Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 458: Is Taoist Haotian's despair still human?


A ray of light shot out from Taoist Haotian's hand and collided head-on with the Five Elements Dao Sword that was coming to kill him. However, as soon as the Taoist artifact touched the Five Elements Dao Sword, the magic power and Taoist charm contained in the Taoist artifact were destroyed. In an instant, The time bounced back.

Taoist Yu Lan next to him opened his mouth slightly, and a snow-white flying sword with an unparalleled edge struck at the Five Elements Taoist Sword.

 But this second Taoist weapon was challenged by the Five Elements Taoist Sword, and its edge was still frustrated and collapsed.

 The snow-white flying sword flew out horizontally.

Taoist Haotian and Taoist Yu Lan were also hit by their own Taoist weapons at this moment and flew out. They vomited blood suddenly and their eyes were wide and round in disbelief.

The two of them used Taoist tools to join forces, but they were defeated instantly?

Taoist Haotian was extremely shocked and angry. He looked at the direction where the Five Elements Dao Sword appeared. There, another misty figure appeared. Compared with the bald donkey wearing Buddhist robes, the aura of this person was much weaker, so he couldn't stand it. A cultivation level worthy of the first level of physical realm.

But in the perception of Taoist Haotian, this second figure seems to be more terrifying than the bald donkey!

The Immortal Power permeated the entire Cave Heaven Secret Realm. The terrifying Five Elements Heavenly Power actually made his own Mahayana Path and Fruit feel frightened and seemed to be trembling.

This person—

Taoist Haotian shouted angrily: "You are looking for death, you bunch of ants from the lower world are really looking for death!!"


The secret formation was once again activated by Taoist Haotian, and the terrifying power of the formation swept towards Su Yu and Ksitigarbha like a tidal wave.

At the same time, the formation also formed extremely thick divine chains, which were tied towards Ji Zang and Su Yu.

 At this moment, the space in the secret realm seemed to be solidified under the influence of the terrifying formation.



next moment.

Su Yu waved his hand and a small silver cauldron appeared in his hand. As the majestic power of the great avenue of space poured into it, the small silver cauldron bloomed with unprecedented brilliance, and the power of the space treasure was fully released for the first time.

 Tear apart!

With the magical power of the small silver cauldron, Su Yu tore the secret space apart again, and together with Ksitigarbha, the two figures disappeared in an instant.

 When he and Ksitigarbha appeared again, people had already arrived behind Taoist Haotian and Taoist Yulan.


The five elements of Tao and Fruit condensed and suppressed the Tao and Fruit on the two of them.

The power of the Avenue of Space and the Avenue of Time restrained the two people with all their strength.

As Su Yu waved his hand, the nine-story Taoist pagoda in the deepest part of his dantian flashed into his hand, and a whole body of mana and the power of Tao fruit were poured into it crazily. He swung the nine-story Taoist pagoda and smashed it towards Taoist Haotian and Taoist Yu Lan. go.

Next to him, Ksitigarbha Taoist clasped his hands together and chanted a mantra. A hundred-foot-long Dharma image appeared in an instant, and a huge palm print moved towards the two of them and suppressed it: "Amitabha."

 The Immortal Sutra of Ksitigarbha!

Morāma Vajra Sutra - Vajra Dharma and supernatural powers!


Under the influence of the Avenue of Space and the Avenue of Time, Taoist Haotian and Taoist Yu Lan had not yet reacted to the fear of their own Taoist fruit being suppressed. Their bodies had been slapped by Ksitigarbha Dharma Prime towards Su Yu's nine-story Taoist tower.

The moment they touched the nine-story Taoist Tower, a vortex like a black hole emerged, and the two of them were instantly swallowed by the nine-story Taoist Tower.

 Compared with Tang Yuan and Li Xin.

Taoist Haotian and Taoist Yu Lan are indeed one level stronger. Their cultivation is still at the early stage of the Fusion Realm. However, their foundation and Taoist foundation can enable them to surpass Taoist masters at the peak of the ordinary Fusion Realm.

Even maybe, he can compete with the weakest Mahayana realm king.

 Taking into account the secret realm’s great formation background—

Hidden here, Su Yu felt that if an ordinary Tribulation Realm semi-immortal came, they might not be able to help Taoist Haotian and Taoist Yu Lan.

Coupled with the protection of Baofo Temple—

This is definitely the safest place.

 It’s just a pity—

The two of them are really good, and the foundation here is also pretty good.

It just has a shortcoming.

Once all the secrets of the secret realm are useless, then Taoist Haotian and Taoist Yulan hiding here will be nothing more than lambs to be slaughtered.

 External forces are ultimately not as reliable as one’s own strength.

Faced with Su Yu’s complete revelation of his own background, and the avenue of space and the avenue of time to break through—

Taoist Haotian and Taoist Yulan were defeated unjustly.

