Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 444: Leave the world of immortality? Total chaos

From the time Huang Long, Yu Xiaohe and others arrived to the appearance of Gu Xianzi and the Great Elder Xiao Changlin, there was not even a hundred breaths of time.

 In the courtyard behind the mountain.

Su Yu received Gu Xianzi and the First Elder. Gu Xianzi glanced at the Immortal Gate of Dixian Mansion and said, "Have those guys been dealt with?"

Su Yu nodded and said: "It was Huang Long, Yu Xiaohe and other geniuses from the immortal world who captured it."


Su Yu looked at Xiao Changlin and said, "They are not coming for the Earthly Immortal Palace, but for the Great Elder, or the Immortal Palace Treasure House."

 The expressions of Gu Xianzi and Xiao Changlin were not surprised.

Xiao Changlin shook his head slightly, looked at Su Yu and said, "What would you think if I said that I would do my best to assist you in ascending to the throne of the Great Emperor?"

Su Yu was startled when he heard this, then frowned and looked at Xiao Changlin, and then at Gu Xianzi.

“Master, can’t you come back?”

Xiao Changlin pondered for a moment and said: "If my guess is correct, the emperor and others may have tried to leave the world of immortality. The emperor's soul monument is fine, but the message mark he left has dissipated."

 Leave the world of immortality!

Su Yu's heart was shaken. No wonder, no wonder the world of immortality suddenly became chaotic.

No wonder Jun Yiyi and Ji Qianyu were so courageous that they dared to exclude dissidents and take charge of the Immortal Court. He had thought before that these people would not worry about Emperor Zhenwu coming back to liquidate them? Looking at it now, I’m really not afraid.

His face suddenly became a little ugly. Emperor Zhenwu and the others looked really cool when they left.

Xian Ting just ignores it?

Su Yu cursed secretly in his heart, but had no choice but to do it. After all, people like Emperor Zhenwu have lived too long, and they may have seen through everything. In their eyes, they only have enlightenment and immortality, and everything else is just clouds.

Su Yu had some feelings about this as early as the first time she came into contact with Emperor Zhenwu.

The feeling given by those eyes is completely different from that of Taoist Tianyu who was a disciple before. It is also not like Taoist Tianyu. After becoming a disciple, he treated Su Yu with almost all his love. He was too indifferent and could not see any emotion.

Now that he knew the truth about the disappearance of Emperor Zhenwu, Su Yu was surprised, but not surprised.

 Everything is just for the sake of becoming an immortal.

However, Su Yu was still a little confused and asked: "Master, how did they leave the world of immortality? And isn't it said that there is also a chance in the world of immortality? The group of geniuses in the immortal world even came at any cost for this opportunity."

"Don't you want to seize this opportunity, Master?"

Xiao Changlin sighed softly and said: "I don't know what the Emperor considers, but if...I say if, someone gives you the method and opportunity to leave the world of immortal cultivation and go to the immortal world, giving you the opportunity to leave here and become an immortal without having to go How do you choose the fate of the world master that is illusory and completely unreasonable?"

 I choose a hammer.

Su Yu secretly thought to himself, would he choose neither of them and go to the fairy world? What if it was a trap? Give up everything in the world of immortality just to become an immortal...

 He would rather stay in the world of cultivating immortals and cultivate for tens of thousands more years... He would not try his luck if he was not sure.

However, it can be seen from the words of the Great Elder Xiao Changlin that someone wants Emperor Zhenwu and others to leave the world of immortality?

Su Yu thought, are they those people from the immortal world?

 Let Emperor Zhenwu and others leave, which is equivalent to pulling out the Dinghai Shenzhen of the world of immortality.

 The situation in which the three major ancient human races, the Demonic Sect, the Buddhist Sect, the Demon Race, and the Sea Clan in the world of cultivating immortals were bound to change, and the world of cultivating immortals will inevitably be in chaos.

The chaos in the world of immortality is undoubtedly the most beneficial to the group of geniuses in the world of immortality.

 This brings us back to what Xiao Changlin said above.

If someone gave you the opportunity to leave the world of immortality and become an immortal, would you, like Emperor Zhenwu and others, choose to leave the world of immortality?

Su Yu was silent. Maybe not many people could refuse.

Xiao Changlin added: "Su Zhen's biography is a rare opportunity. If you can regain control of the Immortal Court and gain access to the treasure trove of resources of the Immortal Court, given time, you will surely be able to secure the throne of the Great Emperor."

“Although your talent is good, Jun Wuyi is narrow-minded and is destined to fail.”

“The group of people in the Immortal Realm seem to have extraordinary talents, but those who have stopped cultivating themselves and come to the Immortal Realm with me are destined to not be on the same journey.”

“Only you, you are the most gifted and intelligent person I have ever seen in all these years. You are even more calm and peaceful in mind, and you can achieve great things.”

Gu Xianzi next to her was silent and silent.

 In the past, she would have been the first to persuade Su Yu to stand up, kill all those who stood in his way, achieve great success, and show his invincibility.

 But this time, she was silent, which was a bit abnormal.

