Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 75: Douyin is online

The next day, early in the morning.

When Shen Lu woke up from her deep sleep.

She just felt sore all over her body. When she sat up, her sleepy eyes gradually opened, and when she opened the quilt, she felt that the quilt was being pressed down, a little heavy, and she couldn't lift it at once. look over there...

The next second, he fell asleep on the bed.

She was so surprised that she was speechless.

However, Ye Zhi also woke up after being pulled by her like this. First, he yawned a lot, and sleeping on his stomach was still uncomfortable.

"woke up?"

Shen Lu was surprised and puzzled, "You... didn't go back?"

Ye Zhi waved his right hand, "You held my hand last night. I didn't leave because I was afraid of waking you up."

An emotion called touching spread in her heart again, Shen Lu hugged Ye Zhi's neck at once, with a shallow cry, while slapping his back, she said, "Idiot, idiot, big idiot. ."

"Isn't it? Are you going to be scolded for this?"

"Who told you to make me so moved, it's you who scolds me!"


Ye Zhi shook his head and smiled bitterly. He just sat on the edge of the bed, patted her back, pushed Shen Lu away, and asked softly, "Do you feel better?"


"Then I'll go back first. I didn't take a bath last night."

"Then... see you at school?"

"See you at school."


The Douyin app is one day ahead of Ye Zhi's plan.

Online on Christmas Eve.

However, after four months of tuning, the quality of this app is very high, and the functions in all aspects are very perfect, especially the filter effect, which is better than some selfie apps on the market!

In addition, during this period of time, he hired more than 20 young college graduates as employees, and he did not support them in vain.

The default length of a video on Douyin is fifteen seconds, plus some 'stalks' that Ye Zhi used to use when he used Douyin to provide copywriting, let people shoot, and collect some positive energy events, News clips, after editing, also become small videos.

A lot of short videos have been hoarded for a long time.

After the launch, all of them were put up. Of course, this is also to attract and retain more users.

have to say.

Such an app, Blue Star, which is relatively low-level in the entertainment industry, can be said to have excellent results!

In less than a week after the launch, it has attracted more than one million users, and it is still growing rapidly. Although most of the people are just watching and can't take pictures, there are more users, and those who really know how to play, always don't know how to play. Short.

The total number of videos uploaded by users nationwide has also reached more than 1,000.

Some of them are really interesting.

Of course, there are also a lot of follow-up shots, such as those stalks that Ye Zhi came up with, which really played a crucial role. There are many people who didn't know how to get started at first. His stalks are just like It's like a video tutorial...

There are also many teaching people to discover the little details in daily life, such as the real way of eating food, special food.

Very useful!

This has also led to countless folk gourmets sharing their favorite foods and special foods.

It was like throwing a bowl of wine, that was the first to be brought on fire.

Of course, cute pets are also indispensable in Douyin.

At present, the most popular Douyin topic is the topic of cute pets. All kinds of cats and dogs, under the owner's camera, seem to be as smart as finesse, which makes countless Douyin users sigh with emotion: Other people's dogs (Cat) has never let me down.

"It's said that after the founding of the country, you can't become elite?"

"After reading it, I went home and slapped my Erha who was being demolished."

"The dog-stealing team is heading to the battlefield."

"Emma, ​​I'll go, this Shapi is really good, so sensible!"

"This Nima is a dog? It's smarter than me!"

"This meow is so cute~~~ I can see my heart melted."

In contrast, there are:

Other people's male (female) friends, all kinds of show affection, have also been made into short videos, although everyone is ridiculing, 'I dig your cornfield? You let me watch this in the middle of the night! ' 'After watching the video, I looked back at my boyfriend who was still playing games, and he slapped him when he went up.'

Even many big stars have participated in the recording of Douyin videos, although the content they shoot is not very interesting.

However, there are many fans, and there are really many people who support.

For example: An Yijing.

She did not take many Douyin shots, only two, but the number of likes and comments exceeded 100,000, and she even sent Ye Zhi a screenshot of the show, which was more than millions of likes than her Weibo. I'm happy to come here, just two days ago when I wasn't filming...

She swiped Douyin for a whole day!

This is a standard example of being addicted to Douyin. She always sends messages to blame Ye Zhi for pulling her into the pit. She can't climb out by her own perseverance.

"This APP is really poisonous. I can't sleep at night if I don't swipe it a few times a day."

"I don't dare to swipe at night, I can't stop when I open the app."

"MMP, I can't help it! I want to use Douyin!"

"Who knows what this song is called? I've been looking for it for a long time."

"This is "Tell me the by my little brother Ye Zi, it's super nice."

"Speaking of which, I found that Douyin's most used songs seem to be my brother Ye Zi's."

"Because it's really good! I'm really looking forward to Ye Zi's album!"

"Let me ask, what song is that SomeSuperhero or something? I asked a lot of people who don't know this. It's the background music of the Douyin made by the goddess An An. Although there is only one paragraph, it is really amazing!"

"That's just a part of "I'm Coming to the Magic City", it just started airing today, you can go and watch it."

"Okay, so what's this song called?"

"It hasn't been posted yet. My brother Ye Zi hasn't finished writing it yet. I'm also waiting for the full version. It's super full of Feel."

When Ye Zhi was filming Douyin, he was actually promoting his songs in disguise. No, after Douyin went online, the downloads of his songs soared again, directly surpassing that of the first song that was released. All returned to the top ten on the Hot100 list.


The fire returns to the fire. At present, the Douyin app has no income and is still in the stage of burning money.

Almost all of Ye Zhi's money was thrown into it to add servers. In order to support more users online at the same time, the server alone cost him more than 2 million, enough to support millions of users using the app at the same time.


Ye Zhi himself doesn't know how long he can "carry" it. Now he only hopes that his royalties and copyright income will keep up with the growth rate of users next month.

After all, in Bluestar, there is no Kuaishou, or even a similar small video app!

Wait until the number of users reaches a certain level...

Douyin can also exert its real power and start to create benefits for the company.

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