Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 999: You are acting rude

This thing really can't be rushed.

Are Chinese not patriotic?

To be honest, the vast majority of Chinese may be more patriotic than domestic people. They once left the country they love because of life, but they still love this land deeply.

However, Huaxia's nationality is still the most difficult to obtain in the world.

Fortunately, He Shu's father, as a well-known Chinese, already had such qualifications when he transferred a large amount of his property from the US Empire to Huaxia, and Ye Zhi helped him to clear the relationship, and it was only a matter of time before he obtained the nationality That's it.

At this moment, Ye Zhi, who was wearing a spectacle frame, came back holding a book.

Han Xia called him directly, "Saucy pig."

Ye Zhi didn't pay attention as if he didn't hear it.

Han Xia: "Speak, Sao Pig."

Ye Zhi frowned slightly: "Why?"

Han Xia: "When will the old man of the Xiaoshu family come back?"

Ye Zhi: "Today."

Han Xia: "What?!"

Ye Zhi: "It is estimated that he has arrived at the airport now, and someone has been sent to take him back to China in secret. His brothers and sisters have almost been liquidated."

Huang Bo: "Huh?"

Ye Zhi grinned, "What? Is it normal to have to flee back in despair?"

He Shu's eyes suddenly glowed with excitement in this second.

"Uh... why fat four? Wasn't the situation worse before?"

"In the United States, as long as you are willing to pay enough price, there is really nothing you can't do. What's more, Uncle He is really more courageous than I thought."

"What the **** did you do?"

Ye Zhi shrugged, "In fact, I was cooperating in the show, to provide you with shelter in China, and Uncle He did the rest by himself. He introduced a person, and he went straight to the person."

Find someone?

Who is so powerful?

Ye Zhi didn't intend to satisfy their curiosity, and there were some things he didn't intend to say.

What he introduced was actually the CEO of Zhixin Technology Meidi Branch, and the matter was very simple, that is, a very simple low-cost merger.

Today's Zhixin Technology can be said to have a very high status in the United States, and even has a strong voice in Silicon Valley. Since He Shu's father wants to go back, he doesn't want others to take over the things under his hands, then ...

Ye Zhi took these things as his protection fee and accepted them.

As for He Shu's relatives, those who are stinky fish and rotten shrimp, they were completely ignored by Ye Zhi. In capitalism, they can't do whatever they want.


Because they don't have enough money.

Not to mention, He Shu's father has always been consciously investing in domestic investment. The domestic industry accounts for 36% of his total assets, and he has also transferred 28% recently. Except for some real estate and R&D lines that are still in Silicon Valley, the rest that can basically be transferred have been quietly transferred.

When it was discovered, it was time to tear his face off.

Family business?

It may have been in the past, but over the years, to be able to make the company so big is entirely a matter of He Shu's father alone. Those vampires are full of brains and fat, and it's okay to fight for power and profits. It's a joke to manage the company, if not He used to be ruthless, but now He Shu's father is not so difficult.

So he asked He Shu to find Ye Zhi.

Originally, I was just holding on to a glimmer of hope, but what I didn’t expect was that in the end, a win-win cooperation was facilitated.

The R&D line under He Shu's father was exactly what Ye Zhi wanted. In this case, he really had no reason to refuse. By the way, he helped him to clear up those brothers and sisters of He Shu's father. I don't have any feelings for them at all, and it's a neat thing to clear up.

Those few people, bankrupt and bankrupt, jailed and jailed, the money is in place, it is really easy and enjoyable to do things.

Several of them never dreamed that He Shu's father could be so willing to hand over nearly half of the wealth he owned as a 'protection fee', and he could have unconditional absolute trust in an outsider, so he came back successfully.

Quietly flee back home?

What an international joke, he is now swaggering, sitting on a plane, and coming back to the cheers!



"Let's go, just milk tea, I'll treat you."

"Let's talk about it first, what milk tea?"

"It's not the milk tea girl, don't worry, you won't be beaten to death."

"Let's go then."

He Shu laughed and hugged Ye Zhi's shoulders. He used to think that Ye Zhi was a beer, but he didn't know how much he was, but he knew it now.

As for protection fees?

Will he care?

If the money reaches a certain level, it is really just a number. Is it important to have relatives no matter how much money you have?

Maybe different people will have different answers, but at least he He Shu will definitely choose his relatives. He is used to living in poverty. Even if he goes back to the old days, it will be fine. What's more, with Ye Zhi there, the protection fee was paid...

"Why, why don't you treat the guests to drink milk tea, pay the bill, why are you looking at me?"

"I invite you to pay the bill."


Ye Zhi silently took out his mobile phone, "You're acting very rude."

"A little bit." He Shu patted Ye Zhi's back and said to the clerk familiarly, "These few of my friends, if they come to drink milk tea, they won't have to charge."

"Understand the boss!"

This clerk was still debating whether to scan the QR code to collect the payment, and he is not blind. The few people standing in front of him are all super bosses!

Ye Zhi didn't say anything.

This face, I am afraid that not many people in China do not know.

Han Xia has also been in the limelight recently. All the wedding photos are envied by all Huaxia, and this is the only one. Although the other handsome guys don't know each other, but if you want to come with the boss, he will not be a small person. Holding the code scanning gun was a little panic.

"Did you drive?"

"How is it? Is the decoration okay?"

"The force is quite A cup of milk tea is not cheap, right?"

"The average price is 10 yuan."


Ye Zhi actually always felt that the milk tea market needed a spoiler. He told He Shu about this when he was chatting before, but he didn't have time to deal with it, and there were other things waiting for him. Just did it, it's really efficient.

As for the recipe or something.

It's no longer a secret. To be honest, the differences between milk teas are not very big. If you want to disrupt the situation, the only difference is money. If you only disrupt the situation, you may not be able to get the money yourself. This kind of thing doesn't seem to make any sense.

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