Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 447: Where is my junior brother if the Long family is destroyed?

After completing the looting and killing of the Luotian family and other forces, Su Yu came back here again to spy on the Long family's camp, hoping to see if the Antarctic Immortal Palace would take the opportunity to take action and have a decisive battle with the Long family.

In this way, he may have the opportunity to harvest the Long family's combined realm Taoist masters and complete several tasks.

However, I didn't expect that I would see a completely unexpected person appear here.

Seeing that Long Tianxian, the ancestor of the Long family who was in the early stage of the Tribulation Realm, was completely suppressed by Tian Wudi and could only fight with all his strength, Su Yu was horrified and said: 'You are worthy of being a senior brother, he is really fierce. ’

 He was filled with admiration in his heart.

However, considering that my second senior sister, Tun Sheng Lian, is already a late-stage Mahayana realm heavenly king, it is normal for the senior brother who has more terrifying talents than the second senior sister to be more powerful according to the information I have seen before.

Su Yu looked at this scene, but she didn't feel any envy in her heart, she just felt a little surprised.

 After all, he is not even a thousand years old now, and his cultivation level is not far from that of the Taoist Master in the Fusion Realm.

If he really wants to reach the invincible six or seven thousand years of life, let alone the Mahayana realm, Su Yu is confident that he can achieve it even if he is in the Tribulation realm, so why should he belittle himself.

And isn’t it said that this person was defiled and corrupted by the abandoned immortal disciples, and was later suppressed?

 How come it appears intact now?

Just as I was thinking about it, the void over there exploded again, and the Lord of Antarctica came out with a Taoist weapon. Faced with this sudden change, whether it was Long Shixuan, the head of the Long family, or Ling Guangtianjun, the deputy commander of the Immortal Army who had just arrived. , the faces of the dozen or so geniuses from the immortal world all changed drastically.

 That person just now—

Long Shixuan and Lingguang Tianjun were both trembling with fear, their eyes widened and rounded, and they said in disbelief: "Heaven is invincible!!"

 “How could it be him? Didn’t something happen to him!?”


  Waiting for them to react.

 Above the sky.

The Lord of Antarctica has already rushed out with Tian Wudi. With one blow, the terrifying power caused the expressions of the five Mahayana Heavenly Lords, including Long Shixuan and Lingguang Heavenly Lord, to change and their hearts to tremble.

 In an instant, Long Shixuan and others took action to fight against the Antarctic Lord.

 However, five of their Mahayana heavenly kings joined forces to attack the Lord of Antarctica, but they were defeated by the Lord of Antarctica one after another. Instead, they were suppressed by the Lord of Antarctica alone.

Moreover, while suppressing Long Shixuan and others, the Lord of Antarctica could also distract himself from observing the battle between Tian Wudi and Long Tianxian, the half-immortal ancestor of the Long family.

Looking at Long Tianxian becoming increasingly unable to hold up and resist under Tian Wudi's hand, he was already suffering from trauma.

The Lord of Antarctica couldn't help but marvel in his heart: 'After so many years, his strength has not been delayed by half. This strength foundation is already more terrifying than mine. ’

 “The Antarctic Immortal Army obeys the order and fights out!”

“Any remnants of the Black Dragon Emperor’s old lineage will be killed without mercy!”

Shortly after.

The cold voice of Gu Xianzi resounded through the sky, and she and Great Elder Xiao Changlin and others led the Antarctic Immortal Army to come and fight together with the army of more than 200,000 monks gathered towards the Long Family.

In the midst of the melee, a late-stage Taoist from the Long Family Fusion Realm had just been intercepted by a Taoist from the Antarctic Immortal Palace, before the people from the Antarctic Immortal Palace could take action.


A green sword light suddenly struck between the sky and the earth. The Taoist master in the late stage of the Long family's integration suddenly changed his face. He felt a sense of death threat approaching, making him tremble and frightened. He was about to escape. moment.


This Taoist Master of the Long family seemed to have a crazy flow of life force in an instant and became extremely chaotic, as if he was about to rebel. He couldn't help but spurt out mouthfuls of blood: "Pfft."

This accident caused him to lose the best opportunity to escape.


The sword light was so terrifying that it struck down like a wave in the blue sea, instantly destroying the magic shield barrier and defensive magic weapon on the Taoist Lord's body, directly crushing his body, leaving only a head.

The power of the Avenue of Life combined with the destructive power of the Black Dragon's tactics practiced by the Black Dragon Emperor, left no room for escape for this Dao Lord's spirit and soul.

 In an instant, his body and mind disappeared.

The Taoist Master from the Antarctic Immortal Palace was stunned for a moment when he saw this. The hairs on his body stood up instantly under the sharp edge of the sword. Even though Su Yu was not targeting him, he felt an extreme sense of threat.

This sword—

 If you attack him, he won't be able to escape!


Su Yu waved his head away and headed towards the next target again.

