Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 168: not related

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In order to keep the dormitory free of shady things, Ye Zhi specially called the other three pigs in the dormitory. If there was no special reason, the three of them would never clean up, but after hearing that, An Yi Jing is coming...

Huang Bo held a pair of white and yellow socks in his hand, and threw them on Han Xia's body with extreme disgust, "Whose socks are these."

"Yours?" Han Xia threw the thing back again.


It was indeed his.

"Whose underwear is this? It's definitely not mine... Fat boy (Cantonese), is it yours?"

"Mine, mine."

"It's too late to wash, hurry up and put it away!"

In this way, the original messy dormitory was quickly cleaned up with the joint efforts of the three of them. Of course, Ye Zhi usually has the credit for cleaning up the room.



Sitting on the soft lawn of the campus.

Ye Zhi fiddled with the guitar at will, and it turned into a comfortable melody, very moving, "How is it? Do you have any ideas?"


"How did you make it sound so good when you play it casually?"

" what you think?" Ye Zhi raised his brows, these sisters are here to do things, aren't they writing songs now, "Sister Yijing, I'm starting to regret choosing you now."

"Don't, I really don't understand, you can take me with you first... Otherwise, teach me how to sing first." An Yijing said that she was really desperate, it wasn't that she didn't want to keep up, But he couldn't keep up with Ye Zhi's rhythm at all.


Then she gradually realized that singing with ordinary people and singing with singers are completely different things.

Every singer actually has some unique singing skills of their own. Ye Zhi also shares it with An Yijing. Anyone who learns vocal music may benefit a lot.

But this is not the case for An Yijing...

"Forget it, forget it, you've grasped the tempo quite accurately, you have to remember to control your own voice, this... the lower abdomen is here to exert force." Ye Zhi pressed his lower abdomen, but saw An Yijing's He knew the look on his face blank.

White speak.

An Yijing also saw Ye Zhi's headache, and she was embarrassed and apologetic, "Is this?"

Finally, Ye Zhi took out his tuner and poked An Yijing's belly. Then, "Cry out 'ah' now, and feel the feeling of exertion here... Yes, that's it."

"So...why are you poking me with a tuner? Can't you use your fingers? It hurts."

"I... still want to live."


Is the desire to survive so strong?

Of course, except for An Yijing, no one knew that it was not her fans who actually made Ye Zhi's desire to survive.

An Yijing burst out laughing, I have to say, this beautiful girl is really pretty when she smiles, and the boys who take pictures around are basically killed by her smile, "Well, continue. ,continue."

For singing, An Yijing is actually quite talented, although she chose the path of being an actress.

"Sister Yijing, do you want to try singing and dancing?"

"No no no."

An Yijing shook her head vigorously, singing made her feel so stressed, and dancing?

"Okay, then forget it."

After finally teaching An Yijing some relatively simple singing skills, Ye Zhicai began to compose, however, Miss An Yijing did not give him any advice throughout the whole process, "Sister, it's not me, don't you think about writing songs? Any idea?"

"Yes, but I dare not mention it, for fear that you will scold me."


Next, Ye Zhi listened, she said, from her opinion, Ye Zhi actually got a lot of things, although it only took three or four hours, but this new song has already been written most of the time.


"However, what does this song have to do with the later leaves?"

"not related."

Well, after the song was written, An Yijing also felt that it seemed that this song had nothing to do with the theme, she collapsed and rolled on the lawn, "Ah~~~ my brain hurts so much, writing After so long, is it all in vain?"

"No, I think this song is not bad. If you don't believe me, ask them."

At this time, a girl shouted from the side, "Super nice! Super super nice!"


In an instant, the sense of achievement is overwhelming!

In the process of writing the song, the words I said soon became part of the song when it arrived at Ye Zhi, and it sounded very nice. At that time, An Yijing had to admit that she actually admired him a bit!

"Okay, what about our theme?"

At this time, Ye Zhi suddenly saw a thin figure not far away, the confirmed thigh was his girlfriend, and he was very playful, "Well then, listen to this song first, see if you like it or not, give it to I have an opinion."

"Have you written it again?"



This is also drunk, why do you feel that writing a song is so difficult, and it is so simple when it comes to Ye Zhi?

An Yijing looked at Ye Zhi's increasingly serious face, shook her head with the sound of his guitar, and listened to him sing quietly, while everyone else present was the same, whether it was a boy or a girl.

The breeze was blowing, and the setting sun left a long shadow, a blood red.

The sky is still getting dim, the grape-colored evening, the purple evening, Ye Zhi sings quietly with his guitar, the dim and bright light shines in the setting sun, and behind the setting sun, there is an elongated lengthy. shadow.


and then

In fact, my life is alright

Except for reminiscing some of the raging moments

Fortunately, there are still tears to dilute the bitterness

And those who are still colorful yesterday, they all have my careful collection

Maybe you remember, maybe you forget

It's not that important anymore

I only hope that you will be happy in the future

That's what I want the most

Later we still walk

Just not side by side anymore

pursue their own lives


The clear voice without any is matched with Ye Zhi's singing skills, and the slightly vicissitudes of eyes and expressions can really move people. These lyrics, for some people with stories, The feeling is really deep, very deep.

Listen to such a song.

A boy wiped his eyes, turned around, raised his head, and left here slowly. He was afraid that if he listened to it like this, he would really not help crying.

But girls are different. They have no burden on crying.

Even among the girls onlookers, there was a more emotional one who cried so miserably that it was almost a mess.

Tears flowed as if she couldn't control it at all. The lyrics and the melody instantly evoked the memory of that person that she had been hiding in her heart, and the best memories he had ever had...

What she and he once went through together are now their own pasts.

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