Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 429: Refining the immortal energy and the true foundation of the immortal body

Chapter 429 Refining Immortal Qi and the True Immortal Body Foundation

Challenging hundreds of games in a row, no matter whether it is the local geniuses or the group of geniuses from the immortal world who have not yet grown up, they are not Su Yu's enemies.

 No one can force Su Yu to use his immortal sword and bones and attack with all his strength.

  After half a month.

The Tianjiao Trial is coming to an end, and Su Yu also meets his last opponent. No surprise, he is the talented young man from Shangqing Cave Mansion who originates from the Dongchu tribe in the fairy world.

Wearing white clothes, his aura is as ethereal as a young immortal.

That handsome and extraordinary temperament, I am afraid that many fairies will be fascinated by him when they see him.

Jun Dong Chu looked at Su Yu who appeared in front of him and raised his eyebrows slightly. He looked at Su Yu carefully and said with a smile on his face: "Not bad, you can actually make it to the end?"

"I heard that you also come from the immortal world? Are you from the Purple Crane Immortal Sect? How can you rest as an introductory disciple?"

 Jun Dong Chu shook his head slightly, looked at Su Yu with a calm expression and said, "Seeing that your talent is not bad, I will give you a chance. Follow me in the future and assist me in my practice in the lower world."

Although Su Yu could feel that this fairy city was swallowing up the aura of heaven and earth bit by bit to restore his body, this time it was severely damaged and it would not be easy to recover.

Dong Chujun sent a message and replied: "No problem, I'm just an introduction to the lower realm."

   ‘A genius who is the only perfect Taoist genius in the Zhenwu Immortal Courtyard, and a genius who originated from the Shangqing Cave Palace in the immortal world. ’ Luo Shanhe looked at the Xuanhuang Star Realm with great interest and thought to himself, ‘I wonder how these two people are doing now and what methods they are good at? Supernatural power? ’

Jun Dongchu laughed when he heard this. He felt quite comfortable and understood this tone.

Su Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, and after looking at Lord Dongchu for a moment, he said, "I don't like Hong Qingxian very much. I want her not to be a Taoist girl from the Shangqing Cave."

 “Junior sister?”

Su Yu, Gu Xianzi, and Ma Tianling also quickly left Xuanhuang Ancient Land and returned to Zhenwu Immortal Court after receiving their rewards.

Su Yu said with a slight smile: "Maybe this is my opportunity to go to the lower world!"

Even the tree that held up the sky cracked and cracked, as if it had suffered some terrible disaster and almost died.

 Jun Dongchu couldn't help but smile when he heard this, but he nodded and said: "It makes sense. You said before that you wanted to see me to discuss something? I'm in a good mood now. Maybe you can talk about it now."

After receiving the reward from Luo Shanhe, Lord Dong Chu did not stay in the Xuanhuang Ancient Land, nor even went to see the target of Su Yu’s entrustment, Hong Qingxian, and went straight back to Shangqing Cave Mansion.

 “Want to save a Taoist army under the command of a Taoist woman?”

 Jun Dong Chu frowned at Su Yu and said, "You are so brave, you dare to practice the Five Elements, Space, and even want to touch time!"

After thinking about it, Lord Dong Chu also sent a message: "Fight with me, if you can defeat me, then I will take part in this matter for you. If you lose, then from now on, you will be under my command and help me in my fight." Cultivation in the lower world.”

Although neither of them were disciples of Xuanhuang Ancient Land, Luo Shanhe didn't care.


Su Yu and Dong Chujun disappeared together in the Xuanhuang Star Realm and appeared in the dojo.

As long as this Tianjiao Trial Tournament can be completed, the goal of Xuanhuang Ancient Land will have been achieved.

They were destroyed by the terrifying power that erupted from Su Yu and Dong Chujun in an instant.

“It’s just that this is the fairy world, and things from the fairy world are not worth mentioning here.”

half year later.

