Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 470: Respect me as Lord? The old guy wants to trick me!

 Yin Yang ancient land.

It is a top dangerous place in the world of immortality, full of unknown dangers that can even threaten the lives of half-immortals in the Mahayana realm and the Tribulation Realm.

When you step here now, at first glance, you can see a world of chaos and chaos.

 Either extremely cold or extremely sunny.

 A wave of power swept across the world, so that the world was covered with ice and snow, or volcanic deserts, with millions of miles of red land.

Just as he entered here, a breath appeared in front of him.

He is a Taoist master of the Dongxu Realm who wears special clothes with the words "Immortal and Demon" on them.

This person came to Yu Hua Half Buddha and Su Yu, bowed down respectfully and said: "Welcome to Senior Yu Hua and Senior Ksitigarbha to the Immortal Demon Alliance. I am the junior Yan Changqing, the deacon of the Immortal Demon Alliance, and my master, Lin Danxian. My destiny is here to wait for you, Senior Foolishness and Senior Ksitigarbha."

“I would also like to invite two seniors and fellow Taoists to follow me.”

Yuhua Banfo and Su Yu were a little surprised, but they did not refuse. They followed the deacon of the Immortal Demon Alliance and the disciple of Lin Danxian deep into the ancient land of Yin and Yang.

 On the road.

Foolish Half-Buddha asked curiously: "Hasn't the meeting of the Immortal and Demon Alliance started yet?"

Yan Changqing said: "Because there were too many people coming and many unexpected situations occurred, Master decided to postpone the event for half a year after discussing with several half-immortal elders."

 “That’s it.” The foolish half-Buddha suddenly realized.

Then he asked: "Then why did the donor ask the little donor to wait for us here?"

Yan Changqing thought for a while and then mused: "Perhaps the master has something important to discuss with the seniors. After all, the two seniors basically represent the entire Buddhist realm and are important local figures in the world of immortality." One of the strengths, Master will naturally not neglect the two seniors."

"What is the specific matter? This may not be clear until the senior meets the master."

“Originally, the master wanted to come to greet him in person, but the seniors also know that now basically all the forces in the world of immortality have focused their attention on the Immortal and Demon Alliance. The master is under great pressure and has no skills at all.”

“So, I can only ask for your forgiveness, senior.”

It doesn’t matter if you fool a half-Buddha: “No problem.”

Su Yu frowned slightly, thinking of what happened when he saw Jun Wuyi and others nearby not long ago. He asked, "Have you invited all the forces in the world of immortality?"

Yan Changqing smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Not really."

"But now basically all the forces that can come in the world of immortality have come, and a lot of things have happened. Even the forces of the immortal world seem to be nearby, and they have some ideas about our Immortal Demon Alliance or the local forces in the world of immortality. "

 The forces from the fairy world are also here?

 The look in the eyes of Foolish Half-Buddha and Su Yu changed.

This was originally just a matter that Lin Danxian of the Immortal and Demon Alliance wanted to invite some powerful local forces in the world of immortality to come to discuss matters.

 As a result, it has caused such a big fuss now.

 The Alliance of Immortals and Demons is also showing signs of being unable to dismount.

 There are too many forces and powerful people, and not everyone obeys the restrictions and prohibitions of the Fairy and Demon Alliance.

 The foolish half-Buddha and Su Yu looked at each other, their expressions a little more solemn.

If there are just more people like Jun Yiyi, then it’s not a big deal, but if the forces of the fairy world also appear nearby—

 That’s unusual!

This meeting of the Fairy and Demon Alliance will probably not end successfully!

Following Yan Changqing, everyone went deep into the ancient land of Yin and Yang, but did not encounter any danger until everyone escaped into a formation, where a vast and boundless oasis world came into view.

There is also a rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth permeating this place. Although it is far inferior to the holy land of cultivation such as Zhenwu Xianting, it is at least comparable to the eighth level or even the ordinary ninth level spiritual veins.

 There are caves and fairy palaces built here, and there is nothing to criticize about the environment.

The Immortal and Demon Alliance has built this place well over the years, and it can be considered a good fairy gate place.

 There are already many outsiders living among them, waiting for the discussion to begin.

Following Yan Changqing, he traveled deep into the Immortal and Demon Alliance and came to an extremely secretive cave. This cave was not big and seemed to be underground.

 Maybe it’s about ten or twenty miles in size.

 It is filled with an extremely hot fire breath.

In a simple residence inside, Foolish Half Buddha and Su Yu met Lin Danxian after breaking through the realm of transcending tribulation.

 The appearance seems to be the same as when Su Yu first met him. After breaking through the Tribulation Realm, Lin Danxian Shouyuan can live for at least ten thousand years, so it is normal that his appearance has not changed.

 Seeing Yu Hua Ban Buddha and Su Yu, Lin Danxian walked out to greet them.

