Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 366: spiritual love

Shen Lu was also speechless to the extreme, "Didn't you still hate him before?"

"Who knew he was so handsome and immortal in ancient costume, he killed me. If you don't help me, I will join Xinxin's team and fight you together."


For a while, Langya List has become the top of the hot search list, and even some topics discussing the plot can occupy a place on the hot search list, and the appearance of the leading actors has also become a huge discussion point.

Of course, the two protagonists Ye Zhi and An Yijing were the most quarreling.

Originally, because of the 'Infinite Ballad Season', these two people generated a lot of CP fans, but in the Langya list, they actually played a pair of men and women who knew there must be a problem at first glance, combined with the plot introduction and the background of the characters. analyze.

It was discussed whether the two were CP or not.

This topic is also popular to a certain extent, and many people are very convinced by various rational and well-founded analyses.

But in comparison, Ye Zhi is the absolute male protagonist in the play. Although An Yijing is the female protagonist, her role is too different, and her personal charm is far less than that, so more topics are still focused on Ye Zhi. on the body.

"Exquisite couple crispy! Together! Together! Together!"

"Brittle bone peat crisp bone, Ye Zhiming is my husband, go rough!"

"Ye Shen's popularity is too high, no matter who he is with, he will be opposed. I have observed Ye Shen's Douyin and Weibo before, I think he must have a girlfriend, just don't say it, follow the goddess An An. Just friends."

"It doesn't matter whether he has a girlfriend or not, the wife must be me anyway."

"Anyway, as long as you're not married, there's still a glimmer of hope."

"Hey~~~ The main reason is that the leaves are really too swollen now. Even if they really fall in love, he probably doesn't care."

"That's no care at all, right? You girls, don't be too self-righteous, it's not me, I, Ye Shen as an artist, is purely out of interest, and his annual copyright income for novels is several hundred million. Well, the songs written Not to mention, the music copyright fee is higher!"

"However, Yezi Anime has the highest income, right? If it wasn't for us anime fans, he created a y station and bought the copyrights of many foreign animation works and fan dramas. With these few works, Ye Shen has been earning wildly for a year. A seven- or eight-billion-dollar knife is all right!"

"Woooooooo~~~ In the ball, stop blowing, my husband will swell if you blow again."

"Your husband is awesome [licking his mouth]."

"Wow, you bunch of shameless people are discussing my husband again. No matter how rich my husband Ye Ye is, he has nothing to do with you coquettish junkies. I promise not to move a cent of your money, husband. , so... when are you coming to see me? You can warm the bed and give birth to a baby~~~"

"Ye Shen is really a beer. In this Langya Bang, he is the protagonist himself, and he has invited a bunch of good friends to be the protagonists, and then pays for the supporting roles. Most of the cost is spent on special effects, scenes and props, really Conscience!"

"Please, do you think it's saving? It cost more than 300 million to make it like this, and it will definitely be more exciting later."

"Haha~~~ Anyway, you can be crazy, I'm already holding my Ye Zihuo in the warm bed."

"This is too showy!"

The first episode has just started, and Ye Zhi's fans are all excited, especially the group of Ye Chui, who almost feel like there is nothing in the sky, and they also promote his various deeds and brag everywhere.

He may also realize that Ye Zhi himself does not like this kind of operation. The more rational Ye Chui will only modify some facts and then blow it up, and those who are irrational will naturally have a fan group to deal with.

But now the popularity of Langya List is very high!

That is, there are only two episodes a day, two episodes a day, and only four episodes a week. This is really too few for those who are following the drama, and it is not enough to watch at all, but the plot is ups and downs, which makes people feel If you can't stop it, you will definitely stay in front of the TV and the computer when the time comes.


Zhang Yuwei asked cautiously, "Lulu sauce, so you and Ye Zi are really going to make it public?"

Shen Lu stuck out her tongue, "Not yet, I dragged him for a while."

"Ah? Didn't it make it public after the launch of the Langya List?"

"But Langya's list is so popular right now, if it's made public now, I'm afraid it will affect his ratings, so let's wait."

"Is the leaves okay?"

"Where!" Shen Lu's mouth was also flat, thinking of Ye Zhi's stinky face at the time, she wanted to laugh, "What a big opinion!"

When they said this, Pei Xinxin and Zhang Yuwei unconsciously showed envious expressions.

"This guy is reckless when he does things. Just his current group of harem fans, if he is exposed, he will explode immediately."

As the most active members of Ye Zhi's fan group, Shen Lu and Pei Xinxin are the most aware. Those women in the fan group seem to be very loyal, but in fact, they really want Ye Zhi to be exposed. I'm afraid I'll lose more than half of it!

To tell the truth, although Ye Zhi has a lot of male fans, most of them are passers-by fans, and their purchasing power is not very strong. When he released an album, the ones who bought the most were still the group of die-hard female fans, and these fans actually More or less, they will have unrealistic fantasies about their idols.

Even if you know it's impossible.

But they still think so, without exposing their love, they can always be in a one-sided "spiritual love".

But once exposed...

Then it will directly deprive them of the last trace of their thoughts. With their hearts ashes, it is normal to take off their meals. No matter who the object is, as long as it is not themselves, no matter what, they can pick out the thorns. come.

But Shen Lu never thought about it. In fact, Ye Zhi is really not bad for that amount of With the amount of sales money to buy an album, Ye Zhi's profit from selling an album is only 20~30 yuan. He sold more than one million yuan, that is, two or three million yuan. To tell the truth, it is not one-tenth of his sound source income. In fact, he doesn't care at all.

Pei Xinxin sat cross-legged and stared at Shen Lu, "By the way, you really don't care at all?"

"What do you care about?"

"You've been with brother Ye Zi for so long, so you don't want a name or something?"

"Actually, we are doing well now. I am very satisfied and don't want to have any negative impact on him because of my relationship."

This is actually somewhat insincere.

Shen Lu doesn't want to?

She thinks more than anyone else, but, as she said, her concern for Ye Zhi is definitely higher than her thoughts, "Forget it, don't think about it, let him have a headache, hee hee. ."


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