Su Yu did not leave immediately after capturing the two men. Perhaps because he lost the control of Taoist Haotian, the secret formation here gradually returned to calm and no longer posed a threat.

His consciousness glanced around, and his figure immediately moved and began to search the entire Baofu Temple.

 Until half a quarter of an hour later.

Su Yu emptied out all the treasures in Baofu Temple, and then left with a face full of joy, having made a lot of money.

This Baofo Temple is indeed one of the three major Buddhist temples in the Buddhist domain.

The resources and treasures hidden in the treasure house are piled up like a mountain, covering several small caves.

I don’t know how many years of searching it took to have such a foundation.

It's just that after Su Yu's search, the treasure house of Baofu Temple is empty, and they were all looted by Su Yu.

“With these resources, the cultivation resources for the Immortal Physique Foundation are enough, and it may even be possible to achieve a great achievement.”

After plundering Baofu Temple, Su Yu couldn't hold back and killed the heavenly Buddha in Baofu Temple. After rescuing Li Xin, he immediately turned around and headed towards Daluo Temple.

It just so happened that the half-Buddhas from Baofo Temple and Daluo Temple were not at home—

 If we don’t borrow some resources to practice now, when will we wait?

If the treasure house of Daluo Temple is emptied again, maybe the cultivation resources of Immortal Body Dacheng will be enough.

 This is equivalent to the resources of most of Buddhism, and they all fall into his hands.

 Go to Daluo Temple.

Su Yu found no trace of the Half-Buddha in the Tribulation Realm after some careful exploration.

As he used the small void cauldron to sneak in again, in less than half an hour, all the contents in the treasure houses of Daluo Temple disappeared, leaving only empty shelves.

 “Leave, go back.”

“Let’s see if we can subdue those two guys from the Silver Sea Immortal Sect first, and tie up the two mad dogs from Baofu Temple and Daluo Temple.”

“Otherwise, if we let them run amok in the Buddha Realm, everyone in the Buddha Realm will suffer.”

Su Yu quickly returned to Yuexian Mansion Fairy City.

the other side.

The faces of two of the five and a half Buddhas who were still besieging and attacking the Great Buddha Temple changed at this time. Their eyes suddenly sank, and they gritted their teeth and said, "Yunying has fallen!"

The faces of the other three and a half Buddhas also changed slightly when they heard this.


The sky Buddha that left and returned to Baofo Temple not long ago.

Including Yun Bao, two of the six heavenly Buddhas in Baofo Temple have fallen, and it was only in a short period of time.


 This is not the key either.

The key point is that Yun Ying was called back to fight against the enemy by the messenger from the Immortal Realm. Now that Yun Ying has died, doesn’t that mean something bad is going to happen?

“I’ll go back and hope nothing really happens!” a half-Buddha from Baofu Temple said in a deep voice, making a prompt decision.

With the remaining four people nodding in agreement, the half-Buddha figure disappeared in an instant and returned towards the Baofu Temple as quickly as possible.

But when the half-Buddha returned to Baofu Temple, a chief Buddha who stayed behind came up to him crying, shouting: "Old Ancestor, something bad has happened!" "The treasure house, the treasure house is completely empty. Got it!"

 The treasure house has only just been discovered.

After the chief Buddha went to investigate one by one, looking at the empty small cave treasure houses, the Buddha's eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

This is the accumulation and heritage of their Baofu Temple over countless years.

Without these things, how can the huge Baofu Temple be maintained?

The half-Buddha who came back ignored him and rushed directly towards the secret realm of the cave where Taoist Haotian and Taoist Yu Lan had previously retreated. When he rushed into the secret realm and looked at the traces of the battle that were left all over the ground, his My heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

 Sure enough—

problem occurs!

Being able to calm down the treasure house of the treasure Buddha temple can also be rushed into this cave heavenly realm and do it to the two fairy messengs —

Who is this?

The more the Half-Buddha in the Tribulation Realm thought deeply about it, the more uneasy he felt. He even had an inexplicable sense of fear, which made his hair stand on end.

 When has there ever been such a powerful person in the Buddhist Realm, who can even come and go from the Baofu Temple?

 Such a strong man, what if he takes action against Baofu Temple?


 He thought of Rainbow Dash's death.

The half-Buddha's pupils shrank. Could it be that this was done by the same person?

the other side.

 The inner space of the nine-story Taoist tower.

Taoist Haotian and Taoist Yu Lan frantically attacked the space barrier of the Taoist weapon, hoping to break through the confinement of the Taoist tool and escape.

However, even if the two of them tried their best, they would only cause ripples in the space inside the nine-story Tao Tower.

You want to break out of this level of volatility? Even if it is ten times stronger, it may not be possible.