Su Yu's body returned here, and he looked up at the Wutong Taoist body. The Wutong Taoist body, which had already given birth to ten new branches and tender leaves, now only had a solitary branch left, and the aura on his body was extremely weak.

Su Yu looked at Lord Dong Chu without changing his expression, smiled softly and said, "I know that the Dong Chu clan, a family founded by Lord Xuan in Heaven, has extraordinary power and even more terrifying foundation."

 It cannot be completed in a short time.

"If Fellow Daoist Dongchu can help, Fellow Daoist Dongchu can mention the price. If it is possible, I can pay it for my junior sister."

However, in the blink of an eye, the formation world in the Xuanhuang Star Realm collapsed and was destroyed.

The streets of Yuexian Mansion's Fairy City are also full of cracks, and many of the previously neat and uniform houses have collapsed at this moment.

They, the sons of the immortal world, came to the lower world, but they suffered a lot in this lower world.

 Have you taken action?

 The deep void of the Demon Burial Land.

 “Don’t worry, I won’t owe you anything for what you’re about to do.”

Su Yu then sent a message: "A junior sister in my body asked me for help and wanted to rescue a Taoist army from your Shangqing Cave Mansion, and that Taoist army is under the command of Hong Qingxian, the Taoist girl of your Shangqing Cave Mansion."

Mr. Dong Chu looks weird. Is this the reason?

“When I return to the immortal world someday, you will be able to get support from the Dongchu people.”

Luo Shanhe looked obviously startled, and then his pupils shrank. Even the formation world of the Xuanhuang Star Realm couldn't support the strength of the two of them?

 At the dojo, many people looked equally astonished and a little confused.

Lord Dong Chu’s expression changed slightly. After thinking for a while, maybe it was indeed the case. He sighed in admiration and said without hesitation: “I lost.”

He looked at Su Yu and raised the corners of her mouth slightly, revealing a trace of inexplicable power: "As long as you can beat me."

 It doesn’t seem like there is one?

However, Su Yu and Dong Chujun appeared in the dojo and looked at each other. Dong Chujun looked blank for a moment. He stretched out his fingers that were whiter than a fairy and touched the center of his eyebrows, only to see a trace of blood on his hands. Appear.

 The outside world.

The chaos caused by the Green Prison Immortal Palace has been calmed down. Luo Shanhe, the great elder of the Human Race Council of Elders, reappeared in the dojo, looking towards the Xuanhuang Star Realm. Now the Xuanhuang Star Realm Tianjiao Trial Competition has basically ended, and only Su Yu and Dong Chujun and the other two are still in the Xuanhuang Star Realm.

 Naturally, they have to find opportunities to retaliate, otherwise how could they express the bad anger in their hearts.

 The ancient Yuexian Mansion Fairy City.


The figures of the first golden-armored commander and the second golden-armored commander appeared. They looked at Su Yu's body coming, but their expressions were a little complicated.

 There was some resentment in his heart towards Su Yu for causing the fairy city to look like this, but Su Yu was trying his best to take it back from Tiandao for the relics left by their former master Yuexian.

  If Su Yu is really to blame, the two of them really don't realize it.

The First Golden Armor Commander felt the increasingly terrifying aura and Taoist charm of Su Yu's body. He was amazed in his heart, sighed slowly and said: "Coming?"

Su Yu nodded and looked in the direction of several fragments of immortal gold that were sealed here by Yuexian Mansion's Immortal City: "Do you know that thing? Has Senior Yuexian ever said what to do with this thing?"

Having He Xiu's memory, Su Yu naturally recognized what kind of fairy gold it was. It was precisely because of this that he had a headache.

This fairy gold—he doesn’t know if it can be shaken.

 The first and second golden-armored commanders looked at each other, then shook their heads and said doubtfully: "We don't know. The Immortal Master will not tell us this. If you hadn't taken action, we wouldn't have known that the Immortal Master had left anything like this."