And the expression of the Taoist Taoist in the Antarctic Immortal Palace suddenly changed, this one——

‘There are rumors from the outside that the remnant forces of the Black Dragon Emperor’s old lineage that have gathered around the Long Family have been attacked and killed one by one, resulting in heavy casualties and countless losses. ’

"The person who took action was a killer named Yue Liu Taoist from the Qingjing Immortal Palace. He was wearing a golden robe and had blond hair."

This Taoist Lord’s eyes widened, isn’t that the person just now?


 He actually dared to appear here and take action against the Long family! ?


While the Fusion Realm Dao Lord was stunned, on the other side, Su Yu had once again killed a Fusion Realm Dao Lord of the Long family. Such a movement had attracted the attention of the Mahayana Realm Heavenly Lords of the Long Family, as well as Gu Xianzi and Xiao Changlin of the Antarctic Immortal Palace. Waiting for someone's attention.

Even the Lord of Antarctica, while suppressing Long Shixuan, the head of the Long Family, and others, also noticed the golden-clothed figure who killed two Fusion Realm Dao Lords one after another.

 “This person is”

The Lord of Antarctica, Gu Xianzi, Xiao Changlin and others were stunned for a while, and then their eyes changed slightly.


   actually appeared here?

 Still attacking the Long family so ruthlessly?

Long Shixuan and other Dragon Family Mahayana Realm heavenly kings were extremely sad and angry. Long Shixuan felt the aura of cultivation at the peak of Dongxu Realm in Su Yu, and even shouted angrily: "Young man, how dare you! "

“If you dare to kill anyone from my Long family again, I, Long Shixuan, swear that even if you hide in the ends of the earth, I, the Long family, will kill you!!”

the other side.

 Su Yu cut down the Dao sword in his hand again, and the third Taoist Lord of the Long Family Fusion Realm was killed by him. He picked it up and put it away, preparing to take it back to the Qingjing Immortal Palace to collect resources.

Hearing Long Shixuan's threat, Su Yu sneered. At this moment, the magic power in his body suddenly poured into the Moon Willow Sword in his hand. Even the supernatural power of the supernatural spiritual plant was mobilized and exploded by Su Yu at this moment, and the Cangmu Immortal Sutra began to circulate. To the extreme.


Far away in the void, Su Yu suddenly slashed towards Long Shixuan with his sword.


This sword completely exploded the power of Su Yu's distracted body. Mobilized by the magical bloodline power that was comparable to immortal energy, Su Yu's distracted aura at this moment was even more terrifying than the Wutong Dao body in the past.

In the distance, Long Shixuan was distracted and the Lord of Antarctica took the opportunity to take care of him. He was blasted away by the terrifying magical power and vomited blood.

Originally, Long Shixuan didn't take Su Yu seriously.

But when Su Yu slashed his sword towards him, the hairs on Long Shixuan's body stood up, and his eyes suddenly opened slightly, showing disbelief and disbelief. That ant’s sword—

   actually made myself feel threatened! ?

The Lord of Antarctica also showed a little surprise in his eyes at this moment, but his heart was slightly moved. When Long Shixuan was about to avoid Su Yu's sword, he did not hesitate to send the remaining four Mahayana Heavenly Lords away, and in an instant he flew towards Long Shixuan rushed forward and blocked all his retreat routes.



Long Shixuan was attacked and killed by the Lord of Antarctica, Su Yu, with all his strength. His front was hit by the overwhelming power of the Lord of Antarctica, and he fell to the ground. At the same time, his back was hit by Su Yu's sword, and he suffered heavy injuries.

 After giving Long Shixuan a sword, Su Yu did not hesitate at all. In a flash, he escaped directly into the depths of the void and left the battlefield.

 In the blink of an eye, he disappeared without a trace in front of everyone’s attention.

Gu Xianzi, Xiao Changlin and others looked at this scene with shock and uncertainty in their hearts.

This person—

 At the peak of Cai Dongxu Realm's cultivation, he can kill the Taoist Master of Fusion Realm, such as I am! ?

Even a sword wounded a late-stage Mahayana heavenly king! !

Even though this was done under the interference of the Lord of Antarctica.

But that also broke Long Shixuan's magic power and magic weapon shield, causing him to be injured!

The other party is just a Dao Master of the Cave Void Realm!


The Great Elder was extremely horrified and sent a message to Gu Xianzi: "This person is the Yueliu Taoist of the Qingjing Palace!? His strength is so terrifying? Is he really just a practitioner of the Cave Void Realm!?"

 “You really don’t know me?”

Xianzi Gu was also full of doubts, but she was sure that she had never seen this person before, because the aura on his body was so unfamiliar: "If you don't feel the power of the five elements, space, etc., it's not Junior Brother Su." ’

Then who is this person?

 Why should we help the Antarctic Fairyland?

Is it just because of the mission of the Qingjing Palace?

Gu Xianzi looked around the battlefield until they defeated the monks of the Long family and only less than one-tenth of them escaped. After the rest were all killed, she looked around the battlefield and did not find Su Yu's familiar aura.

This made Gu Xianzi feel a little inexplicably disappointed. Junior Brother Su's departure was a bit thorough.

  Really don’t care about the Immortal Court or the Antarctic Immortal Realm?

