Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 509: brain pain


Xixi nodded her head, "so are you making a point for Sister Xiaoqing now?"


"Okay." Xixi teased the pudding for a while, and then took out her new mobile phone, "Ye Zhi, Ye Zhi, recently Mi Mi recommended me a very fun game called King of Glory, would you play with me? it is good?"

Ye Zhi: "..."

Xixi said that she took out her mobile phone and opened the Glory of Kings in front of him as if showing off, "It's this game, can you teach me how to play it, Mimi and Xiaoying are both playing, I won't."

in this second.

Ye Zhi suddenly regretted why he made the game of King's Glory, and now even Xixi is going to be in the pit, this is not what he wants to see, "emmmmm... Xixi, make this game unfun , take it off."


"You don't need to worry about this, just read it with me, the glory of the king, the spicy chicken game, ruin my youth, ruin my spirit, waste my money, ruin my history, ruin my IQ, and never play again."

"But everyone is obviously playing."


"Hey~~~ holding back, my brain hurts now."

With the increasing number of processor orders, Zhixin Technology has also attracted more and more attention. Even Apple is feeling the pressure. They have always been the benchmark for processor performance in the industry. This time, they are completely planted.

And it was actually planted in the hands of a Chinese company.

However, after Xiaomi's new product was launched, Apple also purchased and tested it. The final conclusion was that they really did not suffer at all this time. Although the performance of the A11 has been greatly improved compared to the previous generation, but…

The performance of the Y1 chip is completely superior to that of the A11!

In terms of processor and baseband chip, the Y1 chip can almost crush the A11, but it is obviously too late to redesign and improve this model, but if this time it can't make a big improvement in other aspects.

Apple's annual press conference may be about to become a huge laughing stock.

This time, Apple is also really bad at hatred. This year is the tenth anniversary of the IPhone. If it can't come up with a good enough product, I am afraid that the company's stock price will plummet. Even if it has the absolute advantage of the IOS system, but...

Now Android phones have gradually entered an era of super-powerful hardware performance, and various mobile phone manufacturers have done a good job of optimization, and there are very few stutters. If Apple lags behind in hardware...

Then their high pricing strategy will be a joke.

For this reason, Apple specifically approached Zhixin Technology and expressed its willingness to acquire NV at a high price, but unfortunately, Ye Zhi refused.

Actually this time...

Ye Zhi can be regarded as digging a big hole for Apple. A group like Apple in the top 10 of the world's top 500 can reduce its value to find an unlisted Chinese company, which shows how ruthlessly it has been planted this time!

However, Ye Zhi didn't plan to fight Apple, it was totally unnecessary.

So the two sides reached an agreement after a meeting. Next time, Zhixin Technology will communicate with Apple before launching a new processor, so that they can be prepared. Of course, if the performance of the processor can satisfy Apple...

They may consider direct purchases.

However, unless it is a last resort, Apple should not consider using chips from third-party manufacturers. After all, what you design is the most familiar and safe product, and it will be more suitable for matching. .

After all, before the emergence of Zhixin Technology, whether Apple faced Qualcomm or other processor R&D companies, it can be said to be arrogant and dismissive. After all, the A-series processors are indeed very powerful in performance.

This time, the emergence of Zhixin Technology has strongly broken their concept.

The Y1 processor is outrageously powerful. Apple has also tested it, but they still haven't figured out how a processor with such performance can keep the cost down. It's unbelievable!

NV is a company, in fact, Apple also knows.

As a company that has produced the world's highest-performance processors, it is difficult to know whether it is known or not, but as we all know, NV has been unable to keep costs down, and can only customize it for enterprises, and there is no product that can be mass-produced.

Everyone in this industry knows that mass production will be more profitable, but they know it's useless, it's too difficult to do it! too difficult!

However, the emergence of this Zhixin technology seems to solve this problem easily, so that now Apple and Qualcomm are both caught in a major crisis, especially Qualcomm, which is facing an unprecedented crisis!

But none of this is something Ye Zhi needs to consider.

He was only concerned with collecting money. He just received another order from Sony. The biggest beneficiary of Xiaomi's hot sale this time has become Ye Zhi himself. NV can be said to be completely himself. private enterprise.

The money you earn is basically directly into your own pocket.

But now that the money had just arrived, and before it was heated, Ye Zhi began to think about how to spend it.

But it seems that he has already done almost everything that the Internet industry can do at present, and now he has almost grabbed Penguin's communication industry. Even the search engine and Zhixin Technology have stepped in and launched the A Zhixun search engine. UU Reading

Due to its superior search algorithm, the ability to freely choose whether to block advertisements or not, and its very powerful promotion channels, Zhixun search engine currently has a share of nearly 20% in China.

Ye Zhi was a little sad to find that he seemed to be burning money at a speed that could not keep up with making money. After the income statistics of Zhixin Technology and Yee Animation in this quarter, Ye Zhi's company income for the first half of the year was also credited.

In addition to the company's needs, Ye Zhi's personal current assets have once again expanded to nearly 14.8 billion US dollars!

"Since it can't be spent, leave it to the Foundation as planned."

He was a little helpless, and thought a little proudly.

shortly after.

In an interview with the media after the secret meeting with Ye Zhi, the CEO of Apple's Asia region inadvertently mentioned that he admires Ye Zhi's talents, and then mentioned, "He is one of the successful entrepreneurs I have ever met. The youngest one'.

This revelation came really unexpectedly.

An unintentional remark also disrupted Ye Zhi's original plan, so he decided to bring forward the original plan. The CEO of Apple Asia has said this, and those media will definitely not miss such a good opportunity.

Rather than waiting to be exposed, it is better to announce it proactively.


On August 28, 2017, it was announced that on September 1, Leaf Animation and Zhixin Technology Association will jointly hold a press conference.

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