Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 481: Big Harvest: The Yin Spirit Army Enters the Buddha Realm

Just before Wan Jianxian left the secret realm, another disciple discovered something was wrong, rushed out in panic, and shouted to Wan Jianxian: "Supreme Elder, it's bad, the treasure house has been emptied out at some point!"

On the other side, a deacon shouted in horror: "Sir, all the immortal scriptures and Taoist scriptures in Huang Tianxian's pavilion have disappeared, and even the immortal stele has disappeared!"

Wan Jianxian stumbled and almost fell down to the lake below.

After he calmed down, Wan Jianxian shouted repeatedly: "Quick! Search, see what else is missing!" His face was as dark as ink, extremely ugly, and his body was even shaking, and he was gritting his teeth.

If it is just a simple treasure house, it is nothing. Although there are some treasures in it, the loss is still bearable for the Huangling Immortal Sect. After all, it is just the cultivation resources of the immortal world itself.

 The loss of the Immortal Scriptures and even the Immortal Tablet in Kexian's attic made Wan Jianxian's heart twitch.

He knew about the Immortal Monument. When he joined the Huangling Immortal Sect, the Immortal Lord Bingjiu had taken him and the ancestors of the Jun family to see it. It contained the Immortal Sutra inheritance originating from the Immortal World.

And that immortal stele is an inherited treasure, comparable to a semi-immortal weapon!

In addition to these, there must be other cultivation resources originating from the fairy world within the Immortal Sect. Those resources are coveted by even the Ten Thousand Sword Immortals and are difficult to obtain from Bingjiu's hands.

What if Su Yu plundered all the resources of the Immortal Sect, and even the resources hidden by the Immortal Lord Bingjiu...

Wan Jianxian's eyes darkened, and he really wanted to kill Su Yu. He shouted angrily in his heart, "You are trying to harm me!" If you prevent me from becoming an immortal, my hatred will never end!

 After an inventory, the people from the Huangling Immortal Sect checked all the places they could. They really lost a lot of treasures, even treasures originating from the fairy world!

As for some hidden places, that is unknown, but it is estimated that it is difficult to resist the time and space of that dog.

Wan Jianxian was really panicked. He rushed out of the secret realm of Qianjing Lake and went to find the Immortal Master Bingjiu to report the news that the Immortal Sect had been robbed.

the other side.

Su Yu killed a group of people, captured alive about twenty geniuses from the immortal world, and left. He walked towards Canggu Immortal City, while his mind was looking at the piles of resource treasures in his space treasure.

Especially a fairy stele, more than ten huge sealed fairy ores, and three fairy stones containing strong fairy energy.

Looking at the resources that obviously did not belong to the world of cultivating immortals, Su Yu was a little surprised: "These are the resources stored in the Huangling Immortal Sect, so wouldn't the immortal master Bingjiu have more resources in the immortal world?"

Thinking about it this way, Su Yu is really a little greedy. If he had the strength, he would definitely take action against this group of people.

 Don't kill them, just take away the resources in their hands.

 In this way, they will also find ways to ask for help and resources from the fairy world.

 When the resources from the fairy world are sent down again, we will cut another crop...

  to grow and cut one crop after another.

There should be nothing wrong with this?

Thinking of this, Su Yu started to think about Emperor Zhenwu, the cheap master. Although he had never met this master a few times, and his relationship was not very deep, he was not bragging. Emperor Zhenwu was really strong, ranking among the top 100 masters. The second in the world of immortal cultivation, he should be able to suppress the so-called immortal Bingjiu.

If Emperor Zhenwu is still there, then it is a good time to harvest this group of people from the immortal world.


Su Yu sighed softly, his eyes fell on the immortal stele, his eyes flashed. This immortal stele was extraordinary. It was sealed within the Huangling Immortal Sect with a ninth-level formation. It would be difficult to move it away even if it was encountered in the ordinary Tribulation Realm. .

He still used the power of time and space to cut up the space and move it away together, so that he could take it away.

Feeling the aura on this immortal monument, Su Yu nodded with satisfaction and said secretly: "It's not in vain that I tried so hard to move it. This immortal monument is probably stronger than the nine-story Taoist tower!"

 Just want to crack it and refine it, it may take some effort.

Su Yu then looked at the inheritance of the Immortal Sutra and Taoism of the Huangling Immortal Sect that he had moved away, mainly the inheritance stone tablets of the Three Immortal Sutras. The atmosphere was completely different from other inheritances.

 These inheritances may have the greatest impact on him!

Su Yu mentally explored the inheritance stone tablet of one of the Immortal Scriptures.


A few days later, Su Yu woke up. There was already a method in his mind called [Huangtian Hou Earth Immortal Technique]. It was an immortal method based on earth spirit roots. It was the most powerful method that could lead to the third level of Earth Immortal cultivation.

 It is far inferior to the Gengjin Immortal Sword Art that Su Yu obtained back then.

 At most, it can only be regarded as an ordinary earthly immortal level immortal method.

