antarctic Lord's eyes, and he said: "It seems that you like him very well."

Gu Xianzi shook her head slightly and said: "I am optimistic about Perfect Daoji and your father's Enlightenment Tea. Maybe the strength of that group of people will advance by leaps and bounds in a short period of time, reaching a terrifying level, but in a short period of time, they will never threaten the emperor and others. human level.”

"And I believe that under the protection of the emperor, Junior Brother Su will grow up well."

“The world of immortality is ultimately our world of cultivation, not theirs.”

The Lord of Antarctica did not speak. He just looked at the direction of the Sea of ​​Immortals and Demons and the Cangzhou Territory, and his eyes became more solemn.

 In his opinion, those so-called geniuses and evildoers who have descended from the fairy world are nothing.

The secrets hidden in the Sea of ​​Immortals and Demons and the Cangzhou Territory are more terrifying than these talented monsters who descended from the fairy world.

That if you are not careful, it may lead to the destruction of the world of immortality again and the catastrophe of repeating the mistakes of ancient times.

 ‘The ancient half-immortals really once hunted immortals! ’

  ‘Abandoning the Immortal Disciple is not the birth of the Immortal’s means’

Some unknown secrets emerged in the Antarctic Lord's mind. They are secrets that only a few people in the entire Zhenwu Immortal Court know, and are related to the safety of the entire world of immortality.

 The sudden arrival of this group of geniuses and monsters from the immortal world may be a good thing for the current world of immortality.

 It is an opportunity, and it is also a huge help to protect the world of immortality.

That's why the trend in the world of immortality has changed now. Instead of attacking the group of geniuses and evildoers who have descended from the immortal world, they have chosen to recruit and recruit them to join their own forces and cultivate them so that their strength can increase faster.

Of course, this is not just about wanting them to be a helping force in protecting the world of immortality.

Perhaps the emperor and the others also have other deeper plans.

‘World Lord, can anyone really refine the origin of a world and become the World Lord? ’ When the Lord of Antarctica thought about this, Su Yu’s appearance naturally appeared in his mind.

Su Yu is the most talented evildoer he has ever seen, even more so than the emperor.

If there is someone who is more likely to become the Lord of the World than the group of geniuses and monsters from the fairy world, he thinks

 However, how to become the master of the world is unknown.


 More than a month passed in the blink of an eye.

The entry trial of the Antarctic Fairyland has officially begun.

When Su Yu appeared with Gu Xianzi, she discovered Ma Tianling among the people participating in the trial. Although she had deliberately hidden herself, she still stood out among the crowd and attracted attention. . (End of chapter)

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