Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 423: The second senior sister came in person

  When Dao Master Hongyue took Ma Tianling and others to the Kunling Nest, they were eventually ambushed and escaped into the depths of the void and have been missing ever since. As a result, the Earthly Immortal Mansion also encountered a greater crisis.

Now that one or two hundred years have passed, Su Yu did not expect to meet Taoist Red Moon Master again in the Demon Burial Land.

  ‘Did you join Shangqing Dongfu? ’ Su Yu spied on the situation at Hongyue Taoist Master’s side, and learned from the chatter of some people around them that their identities seemed to be a Taoist army under the command of Shangqing Cave Mansion.

This time, he came with a saint from Shangqing Cave and was her protector.

Hongyue Taoist Master is the chief of the hundred guards of this Taoist army.

Although he didn’t know what Hongyue Taoist had encountered over the years, Su Yu felt relieved when he saw that his body was intact and his cultivation had even reached the seventh level of Dongxu Realm.

 At least people are still alive.

He did not step forward to recognize each other, or even send a message to Hongyue Taoist Master. He watched in silence for a moment, and then began to observe other forces and the situation on the other side of Snow Lake.

I saw that the snow lake seemed to have transformed at this moment. Some large snow mountains collapsed around it, and pillars of Buddha light reached the sky. When all these Buddha lights gathered on the snow lake, the sky and earth seemed to form an extremely terrifying whirlpool.

Boundless black mist and demonic energy permeated the air, and it seemed that the aura of strange monsters and demonic corpses could be vaguely glimpsed!

But through the whirlpool and the strange black mist, one can glimpse the world behind the whirlpool, and there seems to be a tower that reaches the sky.

 ‘The Demon Burial Pagoda? ’ Su Yu murmured in her heart and frowned slightly.

If the Demon Burial Pagoda were really born now, I'm afraid it would be 100% taken away by someone.

Then if I want to fulfill my previous ambition, I will have to face setbacks again.

 You have to find a way to get it back.

In this way, is it possible to become a semi-immortal in the Tribulation Realm?

Although it seems that the ruins of the Vajra Buddhist Temple are right in front of you, all forces have no intention of breaking in. There are obviously other reasons for this.

Su Yu thought for a moment and did not go to Zhenwu Xianting's camp. Instead, he walked towards the people at the Buddhist Great Buddha Temple.

On the top of a snow mountain about twenty or thirty miles away from the snow lake, the chief Kuya of the Great Buddha Temple and the Buddhist disciple of Dichan frowned and looked in the direction of the snow lake. Suddenly, their expressions moved slightly, and they walked down the snow mountain. Look.

At the foot of the snow-capped mountains, the two disciples of the Great Buddhist Temple who were about to stop Su Yu heard the voice coming from their ears. Their expressions suddenly became respectful and they stepped aside: "I have seen Ksitigarbha Buddha."

 “Uncle Kuya invites you.”

Su Yu put his hands together and saluted: "Amitabha, thank you for your work."

Coming to the side of Chief Kuya and Dichan Buddha at the top of the mountain, Chief Kuya looked a little weird and lowered his voice and said: "Why don't you go to Zhenwu Immortal Court and come to us?"

Su Yu smiled and said: "I am Ksitigarbha Buddhist Master, and I have nothing to do with Zhenwu Immortal Court."

Chief Kuya was speechless: "."

The Zen Buddhist disciple next to him was a little embarrassed. When he met Su Yu, the Taoist puppet, the Taoist puppet was not above the level of the God Realm, but in the blink of an eye, it has now turned into a figure comparable to the Fusion Realm Buddha. Seventh level!

And his true identity is that of the Great Emperor of Zhenwu Xianting. Do you still call him Junior Brother?

Su Yu didn’t think too much, but asked them in a low voice: “Senior Kuya, Brother Dichan, why don’t you go into the ruins of Vajra Buddha Temple?”

Ku Ya sighed softly and whispered: "There are demonic corpses that are comparable to the existence of the Buddha in the sky, as well as countless other magical beasts and demonic corpses, and there are many dangers."

“At present, we can only wait for the powerful forces from all parties to arrive and see if they can break in.”

