Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 309: Crazy testing on the edge of being beaten

Those who can be seen by Ye Zhi are basically old actors, and there is nothing to say about their acting skills. Now, only An Yijing is the one who has the most ng.

But even An Yijing...

She also seems to have achieved a breakthrough overnight, and her acting skills are growing rapidly.

In fact, she just figured it out. She finally realized that expressive acting is not very suitable for her. She is not gifted. Instead of always paying attention to the details of expressions and movements, she is more suitable to completely substitute herself into this role. go.

That is experiential.

I had been in contact with Ye Zhi, Chen Mingkun and others a lot before, so I would learn from them subconsciously and get closer.


An Yijing found sadly that she was not such a rational person. Emotions were not something she could control if she wanted to. After finishing her part of the filming yesterday, she had an old drama with a female in the crew. Gu Chen Xihua has been asking for advice for a long time.

Today she decided to try it.

In the performing arts, it is roughly divided into three types: experience school, method school, and expression school.

The requirement to experience party performance is to start from oneself and live in the situation of the character.

The Method School is inherited from the Experience School, but with one significant difference, the Method School allows actors to replace communication objects, while the Experience School does not.

Expressionism does not emphasize starting from the self, but emphasizes building a "character image" in the heart, emphasizing imitation. At the same time, Expressionism does not advocate subconscious living in the situation, but emphasizes "jumping out" to adjust and design.

In fact, the experience school and the method school are basically no different except that they can replace the communication object.

It all needs to be experienced and in-depth, starting from oneself, and letting oneself be substituted into the role. Of course, although the pursuits and methods of each faction are distinct, it is impossible to be 100% pure in actual performances.

It is impossible for an expressionist actor to remain completely untouched, and it is impossible for an experiential actor to not design at all.

Therefore, 'an actor of a certain school' means that the actor agrees with the aesthetic pursuit of a certain school and mainly uses the methods of a certain school, not that he does not use other methods at all. Now An Yijing is just letting himself from the expression school to the Experiential faction.


After reading the detailed analysis of the character provided by Ye Zhi, she has a deeper understanding of the Nihuang Princess she played.

Some things, once figured out, progress is quite fast!

It's just that An Yijing just turned this way, she still seems a little out of control. Sometimes her lines will be mispronounced, and her actions will be more emotional. Although it is not the same as Ye Zhi's design, she can have her own Ideas and play are also excellent.

I can't say which genre is better, only for whom it will be more suitable.

Like Ye Zhi, he is a rational person himself, and it is really difficult for him to fully substitute the characters' feelings, but he can understand it, and to show such feelings, he can be regarded as a combination of expressionism and method.

"ok, cut, this one is over."

"Brother Kun, it's your turn, get ready, Brother Zhou, prepare yourself here too."

"it is good."

Looking at Ye Zhi's 'pointing to the country's passionate words', Shen Lulu felt a sense of arrogance, if she could, she really wanted to show off to others, "Look, that's my boyfriend, he's so handsome. It's gone!"

Ye Zhi also seemed to notice her gaze, and showed a gentle smile generously, which made Shen Lu's heart beat faster involuntarily.

this guy~~~

No matter how long it takes, it's still so exciting.

The first time she met Ye Zhi, she was seventeen years old, the age when her love affair first started.

She was deeply moved by his silly gentleness, she quietly fell in love with him, but he was not so good at that time, until the second year of high school, he seemed to be suddenly reborn, and he rose to the top.

He grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and she gradually couldn't keep up with him.


Fortunately, he is still the same him, no matter how good he becomes, in front of him, he is always the same gentle appearance. He is still the same as she liked him back then, and it has not changed.

His considerate care after dating made Shen Lu feel like she was poisoned.

Occasionally when he was away, Shen Lu deeply felt the heart-wrenching yearning. So she ran away without telling him.

he is handsome~~~

As the saying goes, there is Xishi in the eyes of a lover, and Ye Zhi, this guy, can't get tired of seeing it.

Interim break.

Shen Lu came to him with a bottle of water in her hand, took out the paper handkerchief she brought with her, gently wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said arrogantly, "Help me screw it, I can't screw it. open."

Ye Zhi: "???"

Pei Xinxin looked at the intimate movements of the two with envy, and complained, "When you are angry, you even unscrew the Tianling cover, can't you unscrew a water bottle?"

Shen Lu glared at her angrily, "I want you to take care of it!"

Ye Zhi couldn't help laughing. He twisted the bottle and took a sip by himself. It wasn't a day or two for Shen Lu Aojiao. The water was obviously for him to drink, but he returned the bottle after taking a big sip. Shen Lu, "Thank you."

"I don't want to listen to this."

"Then... a hug?"

"Hee hee, if you really want it, then I'll hug it."

Ye Zhi suddenly took a step back, "Sweat all over, forget it."


Shen Lu was almost out of anger, this guy was really too much, she didn't dislike it anymore, and actually took a step back, so she went up to hug him very tough, it's impossible to dislike it, "I just hugged him. !"

"Brother Ye Ye, I want to hug too."

"Xinxin, don't make trouble."

"Pei Xinxin, why are you like a child?"

"In front of little brother Ye Zi, I'm just a little kid~~~ woo woo woo~~~ little brother, little brother, am I very cute?"

Ye Zhi: "..."

Really helpless~~~

To tell the Ye Zhi has never told anyone that he has no feelings for Pei Xinxin's pursuit for such a long time, but he likes Shen Lu after all. Said that Pei Xinxin appeared at the wrong time.

That's all.

She is nice, very nice.

As a girlfriend, she is even better than Shen Lu. She is very beautiful, knows how to take care of people better than Shen Lu, is smarter and more capable.

But she is not Shen Lu after all.

So apart from being sorry, Ye Zhi can only say sorry. Even so, both he and Shen Lu have a special care for Pei Xinxin, so they can let her go until now. Pei Xinxin is also very measured.

To put it bluntly, that is, she has been frantically testing on the verge of being beaten.


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