But he was the first to bow to Su Yu and said gratefully: "Thank you, little friend, for the inheritance."

As he spoke, Lin Danxian sighed: "I feel ashamed to say it. I promised my little friend three favors, but I never thought that when I came out of seclusion, the emperor would be nowhere to be found, not even the Immortal Court."

Su Yu was surprised and said, "Senior Lin knows my identity?"

Lin Danxian laughed and said, "I am an old friend with the foolish half-Buddha."

The foolish half-Buddha next to him blinked, looking innocent.

 Su Yu: “.”

No wonder this guy who fooled the Half-Buddha actually went to Vajra Buddha Temple to find him. It turned out that he had planned it in advance!

Lin Danxian waved his hand at this moment, and several chairs suddenly appeared in front of his shabby house. He warmly greeted everyone to sit down and said: "Come on, come on, let's all sit down and talk."

Su Yu was polite and sat down with everyone.

 Then he looked at the place and looked at a lava land behind him.

 He could vaguely sense that there was a terrifying power of fire in that place.

However, he didn’t look too much, but looked at Lin Danxian, and asked with some confusion: "Senior Lin invited me to come, this is"

Lin Danxian sighed deeply, with a rare tired look on his face, and rubbed his eyebrows.

Lin Danxian said: "Originally, when I founded the Immortal and Demon Alliance, I just wanted to protect some people. However, until now, the Immortal and Demon Alliance has grown so much that I am somewhat unable to do what I want."

“Moreover, there are some signs that it wants to break away from my control, go beyond my original intention, and want to dominate the world of immortality.”

He looked at Su Yu and said seriously: "I asked the foolish half-Buddha to invite you here just because I want to learn from you about the current situation of the Immortal and Demon Alliance, how should we proceed, and how should we bring the Immortal and Demon Alliance back?" Get on track.”

Su Yu frowned slightly.

this problem-

ask me?

He was silent for a long time, frowned slightly and looked at Lin Danxian and said: "Senior, why are you asking me? Please note that I have been practicing so far, but most of the time I am in seclusion. I have limited knowledge of how to manage forces or such abilities. .”

However, Lin Danxian looked at him with a smile and said: "My little friend, why do you have to be so humble? You walked all the way from a remote place to the Zhenwu Immortal Court and became the direct descendant of the Zhenwu Emperor." "The hardships you have walked along the way, the forces you have experienced, Or there are many forces that have supported and supported him, which can be said to be well-informed."

"As for the Emperor's personal biography, in my opinion, it is completely feasible for me to learn from you."

Su Yu’s eyelids twitched. Although he had a lot of experience.

But the person in front of him is much older than him and has eaten more salt than he has eaten. How can he have less experience?

 Learn from yourself? I bother.

 There is a fraud in this matter!

Su Yu smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying: "Senior, I'm really disappointed. I really don't have that ability. Think about it, if I had the ability, why would I just run away and leave the Immortal Garden when it's in turmoil?"

“Besides, I have never managed a force so far.”

Lin Danxian's expression suddenly became solemn when he heard this. He stood up, bowed to Su Yu and said, "Please, for my sake or Xiaogu's sake, don't hesitate to teach me."

Su Yu: "." He cursed secretly in his heart.

This old guy is so thick-skinned!

 Zhen Te Miao is an old fox, I won’t let him go if I catch him.

The corner of Su Yu's mouth twitched a few times, and she looked at Lin Danxian for a moment, then looked at the foolish half-buddha aside. The foolish half-buddha immediately coughed lightly, clasped his hands together and chanted Amitabha, and then quietly moved his gaze elsewhere. .

 Amitabha, the Buddha said, this matter has nothing to do with me.

Su Yu sighed softly after a long time, looked at Lin Danxian and asked, "What is the position of the Immortal and Demon Alliance in Senior Lin's mind?"

“It should be noted that one force cannot live without its master, nor can it share the master. This is a big taboo!”

“If Senior Lin feels that the Immortal and Demon Alliance is not important and doesn’t want to take care of it, then it doesn’t matter. You can just let it go and let it develop.”

“But if Senior Lin wants to take charge of the Immortal Demon Alliance and realize certain ideas, then the Immortal Demon Alliance must have the voice of only one person, not even one more person!”

“Compassion does not lead to military affairs; emotion does not establish affairs; righteousness does not manage finances; kindness does not lead to officialdom.”

“If you want to succeed, you cannot be kind, let alone act based on temperament and emotion.”

Immortal Lin Dan smiled bitterly when he heard this, and sighed: "This is the crux of the Immortal and Demon Alliance. Now it is not me who has the final say in the Immortal and Demon Alliance, but it is divided into several forces. Although in name, I am still the main one. This Alchemy is the core, but in fact, I don’t have much control over the Immortal and Demon Alliance.”

