Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 242: save people

Seeing the precious son, the mother also showed a relieved smile, "I saw it, I saw it, go ahead, go to my brother, be careful not to fall."


Ye Xi let go of her mother's hand after speaking, spread her feet and ran in Ye Zhi's direction, avoiding many passengers along the way, without slowing down, until in front of Ye Zhi, with a smile on her face. Strong excitement.

Released the pushed suitcase in advance, Ye Zhi squatted down, opened his hands, and waited for his sister's hug.

Finally seeing my brother who I hadn't seen for almost half a year, Xixi wrote the word 'excited' on her face, flew towards her brother, and hugged Ye Zhi's neck tightly, "Ye Zhi, Ye Zhi , Ye Zhi, Ye Zhi~~~"

"Okay, okay, silly girl, stop acting like a baby, am I back?"

"How long have you been gone, and I don't know how to go home early, I miss you so much."

"Did you miss your Haagen-Dazs?"

"Hehe, I want to~~~"

"Come on, don't make mom wait too long."


Picking up his sister with one hand, Ye Zhi pushed the suitcase with one hand and walked towards his mother. The two of them even ran to the station to pick him up. Ye Zhi felt warm in his heart, "Mom, I'm back."

"Just come back, Xixi, come down quickly, be good, be obedient, my brother is already very tired when he gets home, let's play again when he gets home."

The little guy is reluctant to leave his brother now, he doesn't let go of anything, and hugs him tightly, "I don't want it! I don't want it! I don't want it!"

Ye Zhi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, anyway, the little girl was very light, and she didn't feel heavy when hugged, he had made an appointment with the driver to wait at the exit in advance, "Forget it, it's okay, Mom, the car is outside, we go home."

Just now, Ye Zhi also noticed that it seems that several young ladies and sisters are already taking pictures of him. He came back today without a bodyguard. fledgling, and now...

He is already a hot music, film and television superstar!

"Well, let's go."

Ye Zhi also quickened his pace, but his actions made people more and more confirm his identity. Many fans followed closely behind, keeping a certain distance for filming, until Ye Zhi got into the car, he was still in the dark. Some fans followed the car closely, chasing after a long distance.

"Ye Zhi, are those all your fans?"

Ye Zhi fastened Ye Xi's seat belt and smiled, "Yes."

"It's amazing! You have really become a big star."

"Xixi will be very powerful in the future."

The little guy was not honest when he was wearing a seat belt. He couldn't help but look back at the fan base that was getting farther and farther away. He couldn't help but envy his brother's popularity until Ye Zhi brought her back and asked her to sit down, "Xi Xi wants to talk to her. Ye Zhi, you are just as powerful!"


Taking the old driver’s car is different. The uncle of the driver is the exclusive driver of Zhixin. When he came, he had been optimistic about the congestion of all road sections in advance, and chose the best route. There was almost no congestion along the way, and even Not even a few traffic lights.

"Mr. Ye, it's almost here, are there any other arrangements for a while?"

"Not for now, it's hard work Uncle Zhang."

"It's all up to me."

While chatting with Ye Zhi and the others, Uncle Zhang suddenly braked suddenly, startling the three people in the back seat.

"What's wrong?"

"There is a car braking suddenly in front, I don't know what's going on."

As the car in front braked suddenly, the cars behind Ye Zhi and the others also braked or detoured. The car in front of Uncle Zhang didn't seem to be moving, and even turned off, just as Uncle Zhang was about to get off. When the car was checking, Ye Zhi stopped him.

"I'll just go... Uncle Zhang, does your car have a dash cam?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

After Ye Zhi got out of the car, he glanced forward and said to Uncle Zhang in the car, "The car in front may have encountered a china."

"Then... shall we detour?"

"Well, Uncle Zhang, please help me take my mother and Xixi home first. It's not far from my home. I'll just walk back in a while."

"Yes, Mr. Ye, be careful yourself."

I thought it was just a simple touch of porcelain, but Ye Zhi went forward to check it and found that the person who looked like 'touching porcelain' seemed to have been lying on the zebra crossing all the time without any movement. He looked at the driver of the car in front of him. , "Brother, did you meet this uncle just now?"

"No, I'm also a little puzzled, maybe it's a touch of porcelain, right?"

"Is there a recorder?"

"Yes... but this situation seems a bit strange, young man, why don't you give me a certificate and I'll show him first?"

"It's okay, uncle, give me a certificate, I'll take a look."

Ye Zhi said and went up to check it out for the uncle lying on the ground. His body was still twitching slightly. Although it was at a zebra crossing and there were no traffic lights, if this uncle really touched porcelain, what would happen to him? The level seems to be too low.

There is still a long distance from the body of others, not to mention the driving recorder. It doesn't make much sense for him to do so.


Judging from his appearance, it seemed that he had really lost consciousness, and Ye Zhi subconsciously felt that something was wrong.

"Uncle, hurry up and call 120 and explain the situation."

After speaking, Ye Zhi squatted down and gave the uncle emergency treatment on the spot.

I have learned it in school several times before, but this is the first time Ye Zhi has used it. He searched for the only first aid knowledge in his mind, and gave the uncle the simplest treatment. Raise his neck so he can keep his airway open, and then a standard set of CPR.

At this time, the uncle just finished calling and said to Ye Zhi, "120 is sending a car over. My friend just called the traffic police, does the young man need any help?"

"Uncle, you open a double flash first, and put a tripod behind it to keep the air circulating as much as possible."

While Ye Zhi was speaking, he didn't stop moving, because he could clearly feel that the uncle's breathing seemed to be weakening, and now he couldn't care about it He took off his mask directly, for the sake of He started artificial respiration.

The 120 reaction speed of the magic capital is still very fast. In less than ten minutes, the ambulance has already arrived.

When the emergency personnel put the oxygen mask on for the uncle, Ye Zhi collapsed and fell to the ground. He performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation and artificial respiration for ten minutes in a row. He was really tired. Enough.

However, after breathing for a while, Ye Zhi explained the cause and effect of the incident to the traffic police who came.

The older brother, the driver, didn't leave in a hurry. After all, he just promised Ye Zhi that he would testify against him.

After listening to the general description of the incident and retrieving the video of the driving recorder, the little traffic policeman probably had a bottom line. Seeing that Ye Zhi also gave emergency treatment to the old man in the video, he greatly recognized his behavior.

"It's really yours, this first aid is so tricky, do you study medicine?" (https://) "Imperfect Artist" only represents the author's lazy view, if it is found that its content is in violation of national laws Please delete the content. The position of https:// is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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