Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 22: nothing to do with love

"Mmmm! Then think so, let's go to the library tomorrow."

"it is good."


The appointment is here!

However, Shen Lu's calculations, but they missed it, Ye Zhi's dull nature.

After he got to the library at nine o'clock in the morning, he drove 'Overclocking' and kept nibbling on the book.

This time it was noon. After lunch, he immediately started his nap in the library. Shen Lu was so depressed, and while Ye Zhi fell asleep, he slapped Ye Zhi behind him!

Of course, it's just a sham.

Shen Lu was discouraged for a while, and lay beside Ye Zhi, looking at his handsome face, with a puffed up bun face aggrieved, "Idiot Ye Zi! Can't you even see that people are asking you out? Are you real? I don't understand or fake I don't understand!"

For Shen Lu, being angry with Ye Zhi was only temporary.

Looking at him sleeping so soundly, the grievances that had accumulated in the past gradually dissipated.

"But... it would be nice if you could look at him like this~~~"


That's not true, that's what Shen Lu really thought, Ye Zhi's face, she couldn't get tired of it no matter how she looked at it, she suddenly didn't want Ye Zhi to wake up so early, looking at it, She herself fell asleep.

Until he woke up, the movement of getting up awakened Shen Lu as well.

"Are you full?"

"Well, almost."

"Then, let's go." Ye Zhi said and pulled up Shen Lu's arm.

Shen Lu just woke up, still a little confused, "Go, where to go?"



Is this guy finally enlightened? !

Shen Lu kept her eyes on the arm that Ye Zhi was holding, and there was a faint expectation in her shyness, especially when Ye Zhi took her home and brought out his guitar that he bought for a thousand yuan, her My heart is even more happy.


Are you finally going to confess? !

He found a place under the shade of a tree, "Okay, let's go here."


Ye Zhi's gentle voice, which Shen Lu could never tire of listening to, rang in her ears, it was really comfortable, "What do you want to hear?"

"Anyway, I don't want to listen to "How Are You"?"

"Why? Is it because the singing is not good?" Ye Zhi frowned slightly.

Just because it sounds so good!

That's why she didn't want to listen to it. When she was alone at night, when she remembered this song, Shen Lu could make her pillow wet, but she didn't want her good mood to be ruined by Ye Zhi's singing, "Anyway, I just don't want to hear it anyway."

Today's weather is not too hot, and under the shade of a tree, the occasional breeze is also very comfortable and pleasant.

"Then let's change the song. I recently practiced a guitar piece, so I won't sing."

"All right."

Shen Lu murmured, that's not what she really wanted to hear.

He played "Canon".

For Shen Lu, this is a brand new tune, but this melody should be known to almost everyone on earth.

In the quiet park, Ye Zhi's guitar sound is melodious and crisp.

The original meaning of "Canon" is "variation". The same theme is changed in different ways, becoming more and more complicated and more pleasant to listen to. Once such a change, the performance on the piano is the most perfect, because the piano has a wide range unmatched by other instruments, and the sound of the performance is also three-dimensional, which is most in line with the law of four harmony.

But at this moment, Shen Lu could hear the feeling of piano from Ye Zhi's guitar version of "Canon"!

For well-known reasons, guitars only have six strings. All its performances are accomplished through chord changes in the left hand. Compared to playing on the piano, the guitar has a lot of limitations.

Wanting to have both an accompaniment and a main melody like a piano piece is inherently difficult. Anyone who has learned classical guitar knows that guitar accompaniment is easy to play and can be played well in a few months. But if you play that kind of solo, especially one with an accompaniment, the difficulty level instantly increases countless times.

If you want to play a moderately difficult guitar solo, you can't achieve it without two or three years of hard work!

But Ye Zhi...

His performance is still so calm, but at this moment the melody between his fingers has become a combination of accompaniment, chords and subkeys!

Such three-dimensional music. Compared with a simple monophonic melody, I don't know how many times it sounds better. Of course, the difficulty of playing it is also proportional to the degree of pleasantness. Looking at Ye Zhi's changing hand shape, although she couldn't understand it, just looking at...

It feels great!

Ye Zhi's guitar playing is like spring rain, moisturizing things silently, the melody is calm and clean, not noisy, not flamboyant, but it has been playing in your heart, that kind of calm joy deeply infected everyone Man listening to guitar.

The index finger, **** and ring finger, gently start the rotation.

The acoustic guitar emits a fine, crystal-like timbre. Listening to this kind of music, everyone seems to have a fairy tale world in their hearts, pure and beautiful, this pure beauty makes people unconsciously feel Close your eyes and listen.

"How about it?"

"Really, really, UU reading is really nice!" Shen Lu used three truths in a row to express her inner shock at the moment.

"As long as you like it."

Guitar and piano have always been his favorite instruments, and guitar is the only one that he doesn't have to learn.

"Ye Ye, you are really amazing, why do I feel like you can do everything?"

Ye Zhi shook his head, everything would not exist. In two lifetimes, he just knew a little more. "No, there are a lot of things I don't know. You may just not see it."

"How did you learn the guitar?"

"Because...a girl."

"A girl?"

There was a hint of sourness in Shen Lu's tone involuntarily.

At this second, the jealous fire in Shen Lu's heart was raging, but apart from bitterness, she found that she couldn't do anything, "Can you tell me your story with her?"

"Story? Where did the story come from?"

Never take the initiative to attack, where did the story come from?

"Is that song "How Are You" also written for her?"

"No, where do you want to go..."

Ye Zhi also noticed Shen Lu's expression of "I almost believed your nonsense" and smiled bitterly, "It's not what you think."

In addition to his interest in playing guitar, he was a little girl in Ye Zhi's neighbor's house when he was young. She liked guitar very much, and Ye Zhi was forced by his parents to learn guitar. Naturally, she became his The audience always pestered Ye Zhi to play various tunes for her.

Over time, Ye Zhi developed a habit, even if she moved out later.

He still has the habit of playing a piece of music every day.

Really, it has nothing to do with love.

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