 Comparable to the demonic corpse of the Heavenly Buddha! ?

Su Yu's expression suddenly changed, and at the same time he was glad in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't have the arrogance to break in with the power of the Space Avenue. Otherwise, with his mere seventh-level low-level strength, he might have gone in just to deliver food.

Su Yu then tried to ask about the immortal's severed hand, but Chief Kuya didn't say much about it. He just asked him to go to Zhenwu Xianting to find out. Zhenwu Xianting must know more about the inside story than their Great Buddha Temple.

And Su Yu also stayed in the team of the Great Buddha Temple and refused to leave, which made Master Kuya and others quite helpless.

In the subsequent chat, Su Yu learned that even among the Buddhist sects in the Buddhist realm, there were geniuses from the fairy world who appeared, and chose to become a Buddhist master and join the sect.

However, when Su Yu asked how many such people there were in the Great Buddha Temple, Master Kuya did not respond.

 At this point, more than half a year has passed.

On this day, terrifying auras came one after another from heaven to earth. Among them, three powerful heavenly Buddhas in the Mahayana realm appeared from the Buddhist sect. Three heavenly demons also came from the Demonic sect. Two came from the Zhenwu Immortal Courtyard. One of them He is clearly the master of Antarctica.

More than ten powerful men in the Mahayana realm appeared and descended, so that all the immortal cultivators around the snow lake were shocked and were in an uproar.

 The Lord of Antarctica came here. Even if he faced other powerful people in the Mahayana realm, his status was still quite high. The other powerful people in the Mahayana realm respected him and did not dare to be presumptuous.

The Lord of Antarctica glanced at the whirlpool in the snow lake and said calmly: "Then let's go in and have a look."


With that said, the Lord of Antarctica broke into the vortex first, followed closely by the Mahayana realms of other forces. Since they dared to come here, they naturally could not be afraid of the dangerous ruins of the Vajra Buddha Temple.

The moment more than a dozen Mahayana warriors joined forces to break into the whirlpool, a terrifying aura and fierce power suddenly erupted from it, and the news of the battle was heard instantly.

Attracted by the ruins of the Vajra Buddhist Temple and the severed hands of the immortals were not only the local cultivators of the immortal world, but also the group of geniuses who had descended from the immortal world.

At this moment, they felt the movement coming from the whirlpool, and their expressions became solemn.

 ‘There is more than one monster in the Mahayana realm. ’ Someone whispered.

If they were in the Immortal Realm, they would naturally not pay attention to the monsters in the Mahayana Realm. But now that they have come to the Immortal Realm and taken away their bodies to rebuild, their cultivation strength is far from being restored.

 Let alone the monsters in the Mahayana realm, even the monsters in the Fusion realm can make them extremely embarrassed and put their lives in danger.

 Everyone is ready to go.

 As soon as the fighting inside calmed down a little, he was ready to break in and seize the opportunity.

 Like this, another half month has passed.

this day.

People from the three major ancient land forces, including Zhenwu Xianting, Xuanhuang Ancient Land, and Shangqing Dongfu, were the first to move. Xiaoxian Junjun Wuxin waited for the Fusion Realm Dao Lord to rush straight into the whirlpool with hundreds or thousands of people.

At the Great Buddha Temple, Su Yu saw the abbot of the Great Buddha Temple among the three Mahayana Buddhas who had arrived before.

At this moment, seeing Zhenwu Xianting and other forces breaking into the ruins of the Vajra Buddha Temple, Chief Kuya quickly jumped up together with several other Fusion Realm Buddhas and led the people from the Great Buddha Temple and rushed towards the whirlpool.

Su Yu was not in a hurry, and followed Master Kuya and others who were pretending to be the Great Buddha Temple, while also observing the situation of other forces.

 ‘Senior Brother Hongyue has entered. ’

 ‘Ma Shiqing also brought Taoist Master Luohe, Taoist Tianyang and others in. ’

  ‘It’s really lively. ’


Following the crowd, Su Yu easily broke into the whirlpool.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Su Yu's expression changed slightly, because as he came in, the people around him disappeared and were moved by the whirlpool to other places.

