Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 626: adulterer**!

Huang Bo's relationship with his parents is likely to be strained because of this.

But he didn't.

He was very lucky to meet Ye Zhi as a roommate, so Huang Bo has always been very grateful to Ye Zhi, giving him such a good opportunity, allowing him to show his talents, and earn a lot of money that many people can't earn in a lifetime money.

Huang Bo can actually understand the difficulties of his parents, but as the son of the family, he can understand, it does not mean that he will not be sad.

He has resentment towards his brother and resentment towards his parents.


Just because I'm the youngest son? Or is it because I'm smarter and can take care of myself? I am also a child at home!

When Huang Bo was working very tired, he would also have such thoughts. He would also complain about his parents' partiality and their injustice. But later, when he went home, he saw that his parents were getting older. The face, and the gray hair.

Slowly, he thought about it.

There are a lot of helplessness in poor families, parents also have their difficulties, and my brother also has his helplessness.

Although his parents couldn't let him live a rich life, they raised him so much and cared for him the most sincere. Although they didn't provide him with good living conditions,...

In order to pay their tuition fees, they are reluctant to eat, drink, and even buy clothes when the weather is cold.

Huang Bo saw all of these.

Since he has such ability, there is nothing to complain about, so he chose to work hard, and Ye Zhi just happened to provide him with such an opportunity to show his strengths.

But Huang Bo's parents still felt that it was necessary to thank Ye Zhi, the 'noble man'.

"Sao pig, where have you been?"

"What's the hurry, it's almost there, it's a little bit blocked, I knew I would ride a bicycle over there."

"It's okay to ride a bike."

That is to say, he lives nearby. Uncle Huang sighed with emotion. Although gz is still one of the four major first-tier cities, the development is not inferior to the magic capital. There are also many business districts, but there are also many Money man's world.

People like them who have been working in the bottom jobs all their lives can't afford it.

"You **** pig is really rich, and in such a dignified area, I'm really willing to start."

Shen Lu glanced at Ye Zhi and said, "If he bought it for himself, he might really consider it."


Huang Bo brought food to his father, but he was not polite to Ye Zhi, "Dad, mom, eat it, try the Cantonese cuisine in the magic capital. Today Ye Ye pays the bill. He is a big dog and doesn't care about the money."

Ye Zhi was speechless, "You are poisonous."

That being said, at the beginning, Huang Bo's parents were still a little bit reluctant to let go of Ye Zhi. Although they knew that their son and Ye Zhi had a good relationship, in their eyes, Ye Zhi was still the one in the mall after all. A powerful man.

But halfway through the meal, he laughed when he saw his younger son and Ye Zhi scramble for food at the dining table.

"Sao pig, this is what I caught first."

"Make it clear, I invited this meal, you should be more conscious."

"If you know it's your treat, loosen your chopsticks, spicy chicken."


The stuff from the Dynasty Club is considered to be a relatively good Cantonese restaurant in Modu. The taste is still decent. The quality of this morning tea is quite good.

Taking advantage of the gap between Ye Zhi and Shen Lu going to pay the bill.

Father Huang pointed to the dishes at this table. He rarely comes to restaurants of this level. Although he is very satisfied with the food, he is still curious about the price of the dishes here, "Bobo, this meal is not cheap, right? "

"Not only is it not cheap, that's all, there should be three or four thousand."

Huang's father and Huang's mother looked at each other, "This... how embarrassing this is, we were originally here to visit, and it's so expensive to eat, wouldn't it be bad? Didn't you say that his manager is actually quite nervous?"

"It's okay, it's okay, that guy Ye Zi is not really poor, he should have turned around by now."

"That's fine, that's fine."

I came to visit Ye Zhi today. Father Huang and Mama Huang were very polite to Ye Zhi. They did not toast Ye Zhi as Shen Lu had expected at first. Instead, they drank a lot of tea, and the wine was owned by Father Huang himself. Have a drink.

It seems that Huang Bo should have mentioned to his father that Ye Zhi doesn't like drinking very much.

Dad Huang looked at Ye Zhi's back who was paying the bill in the distance, and sighed slightly, "Ye Ye is too young, it's really unbelievable to see it with your own eyes. His parents must be very proud of him, right? What a good boy."

Mother Huang also nodded in agreement, "Yes, what a good child, he is really a nobleman in our family."

"Dad, Mom, I'm not bad for your son. I'm also very young. Why don't you guys praise me?"

Huang's father and Huang's mother smiled at each other. Although their son is also very good, there are some things they really didn't want to say, but they didn't hesitate to praise them, "Yes, yes, bobo is also great, Very filial."

"That is required."

Regarding this Huang Bo is quite confident. Even in Peking University, he is definitely one of the outstanding ones. With his ability, even without Ye Zhi's help, he will be able to stand out sooner or later. It's just a matter of time.

It's just that Ye Zhi made him take a lot less detours.

"Dad, do you want to go to the Bund in the afternoon? Ye Zi has something to do in the afternoon."

"I'll just go for a walk with my dad, and I won't disturb him." Mama Huang said, looking at the time, "You have to work hard in the future, such a good job is hard to find."

"I know, I know."


Originally, Huang Bo wanted to accompany his parents for a walk, but Ye Zhi directly pulled him away.

"What are you doing?"

"Accompany me to the company."

"dzz, ga or ga, it's not enough to have Lulu to accompany you? Is chrysanthemum itchy?"

"Go ball, I have something to throw to you, let's go to a meeting together."

Something to throw at me? !

Huang Bo's eyes were straight, and he quickly grabbed the handrail on the door frame, "Dog thief! I knew there was nothing wrong, you let me go, I'm not going, this is not a car to kindergarten, I want to get off! I'm getting out of the car!"

Shen Lu, who was driving, turned her head and smiled strangely, "Give up, the door is already welded."

"Damn it! You two adulterers, you actually teamed up to pit me and let me get off the bus! I'm going to call the police!"

"Hey hey, little bobo, you can follow."

"No!!! I'm only on vacation for a few days, you **** jerk!"

Recently, the task of Huang Bo's Onmyoji has been basically completed. The game has entered the internal testing stage, and account registration has been opened. The Spring Festival file is officially launched. The task that Ye Zhi will hand to Huang Bo is about the next stage of game promotion.

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