Su Yu could only come to the Purple Spirit Immortal Gold alone. Under the terrible thunder catastrophe in the world of immortality, the Purple Spirit Immortal Gold, which was originally half a foot tall, has now been turned into five pieces, the largest one. It is half the size of a human.

 The smallest piece is only half the size of a head. Su Yu's eyes fell on the smallest piece of Purple Spirit Immortal Gold. Before he got close to it, the piece of Purple Spirit Immortal Gold was filled with a terrifying aura, so that the space in Yuexian Mansion's Immortal City was constantly rippled, and it seemed unbearable. The weight of this immortal gold.

Su Yu tried to gather the power of the Five Elements Avenue and the Space Avenue to lift the smallest piece of Purple Spirit Fairy Gold.

However, as soon as he moved, his face suddenly turned pale, and he couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.


The piece of Purple Spirit Immortal Gold moved, but it caused sharp ripples in the space of Yuexian Mansion Immortal City. It seemed that the weight and power of the piece of Immortal Gold would crush the space of Yuexian Mansion Immortal City.

And the two great powers that Su Yu had gathered were crushed by the smallest piece of Purple Spirit Fairy Gold.

  Although Su Yu had expected it, seeing this result, Su Yu couldn't help but cursed secretly.

It is indeed fairy gold. I can't even lift such a small piece!


Su Yu looked at the Purple Spirit Immortal Gold that was surrounded by the terrifying aura of purple clouds. He couldn't help but take a deep breath and sat down cross-legged not far from the Purple Spirit Immortal Gold. Then the power of the sword bones in the sword body exploded. At the same time, Su Yu uses the Immortal Technique Geng Jin Immortal Sword Technique.


The power of the Immortal Body Sword Bone circulates through the Gengjin Immortal Sword Art, and diffuses towards the piece of Purple Spirit Immortal Gold bit by bit.

 I don’t know how much time has passed.


The smallest piece of Purple Spirit Fairy Gold suddenly trembled, and wisps of purple aura seemed to be attracted, slowly being pulled towards Su Yu until it was incorporated into Su Yu's body.


It was just a wisp of purple breath. The moment it entered Su Yu's body, the skin and bones of Su Yu's body couldn't help but burst into cracks.

 The terrifying immortal power crazily squeezed Su Yu's body and magic power.

So much so that Su Yu's body, which had mastered two six-level physical refining techniques, turned into a **** man in just a few moments, with the skin all over his body cracked and it seemed like he was about to turn into a puddle of flesh.

However, even so, Su Yu's expression remained unchanged, and his mind did not fluctuate at all. He was running the Gengjin Immortal Sword Art wholeheartedly, pulling the wisp of purple aura towards the first sword bone he practiced.


The moment this wisp of purple breath blended into the sword bone, the sword bone couldn't help but make a cracking sound, and tiny cracks appeared.

It seems that even the sword bones cannot carry this ray of immortal energy!

But at this time, the Gengjin Immortal Sword Art in Su Yu's body was running wildly, with the power of the Five Elements Avenue, the Space Avenue, the Time Avenue, etc., as well as the three-color divine water mana condensed to suppress the immortal power of the purple aura, and the crazy repair and maintenance The sword bones are not destroyed.

"I can bear it." Su Yu secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the sword bone gradually becoming stable.

 Under such circumstances, time passed slowly for nearly half a year.

 Finally, that wisp of purple aura was refined by the Gengjin Immortal Sword Art, and completely integrated with the sword bone in Su Yu's body.

 And the aura of the sword bone also underwent a qualitative transformation at this moment.

The moment he saw the transformation of the sword bone, Su Yu had a clear understanding in his heart: "After practicing the immortal energy, this is the true foundation of the immortal body!"

Although he had cultivated the foundation of the sword body based on the Immortal Method Gengjin Immortal Sword Art before, it was not the true foundation of the Immortal Body, because the foundation of the Immortal Body lacked the most important thing - Immortal Qi!

