Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 520: I am also an annual salary person

"You really don't believe it. On Zhixin's side, at least before the Spring Festival, I won't have any more money in my account. The situation here is similar for Ye Zi Animation. The 100 billion that I just donated is almost the same as my money at Ye Zi Animation. Hezhixin has made all the profits since the first half of the year.”

Yi Xiaodong raised his right eyebrow, "Are you... serious?"

"Seriously, of course."

"What about your author's income? And Qixin Entertainment, don't you also have income here?"

"The author has some income, but since I acquired the Penguin Chinese website, I have finished writing Dou Po, and I haven't written much new books. Now the monthly manuscript fee is only 10,000 yuan a month, and the copyright and so on used to be Someone asked me to buy it, but since I established the leaf animation, I guess no one will buy it."

Who dares to come? !

Even if you donate 100 billion, who has the guts to buy copyright from you?

"My music copyright income is basically used to support these trainees, and I haven't received any advertising endorsements recently. I'm too lazy to go to the hole. It seems that I only have music copyright left to make money. Although there is still left, this show at least There is still a week of filming, not only to prepare the stage for the final announcement of the debut candidates, but also to prepare the album for the Taoist group, so…”

Yi Xiaodong can't allow himself to sympathize with Ye Zhi, he can sympathize with others, but Ye Zhi, absolutely not, "Don't, don't, don't cry poor in front of me, 100 billion, I will never sympathize with you, you give up."

Ye Qian: "I won't either."

Su Zhejun put his hand on his forehead, "Ye Zi, don't you want to tell us that you have been volunteering all these years?"

"Of course it's not a volunteer. I'm also an annual salary person."

"How many?"

"One dollar a year."


Really Buddha.

To tell the truth, Ye Zhi is indeed very rich, a billionaire, and still firmly occupies the position of the richest man in Asia, but those assets are really fake to him now, and he wants to get it in the company because of his identity. It's really easy to get some money, but he doesn't do it.

It's really not much to distinguish between public and private to his level.

He is obviously rich, but he is living a very poor life. For a rich man of his level, which one is not a luxury car?

What about Ye Zhi?

This guy doesn't have too many fans, so he doesn't dare to show his face blatantly. He can squeeze the subway with people!

Even now, he doesn't own a special car. Li Xiaomu is his manager and now he drives an Audi, but Ye Zhi himself can't even own a car. In terms of daily expenses, Ye Zhi is also a relatively economical type. .

I've known him for so long, and I've never seen him buy any luxury goods. I'm afraid that phone is the most valuable.


It was when Ye Zhi was having dinner with his mentors.

Xixi suddenly made a phone call. Now that she has started school, she has gone back to the capital with her parents, "Ye Zhi, why did the pudding lose weight? Is it losing weight?"

"Maybe it's just grown up and not as round."

"Is that so?"

"No, I just took it to the pet grooming room and it lost weight."


Chatting with my sister, although she has only been away from her brother for more than a week, she misses him a little. She is not in the imperial capital, and now she can only listen to her brother's voice and tell him the stories around her. .


In Xixi's mouth, Ye Zhi noticed something that made him more concerned.

Since he disclosed his hidden identity, there have been more and more inexplicable relatives in the family, and even some of my parents' former friends often come to visit. Even Xixi can see that these people have ulterior motives, so there is no need to. Speaking of parents.

Although my father and mother are usually like good people, they are very domineering at the critical moment.

These people usually barely contact each other, but when they know that their husband and wife's son is the chairman of Zhixin Technology, who is famous all over the world, those people's minds can no longer be restrained.

Some seek money, some seek employment, and many even come to sell their daughters.

In this regard, Ye Zhi also had some other concerns, which was one of the reasons why he was reluctant to reveal his identity before. Along with the increase in fame, it also brought a lot of troubles. He was confident to deal with all the troubles, but he There is no guarantee what will happen to the family.

Now he can only give his parents a vaccination first.

Fortunately, Xixi didn't encounter much change in school.

that is……

In class today, a teacher who came back from studying in Canada was very excited when he told the students about his experience in Canada and mentioned the success of Zhixin Technology in Canada.

During this period, he also mentioned Ye Zhi, and even highly praised it!

in his mouth.

Ye Zhi is the light of the Chinese.

ZShop is now the largest online shopping platform in Canada. It provides Canadians with the highest quality and most convenient services. It is really using technology to change people's way of life. into life.

For example, ZShop's unique augmented reality try on clothes.

With a FaceID mobile phone, it can be modeled according to the human body. When shopping online, you can simulate the general effect of wearing clothes according to personal body characteristics. This function is not very popular in China, but in the United States, Canada and other countries. Very hot!

And the whole class knows it.

Xixi is Ye Zhi's younger sister.

This is no longer a secret. Xixi has always been proud of it. I wish the whole world knew that she has a super powerful brother, so after the teacher said about Ye Zhi today, Xixi went home and gave it to Ye Zhi. said.

"Xixi, you have to listen to your mother at home, and you have to go home on time after class, do you know? Now there are many bad people out I know, I know, Ye Zhi, you are so long-winded."

Ye Zhi shook his head helplessly, and now he is even considering whether to provide bodyguards for his parents and Xixi.

His consideration is definitely not superfluous, but it is really necessary. After all, there are always some people in this society who will take risks for money.

Money, he Ye Zhi doesn't care.

But he would never allow anything to happen to his family, so after thinking about it, he asked Li Xiaomu to contact the security company and provided bodyguards for his parents and Xixi. Until everything was arranged, Ye Zhi's hanging heart did not stop. Barely let go.

Moreover, with bodyguards in the future, when parents encounter those so-called 'friends and relatives', they don't need them to deal with them in person.

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