Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 475: Kill them quickly! So what about the immortals!

The stunning girl tried to observe the formation in front of her. However, she was not an formation master. Although she could see the extraordinary nature of this formation, she had no way to see the true mystery of the formation.

 Because she couldn't see through it at all.

But it doesn't matter if she can't see through it. This time, she brought several formation mages with her, one of whom was once a ninth-level formation magus from Huangling Cave Heaven, and was only one step away from the immortal realm.

Although he is not an immortal-level formation mage, and although his current cultivation level is only in the Fusion realm, if he can study a few things, he might still be able to figure out a way to enter this formation.

The girl waved her hand and said to the people behind her: "Look, you guys, see if there is a way to break through the formation and enter it."

The few people respectfully accepted the order and stepped forward one by one to inspect the island positions in the boundless sea.

While these people were spying on the ruins of the Wuliang Cicada Palace, Su Yu sensed something in the Taoist world. After all, he understood a little bit of the Wuliang Immortal Formation and had some connections with the Wuliang Immortal Formation.

Someone is trying to break the formation now, and he can still know about this movement.

 But he thought about it.

 But he didn't pay attention.

 If you break the formation, break the formation.

 Let’s wait until they can break the formation and come in.

 It was not as important for them to break the formation as it was for him to retreat to enlightenment.

 Taoist view of heaven and earth.

Su Yu is practicing in seclusion to comprehend the Great Dao. At the same time, she is still running her exercises to absorb the immortal energy from heaven and earth, refine it into her body, and transform it bit by bit into the body refining patterns of the Immortal Body Refining Technique.

 Time passes slowly.

 More than ten years later.

this day.

Su Yu's aura surged, and another layer of star maps formed in his body. As the stars gathered together, Su Yu could see clearly this time.

 This star map formed by the Celestial Immortal Body Refining Technique should be what the world of cultivating immortals looks like.

At this moment, the seven-layer star map gathered together and turned into a huge whirlpool, like a three-dimensional world of cultivation, and also like an extremely huge star swivel.

Hundreds of millions of stars were attracted by the center of the Immortal Cultivation World, and then the heavens and the earth spun around, turning into the current Cultivation Immortal World.

 And above the seventh-level star map.

As Su Yu swallowed the immortal energy and refined it bit by bit, transforming it into one body refining pattern after another, a little starlight appeared again above the seven-layer star map.

 The Celestial Body Refining Technique has officially entered the eighth level of cultivation.

 At the moment when the Heavenly Immortal Body Refining Technique broke through the eighth level, Su Yu's mind was sucked into the seventh-level star map.

 Looking in a daze.

Su Yu's consciousness seemed to have descended into a special space. It was a vast world and extremely dark.

But at the end of the vast world, there is a monument that holds the sky.

Hands of divine chains extend out from the immortal monument, seeming to be suppressing something.

 In the past, when the Immortal Body Refining Technique broke through to the seventh level, Su Yu had used it to get a glimpse of this world and the immortal monument holding the sky.

Now that Immortal Body Refining Technique has broken through to the eighth level, Su Yu seems to be able to see much clearly the scenes that were somewhat blurry in the past.

 For example, the words on that Fangxian tablet.

 —Stele of Zhenxian.

Su Yu frowned slightly and could only read three words clearly.

What does it mean?

 Why does this immortal monument stand here?

Who erected this immortal monument?

Su Yu wanted to see more clearly, but the place was vast and there was nothing else except the immortal monument holding up the sky and the divine chains.

 This frightened Su Yu.

 Is this thing related to the ancient Tianxian Mansion?

Or is it related to the ancient times when the half-immortals joined forces to kill the immortals?

Thinking about it for a long time.

Su Yu's consciousness gradually returned to his original body, and he once again peered into the seven-level star map in his body. Except for a power comparable to that of an ordinary Mahayana Heavenly King, he no longer felt anything wrong.

  ‘If one day I can no longer improve my strength, maybe I can look for this place. ’ Su Yu thought secretly, and he guessed that this place should be related to the immortal formation in Cangzhou Region.

That immortal stele is most likely something left by the group of semi-immortals in ancient times.

 Except for the changes in cultivation level of Celestial Body Refining Technique.

Su Yu's own magic power has also changed a lot during his retreat over the years.

 Cultivation has broken through to the middle stage of the Fusion Realm.

There are more than ninety immortal bones in his body. Perhaps in several hundred more years of seclusion, he will be able to perfect the Gengjin Immortal Bones and Cangmu Immortal Body.

After breaking through the eighth level of the Heavenly Immortal Body Refining Technique, Su Yu thought for a moment and waved his hand to take out several low-grade Taoist artifacts, Buddhist artifacts, and Taoist artifact embryos.

The number of these treasures is not large, even though he once searched the ruins of Baofu Temple, Daluo Temple and Wuliang Cicada Palace.