So after a moment of impact, Taoist Haotian and Taoist Yu Lan stopped in despair.

 Looking at this space of heaven and earth, feeling the bursts of immortal power coming from the sky.

Taoist Haotian gritted his teeth and said, "The best Taoist weapon!"

 If he was in the immortal world, he would have had several weapons of this level in his hands.

 There is even a semi-immortal weapon!

 If he still had those treasures in his hand, he might still be able to shake this thing.

 But when they went down to the lower world, they all stayed up there.

The top-quality Taoist tools that he didn't care much about before have now become his own prison—

Taoist Haotian thought about it, and his eyes burst out with a look of extreme resentment. He shouted in a low voice: "It must be that good-for-nothing Li Xin!"

“This person is definitely attracted by that good-for-nothing Li Xin!”

"He is looking for death. He is really looking for death. He dares to betray me and the Immortal Sect!"

Taoist Haotian reacted and wished he could eat Li Xin's flesh and drink his blood.


The most difficult thing for Taoist Haotian to accept is that he has already hidden himself in such a safe place.

 In the end, that guy was able to break in and take both of us alive!

That guy’s strength—

Taoist Haotian thinks about it now, and his heart is suddenly filled with chills and fear.

 I don’t know how much time has passed.


  The space in front of the two people rippled.

next moment.

The figure that frightened both Taoist Haotian and Taoist Yu Lan appeared again. When Taoist Haotian and Taoist Yu Lan saw his appearance, their expressions suddenly changed, and their bodies instinctively took two steps back.

 The look he looked at this man could not conceal the awe and fear in his heart.

Su Yu looked at the two of them like this, but did not show a smile. Instead, his expression darkened, and his eyes towards Taoist Haotian and Taoist Yu Lan were filled with cold murderous intent.

"You are so brave. Under my nose, you dare to teach evil methods in the Buddhist realm. You even led Baofu Temple and Daluo Temple to follow the evil path and caused endless evil!"

Taoist Haotian, however, had a stern look on his face, and there was still a terrifying immortal power condensing on his body. He stared at Su Yu with stern eyes, and shouted sternly: "Humble mortals, do you know who we are?"

 “How dare you offend us?”

"Kneel down and beg for mercy quickly, otherwise you will wait until the gate of heaven opens."


Su Yu's figure moved, and before Taoist Haotian could react, he crashed into him instantly. Two seventh-level body refining techniques and the Blood Whale Swallowing Moon Technique exploded. Together with the Immortal Body Taoist Bones in his body, at this moment All inspired.

 Powers merge into one.

The moment Su Yu crashed into Taoist Haotian's chest, he immediately grabbed one of Taoist Haotian's arms, swung it up in an instant, and smashed it away.


By the time Taoist Haotian reacted, he had already been hit **** the ground of the nine-story Taoist tower.

  Even as strong as his current body, blood was instantly spattered on the spot.

The skin and flesh were broken, and the bones were shattered to pieces.

 A feeling of pain swept over me.

These Haotian Taoists can tolerate it, but he can't endure that a mere mortal from the lower realm dares to do something to him so arrogantly, and dares to move his body in such a humiliating way.

Taoist Haotian roared angrily: "Ahhhhh!"

 However, he gathered all his strength and planned to fight back, fighting Su Yu desperately, the next moment.

His body was imprisoned by a terrifying force again, and his two arms bound him like divine chains, making it impossible for him to break free.

 So that the next moment, he felt like the world was spinning—

 “Bang bang bang!!”

Su Yu was like holding a toy, frantically moving Taoist Haotian's body and smashing it here and there, until Taoist Haotian's body turned into a puddle of flesh.

He then swung it and smashed it to the ground in the distance.

Su Yu stretched and had just finished warming up.

However, the space, heaven and earth inside the nine-story Taoist Tower were completely silent.

Taoist Yu Lan's body was trembling, and her liver and gallbladder were afraid of cold. Looking at Taoist Haotian who was smashed to pieces by Su Yu, she didn't even dare to move.

Taoist Haotian is naturally not dead at this moment. Although his body is almost useless, the damage to his soul is not serious.

Just being beaten so many times by Su Yu, Taoist Haotian's state of mind has completely collapsed, and he collapsed on the ground, his eyes blank.

ˆ “.”

If Taoist Haotian was a bit unruly before, now, Taoist Haotian's mental arithmetic has been completely buried in the abyss.

 There is a nightmare figure in my heart that I will never forget.

This horse rider—

Is he really a human being?

Taoist Haotian wanted to cry. He didn't know what he had just experienced.

"Okay, let's talk about how to solve the problem of Baofu Temple and Daluo Temple." Su Yu's chilling voice came, "If you two little mice don't solve this matter, then I will let you guys All the people in the Silver Sea Immortal Sect have become dead rats." (End of this chapter)

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