 ‘Even a stranger in the Qingjing Temple is worse than Heng Heng. ’ Gu Xianzi was sulking.

Long Shixuan, the head of the Long family, escaped successfully under the desperate cover of the remaining three Mahayana realm heavenly monarchs of the Long family. The rest were all killed in the battle at the hands of the Lord of Antarctica.

Ling Guangtianjun, the deputy commander of the Immortal Court Immortal Army, was captured alive. He knelt down in front of the Lord of Antarctica and cried bitterly. He begged bitterly: "Senior Anji, please spare your life. I was also forced. My people are all under Ji Qianyu's control. Life or death all depended on one thought, and I had no choice but to obey their orders. I never thought about betraying the Immortal Court or the Emperor."


 Not long after, Tian Wudi returned, but his brows furrowed slightly.

Not long after Tian Wudi returned, the figures of the old emperor and Jin Taishang also appeared one after another. The old emperor held Long Tianxian's head in his hand.

 In Taishang Jin’s hand, he held Long Shixuan’s head.

However, the old emperor sighed softly, threw down Long Tianxian's head and said: "This old guy is really cunning and decisive. He is willing to blow up the soul just for such a slim chance of survival."

 The ability of the half-immortal in the Tribulation Realm to save his life is too strong.

Even though he and Jin Taishang took action unexpectedly, Long Tianxian still seized a chance, and the soul exploded, turning into thousands of souls and escaping into the depths of the void.

Even though they tried their best to eliminate them, some souls still escaped.

Taishang Jin didn't care, and said: "It's not bad. Even if his spirits are still alive, they are already dead."

“It’s not certain how long I can live in the future. Even if I live, I won’t be able to reach the semi-immortal realm of overcoming tribulations. There will be no threat.”

Tian Wudi sighed and shook his head, smiling bitterly: "My strength is still a bit lacking. I thought it wouldn't be a big problem to deal with an early-stage Tribulation Realm half-immortal, but I didn't expect—"

Upon hearing this, Taishang Jin said: "It's not your fault, it's just that you haven't fought with others for too long."

“Nowadays, it is not just the ordinary cultivators who are talented, but even the semi-immortals who are in the Tribulation Realm, their strength may not be the same as before.”

  Immortal magic!

Tian Wudi understood that it was just like this that made him make a mistake in his estimation.

Then Long Tianxian has a foundation in immortality, which has improved his strength and is somewhat unusual.


 It is absolutely impossible for Long Tianxian to escape some Yuan Shen.

Since the emergence of immortal magic in the world of immortal cultivation, it is not only the young geniuses who practice immortal magic and build the foundation of immortal magic and immortal bodies.

Even compared to ordinary geniuses, demi-immortals in the Tribulation Realm like Long Tianxian have more resources to cultivate the foundation of the immortal body.


Due to resource issues, even if these people can cultivate the foundation of the immortal body, it is not the true foundation of the immortal body.

The old emperor looked at the Lord of Antarctica and said: "Although it is a bit regretful that Wu Di could not keep Long Tianxian, it cannot be denied that Wu Di is powerful enough to be qualified to inherit the throne."

 “Antarctica, what do you think?”

Tian Wudi, Jin Taishang, and Xiao Changlin all looked at the Lord of Antarctica.

The Lord of Antarctica smiled calmly and said: "Since the emperor cannot come back, the Immortal Court cannot be left without an owner for a day. I have no objection to the old emperor wanting Wu Di to succeed him."

“However, this road is not easy. Since you want this position, Wudi, you must be prepared to face the challenge.”

 The challenge he mentioned was not that someone in the Immortal Courtyard challenged Tian Wudi's position.

But it comes from various problems that may break out in Xianting in the future, including internal and external troubles!

 Domestically, how to quell rebellion and quell civil unrest?

Externally, how to deal with the threats from the Qingjing Palace, the Shangqing Cave, the Prodigies of the Immortal Realm, etc.?

 If Tian Wudi really wants to sit in that position, then he will be the first to bear the brunt of these things.

Tian Wudi looked calm and nodded when he heard the words: "As long as Senior Anji supports it, there will be no chaos in the Immortal Court."

"Whoever wants to harm the Immortal Court should trample on my corpse first."

The Lord of Antarctica laughed when he heard this, glanced at the battlefield being cleaned up, and said: "Then get ready and go to the Immortal Court to meet your third junior brother."

Tian Wudi's heart was slightly moved, and he suddenly asked: "Speaking of junior fellow apprentices, I seem to have a younger junior fellow apprentice? His name is Su Yu? Or is he a consummate Taoist genius?"

 “Why didn’t you see him this time?”

Gu Xianzi interjected: "He is only a caveman. Even if he stays, what can he do? He might even become a liability. A long time ago, I asked him to pack up his things and get out. Now he may be hiding somewhere. Go into seclusion.”

Tian Wudi suddenly understood, but he didn't care much, and said: "In this case, after I calm down the civil unrest in the Immortal Court, I can let my junior brother come back and practice hard."

“Master is gone, but there is still a senior brother who can take care of his practice.” (End of this chapter)

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