But it was the Earth Spirit Root Immortal Technique that Su Yu had never had before. He recalled the mysterious method of this Immortal Technique to build the foundation of the immortal body, his eyes flashed, and there were many flashes of light in his mind, which gave him some enlightenment.

 "Huang Tian's thick earth immortal body foundation...may be somewhat helpful in building the foundation of the Five Elements Immortal Body." Su Yu thought secretly and decided to also cultivate the immortal body foundation of this immortal method.

Perhaps just like the previous Immortal Body Foundation of Cangmu Immortal Sutra, it can also be integrated and transformed by relying on the proficiency panel.

If he can cultivate the foundation of the Five Elements Immortal Body, and then use the proficiency panel to fuse them together into the "Five Elements Immortal Body".

 At that time, we will reversely deduce the Five Elements Techniques and deduce and complete the methods for cultivating the foundation of the Five Elements Immortal Body.

 Should it be feasible?

Subsequently, Su Yu passed down the remaining two immortal arts, which were: [The Heaven-shaking and Sea-shaking Immortal Technique] and the [Purple Sky Heart Flame Immortal Technique].

 One water-based immortality method and one fire-based immortality method.

Looking at the three newly obtained immortal arts, Su Yu was very excited and thought to herself: "With these immortal arts, I can try to see if my idea is feasible."

 If it really doesn’t work…

Su Yu looked at the immortal stele. There should be a stronger inheritance of immortal magic in the immortal stele.

These things can be moved back to the Wuliang Cicada Palace ruins and left to the Dixian Mansion and the Su family as treasures of the Dixian Mansion and the Su family.

 The inheritance of the Immortal Scriptures and Taoist scriptures collected by the Huangling Immortal Sect is not simple.

 With these foundations, it is enough for the Earthly Immortal Mansion and the Su family to become the top force in the world of immortality!

While thinking about this, the Canggu Immortal City was already close at hand. Su Yu concentrated her mind and looked at the huge fairy city suspended above the sky and the earth in front of her. This fairy city was located in the center of the Cangzhou Territory.

It was also the Immortal City Holy Land that he and the Earthly Immortal Mansion once longed for and longed for in the past.

Floating fairy city, compared with those fairy cities or fairy gates on the ground, is much more powerful, and it is more in line with the identity of a fairy gate.

After all, they are cultivating immortals, so how can they build a fairy city on the ground like mortals?


Hundreds of years have passed as time flies.

The sacred and majestic floating fairy city in his eyes in the past has no mystery at all. Even the floating fairy city in front of him can be destroyed at any time by letting it fall to the ground.

Su Yu was a little dazed, but it didn't stop him from walking into Canggu Immortal City. Today's Canggu Immortal City has long been beyond recognition and has been reduced to the control of the Dongchu Clan, a force in the fairy world. It is the Dongchu Clan's only fairy city gateway to the outside world.

As Su Yu circulated the Ksitigarbha Immortal Sutra, spiritual power filled the air.

 In the blink of an eye.

When Su Yu stepped forward again, she had already arrived in a cave, and in front of her, a familiar figure was practicing cross-legged practice.

However, with the arrival of Su Yu, this man had stopped practicing and opened his eyes.

Looking at the figure of the monk wearing cassocks who appeared in front of him, Mr. Dong Chu's eyelids twitched, but he did not panic or lose his mind.

Instead, he looked at Su Yu's Taoist body carefully and said in amazement: "If it weren't for the Qingjing Immortal Monument, I really wouldn't believe that fellow Taoist He would choose a puppet Taoist body that practices Buddhism."

“I can’t even believe that fellow Taoist He has achieved such great achievements and is in charge of the Buddha Realm.”

“As for the main body, even the Bingjiu Immortals retreated.”

“He Daoyou’s current strength and achievements have surpassed mine.”

Su Yu chuckled and said, "I prefer you to call me Fellow Daoist Su, or my real name, Su Yu."

Lord Dongchu couldn’t deny it. In fact, he couldn’t tell whether Su Yu was a native Su Yu or whether he was in the immortal world. Because they came to this world and wanted to seize the opportunity of this world, it was best to try every means to integrate into it.

If Su Yu is in the immortal world, then congratulations to him, he has really successfully integrated into it.

Lord Dong Chu looked at Su Yu with a slightly condensed expression and said, "So, what is the matter with Fellow Daoist He coming to Canggu Immortal City to find me this time?"

Su Yu said: "For the time being, I would like to invite fellow Taoist Dongchu to come. Oh, by the way, there are other people from the Dongchu tribe. Just Taoist fellow Dongchu alone is not safe. Plus other Dongchu tribesmen, there can be many more." I hope you, the immortals of the Dongchu Clan, know about it and are afraid of me, so don’t mess with me.”

