Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 483: Perfect

But this is obviously so difficult for him, but it doesn't seem to be the case for Ye Zhi at all. I just chatted with him for a while, and after eating a hamburger, it was a good song.

Does this keep people alive? !

Thinking about this...

MC Qi held up a banana and poked Ye Zhi's face directly, "Be honest, do you still have a lot of stock!"

"The stock is definitely there."

Sure enough!

MC Qi is so excited. There are so many good songs of this quality in Ye Zhi's 'stock', why is there any interest in Chinese Rap? !

"But I won't send it out so soon."


"It's not the time yet. Let's talk about it later. Don't worry about it now. There are a few songs in it that I originally wanted to sing in Produceidol by a few kids who were more talented in Rap, but I'm a little disappointed with the Rap group."


Because half of the people who choose the Rap group have the bonuses, they are "scoundrels", that is, the kind of people who have hardly been in contact with Rap.

Rap is the same as dance and singing. In fact, it also requires a systematic learning process. Although it looks easy, it is not easy to sing Rap well. Everyone can have their own unique Rap singing, which will be remembered.


Different styles do not mean that some rap skills can be ignored.

As a Rap, a strong sense of rhythm is a must, plus some understanding of Rap and some pronunciation skills, how to sing well, the level of Rap is different, the feeling of singing is completely different .

Even the same Rap.

Not only does the singing feel different, but the forceful feeling is also different.

Just like singing, the same song is sung by different people, and the feeling is completely different. Rap ​​words will be more obvious, and the requirements for personal talent are higher. Every rap singer is actually a creator.

Because Rap is generally said to express his emotions, and even to tell the stories around him. After all, rap, rap, with good rhythm and rhythm, when you say it, you are already singing.

But it's not easy to find a good Flow.

The Chinese interpretation of Flow is to flow, that is, your Rap should be like a water flow, fast and slow, strong and weak.

A lyric can be sung in a variety of ways. Your pronunciation, punctuation, speech rate, offbeat, and drag can all affect your Flow.

It is often said that if the lyrics are muscles, then Flow is the bones, and he is responsible for supporting the body. This is a vivid metaphor for Flow's position in rap songs.

Just the change of tone can switch back and forth between various Flows, so Flow is actually a manifestation of the level of Rap singers.

When trainees like Produce sing Rap, they often take a big breath between sentences, but real Rap masters don't leave a big breath between sentences when they sing.

Because they have mastered the method of controlling breath.

First of all, you must have a certain understanding of the lyrics and accompaniment, and then make a certain arrangement of light syllables and heavy syllables, and code them evenly in a sentence. Breathing is guaranteed without compromising coherence.

They will breathe at different positions in the sentence instead of the end of each sentence, which is more helpful for their understanding of flow arrangement.

In a sentence, the rhyme position is also closely related to Flow, so if a Rap singer likes continuous and compact rhymes when writing words, then Flow will not be bad, and the speed of Rap also determines Flow to a certain extent. Level.

Rap speed generally refers to how many syllables you can speak in a bar.

The surprise that Zhao Xinru brought to Ye Zhi was that her Flow was surprisingly good, because she was a lead singer and her voice was not a loud voice. She knew how to take advantage of her vocal cords. From this point of view, she would Is a good Rapper.

The only regret is that she has almost zero foundation for her creation.


This time, Ye Zhi was really satisfied with the lyrics. This song was originally a classic song. The melody of this song seemed to be engraved in his mind, but he had filled in the lyrics several times before and felt that Dissatisfied, this song has never been released.

This time, he was very satisfied.

After listening to the recorded recording in the studio, MC Qi no longer knew what expression he should give.

The quality of this song is really high!

Although it is not a pure Rap track, a real singer does not need to be rigid at all. Whether it is Rap or Vocal, as long as it is excellent music, as long as it is a memorable sound.

And this song by Ye Zhi.

If the full score is 100, he can give 120.


Absolutely perfect!

The first time I heard it was perfect, the second time it was still perfect.

After Ye Zhilue touched his neck, he raised his eyebrows, "How? Is it okay to write?"

The heart of MC Seven is extremely shocking. Such a song has really reached a very high level, even if it is more shocking than Ye Zhi's lovethewayyoulie, which was almost popular all over the world. !

"It's more than ok, it's so ok. I don't know how to evaluate this song except it's perfect."

Ye Zhi also felt that it was okay, "I actually wrote this song a long time ago, but the lyrics have always been unsatisfactory. Just when I was eating a hamburger, I suddenly got a little inspiration. You know, it feels like it's really blocking it. Can't stop it."

"Why are you going?"

Just when MC Qi was about to give him a reaction, Ye Zhi walked to the recording studio again.

"Record a song."

"Is it perfect this time just now?"

"Not this one."

So this kid is telling him that he just wrote more than one song?

Soon, MC Seven also confirmed that Ye Zhi did not only write one song, but not even two songs. He wrote four full songs, and the quality of each song was extremely high. Most importantly, he Also filled in English lyrics for Seeyouagain just now.


This time, MC Seven really admired Ye Zhi so much.

too strong!

This kid's creative ability is really strong!

He completed the creation in such a short period of time, and even every song is very perfect, from the soundtrack, melody to lyrics, he even took into account every detail, which makes him unbelievable!

"Maybe this is genius."

In fact, many rap singers are rebellious. Even if they don't show it on the surface, in their hearts, they actually have such a wild horse. They never think that they are inferior to anyone, and the same is true for MC Seven.

But in front of such a man, he doesn't seem to have any arrogance at all.

Every song!

The quality of each song is too high.


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