Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 429: What about a good confession?

He didn't wear a mask, he didn't wear sunglasses, he didn't have anything. It was the first time to hold her in his arms so openly. He told Shen Lu rationally that she should push him away. It's too easy to hug her outside so blatantly. was discovered.

Even in Japan, this embrace...

No matter how many times, she was reluctant to let go.

It's really warm~~~

With a warm and soft body in his arms, Ye Zhi also had an indescribable sense of satisfaction, whispering in Shen Lu's ear, "By the way, I found that Disney in Chiba County has fireworks every night. Look, do you want to see it?"

Shen Lu raised her head and looked into a pair of handsome eyes with a smile and a little helplessness, and said cutely, "Of course!"

Ye Zhi hugged her tighter and tighter. She didn't dare to struggle any more, for fear of being reprimanded by him again, so she could only ask carefully, "When will you let me go?"

Doesn't he know...

Could a tender hug like this almost make her melt?

Can't bear to go out!

"I hugged and I can't bear to let go~~~"

The slightly hoarse magnetic voice, the gradually rising body temperature of hugging each other, and the intimate intimacy between the two of them clearly commented on this sentence, Shen Lu put her face on Ye Zhi's chest , "Then you should take this opportunity to hug for a while now~~~"

Ye Zhi pushed her away slightly, looking at her nose that was a little red, and her soft sweet lips slightly opened, showing a surprised arc.

Painfully cute.

He is definitely not a saint. In the face of such delicious food, no one can resist, so he lowered his head and tasted it lightly. On the tip of the tongue, in addition to her sweetness and softness, there is also a hint of bitterness, which is a crazy taste when mixed.

His light taste quickly turned into a deep suck, domineering and direct, blackmailing her response.


A little surprised Qing Yin added fuel to the fire.

This situation seems to have been practiced countless times in a dream. Ye Zhi hugged him even tighter, that slender, undulating, delicate body that made all normal men go crazy for it, clinging to his rigid and excited body softly and boneless.

His big hand slid to her waist, then clasped it, as if dancing together, her upper body leaned back slightly, bowed into a beautiful arc, the breaths of both of them were hurried and intertwined into a forgetful melody.

The kiss was lingering for a long time before it ended.

Shen Lu buried her hot face on the side of his neck, dizzy, confused, thirsty... All kinds of emotional thoughts were all twisted into a ball, she was like a Samba Roll after practicing one after another, and she turned dizzy .

a long time.

"Big pig's hoof! You bullied me again, and I didn't even tell you to kiss me."

"Why are you bullying you now?"

"Beat you!"

"Then hit it."

"Then I'm welcome, ha."

"It doesn't hurt at all."

Nonsense, where are you willing to work hard?

But this guy's performance today made Shen Lu very satisfied. She seemed to realize that Ye Zhi was about to start his big move. She didn't resist anymore. .

The two swaggered down the street holding hands.

"Big pig's hoof, will we be too ostentatious like this?"

"All it takes is swagger."

"Are you really ready?"

"Me? I'm ready, but you."

"What's wrong with me?"

"It may be very stressful."

"You still worry about yourself, hum, this lady's ability to withstand pressure is very strong!"

Ye Zhi shook her head, Shen Lu was not Pei Xinxin's kind of big heart, and it would be uncomfortable to be told a word by others. If she was to face the criticism of Ye Zhi's irrational fans alone, Ye Zhi knew her.

She probably won't be able to take it!


"Yeah, this... wouldn't it be your great confession of the century?!"

"Bingo! You guessed it right, a husband as a prize." After speaking, Ye Zhi reached out and hugged him, but what he received was a tender slap that directly touched his face. Obviously, he was rejected by Shen Lu ugly.

"This confession is not romantic at all, it's not qualified!"

"What do you want?"

Shen Lu was sobbing, this guy used to be very good at coaxing people, could it be that too much work has wiped out all the romantic cells?

"Big pig's hoof, don't you love me anymore?"

Ye Zhi stretched out a finger and shook it, "Didn't I tell you, I will notify you of any changes."


Well, this is a standard wrong answer.

Ye Zhi has successfully annoyed Shen Lu. This young lady is so angry now that she doesn't want to pay attention to this guy at all, she doesn't even let her hold her hand, until when the two were shopping in the supermarket, there was a pupil who looked like a primary school student. My little sister has been following Ye Zhi.

I stared at him for a long time, wanting to say something, but I was a little timid and never dared to go forward.

Ye Zhi found out.

So I knelt down and said softly, "Little sister, are you looking for me?"

"Oni-chan, are you Mei Changsu?"

"Uh... I am."

Recently, the popularity of the Ranking of Fire in Japan has also remained high. What Ye Zhi did not expect was that he had even seen this little girl.

"Really?! It's great, I saw a star." The little girl jumped up excitedly, "Oni-chan, can I give you a hug?"

"Okay..." Ye Zhi hadn't finished saying the word 'ah', but she had already pounced on her.

He was still very strong. He was almost thrown to the ground without realizing it. Fortunately, he reached out to support him in time. The little girl was very happy after hugging Ye Zhi. I really like 'Mei Changsu'.

With a click, he kissed Ye Zhi's face.

Ye Zhi was also confused after being kissed. After the kiss, the little girl ran away and disappeared without a trace. It is estimated that she went to find her mother, leaving Ye Zhi alone to cover her. Where he was kissed, he shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Are all the kids now so fat?

At this moment, Shen Lu shot him with an extremely strange gaze.

When Ye Zhi walked towards her...

"Stop, don't come here!"

"What's wrong?"

"You lo*ic*n! Don't come near me."


What the **** is a lo*ic*n?

Ye Zhi walked towards Shen Lu step by step, with no expression on her face, she backed in 'fright' all the way, until when there was no way to retreat, Ye Zhi went up to a wall, "Shen Lulu, you'd better explain it to me~www What does lo*ic*n mean?"

"Aren't you?"

"It was an accident."

"You actually tricked a little girl into kissing you, you are so perverted! Go away~~~"

"I've never done anything like baiting."

"Don't believe me, you lied to me before."

"What did I lie to you about?"

"What about a good confession?"

"Lulu, Auntie Xi leads the way."

Shen Lu almost fainted out of anger, this guy must be mad at her on purpose!

Definitely yes!

She can't be sincere in her confession. Although she doesn't really want to care about it, at least she can explain it to her. He's going too far!

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