Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 734: So burning!

"It's really uncomfortable right now, so I'd rather go to the cinema to play Iron Man a few more times now."


"You like it."


Han Xia slapped hard in front of Ye Zhi's desk, "So when will you start filming Iron Man 2? And what about the Avengers, when will it be online? Spoiler!"


"Do you think it's possible?"


"Why is it impossible?"


Ye Zhi pointed his finger at his head, then turned around, "Use your mind more when you have time. If you can't think of why, maybe this thing is really just a decoration."


really do not know?


That doesn't exist, Han Xia just likes Iron Man too much!


love it!


This kind of hero who is completely opposite to the routine is really interesting. The whole movie is full of surprises, which is very different from traditional superhero movies, especially the last sentence 'I am Iron Man' .


It was really shocking.


The first time he watched it, like many others, he couldn't help but stand up with excitement.


Too hot!


Yes, since I have this ability, why should I hide it?


At that moment, there was something indescribable in Tony's eyes, like a sense of responsibility, and something else. This is not a shameful thing. Since he has this ability, he intends to make up for what he has committed. Mistakes Then why hide behind the scenes?


I experienced an experience of being almost killed by my own weapon, which is ironic, but also very realistic.


Although he intends to change his mind and become a new person, it does not mean that he will change a person's character. Tony Stark is such a proud and conceited person, he feels that he can face all challenges!


Since that's the case...


Then why not let others know?


He caused a sensation in the Earth of the Marvel Universe and Blue Star, and also laid the groundwork for the second Iron Man, and the bald one-eyed black director Fury who appeared in the Easter egg also showed the style of a mysterious expert.


It makes people look forward to the development of the next plot.


Since then, the entire Marvel Universe has opened a new prelude!


In fact, if you really pay attention to the details of the movie, it is not difficult to find that Iron Man actually has very few shortcomings, and there are even countless ones.


Completely a rich bastard!


However, he is extremely talented. If you say that he is a genius, you may underestimate him. It may be more appropriate to use adjectives such as ghost and evildoer to describe his talent.


It is true that such a person is not a typical hero image.


The hero recognized by ordinary people should be a dedicated, responsible, and selfless person like Guo Jing, who stands upright as Guo Jing's "the great man serves the country and the people". Iron Man, from this first movie, is really a It's a hundred and eight thousand miles away.


It's simply impossible to count!


However, such a contrast is exactly what the audience likes to see.


I am used to seeing well-dressed and upright decent people, and it is also the general trend to see this kind of alternative hero. Ordinary people can also become heroes, no matter how bad they are, they are talented, capable, and have a sincere heart.


'I am a hero! ’


Isn't it?


Yes, he is a hero, a great hero.


Why can't heroes have shortcomings?


No one is perfect, no one is born perfect, even acquired perfection is unlikely, but as long as he is willing to sacrifice his life to make enough contributions to the people and the world, then he is a hero.


A true hero.


Iron Man, it can be said that he was born with a golden key. He stands on the shoulders of his father, and he has both a genius mind. For him, success is really a treasure.


This is also in line with what Ye Zhi once said. It is true that all roads lead to Rome, but it is true that some people were born in Rome.


In the movie, such a genius's road to fame is not deliberately outlined, which is very redundant for Tony Stark. From his performance in the movie, it is not difficult to see that worldly success is really unnecessary for him. too easy.


On the contrary, Ye Zhi focused more on the cool stunts and future development.


Iron Man swims high in the sky at a speed that exceeds the speed of sound, and the cool intelligent holographic projection terminal, multi-screen supercomputer, three-dimensional model, and intelligent AI robot are all more eye-catching!


once Upon a time.


When Han Xia was fascinated by the robots he saw as a child, all kinds of robots have actually surpassed these classic images time and time again over the years.


When Iron Man is coquettish, reprimanded, and chatting to the robot with only one mechanical arm, who doesn't want to have such a naive robot?


it is so cute.


Yes, it's cute, it's not too much to use on it. Although there are no special effects renderings here, the settings really make people feel the cuteness of intelligent robots.


When Iron Man faced doubts and controlled the screen with a small mobile terminal, at this moment, he seemed to see the future development trend of mobile devices. The universe is infinite and the mind is infinite.


This is an outlook.


A vision for the future of technology, and that's not far off.


There are even people who doubt whether Ye Zhi has already realized such technology. As a recognized reality version of Iron Man, Ye Zhi has 'exposed' some things on different occasions, such as AI, such as 3D holographic projection.


Iron Man is a special product and the sustenance of ordinary people. No one will really become a real superhero, but it does not prevent them from fantasizing the existence of superheroes in this ordinary world.


It is precisely because of the existence of these heroes that human beings are no longer as small as ants, and occasionally contend with supernatural forces. All morals and values ​​aside, and everyone just loves such a possibly baseless Superman!


Handsome, it's over.


Of The performance of the heroine Pepper in the play is also very amazing. The actor's good looks are put aside first, this character is really very pleasing, as long as it is a man, who doesn't like it What about a good housekeeper like Pepper?


Summarize the content of the movie.


The villain, the black leader Raza, only has money and no research and development capabilities. He delusionally captures an engineer to come back to help develop weapons. As a result, the engineer ran away and the plan failed.


The white-bearded old man (Stan) is rich and has a certain R&D ability, but he has no core technology.


IronMan Tony, super awesome designer, super awesome engineer.


It can also complete rapid design and development in harsh environments, and do not forget to test and upgrade products in a comfortable environment. In the end, the whole victory was won, so IronMan actually has a potential meaning...


"R&D is the last word"!

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