Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 405: Disappointing

Then, Ye Zhi went to class F, and he didn't know what kind of chicken soup he gave him. After he left, the little sisters in class F acted like chicken blood and practiced until twelve o'clock in the morning. .

If it wasn't for the power to shut down, they wouldn't want to leave!

On the other hand, when Ye Zhi returned home, he ran into Yabuki Shinse and Nishino who were returning to the dormitory together.

For the first time, she didn't take the initiative to say hello to Ye Zhi.

Instead, Ye Zhi smiled and greeted him, like a close friend, "Feeling... tired?"

Ye Zhi can actually understand Yabuki Shinse's abnormal behavior. She may have seen her friends all learn so fast, and she began to feel a little inferior in her heart. She easily gained a high popularity soon after her debut.

In fact, before I came, I was still a little arrogant, but after I came, this pride was completely shattered.

"It's not so much tired..."

Shouldn't you be in a hurry?

"Those trainee friends who have only practiced for a year are doing better than me, and I...have been an idol for seven years." Yabuki Niise's eyes dimmed, "No matter what you do, your body is I can't keep up, I practiced for a long time, but..."

Although she lowered her head.

But Ye Zhi still noticed her tightly clenched hand, smiled, interrupted her, and rubbed her head, "You're already great."

"But I..."

"It's embarrassing for you to memorize the lyrics and dance while singing."

"Oni-chan, am I so useless?" Before Ye Zhi could speak, Yabuki Shinase raised his head, "I was actually thinking just now, what have I done in the past seven years, why am I so unsatisfactory? ……I……"

Turns out, it's not self-pity.

She was just angry, not angry with herself.

"Don't say such nonsense again, you are Nana-chan, you are behind for the time being, you just need to chase, time, and what's left, come on."

Looking at Ye Zhi's gentle and encouraging eyes.

Yabuki Shinse seemed to be full of motivation at once, "Yeah!"

"Don't worry too much, there is still plenty of time, you can take your time, there are so many teachers, just ask if you don't understand, don't be shy."


Yabuki Shinse suddenly woke up, teacher? !

Isn't this person in front of you a very good teacher? !

The layman watches the fun, and the layman watches the doorway.

In the past, I just thought Ye Zhi was a good beer, but I didn't have a concept of how much beer. Now I think about it this way.

He is simply too strong!

Originally, Yabuki Niise had been wondering why Ye Zhi didn't come to be a tutor. If he came to teach, let's not talk about her singing skills, she would definitely be better than Yi Xiaodong and Su Zhejun, and her interest in learning would definitely improve several times. grade.

"Oni-chan, I want to ask, do you have any tricks for singing high notes?"

"The trick?"


"There is no trick, but when I first practiced, I really couldn't sing well. I would split a note into several segments, such as..."

Ye Zhi cleared his throat, and a terrifying high-pitched voice spurted out of his throat. Then, he raised a scale, and after a while, he raised it again, until the two little Japanese sisters were completely stupid.

"The high voice of the gods, it's terrible..."

Nishino Nai has been stunned.

She thought that the few home-positioned young ladies among the trainees were already very good, and they should be no worse than many singers, even mentors like Ye Zhi, but now she finds that she is really naive.

The difference is huge...

It's like firefly and bright moon.


"Understood, but I still don't." Yabuki Shinse's face was super serious.


"Also, when I sing and dance, I always feel that I don't have enough energy, and it stops when I sing."

"Oh, this, that's because when you're dancing, your breath fluctuates constantly with your movements. So just like you're panting and singing, I personally suggest that you can make your breath stronger and control it. , so that you will not have the feeling of uneven breathing, just like panting. In the final analysis, it is caused by lack of breath. You can practice more long silk sounds. It is better not to dance first, and try to sing two lyrics in one breath. Work on your lung capacity, of course, if you feel like you can do it together, that's fine too."

"But I don't have that much time..."

"Three months left."


"Don't pay too much attention to the victory or defeat of the moment. In this show, it's still about who can have the last laugh. No matter how strong you are now, it's useless. Let me tell you the truth. Popularity, debut should be stable."

This is quite true.

"I know."

But this feeling of not being able to catch up with others, relying on her own foundation to forcibly eat into the group, this is not what she wants.

In addition, Ye Zhi has promoted the popularity of the Produceidol show. I am afraid that her little money may not be enough to eat. She still understands the simple truth of thinking about danger in times of peace, "Oni-chan, if I don't understand something in the future, you can ask for advice. You?"

"Well, you can do it at any time, or isn't your Ouni-chan screaming in vain?"


"It's getting late, you guys should rest early, tomorrow afternoon, I will come to each class with a lesson, and I will talk about it later."



After Ye Zhi left, Yabuki Shinse's eyes were full of excitement, "Tomorrow morning, I have to work harder! I must make Oni-chan impress me when we meet tomorrow!"

Nishino Nai is still immersed in Ye Zhi's high-pitched voice, "Nana-chan, your Yeoni-chan, this strength is too exaggerated."

"Nanami, what are you talking about? Oni-chan is so strong."

Nishino Nai swallowed her saliva secretly, and closed her mouth with her hands. Although Ye Zhi was just a little show, she was frightened by this fairy-level singing skill, "He, his singing skill is Mr. Sinchun Toriya. (Japan's so-called God of Songs) That's it, right?"


"Did he... just say, 'When I first started practicing'?"

" Haven't you seen the scene of Oni-chan?"

"No, no? What's wrong?"

"You can go and see his opera 2 live."

"Uh... let me see."

After watching Ye Zhi's live video.

Nishino Nai knows why when they came from Japan, Ito Nobuy reminded them more than once that after coming to China, they must remain humble enough in front of Ye Zhi.

Even if he looks harmless.

Even though, his actual age may be similar to them.

In front of such a person, they really do not have any capital to be proud of, not to mention that he is still the total PD of this show, and MC, plus such strength, this man is too versatile, right?


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