Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 566: Generate electricity with love

Before the operation, he also teamed up with Ye Zhi to fight a few times.

It was precisely because of those few games that he really admired Ye Zhi so much. Whether it was his operation and awareness, he was not inferior to the professional players, as well as his overall situation. That was his strongest point.

As long as you follow his train of thought, it will be very difficult to lose!

"Well, high school is always finished. I want to be a professional player, but I will listen to Ye Shen and read well."

"come on."

"When you are well, I will build a club and admit it directly."


"Do I look like someone who would lie to you?"

Ye Zhi actually had some ideas about the formation of an e-sports club, but he never had time to deal with it. This time, he happened to come across the matter of Wang Ruanxuan. Once the idea came up, he couldn't hold back.

As a new form of "Internet plus sports", e-sports not only contains the cultural characteristics of modern sports, but also inherits and develops traditional sports culture. It will be an inevitable trend for the development of online games in the future.

In recent years, with the evolution of mainstream entertainment concepts and methods, the integration of mainstream online games and the promotion of emerging technologies.

E-sports has formed a unique cultural phenomenon—e-sports fever.

However, the domestic e-sports clubs are full of chaos, and there is still a lack of a leader to take the lead in this matter. In fact, many teenagers who love e-sports have paid a lot to insist on their dreams, but they failed in the end. realize their dreams.

It can be said that it is very regrettable.

What they lack is not technology, but a platform that allows them to play freely.

Ye Zhi decided to use the Riot Alliance as the core to improve the film industry chain. According to his prediction, China's e-sports is about to enter an explosive period. If it operates well, it can also benefit from it.

In this era when traffic is king, traffic equals money.

Wang Ruan's father is a farmer. He doesn't know anything about e-sports. From his point of view, his son just likes to play games. He never thought that he could make money playing games. He just thought that Ye Zhi was helping his son realize his dream.

"Ye Ye, it really okay? You've helped us a lot. If this is because of rumors that this kid asks you to build a club, although I don't understand it, it will cost a lot of money, right?"

"You must spend money, but you can also make money. Uncle, don't you know that, if you can win the first place in this e-sports event, the prize money will be tens of millions!"

Father Wang naturally wouldn't think that Ye Zhi lied to him.

If it came out of his son's mouth, he wouldn't believe it, but if it came out of Ye Zhi's mouth, it would be very different.

"This... can you make so much money playing a game?"

"Well, if you play well, you will."

"This should be difficult, right?"

"Yes." Ye Zhi patted Wang Ruanwen on the shoulder, "so get well soon, you will be the main force of my club in the future."

"Yes, definitely!"

Form an e-sports club.

It's easy to say, and it's not easy.

Nothing else, just find someone.

There are a lot of people who are good at playing games in Huaxia, but people who have the potential to play professional games are not so easy to find, so it will take time to form such a club.

However, as soon as the news that Leaf Anime was going to form an e-sports club came out, many players who love e-sports immediately became excited, and countless e-sports teenagers with dreams signed up to participate in this trial.

And the conditions announced by Ye Zhi even made many players from other clubs feel a little itchy.

To know……

At this stage, Bluestar Huaxia's e-sports development is still relatively early, and many clubs are actually playing games in a small rental house, and playing games in Ye Zizhuan not only has a stable high salary, but even won the game. Additional bonuses are also available!

The most exciting thing is the working environment!

Originally, it could almost be called a very bad working environment, but now Ye Ziyan provides a very clean and tidy staff dormitory, and is equipped with extremely high computers, and even the peripherals are the best!

How can this not be heartwarming?

However, the first batch of clubs has only 8 places, and the project is currently only the Riot League.

After all, in the international e-sports event, the current alliance has the greatest influence, with 3.8 billion players in the domestic alliance, so at the beginning, the soldiers were more expensive than the elite, and 8 people were enough for now.

China's domestic e-sports industry has always been in a state of chaos and disorder.

And the environment for the development of e-sports is not as good as other countries. E-sports is equivalent to video games, and in the eyes of many parents, video games are "spiritual opium" and so on.

The society maintains this resistance to e-sports.

Many game competitions are banned, and it is normal for clubs to owe players wages.

For example, the well-known clubs now have no salary, no qualified coaches, and no later guarantees. It is just a few young people who walked to the stage of the World Championship with their own dreams.

And the organizer of the event also fails to issue the prize money from time to time.

The phrase 'power generation with love' can be used to describe the current e-sports environment of Bluestar!

You said that eSports don't make money?

Make very profitable

make money!

Today's young people may even pay more attention to e-sports than ordinary sports. Their living environment and growth process are different from before, and their values ​​are also different.

In the eyes of many parents, it is a waste of youth and time, while in the eyes of many people who love games, it is their dream.

In fact, the status of e-sports and sports competition should not be too far apart...

Now people also need to face the huge social impact of e-sports. There is no doubt about the influence of sports competitions, from the games that are available to all people to the world that has turned the whole country at a high level, all of which have not demonstrated their influence.

And e-sports, as an emerging project, its popularity is also unprecedentedly high!

Young people's attention to e-sports seems to have surpassed most sports, and its influence is becoming stronger and stronger among the younger generation, which cannot be ignored.

If you still regard e-sports as simply playing games, then your thinking is really a bit backward.

Now Ye Zhi wants to make a clear distinction between professional games and entertainment games, and create a real dividing line, just like a basketball enthusiast and a professional basketball player, a thorough distinction.

Like traditional sports, e-sports has a set of mechanisms and a set of rules, and absolute fairness must be guaranteed, and there will be a winner and loser.

It's just that it was born relatively late, that's all.

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