Su Yu glanced at Fairy Gu, who still had no intention of speaking. Su Yu shook her head gently and said: "I am only a monk, so what virtue can I covet for such a throne? Besides, my character is not good enough. He is not suitable for such a thing, and the Great Elder or Senior Sister should know this. Therefore, the Great Elder should find another genius to support him."

Xiao Changlin frowned slightly and said in a calm tone: "Su Zhenzhuan! If chaos really breaks out in the Immortal Courtyard, do you think you can stay out of it?"

“Or are you naive enough to think that if you don’t fight for it, Jun Wuyi, Ji Qianyu and the others will let you go easily?”

"Now we still have a chance to fight for it. If the order of the fairy court completely collapses and is completely controlled by Ji Qianyu and his group, it will be too late!"

He was a little angry, and his tone even contained a hint of anger.

If it weren’t for Gu Xianzi who was by his side

He might not be able to help but want to give Su Yu a beating!

How stupid!

 Don’t you know how to cherish the opportunity given to you? Do you really have to wait until death is approaching to regret it?

Facing Xiao Changlin’s persuasion, Su Yu still stubbornly shook her head and declined.

Shortly after.

Su Yu sent Xiao Changlin and Gu Xianzi away.

But when he returned to the courtyard, Gu Xianzi had a Dharma body left behind.

 He was a little surprised and said, "Senior sister also wants to persuade me?"

Gu Xianzi shook his head and said: "My father is trying to reach the realm of transcending tribulation. If he can succeed, he may still be able to give it a try. At least he can hope to protect himself in troubled times."

“If it doesn’t work out, then maybe the Nan family will also escape into seclusion until the overall situation is decided.”

“It’s normal for the Great Elder to want to fight, but Ji Qianyu and Jun Wuyi not only represent themselves, but the forces behind them are the biggest threat.”

“In addition, there are the Qingjing Temple, the group of immortal geniuses, abandoned immortal disciples, etc.”

“Even if we really fight as the great elder said, the chance of winning the last laugh may be less than 10%.”

“So you can think about it yourself as to how to do it.”

With that said, Gu Xianzi waved her hand and left behind a Qiankun Ring, saying: "This is the resource exchanged for the spiritual liquid you left before."

"I can see that you already have the intention of leaving, so senior sister hopes that we will have a chance to meet again in the future."

Gu Xianzi smiled, and the Dharma Body faded away.

Su Yu held the Qiankun Ring in silence for a moment, and then he put his mind into the Qiankun Ring, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

 The resources here are at least twice as much as what Fairy Gu once gave him.

This is probably because the foundation of the Antarctic Fairyland has been used.

Su Yu put away the Qiankun Ring and without any further hesitation, asked Fan Xiao, his master Taoist Tianyu, and his senior brother Taoist Master Hongyue to quickly gather everyone in the Earthly Immortal Mansion, abandon most of their unimportant foundations, and leave the northern border of the human race directly. Fan Xiao, Taoist Tianyu, and Hongyue Taoist did not dare to hesitate any longer after seeing Huang Long and others coming.

  If you don’t leave, the Earthly Immortal Mansion will really be doomed!

 More than a year later.

 In the depths of the Vajra Temple in the Buddha Realm.

There is a fairy city hidden here. Su Yu took Fan Xiao, Taoist Tianyu, Hongyue Taoist and others to the top of a fairy palace and looked at the scene of the entire fairy city.

"From now on, the Earthly Immortal Mansion will stay here in seclusion for the time being." After a pause, Su Yu added: "I will go there after I find a secret and safe place in the cave."

Yuexian Mansion Fairy City is indeed safe, but it is too safe.

 There are not even resources, so it is not suitable for long-term seclusion.

Only the secret realm of the cave is the long-term way for a force to hide from the world.

 Otherwise, if this continues, everyone in the Earthly Immortal Mansion will have nothing to lose.

In the Immortal City of Yuexian Mansion, part of the area was set aside to house the people of Dixian Mansion. Su Yu met Huang Long, Yu Xiaohe and others again. Soon after, Huang Long, Yu Xiaohe and others were thrown into the deep void, while Su Yu returned to Immortal City. , continue to practice in retreat.

 Canggu Fairy City.

Su Yu distracted himself and looked through the missions, or 'information', about Xuanhuang Ancient Land, Zhenwu Immortal Court, Shangqing Cave Mansion and other forces, and then thought about it secretly.


 The world of immortality is going to be in complete chaos.

With Emperor Zhenwu and the other pillars leaving the world of immortality, the order that had been maintained for countless years in the world of immortality in the past will be completely destroyed.

 There is no order—

There will naturally be no rules in the world of cultivating immortals from now on.

At this moment, Su Yu's spiritual body felt an indescribable sense of relief, as if the shackles that had been suppressed on him, or in his heart, disappeared.


He slowly moved his neck and whispered in his heart: "This way, you will be able to do whatever you want in the future."