Lord Dong Chu's face changed slightly when he heard this, but he was still able to remain calm. He thought for a moment, looked at Su Yu and said: "Since the last time we had a discussion, Fellow Daoist He and I haven't communicated with each other for some time. So, today I will tell Fellow Daoist He consult…"

Su Yu just stretched out a hand, and with the fluctuations in time and space, Lord Dong Chu, who had reached the peak of the Fusion Realm, disappeared and was banned and taken away by him.

Su Yu's figure flashed away: "Discussion? Ask for advice? What is your identity? What is my identity?"

“Who the **** has time to discuss with you? Your brain is rusty.”


Canggu Immortal City returned to peace, and no one knew that Lord Dong Chu and several people from the Dong Chu tribe had disappeared from here.

After Su Yu brought Lord Dong Chu to the Spiritual Formation Clan occupied by the Dong Chu Clan, he took action again, killing more than a dozen members of the Dong Chu Clan and killing thousands of immortal cultivators who had surrendered to the Dong Chu Clan. He packed up and captured all the remaining Dongchu people, emptied the Dongchu people of their things and resources, and then gave up and left.

 At the third stop, Su Yu came to the Purple Crane Immortal Gate.

the other side.

When Wan Jianxian found Bingjiu, they had already arrived at the edge of the Buddha Realm and were planning how to attack the Vajra Buddhist Temple and how to set up a dragnet to let Su Yu get in by himself.

However, at this time, Wan Jianxian arrived and came to the Immortal Lord Bingjiu.

When Immortal Lord Bingjiu saw Wan Jianxian's appearance, his expression suddenly changed slightly, and he shouted: "Wan Jianxian, why do you appear here?"

Wan Jianxian said with a trace of panic: "Immortal Master, something bad is going on. Something happened to the Immortal Sect. Su Yu already knew that the Immortal Master and others were going to join forces to deal with him, so he was so bold that he took advantage of the Immortal Master and others to attack him while he was away. Open the door."

“Not only did he kill more than a dozen immortal masters, he also captured all the remaining people and emptied the immortal gate of all its belongings and treasures…”

“That guy threatened that if the Immortal Master continues to attack him, he will die and we won’t be able to live!”


As soon as Wan Jianxian's voice fell, Bingjiu slapped him with an angry palm, sending him flying dozens of miles away and pressing him under the ground.

Bingjiu angrily yelled: “Trash!”

“I asked you to stay at the Immortal Gate, and this is how you guard it for me!?”

Bing Jiu was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. They hadn't even touched Su Yu yet. How could this guy know? And they also took advantage of them to bring people out and the Immortal Sect's power was empty to attack the people of the Immortal Sect.

Thinking that Su Yu had killed more than ten people from Huang Lingdongtian and captured all the rest alive, Bingjiu suddenly felt anxious.

That is one-third of their disciples from Huangling Cave Heaven!


Dongchu Shanze, Gujue Immortal and others also heard the news. Although it was just a matter of the Huangling Immortal Sect, they felt a little bit in their hearts after hearing it, and suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness in their hearts.

not good!

That guy was one step ahead of them, and in turn took action against the forces in the fairy world like them!

as expected.

Soon Dongchu Shanze and others also received news reports one after another, saying that Su Yu had stolen their old home. Not only did many people die, but Su Yu also captured many immortal disciples and left them as hostages.


For a moment, the faces of Dongchu Shanze and others were as dark as ink. Originally, they wanted to attack the Vajra Buddhist Temple, and then use this to threaten Su Yu to show up, and then try to ambush and kill him.

I never thought that before they even took action, they would be threatened by Su Yu! ?

Dongchu Shanze made the quickest choice, and directly led the people to say goodbye: "I'll take the first step, fellow Taoists, you can do whatever you want."

He had to leave. Lord Dongchu was in Su Yu's hands, so nothing could happen. Even if he gave up targeting Su Yu, he had to rescue Lord Dongchu.

But Bingjiu thought about it for a long time, but in the end he still didn't dare to break up with Su Yu.

  There is no need…

If Su Yu is really targeting their Huang Lingxian sect, then it may be difficult for anyone else except her to save their lives.

If you really want to come to a fish with Su Yu, basically their Huang Lingdong can declare that they will withdraw from the opportunity to cultivate the immortal world.

not worth it!

 Let’s put up with him for now!

 In the end, all the immortal sects, except for the Silver Sea Immortal Sect, chose to give up and retreat under the threat of Su Yu.

But Immortal Gujue of Yinhai Immortal Sect looked at Dongchu Shanze, Bingjiu and others leaving with a sarcastic look on his face, and whispered: "To be reduced to the point of being threatened by a native from the lower realm is really outrageous. The more you practice, the more you go back, and you will be thrown into the face of the immortal!"

He looked at the Buddhist realm in front of him, waved his hand and said: "Get started, including the Vajra Buddha Temple, all the people from the lower realms will not be left behind."

The four numb and expressionless Half-Buddhas in the Tribulation Realm who were following Immortal Gujue immediately moved and led the army of Yin Spirits from the Silver Sea Immortal Sect into the Buddha's realm. (End of chapter)

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