Practice the immortal method in the immortal world and build the foundation of the immortal method, which is assisted by the resources of the immortal world. In fact, it is more or less imbued with some immortal energy. Therefore, the foundation of the immortal body in the immortal world will not be as flawed as the immortal world.

 But in the world of cultivating immortals, where can the resources and immortal energy of the immortal world come from?


Each immortal method requires different resources to build the foundation of the immortal body, and the five elements of immortal methods require different resources and immortal energy.

If you want to cultivate the true foundation of immortality in the world of immortality, it will be difficult to reach the sky.

Su Yu happened to be practicing the Gengjin Immortal Sword Art, a very excellent foundation-building immortal technique in the immortal world, and the immortal energy contained in the Purple Spirit Immortal Gold was just right for him to use for his own use.

Looking at the transformed sword bone, Su Yu was overjoyed: "Continue!"

He used the magic power of the three-color divine water to restore his previously crushed body, and then activated the breath of the Purple Spirit Fairy Gold again.

 Time passed slowly like this.

Four years later.

 Su Yu's five fairy body foundation sword bones all completed their transformation. At this time, he stopped and continued to practice by swallowing the purple spirit fairy gold breath.

 Because the sword bone can carry the aura of the Purple Spirit Immortal Gold to complete its transformation, but the bones of his body that have not transformed into the sword bone cannot bear it.

He opened his eyes and looked at the piece of Purple Spirit Immortal Gold. The aura on it was only a small part consumed: "It may be enough to complete the foundation of the Immortal Body of the Gengjin Immortal Sword Art."

 At this moment, he was amazed in his heart.

Is it possible that Yuexian had anticipated this day in ancient times?

 Can Yuexian have such magical powers?

 He temporarily stopped practicing the Gengjin Immortal Sword Art.

 Then he took out the harvest he had previously obtained from the Xuanhuang Ancient Land, a copy of the inheritance of Qianzhonglang Immortal Technique, a bottle of ten seventh-level Xuanhuang Pills, and five Taoist materials.

The treasure house of Xuanhuang Ancient Land is extraordinary and contains many treasures that make Su Yu covetous.

 But he can only choose five Daojin materials.

 In the end, Su Yu chose five elements of materials, one each of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

 When he saw the five elements of Taoist gold materials in his hand, Su Yu looked at the Purple Spirit Immortal Gold in front of him thoughtfully.

Purple Spirit Fairy Gold—

It is not an immortal gold with five elements attributes. Its characteristics are relatively mild and neutral, and it can be adapted to the forging of various earth-level and heaven-level immortal weapon embryos.

  It is also the immortal weapon used by earthly immortals and heavenly immortals.

If you can shake this purple spirit fairy gold, use it as the core to forge a five-element natal instrument.

Su Yu swallowed secretly, it was really tempting.


He glanced at the purple fairy gold, sighed deeply, and whispered to himself: "It can't be smelted."

However, he thought that he could now refine the immortal energy contained in the Purple Spirit Immortal Gold, and that the Taoist base of the immortal body was transforming, and he couldn't help but feel excited.

If the foundation of the Immortal Body is established, can it shake the Purple Spirit Immortal Gold?

Taking away the five Taojin materials again, Su Yu's eyes fell on the ten Xuanhuang Pills, and he took them back temporarily, and then began to pass on the Thousand Waves Immortal Technique.

Let's first take a look at how this immortal method is different from the Gengjin Immortal Sword Art, and see if it will help you if you want to practice the Five Elements Immortal Technique.


Su Yu inherited the Thousand Waves Immortal Technique from the Xuanhuang Ancient Land, and a majestic message flooded into his mind. It took more than half a month before he could calm down from the majestic information inherited from this Immortal Technique. come over.

Recalling this immortal method, Su Yu frowned slightly and murmured: "The foundation of the Qianzhonglang Immortal Body"

 (End of this chapter)

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