Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 786: make history

In fact, Shen Lu just can't see others saying his bad.

Say you can.

But others say no!

What's more, these people are just falsely accusing him of framing him, so how can she hold back her violent temper, and she just slaps her face with a slap in the face, and the slap is so enjoyable.

"Now that the slap is over, are you happy? Are you comfortable?"


"You are still naive. There's really no need for everyone to know about this kind of thing."


Ye Zhi gently rubbed the palm of his hand on Shen Lu's cheek. He just didn't think it was necessary. In fact, it's good to be hacked occasionally. Now his fans seem to have deified him.

Although Ye Zhi's achievements are indeed many, he does not think that he is so great.

Just do what you should do.

When he came to Blue Star, he was actually more about transporting the world's excellent culture to improve the livelihood of the people here. Of course, he also knew very well how much change such a 'transportation' would bring to this place.

The current Blue Star people.

To tell the truth, it is much more comfortable than the people of the earth.

Extremely developed hardware technology, as well as network communication, it can be said that here, it has almost reached the living standard of the earth around 2030. In Bluestar, China's government support for the development of high-tech industries is much higher than that of the earth. too much!

That's really not a star and a half.

In this world, people's awareness of copyright has gradually formed a subconscious.

Intellectual property is worth paying for.

Whether it’s listening to, using software or playing games, paying money is a matter of course. This is far from being realized in China, let alone ordinary people.

Just some companies, and even government units, have a serious lack of knowledge about intellectual property.


Not to mention other things, some government units even use pirated versions of computer operating systems, as well as pirated versions of office software.

When purchasing some software and hardware, some high-level officials have a very clear concept of software and hardware. Anyway, software is bought for hardware and should not be charged. 500,000 software plus 500,000 hardware and 1 million Hardware sends software.

No doubt they will choose the latter.

In their eyes, in fact, there is no concept of intellectual property at all. It is free, just take it and use it. This is true even in government departments, not to mention other places.

Although with the passage of time, some attention has gradually increased, but in fact, piracy is still rampant.

Some things can't be cut with a knife.

But the situation on Bluestar's side is different. Although there are pirated copies, they are very restricted, just like a web article. Now it is almost impossible to find pirated copies in Bluestar China!

There were some pirated websites in the past few years, but now they are almost blocked

The same is true of pirated music. On some platforms for downloading music, each music file is bound to the app. Although it is downloaded locally, it is also bound to the app and account. Even if it is sent to others, it cannot be played.

And every once in a while, the player will rewrite the validity period of the file.

If the account has purchased copyright, the validity period will be renewed. If not, then unfortunately, there is no way to continue listening to songs, so gradually, ordinary people will not have the energy to find pirated copies.

It's not as simple as buying the original version directly.

The second is software. In Bluestar, many of the more popular software are provided for free, but some convenient additional services are also charged. The copyright fee is relatively low, but everyone consciously pays it.

after all……

If you don't pay, there are actually many ways to detect that you are using pirated software in today's software.

This is especially true for some large companies and even relevant departments. They pay what they need to pay. Anyway, the economy is relatively more comfortable. …

It is now a place that is extremely close to developed countries.

Moreover, it is already the most convenient country in the global communication, online shopping, fast food, transportation, infrastructure and other industries, no one.

Absolutely not!

Just last year, China's GDP was almost equal to that of the U.S. Empire. This year, it is estimated that it will directly surpass it and become the world's largest economic power in the true sense. Although it has an advantage in numbers, the first is the first.

Many foreigners living in Huaxia return to China after getting used to the convenient way of life in Huaxia...

There is no way to get used to it again.

For example, online shopping and other consumption methods, it really feeds them all, coupled with the 5G network that has now covered the whole country, it has become the first country in the world to achieve full coverage of the 5G network.

Among them, Zhixin Technology plays a crucial role in it.

Now many regions have covered ZShop and other services, and they all have the absolute No.1 market share globally. In the e-commerce industry, companies under Zhixin Technology account for as high as 68.9%!

This number is even increasing year by year.

Today it has become an irreplaceable behemoth.

Coupled with the fact that he has the fastest processing chip in the world, now both the IOS camp and the Android camp can only coax him, this man's wealth accumulation speed has exceeded the space that ordinary people can imagine.

However, most of his wealth is used for charity and construction in poor areas, so the high efficiency is predictable.

It's just that no one thought that the efficiency could be so high!

He not only did charity, but also participated in the grass-roots construction of some cities. After accumulating technical talents, his ambition continued to expand, such as the development of new subway lines in some He also sent people participated in the bidding.

Like Modu and Imperial City, he has contracted the development of two new subway lines, with higher quality and faster efficiency!

There are even some railways in other countries!

He does too.

The most important thing is that the routes he contracted have taken into account the future scalability and should not be too limited. Although cost is also an important consideration, it is inferior to future scalability in his projects.

The subway stations he chooses are very important, and they are basically the ones with the most traffic, which can be very effective in diverting traffic.

It's not...

Some countries have already submitted purchase applications to Ye Zhi's team.

A company that has achieved his level has almost reached the peak position. In just a few years, two unlisted companies have entered the ranks of the top 20 in the world. This can be said to be a creation in Blue Star. historical.

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