Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 748: Buddhist?

Ye Zhi read a variety show planning case and was shocked by the idea, "Is this also a variety show?"

Li Xiaomu nodded, "Of course, otherwise? How about it? Are you interested? It's a plan proposed by a PD from HK. I think it's pretty good, but I don't know if you're interested."

"It's too time-consuming... You should invite Lao Ma and the others to try it out, or let Uncle Han go."

"Don't, you are the only representative. You are the founder."

"I don't think I'm representative."

"You're young! You can't stand this coolie work."

"Sister Xiaomu, why are you so persistent about this?"

"Uh... Of course I think you can."

"Hehe, you just want to trick me."

The content of this variety show is actually very simple. It is to let some successful people recognized by the society, especially some famous entrepreneurs, or outstanding artists and even some scientific research talents, participate in the variety show.


Exchange identities with workers at the bottom of the society for about a week to see if any miracles can happen? See if they can turn around and earn their first pot of gold in another form under such circumstances?

By the way, I also let those so-called senior members of society experience the hardships at the bottom.

Such an idea is indeed quite meaningful, but Ye Zhiguang had already guessed the ending after reading the plan. The possibility of success exists, but Ye Zhi is very clear that the possibility is very low.

Even by himself, Ye Zhi wasn't sure if he could do it. Some workers at the bottom of the society are really too tiring. To what extent are they tiring? When you are so tired that you have completed your workload every day, you have no energy to think about anything else.


That is also a prerequisite.

The premise is to have enough time to think. If you don't even have this time, then, no matter who you are, the probability of success will be greatly reduced. To what extent?

Low to almost nothing!

When a person is concentrating on one thing, it is difficult to be distracted by others. In fact, this is the same for everyone, even Ye Zhi is no exception. He likes to concentrate on completing one thing when he is doing it. .

Multithreading or something...that doesn't exist.

That's a machine!

not human.

And when you're too busy to think about something meaningless, it's not a good thing for those who already rely on their brains to eat.

At work, some people feel that they are very busy at work, but when asked what they are busy with and what they have done today, they cannot give a satisfactory answer. In short, they are blind all day long. busy.

Or doing some mechanical and repetitive work, in such an environment for a long time, the thinking will only become more and more dull.


That doesn't exist.

So Ye Zhi finally refused. He had no need to prove himself in this way. Of course, it wasn't because he thought he couldn't, but because he didn't think it was necessary, and he didn't have the time right now.

"Really not going?"

"No, with this time, I might as well think about the script more."

"Okay, then why don't you take a look at this? This is another variety show project. It's public welfare. It doesn't have any money, but it's not bad."

"The last one you said will give me the same money."


This is really true. Ye Zhi has rarely appeared on variety shows now, and now he has basically never appeared on variety shows that charge money. He basically made a cameo appearance. If he really wants to charge money, that's true. No program group can afford to pay.

Gradually, no one took out the money to be ashamed in front of him.

Ye Zhi now...

He is no longer the one he used to burn all the money without leaving behind.

Another variety show project is a public welfare variety show. It is a program to help promote Alzheimer's syndrome. To be honest, the content of the program itself is very simple, and there is no script. Ye Zhi just scanned it once to know...

If the filming continues at this rhythm, the ratings will definitely not be high.

But, on to the subject.

He decided that next, compared to the show just now, this one is obviously more meaningful.

After making the decision, he began to improve the variety show. This variety show was too rough. There were no details at all. There was only a general idea. Compared with entertainment variety shows, this show was very boring.

So he plans to follow this general direction and make some changes to the format of the show.


While helping Ye Zhi sort out the documents, Li Xiaomu asked, "Seriously, Ye Zi, why do I feel that you are a person who always seems to have no desires? Don't you really like to do anything?"

"I didn't expect it for a while."

Li Xiaomu just came back from vacation, and now she can be said to be quite full of energy, but she has been away these days, Ye Zhi guessed that he has handled everything by himself, but this guy didn't say anything, not even a change. .

This makes her sometimes feel that she is not a superfluous person...

Originally, when she was on vacation, she was worried that Ye Zhi would be too busy. Who knew that it would not affect him to a certain extent. This really made her feel a deep sense of frustration. Is this thing a robot?

"You're either this job or that job every day, aren't you tired?"

"Tired, how could I not be tired, so I chose not to do it."


"Don't I often play games for leisure? Work has to be done by someone, and it's just a matter of doing more and less. Anyway, as a boss now, you can rest when you want to rest, and work when you want to work. It's very free."

"You're too buddha, aren't you?"

"It's okay. UU reading"


This is true, Ye Zhi is really very Buddhist now. He doesn't care much about money, earning more and earning less, he is more concerned with the quality of his works, but although he is trying to reduce his workload as much as possible, he still...

very busy!

But his Buddhism is true...

However, Buddha returns to Buddha, this does not mean that he has always been like this, but it has become like this now. People are very greedy, but the degree is slightly different, and more importantly, the stage is different.

No greed, no ambition?

If you don’t fight, you don’t have the motivation to move forward, and you will never be able to earn your first pot of gold.

But if you are not greedy, or you are not greedy enough, it will be difficult for others to deceive you, cheat you, and thus get a seemingly good security, and this is also the state of the vast majority of people in this world.

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