Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 387: 1 graduate

"Not bad, little girl, what's up? Are you going to wear it to do something with your leaves?"

Shen Lu also knew that it was meaningless to deny at this time, so she took the things back and responded domineeringly, "I just want to do something, no! Yes! Yes!?"

"Ok, Ok."

"Speaking of which, Lulu, you don't spend more time with him, do you really not worry about your family messing around outside? It seems that he hasn't come to the dormitory to look for you for a long time, right?"

Near the end of the semester, Shen Lu's visits to the 'Love's Cabin' are also decreasing. There are too many classes, and she is a little too busy.

Especially this month.

Ye Zhi...I haven't delivered snacks to their dormitory for a whole month!

"He has to have that time too."

"Men~~~ I can always squeeze out the time to go out and wave."

"It was someone else, not him."

Other men may be like this, but Ye Zhi and Shen Lu really know him too well, even now she can see the law of his life from some of Ye Zhi's consumption, "Sometimes I wish he would not be like that. self-discipline."

Pei Xinxin looked at the thing in Shen Lu's hand, "Tsk tsk tsk~~~ Lulu, didn't I say that you bought this thing because you wanted to kill yourself? Didn't you always say that he tossed you like a pile driver? Miserable? Now again..."

"I want you to take care of it!"

"To be honest, has your Highness Ye Ye didn't touch you for a long time?"

is a bit long.

But this kind of private matter, Shen Lu will not talk about it, "Whatever you think."

Pei Xinxin sighed suddenly, "Hey~~~ When the exam is over, Brother Ye Zi will also apply for graduation, and I don't know if he will continue to stay in the school for the postgraduate entrance examination. If he doesn't stay in the school, it will be difficult to see him in the future. "

Shen Lu said as a matter of course: "Then you must stay in school and graduate with us."

? ? ?

"Isn't he graduating next month?"

"Ph.D. graduate."

Knock in? !

God tm graduates together!

"Lulu, seeing you being so snarky, I can... beat you to death with confidence!" Pei Xinxin rolled up her sleeves, she was going to pick up Shen Lu and beat her hard, but someone who had the same idea as her , and two others.

"Who asked you to make fun of my underwear, I chose it carefully, Ye Ye will definitely like it!"

Zhang Jing spoke directly and mocked, "That's not necessarily, your clothes are not all picked for you by Ye Zi and Xin Xin, even buying clothes for Ye Zi, you have to ask us for a long time, you have a sense of fashion, tsk tsk tsk~~~ I'm afraid the leaves can't be seen."

Zhang Yuwei: "What fashion sense is needed? Don't you just need to leak it when you wear this?"

Pei Xinxin: "Wouldn't it be better not to wear it?"

An old dirty woman in a dormitory!


Ye Zhi woke up and it was four o'clock in the morning the next day. When he got up to wash, he also found a light lip print on his cheek. Then, he carefully observed it, from the color of the lipstick. And the shape of the lips is determined...

"It's obviously not Lulu, which means... I don't know when I was molested! oc!"

This frightened him a lot!

"Nima! Fortunately, Lulu is not here."

If Shen Lu knew this, he really didn't know how to explain it. He hurriedly wiped his cheek with clean water. Although it was only a shallow lip print, it was still quite obvious on his face, "Hurry up. Wipe it off, wipe it off quickly."


Who will this be?

Although he was a little dazed when he got home, Ye Zhi's spirit was generally clear.

When the TV station came back, he was quite sure that his face should still be 'clean', so the time for 'committing the crime' could only be during the time he fell asleep after returning home.

However, this lip print does not belong to the hostess here.

This made Ye Zhi a little confused. Only he and Shen Lu have the key here, so no one else should be able to get in?

Is it the hell?

Ye Zhi couldn't understand, just when he was troubled, the phone suddenly rang, it was Gao Lili.

He couldn't figure it out, so he put it down temporarily. Shen Lu should not know, so it shouldn't be a big problem, and his clothes are still intact, and it seems that there is no loss. He picked up the phone, and the uncle's voice in Spanish started, " The number you dialed is an empty number."


"Xinru, Brother Zhi really lied to us. How does this number speak a foreign language? I don't understand at all..."

Saying that, she hung up


Ye Zhi was also dumbfounded, this was the first time he had met such a second girl, and he actually believed it, but he was not in a hurry, so he just let it go, let's see when the second girl would find out that she didn't actually fight wrong call.


Zhao Xinru said inexplicably, "Impossible, did you store the wrong number?"

"No? Let's check it out."

Speaking of the pair of two people taking out their mobile phones, the two numbers are exactly the same, Gao Lili suddenly became a little unhappy, "Brother Ye Zhi really lied to me, and said that he left me his private mobile phone number, liar !big liar!"

Another beautiful trainee suddenly reacted, "Wait, wait, you just said that you were speaking a foreign language on the phone?"

"Well, it's not English yet, so I don't know what to say."

"That's not the point. The point is that this phone number belongs to the imperial capital."

"Imperial Capital?"

Zhao Xinru turned her attention to someone who was working **** the question, "Xu Qiqing! Hand over your phone and spare you!"

Xu Qiqing had been doing the questions seriously just now, and she didn't even notice what they were doing here, and now she looked confused, "Why?"

"Don't talk nonsense, cell phone."


"Unlock it first, you idiot."

"What are you doing?"

"Let's look at Brother Ye Zhi's number."

" Finally, after a few people checked it out, I finally realized that this little idiot Gao Lili was probably tricked by Ye Zhi just now.

Zhao Xinru was suddenly excited, "Oh~~~~ Li Li! You idiot, it was Ye Zhige who was talking just now, and you still hung up his phone, you're going to kill you! You even said that he was your idol, even the voice of your idol. Can't even hear it!"

"No... No, I really don't understand what I just said, and it's an uncle's voice, very calm."

"Then call again and see."

Gao Lili hurriedly called Ye Zhi again, but this time, what she heard was not the voice of the uncle, but the voice of a little Zhengtai. She still couldn't understand what she said, but she got it. It is Japanese.

"It's so strange, it was clearly the voice of the uncle just now, how can it be Zhengtai now? It's still Japanese."

Then she hung up again.


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