Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 31: 1 everything is possible

There is one thing, what Ye's mother said is true. Ye Zhi spends money, and it is indeed a bit reckless. When he has money, no one cares, and he just spends a red grandpa Mao casually.

He came a little earlier, standing alone at the school gate.

Maybe because Ye Zhi had been on duty before, and the uncle of the guard also knew Ye Zhi, so he let Ye Zhi enter the security room and the air conditioner was already on, the uncle looked at Ye Zhi, "Ye, I haven't seen you for a few days. So handsome?"

Ye Zhi scratched his head shyly, "Thank you."

"I've heard all about it. You did well in the final exam this time. You're the first in the year."

"I'm lucky this time, the topic is relatively simple."

"You, it would be great if my son was half as smart as you, alas~~~ that stinky boy knows how to play games all day."

Ye Zhi didn't know how to answer this.

However, the uncle of the guard didn't plan to let Ye Zhi pick it up, and he talked to him a lot, basically some daily trivial matters, Ye Zhi always gave some polite responses until Shen Lu's taxi came to the school door.

"Uncle, my classmate has arrived and is leaving."

The uncle also saw Shen Lu who was looking around just after getting off the car. During the summer vacation, there was no one in the school. Ye Zhi and the others should be the only one. Soon, the uncle realized something, "It's a date. Go? Go, go, haha."

"Well, then I'll go first."

Ye Zhi didn't deny it, walked out of the guard's room and came to Shen Lu, "Hi."

Shen Lu covered the sun in front of her with her palm, "No wonder I couldn't find you. It turned out to be hiding in the guard's room, so smart~~~"


Saying that, Ye Zhi put the peaked cap in his hand over Shen Lu's head.

"What, what?"

Shen Lu was taken aback and didn't react for a while.

Her head is relatively small, and the hat feels loose when wearing it. Ye Zhi also helped her adjust the chinstrap. I have to say that his hat was a good choice, pure white with only the sides. A row of small English characters are printed, fairy.

Ye Zhi looked at her for a while, and then gave her evaluation.


Shen Lu raised her head in surprise, touched her hat, her eyes were super complicated, "This... is it for me?"

"if not?"

Saying that, Ye Zhi straightened Shen Lu's hat, the corners of his mouth rose blindly, and whispered, "You are so white, and the sun is so poisonous today, it would be embarrassing for you to accompany me to buy a mobile phone, if you get a tan It will be bad."

Shen Lu stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, her good mood overflowing her face.

"Let's go."


Although she put on her hat, Ye Zhi still held up an umbrella to help her block the sun.

"Ye Ye, what mobile phone are you going to buy?"

"I didn't think about it. The cost performance and appearance are about the same. It's really inconvenient to not have a mobile phone."


Shen Lu yelled in her heart, "Of course it's inconvenient! I can't find you usually, and I don't dare to go to your house to find you... Hurry up and buy a mobile phone, it's best to buy a mobile phone! Hehe~~~"

There is no need to rob a mobile phone from Bluestar.

Both the physical store and the online store are the same price, and you can buy it after the experience, so most people will choose to try it offline before considering whether to buy it. Go straight to the top, but the online shopping experience here...

For someone like Ye Zhi who is used to Taobao, Tmall, and

No user experience!


Not long after Ye Zhi and Shen Lu left, a car stopped at the gate of their school.

"Yijing, I said, you're really busy~~~ Isn't it just looking for a street singer, do you have to come here in person?"

"Don't talk nonsense, everyone is here. I can tell you that Director Li really attaches great importance to this boy. If I can find him, I will definitely be able to get closer to the relationship, and the chance of receiving films will be higher in the future!"

"Yes, yes, you are right, but now the weather is so hot, how could anyone be at school~~~"

"Everything is possible~~~"

"Come on~~~ Use your brains. At this point, it would be nice to stay in the hotel and blow the air conditioner."

An Yijing covered her ears and shouted in her cute voice, "Can't hear, can't hear!"

The people who came were An Yijing and her agent.

"Just wait for me in the car. I'll ask the doorman, maybe someone else will know you."

"Go, go, really."

As the saying goes, it is better to come early than to come by coincidence.

If An Yijing had come an hour earlier, the uncle of the guard might not have recognized the person just by watching the video, but now, he almost recognized it at a glance. Obviously, this is the one who just left him not long ago. boy……

"Isn't this a leaf, of course I know it."

An Yijing quickly asked in surprise, "Uncle, do you know him?"

"You're a little late, he just left me."


"Of course it's true. Speaking of Ye Zi, this year is going to be the third grade. This little guy is incredible. He was ranked first in his grade in the final exam a few days ago. It will definitely be Tsinghua and Peking University's material in the future."

"so smart!"

An Yijing was a little The first place in the High School Affiliated to Shanghai Normal University, this is not easy at all!

Uncle Gatekeeper is right, this result can basically be said to be chosen by an international famous school.

But now is not the time to waste time, since you know that the other party is nearby, if you go out to look for it now, there is still hope that you will find someone, "Then uncle, can you please tell me which direction he went? I I need to find him urgently."

"It should be in that direction. It didn't take long, and it shouldn't go very far."

"Ok, thank you."

The uncle of the guard looked at An Yijing's figure leaving, "This person is good-looking, and there are girls who come to the school to look for him. Ye Ziyan is very blessed."


But even if you know a direction, it has been more than ten minutes, and it is not so easy to find someone.

After Ye Zhi and Shen Lu left, they went straight to the nearby mobile phone store. After looking at a lot of mobile phone models, he finally chose a Xiaomi's latest mobile phone, 1999. Although he was not particularly satisfied with the appearance of this mobile phone, but The price-performance ratio is still relatively high.

"Forget it, I'll change it later when I have money."

When Ye Zhi finished paying, Shen Lu asked the question she had been wondering for a long time, "Ye Zi, why do you suddenly have the money to buy a mobile phone?"

"I made a little money writing novels."

Shen Lu was taken aback, "Huh? Write a novel?"


"You can also write novels?"

"I just wrote something random. I didn't expect that there are quite a few people who like to read it."

Shen Lu's beautiful big eyes were full of anticipation. She was very curious about what Ye Zhi's novel would be like. Even if it was not well written, she decided to read it, "What's the name of the novel you wrote? Huh? I want to see it too."

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