He glanced at a certain place in Canggu Immortal City. The 'Wind Spirit Fairy' was soaking in a spiritual spring. She seemed to be practicing some immortal method. The water mist was lingering. Her skin was white and tender, and her figure was enchanting. Her figure was becoming more and more beautiful. .

 Su Yu just glanced at her and then her eyes fell on another place.


 The next moment, Su Yu disappeared.

In a secret treasure house somewhere in Canggu Immortal City, mountains of spiritual stones and materials are stored here. Although there are not many high-grade resources, mosquito legs are still meat no matter how small they are.

With a wave of his hand, Su Yu emptied the treasure house.

Just when he was about to leave, his heart moved slightly, and he left a line of words: Huang Lingdongtian greets the fairy, and we will meet again if we are destined.

 Looking at this line of writing, Su Yu nodded with satisfaction and left immediately.

 “Go to Xuanhuang Ancient Land!”

Since the world of cultivating immortals is about to be in chaos, there is no reason for him not to intervene—

 Key points of benefits.

Xuanhuang Ancient Land has so many years of heritage, so many forces, and so many treasures. We cannot take advantage of the group of geniuses in the Immortal Realm and the people of the Qingji Immortal Palace!

 Half a day later.

The Wind Spirit Fairy who was in seclusion was disturbed and came out of seclusion. When she came to the treasure house and saw the line of words left behind, a murderous intent suddenly burst out in her eyes, and her face was as cold as frost.

 “Huang Ling Cave Heaven!” Fengling Fairy frowned lightly, feeling frightened and angry in her heart.

 Is this a provocation?

  Stealing one's own treasure house quietly, isn't this just giving oneself a disgrace?

She thought of a letter sent by the messenger from Shangqing Cave not long ago, and felt uneasy.

 Being able to empty one's treasure house under one's own eyes is an extraordinary method.

Does that guy have such capable people under his command?

That if he really does it to himself.

 ‘Mr. Dongchu, the Dongchu people are so domineering! Fairy Fengling frowned for a long time, but gradually relaxed. She took a breath and made a decision.

 The one from the Dongchu tribe is a good choice, maybe you can give it a try.

‘Even if this plan fails, maybe I can become a young lady from the Dongchu tribe in the future. ’ Fairy Fengling’s eyes moved slightly.

  Xuanhuang Ancient Land.

Su Yu used the information on some stone tablets in the Qingjing Palace to avoid the forces targeted by the Qingjing Palace and specifically selected those arrogant and domineering forces.

After emptying the treasure houses of ten major forces, he immediately escaped from the Xuanhuang Ancient Land and disappeared to the Zhenwu Immortal Court. He was not greedy.

After arriving at the Zhenwu Immortal Courtyard, Su Yu picked out ten more powerful treasure troves related to Ji Qianyu, Jun Wuyi and others, emptied them, and retreated again before Jun Wuyi, Ji Qianyu and others could react to the layout.

 Thirty years passed in a flash.

After Su Yu separated his divine body and sent the resources on his body to his main body, he came to the Zhenwu Immortal Court area again.

Antarctic Fairyland.

Just after arriving here, Su Yu heard about the war in the Antarctic Fairyland.

The remnant of the old lineage of the Black Dragon Emperor's Court, a man who claimed to be the inheritor of the Long family's bloodline emerged from the hidden world, and directly attacked the Antarctic Immortal Territory, intending to destroy and control the foundation of the Antarctic Immortal Territory.

Su Yu’s mind was drawn to the token for entering the Qingjing Immortal Palace. In a blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the mission hall again.

He walked slowly to the mission stele, and with a thought in mind, he checked the reward missions related to the Long Family, the remnants of the Black Dragon Emperor's old lineage.


After this investigation, dozens of tasks actually appeared on the stone tablet.

Su Yu's eyes flashed with surprise. He just wanted to come in and give it a try, but he didn't expect that the Green Prison Immortal Palace really had a mission for the remnants of the Black Dragon Emperor's old lineage?

 He looked quickly.

[Long Tianxian, the contemporary ancestor of the Long family, a remnant of the ancient lineage of the Long family in the ancient Black Dragon Emperor's Court. He is now more than 18,000 years old. He has cultivated in the early stages of the Tribulation Realm. A reward is offered for his life. If you kill him, you can gain the upper rank. One piece of utensil. 】

  【Long Shixuan, the contemporary head of the Long family. He has cultivated to the late Mahayana realm. A reward is offered for his life. If he is killed, he can obtain a medium-grade Taoist artifact or resources of equivalent value. 】

  【A reward is placed on all the bloodline children of the Long family. After killing them, they can receive corresponding rewards based on their heads, strength, talents, etc. 】

 Without any hesitation, Su Yu accepted all the tasks related to the Long Family’s bounty under the Mahayana Realm.

Su Yu even accepted the three early stages of the Mahayana realm, and then left the mission hall of the Qingjing Immortal Palace.

 ‘What if it’s really a mistake? ’

At the moment, while Su Yu was getting information about the current specific situation of the Antarctic Fairyland, he was also looking to see if there was any chance to pick up some resources from the Long family to practice fairy magic. (End of chapter)

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