The endless black fog fills the eyes. If you lose your sense of direction and direction,


Suddenly, one after another strange figures emerged from the black mist, but before they could rush to Su Yu's side, they were already blown away by a ray of Buddha's light. While they were still in mid-air, the body of that strange figure was ignited with monstrous Buddhist flames, and in an instant The space turned into flying ashes and scattered on the ground.

Su Yu's spiritual power filled the air, and for a moment, the sky and the earth with a radius of dozens or hundreds of miles came into view.

This is an extremely vast ancient cave ruins. The concentration of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is not even as high as a second-order or third-order spiritual vein.

But the black mist and demonic energy inside are more terrifying than the demon burial place outside.

Hidden in the black mist, countless strange monsters and demonic skeletons were quietly dormant. Some cultivators were caught off guard by the sudden change as soon as they arrived. In panic, they soon fell to the claws of these monsters and demonic skeletons. .

 Abandoned spiritual mountains, Buddhist temples, and even Buddhist cities came into Su Yu's sight.

 Shrouded in endless black mist, it is an ancient battlefield filled with terrible crises.

This should be the real gate of the ancient Vajra Buddha Temple, but it is also the most terrifying place where the ancient Vajra Buddha Temple suffered a catastrophe.

 The traces of that ancient war can be seen everywhere.

However, shrouded in this endless black mist, one can still feel the terrible sounds of war coming from the depths of the secret realm. The Lord of Antarctica and other Mahayana realm powerhouses still seem to have not solved the remaining obstacles in the ruins.

Su Yu raised his head and looked into the depths of the secret realm. Through the endless black fog with his spiritual power, he could vaguely see the presence of the tower that reached the sky.

 But at this moment, he felt an inexplicable numbness in his scalp.

Even the power of Shi Shi Avenue broke through, and did not dare to have the idea of ​​taking the pagoda through the sky!

Such a change made Su Yu dare not release the master of Tianxu Palace, Wu Chengzhi, Silver Guard, Black Guard and others.


A demonic corpse lurked behind Su Yu and suddenly burst out, holding a sickle demonic treasure filled with terrifying demonic aura. With one slash, it even cut through the secret space of the Vajra Buddha Temple.

However, when this slash landed on the Buddha's light behind Su Yu, it was like being stuck in a quagmire and unable to move any further.

And when Su Yu turned around, a terrifying thunder light Buddha seal suddenly hit his chest with both hands: "Bang!"

The terrifying power of thunder merged with the power of Buddhism, directly defeating the monstrous demonic energy that was fused with the demonic skeleton, destroying its skeleton, just like destroying the dead, and a thunder vase seal killed it instantly.

Su Yu stretched out her hand to catch the sickle magic treasure that was caught in the Buddha's light. Feeling the power of this magic treasure, she frowned slightly. Is it just a semi-excellent magic treasure?

 But the blow just now had the power to threaten the first and second level Dao Lords of the ordinary combined realm.

His face changed slightly after feeling it for a moment.

 In this world, the demonic skeleton and the power of the demonic treasure are blessed, and they are stronger and more terrifying than outside.


He trampled the ground again, and in an instant all the remaining demonic beasts and demonic bodies within a radius of several miles were crushed. Su Yu disappeared and rushed straight towards the deeper Buddhist temples and Buddhist cities.

He had no intention of saving other immortal cultivators. When he heard that the Vajra Buddha Temple was born, he just wanted to fish in troubled waters and let the Taoist puppets grab some cultivation resources.

 After all, he is too poor now. Not only does he need resources to practice the Five Elements Art, but he also needs resources for the Celestial Body Refining Technique and the Celestial Refining Divine Technique.

 And the Gengjin Immortal Sword Body is a big gold swallower. If you want to practice the foundation of the Immortal Body, it is simply a bottomless pit.

So after calming down, Su Yu's Taoist puppet had no intention of caring about other people. The power of the Space Avenue tore apart the space and rushed directly towards the nearest Buddhist temple.

This is a small Buddhist temple located on a mountain hundreds of feet high. Even after countless years, there are still some formations and restrictions left on the mountain.

However, these formations and restrictions could not stop Su Yu, who possessed the great power of space. His spiritual power passed through all the formations and restrictions, and he could instantly see through the treasures and resources left behind by this Buddhist temple.