"Try it, first raise the Heavenly Refining Technique to the eighth level." Su Yu took out a Taoist embryo and used the Heavenly Refining Technique to smelt it into his body bit by bit, improving the cultivation of the Heavenly Refining Technique. for.

The mystery of this body-refining art lies in tempering one's own body as a magic weapon.

 Swallow the essence of various artifacts to improve yourself.

 Previously, Su Yu had refined an embryo of a Taoist weapon.

Now by refining a few Taoist weapon embryos, or even lower-grade Taoist tools, it might be possible to advance to the eighth level.

 Time flies by like a white horse.

 In a blink of an eye.

Su Yu practiced again for more than twenty years.

 More than twenty years later.

Su Yu woke up from her practice state and looked in the direction of the distracted Taoist body in surprise.

 I saw that the distracted body had surpassed him at some point and was almost twenty steps farther than him.

 Take root and practice in a place closer to the fairy mountain.

 The roots are used to absorb the nutrients of this world, especially the nutrients derived from the soil of the fairy mountain. This is a new discovery after the body of Fenshen Tao manifested and took root.

With the nourishment of the soil of the Fairy Mountain, Fenshen Dao's body grew a lot taller, reaching a height of more than fourteen feet.

Moreover, he also found that nourished by the nutrients of the fairy mountain soil, his body was transforming little by little, and seemed to be transforming in an extraordinary direction.

  No matter how nourished the immortal energy is, the cultivation base of the divine Tao body today is completely different from that of a hundred years ago.

Although in terms of mana cultivation, he has only reached the late stage of the Fusion Realm, his strength is at least several times, even ten times stronger than before.


this moment.

Su Yu woke up from his practice state and looked in the direction of the distracted Taoist body in surprise.

 I saw that the aura of the Fenshen Taoist body changed at this moment, and a powerful wave of divine soul swept across the entire Taoist world, seeming to undergo a qualitative transformation.

 At the moment when Fenshen's body and soul were transformed, a force fed back to Su Yu's body and soul.

 In an instant.

Su Yu’s body soul also began to increase significantly. In less than a year, Su Yu’s body soul also broke through to the peak level of the Fusion Realm.

Su Yu looked at the distracted body and felt happy.

 “The divine soul level of the divine body has transformed into the Mahayana realm!”

After the transformation of the soul, the distracted Taoist body moved towards the fairy mountain again, and moved forward for thirty steps before stopping.

 Maybe it won’t take long.

 Divided gods and Taoist bodies may actually transform into fairy-level spiritual plants!


Shortly after the breakthrough of the Taoist body and soul, Su Yu suddenly frowned slightly, thought about it, stood up, and left the Taoist world in a flash.    At this moment.

 In the world of Wuliang Cicada Palace Ruins.

Taoist Master Hongyue, whose cultivation has broken through to the early stage of the Fusion Realm at some point, looked solemnly into the distance.

this moment.

There were ripples in the space of heaven and earth, and there seemed to be some terrifying existence that was shaking the world of the Wuliang Cicada Palace ruins outside.

Just when Hongyue Taoist Master was wondering whether he should go and check it out, Su Yu's figure appeared next to Hongyue Taoist Master.

Shortly after.

 Fan Xiao, Taoist Tianyu, Taoist Taixi and others also appeared one after another.

Hongyue Taoist Master looked at Su Yu with surprise on his face and said, "Junior brother, are you out of seclusion?"

 “Little Master Uncle.”



Su Yu gently nodded to the crowd, then looked over there, and said calmly: "It's okay, there's just a group of people who want to explore the ruins of Wuliang Cicada Palace, it's not a big problem."

 Under his prying eyes, outside the ruins of Wuliang Cicada Palace.

Those people from the Immortal Realm really found a loophole in the Infinite Immortal Formation. The immortal girl who didn’t know whether she was from the Huangling Cave World Realm in the Immortal Realm was uniting with others to forcefully break through a gap in the Infinite Immortal Formation and break in.

Su Yu was naturally unhappy with the behavior of this group of people.


As he formed seals with his hands, wisps of mana merged into the immeasurable immortal formation between heaven and earth, and the immeasurable immortal formation suddenly changed in the next moment.


The stunning girl is teaming up with two Tribulation Realm semi-immortals and several Mahayana Realm heavenly kings to take action. Terrifying mana is poured into a crack in the void in front of her, hoping to use this to forcefully break through the remaining Immortal Formation here and break into the ruins. Explore some opportunities.

 However, at this moment, the remnants of the immortal formation suddenly changed.

A small loophole that they discovered after decades of research and prying eyes disappeared in the blink of an eye.

at the same time.

 An extremely terrifying force bounced back from the immeasurable immortal formation.