“Originally, I wanted to invite many forces, including you, little friend, to achieve certain goals and allow the Fairy and Demon Alliance to work together.”

“But now, all the forces from the world of immortality are gathered here, and there are even forces from the world of immortality that are watching covetously from outside, with unknown intentions.”

"This matter is obviously beyond my control, and it is difficult to do what I wanted to do before."

Su Yu asked cautiously: "What did senior want to do before?"

Lin Danxian looked at him and said without concealment: "Publish your identity, I will respect you as my master from now on, and recommend you to inherit the emperor's wishes and guard the northern border of the human race."

“You are the direct descendant of the former great emperor. Everyone recognizes this identity. You are also a perfect Taoist genius who is rare to meet in ten thousand years. Your cultivation strength and foundation are unparalleled.”

“With my support, it may not be possible to overwhelm others and gather the power of the Immortal and Demon Alliance into one person.”

Su Yu’s scalp went numb after hearing this.

 I knock!

This old fox really has a conspiracy!

 Are you trying to push yourself out of the way to block the gun?

Su Yu is not interested in becoming the leader of the Immortal and Demon Alliance and combining the power of the Immortal and Demon Alliance into one person.

It should be noted that today's Immortal and Demon Alliance is a powder keg. Not only have the forces from the entire world of immortality gathered here, but it has also attracted many forces from the immortal world.

If you are not careful, you may become a common enemy of the world of immortality!

 Such a "good thing", why are you looking for me?

Su Yu quickly waved her hands and said, "I don't have that ability."

However, Lin Danxian simply put it aside and said: "The first is that you come, and the second is that you recommend someone, otherwise the Immortal and Demon Alliance will be gone, and the world of immortality will be even more chaotic. By then, the forces of the immortal world will inevitably sweep the entire world. , no one will be spared, and from now on the world of immortality will become a vassal of the world of immortality, and no one will be able to hold their head high."

  After a long time.

Su Yu sighed, he had no one to recommend him.

Specially, his senior brother is a good candidate. He is strong and fierce in fighting, and has quite good talents. He is a suitable candidate for overlord.

 But he can’t find anyone now!

 Suddenly, as he was thinking about it, he thought of another person.

 His second senior sister is so cute!

At first, the big figure in the prison fairy temple in charge of one side was obviously appropriate for such things such as power.

Moreover, Tun Sheng Lian is cruel and vicious in his actions, and is suitable for integrating chaotic things like the Fairy and Demon Alliance.

As for the identity of the Tunshenglian Qingyu Immortal Palace

Now even the Qingjing Immortal Palace doesn’t know where he has gone in hiding, and the Tunshenglian is confused and has no goals in life.

It would be better to bring her to the Fairy and Demon Alliance to use her remaining energy.

If the Qingjing Immortal Palace really reappears in the world in the future, or if something happens to the Tunnel Lotus, Su Yu feels that by then, he should already be able to control the situation.

Thinking, Su Yu looked at Lin Danxian and slowly said the name of his second senior sister: "Lotus born in the tunnel."

Lin Danxian was stunned for a moment, and the foolish half-Buddha next to him who was just like the air was frightened, his eyes widened, and he suddenly turned back to look at Su Yu, thinking that he had heard wrongly.

The foolish half-Buddha couldn't help but said: "Who are you talking about?"

Su Yu laughed and said, "My second senior sister, Tun Sheng Lian! She is definitely suitable!"

Looking at the appearance of Lin Danxian and Silly Half Buddha, Su Yu felt very happy for no reason. This candidate was quite good, at least the expressions of these two old guys changed as soon as he said it.

Lin Danxian couldn't help but said: "Tunnel Shenglian, she is from the Qingjing Immortal Palace!"

Su Yu said: "Qingjing Immortal Palace has escaped from the world. She has been abandoned. Rather than wasting such a talent, it is better to bring her over to sort out your mess."

“Besides, do seniors think that under our noses, what can my second senior sister do?”

At this time, Su Yu's heart suddenly moved slightly, thinking of what Wu Zhi had said before.

The ancient land of Yin and Yang is an innate Yin and Yang formation!

If it can be sorted out and controlled, its power will be beyond imagination, and it is not impossible to surpass the ninth level in the future!

 So after thinking about it, Su Yu looked at Lin Danxian and Yuhua Half Buddha and whispered: "The Immortal Demon Alliance is entrusted to my second senior sister Tun Sheng Lian to integrate, and we will be her backing."

“In addition, one of my disciples may be able to sort out the ancient land of Yin and Yang and turn it into an innate Yin and Yang formation that can be controlled by one party.”

“At that time, even the semi-immortal at the peak of the Tribulation Realm will not be able to be so rampant in front of the Yin Yang Ancient Land!”

  It doesn’t matter if it’s his idea. (End of chapter)

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