 Less than a quarter of an hour.

Su Yu ‘picked up’ more than ten magic treasures and nine magic treasures from this Buddhist temple, including one top-quality magic weapon and one magic treasure each.

There are many Qiankun Rings. Su Yu broke through the marks of those Qiankun Rings and looked into them with his mind. A hint of joy suddenly appeared in his eyes.

 Even as time goes by, many resources have been reduced to nothing.

 But some of the spiritual gold ore materials or magic weapons and other resources are still intact even after endless years.

These resources in the Qiankun Ring are worth at least tens of thousands of Zhenwu Immortal Court contribution points.

This is a small Buddhist temple on a hill.


While other immortal cultivators are still trapped in the black mist, entangled with the direction and endless monsters and demonic remains, Su Yu has begun to plunder the resources and opportunities of the Vajra Buddhist Temple ruins.

At this moment, deep inside the ruins of the Vajra Buddha Temple.

The Lord of Antarctica and others chased the group of demonic skeletons and strange monsters with extremely terrifying auras all the way until they came to a spiritual mountain holding the sky.

But at this moment, the endless black mist in front suddenly gathered, until a pair of scarlet eyes appeared on the shadow of the Sky Tower on the top of the mountain, which stared at the Lord of Antarctica and others.

Looking again at the many creatures that broke into the ruins of the Vajra Buddha Temple, the mysterious shadow seemed to be smiling, and a whisper rang in the ears of the Antarctic Lord and others: "What a delicious breath of life."

The faces of the Lord of Antarctica, the abbot of the Great Buddha Temple and others changed slightly.

The Lord of Antarctica shouted angrily: "Who are you!"

 “Jie Jie Jie.”

But the only response to the Antarctic Lord was a strange laugh. The Antarctic Lord and others cast spells to attack, but they all seemed to be just hit on cotton. They had no idea what this thing was or what its true nature was.


 One after another, the demonic shadows appeared again, and the terrifying demonic corpses and monster beasts once again came out of the Lingshan Mountain, fighting fiercely with the Lord of Antarctica and others.

Even if the Antarctic Lord and others severely injure these demonic corpses and monsters, as long as they escape into the Lingshan Mountain for a moment, they will be restored to their original appearance when they reappear.

 Such a battle lasted for about half a year, and the Lord of Antarctica and others still failed to kill the Lingshan Mountain and Vajra Buddha Temple in front of them. Finally, they had to choose to retreat, rescue their own people from the black mist, and exit this strange world.

Su Yu searched a small part of the ruins, and as a group of Mahayana realm experts retreated, he also hurriedly withdrew.

 But at least tens of thousands of immortal cultivators were trapped and died inside.

 Another year later.

The Demon Burial Ground has been completely banned. Only major forces such as Zhenwu Immortal Court can enter and exit. Although the immortal cultivators from other forces are very angry, after all, some of their relatives and friends have disappeared. As a result, the chance of the Diamond Buddha Temple and the ancient immortal's severed hand is now unknown. Occupied by big forces.

However, they did not know that not long after the Demon Burial Ground was sealed, Emperor Zhenwu and other top beings in the world of immortality came here. However, when they entered the whirlpool world once, they immediately set up formations and restrictions to seal the world.

 The reason was not revealed even when Su Yu asked Gu Xianzi and the Great Elder Xiao Changlin.

The place where the demon was buried then became calm, and even people from Zhenwu Xianting and other forces withdrew from here.

But just when Su Yu thought that the Demon Burial Land had returned to normal, an uninvited guest came again from Ksitigarbha City in the Changtian Territory.

Su Yu walked out of the retreat cave and came to the Buddhist hall. When he saw a beautiful fairy sitting on the futon where he was sitting cross-legged, his face changed drastically and his scalp felt numb.

 The Mahayana realm!

He has not seen the person with his own eyes, but he has seen it.

I have seen it in a previous report, the former Zhenwu Emperor’s personal successor, and his nominal second senior sister.

 The powerful person in the Mahayana realm of the Qingjing Immortal Palace - Lotus born in the tunnel! (End of chapter)

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