Except for the stunningly beautiful girl whose expression changed and she instantly defended herself, the remaining two Tribulation Realm semi-immortals, as well as several Mahayana Realm Heavenly Lords, all suffered trauma and were blasted from the sky by the Infinite Immortal Formation into the sea below.

  also at this moment.

 A figure appeared in the sky ahead.

Su Yu walked out of the ruins of Wuliang Cicada Palace and looked at the stunning girl with an indifferent expression. Then his eyes met with a familiar figure on a flying boat in the distance behind the stunning girl.

 When the man saw Su Yu's figure, his expression suddenly changed: "Su Yu!"

Su Yu's voice also came from this world, saying: "Third Senior Brother, have you chosen to betray the human race, betray the world of immortality, and collude with the forces of the immortal world?"

On the flying boat, Jun Wuyi's expression was shocked, but the next moment, strong murderous intent burst out from his eyes.

Without the slightest hesitation, Jun Yiyi shouted towards the stunning girl: "Immortal Master, this person is my junior brother Su Yu. His talent is extraordinary, and he is the only one among the hundreds of millions of natives in the world of immortality to have perfect Taoism."

“If we can kill him, it will definitely be a heavy blow to the local forces in the world of immortality!”

“From now on, when the Immortal Master rules the world of cultivating immortals, there will no longer be any obstacles!”

 Hearing Jun Wuyi's shout, Su Yu was a little speechless.

But the stunning girl's eyes narrowed, she looked directly at Su Yu, and asked: "Little guy, do you control the remaining immortal formation?"

Su Yu, however, did not coddle her at all and said bluntly: "Get out."

 “If you dare to offend again, you will die!”

The stunning girl's expression froze, and then a bright smile broke out on her face. No one in this lower world, or even in the fairy world, dared to talk to her like this.

 “Little guy, you are very arrogant.”

The stunning girl's eyes became colder and colder. She stretched out a finger and pointed at Su Yu who was above the sky in front of her: "In this case, I won't let you stay."


As the stunning girl pointed out, everything in the world seemed to be frozen.

Su Yu in the distance, at this moment, not only felt that the heaven and earth were frozen, but also his mana and soul seemed to be frozen.


When Su Yu's body, the power of the first-level space avenue emerged.

 This power can no longer fall on him.

at the same time.

 Far away in the heaven and earth.

The space where the huge airship was located suddenly reversed, and the spacecraft landed where Su Yu was originally.

The stunning girl pointed her finger, and the terrifying flying boat instantly turned into a piece of black ice.

Together with Jun Wuyi, who was standing in front of the flying boat, and several people from the Huangling Immortal Sect, they all turned into popsicles.

 The stunning girl’s expression finally changed at this moment.

 The power that originally wanted to destroy the world suddenly stopped at this moment.

Even when the space between heaven and earth exploded, and the terrifying space force seemed to want to use it to crush the flying boat, the power of the black ice protected the flying boat.


Su Yu’s figure is no longer in the sky.

 An island below.

  An formation mage in the early stage of the Fusion Realm is trying his best to contain his aura and wants to be transparent.

But the next moment.

Su Yu's figure appeared in front of this person, and he just pointed out with a finger. The body-level cultivation level of the person in front of him melted like ice and snow, and plummeted in an instant.

 Until it degrades to the initial Qi refining state.

When Su Yu lowered his finger and touched the center of the man's eyebrows, the man's eyes widened, filled with the desire to survive, as if he wanted to beg for mercy.


It's a pity that when Su Yu dropped his finger, the man instantly turned into ashes and disappeared.

The stunning girl’s angry shout came: “Stop! You who dare to kill me, I will definitely—”

Before this guy could finish his threat, Su Yu interrupted indifferently: "So what if I kill him!"

 “So what if I kill again!”


The next moment, the face of an eighth-level low-grade formation mage in the early stage of the Mahayana Realm in the distance suddenly changed, but he could only feel that the sky and the earth were spinning and changing, and he had not yet realized what was going on.

 Others have appeared in front of Su Yu.

Su Yu directly struck out with his hand knife: "The Divine Technique of Splitting the Sky!"


At the moment when the Heaven-Splitting Divine Technique fell, the early-stage Mahayana Heavenly King in front of him felt the soul in his mind as a four-winged golden cicada came in. With terrifying divine power, his soul was cut into two pieces in an instant.

 There is spiritual power coming out, covering up his spiritual perception, making his spiritual consciousness covered in dust and slow to react.

 When the magical power fell on him again, it seemed that the level of life in his body had changed at that moment.

 The cultivation level suddenly plummeted from the Mahayana realm.

Until Su Yu's hand knife fell on him, an early-stage Mahayana Heavenly King instantly turned into a ball of blood mist and exploded, and was annihilated along with his soul and Dao Fruit.

"If I really think you are an immortal, I won't dare to kill you!" Su Yu's overwhelming immortal power burst out and he shouted sternly at the stunning girl. (End of chapter)

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