Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 709: old boys

Everything was loaded into the car.

Ye Zhi stuffed the last box into the car and looked around, "Is everything in order?"

Shen Lu counted the boxes and nodded, "All done."

"Then... let's go?"

"Let's go first when you catch the plane, I still have something to do." Ye Zhi shook the guitar on his back, looked back at the familiar things that were once unfamiliar, and smiled, "I'm leaving. , I have to leave something for my alma mater."

"What are you doing?"

Ye Zhi didn't speak, but walked to the school gate alone, with a faint reluctance in his eyes.

Gently fiddled with the strings.

Watching quietly, the students who were slowly leaving at the school gate, the feeling of reluctance in his heart, he just wanted to sing out now.

When the classmates stopped to leave, they all looked at Ye Zhi in astonishment, until his incomparably clear voice sang a song they had never heard before, accompanied by the soft melody of the guitar.


An emotion called sadness spreads in everyone's heart.

Every day, every year, always in a hurry

You and I are from Hubei, Sichuan, Guangxi, Ningxia, Henan, Shandong, Guizhou, and Yunnan.

I swore to be great

But one day in bjgzsz I woke up in the middle of the night and stood on a lonely balcony

I just want to escape from this boundless loneliness

Many years ago you had a pair of clear eyes

Running like a spring lightning

I want to see the world and go to the farthest place

Feels like you have wings to fly over mountains and oceans


The singing gradually drifted away, and more and more people stopped to watch.

They gradually became serious and listened to the story in the song, and the protagonist of this story seemed to be the future self. Ye Zhi closed his eyes and poured all his emotions into this song.

This is a youthful song.

Almost everyone can hear their own shadow in the lyrics of this song, and Ye Zhi is no exception.

In the hazy haze, he seemed to see a picture, a young man who had just graduated, with clear eyes, chasing his illusory dream, working hard, but the reality cruelly took away all his last traces of innocence. obliterate.

He ran hard, did he want to go to the farthest place?

Many young people used to be that simple teenager, but they were gradually forced to mature by society. The once clear eyes no longer had them. He couldn't see his future, but he still insisted.

With breakfast in his hand, he followed the crowd and onto the subway during the morning rush hour, his eyes became cloudy.

Get used to lying and become mature?

Can you love others only after owning a house?

Always think that after success, the scars can be healed?

**side buried, missed people

When youth is exhausted, all that remains is the ugly face

He sang and sang with tears in his eyes. After the song was over, when the last note fell, there were already many boys quietly choking, and a few girls burst into tears.

Goodbye, our youth.


It's too early to think this is the end.

The song 'You were once a boy' was just an appetizer. Ye Zhi found a corner, sat down, the strings rhythmically moved, and the touching melody also unintentionally showed his excellent guitar skills. With such a melody, I can't help but be touched.

After about twenty seconds, he opened his mouth lightly and sang that clear and comfortable voice, the voice of his own story.

Dreams are always out of reach

Should you give up

It's another season of flowers

spring where are you

Youth is like a rushing river

I can't say goodbye if I don't come back

only me numb

There is no blood

Look at the scattered flowers

wither at the most beautiful moment

I have to say, the lyrics are really well done.

Even though it's not original.

One day.

We will be ashamed to mention our youth, obsessed with telling our dreams, and put them carefully at the bottom of the box. Tired of Dou Lei, he continued to commute between the company and the house, caring about food, milk powder, salary, and doing nothing.

In the vegetable market, I was entangled with the shopkeeper for the fifteen cents.

On the subway and bus going to the company, I struggled to squeeze forward.

Walks indifferently on the pavement like a zombie.


Slowly aging, gray hair.

Those dreams that once had nowhere to put, unexpectedly withered away unknowingly, and were still so dilapidated!

I once thought that I had already let go of that illusory dream.

But there is still a life to yearn for, but between dreams and life, it is like a man driving downstairs, not going upstairs, just wearing headphones, sitting quietly looking out the window, calm and tired.

Say goodbye softly, and when he returns home, he is still the one with a family on his shoulders.

chanting familiar lyrics.

Counting ridiculous dreams.

I remember my youth.

Standing at the intersection of the sunset.

It is as if watching the faces of my parents are rapidly aging, the silver threads are looming, and the vines in front of the door are luxuriantly blooming and fruiting, passing through memories, seeing the past self, thinking about today, dreaming about the future, and every day. .

We will gradually grow up, go to school, then graduate, and then lose our jobs, fall in love, break up, get married and have children...

And then a short but long life is over.

Walking through the crowd with a smile, in fact, how much I want to say something for myself, for the dreams and youth that I once had.


I don't know if anyone can understand, the goshawk crosses the sky, the fish is covered in dust in the lake, and begins to say goodbye, saying goodbye to the regrets of the old times that I have read, and to those dreams that have nowhere to be placed.


I'm just on the road of life that I don't know the way back, keep walking, keep running.

I got into the wrong car.

I have gone the wrong have lost myself.

I have misunderstood life.

Time has been turned upside down, subverted and overthrown.

I'm not strong, never have been.

Because when I faced the loneliness and prosperity in the city, I suddenly felt at a loss, and suddenly wanted to put myself in a container, fall asleep hard, and never wake up again, but my hazy youth is still Betrayed me, squatting on the side of the road to find the dream that I once lost.

Can you really find it?

Those thousands of turns, those blazing childhood dreams, can you still find a pure paradise for you?

I once stubbornly sang that my future is not a dream, but we are all grown up, pure ideas, childhood friends, girls whom I had a crush on when I was young, classmates I have known for many years, clumsy handwriting on the notebook, bright red on the workbook. The circle, the night of sweating, the joy of reaping the achievements, the spinning windmill, the flying kite, and the paper boat that was flown by hand...

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