Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 866: Internal injury recurrence

But for those who haven't been to this place, what they are used to may be what others expect, so when you come to a place, you shouldn't ask the locals what's interesting here, just browse the online guide and you're done .

So let Lisa be his guide, he thought about it...

still gave up.

When Lisa was pushing a small cart by herself with a familiar one on it, Ye Zhi was stunned.

This baby.

The shape is completely different from his own, but the scale is not small at all.

" it yours?"

"Yes, that's right. I ordered this one from abroad. The battery is super large and can be used for several hours."

Ye Zhi swallowed, then looked at Shen Lu, it was not easy for Miss Lisa to get this thing out of her house, she didn't even read the message he sent her, she just slapped it down, which is also domineering .

"You're a real cow, aren't you heavy?"

"Heavy! It's super heavy, but... when I meet my idol, no matter how heavy it is."

"You knew that?"

"I didn't actually recognize you, but I recognized your girlfriend. There are not many beautiful girls like Shen Lu."

"Well, you're beautiful too."


"Of course, it's still worse than my little fairy." After saying that, without paying attention to Lisa's expression, Ye Zhi picked it up and handed it directly to Shen Lu, then she took it away without any pressure, seeing Lisa Stunned dog.

"Idol, are you... alright?"

Ye Zhi looked calm and walked in the direction of Shen Lu, "It's okay now, in a few years, I think I'll start to worry about the recurrence of internal injuries. Let's not talk about it, all the talk is despair, get ready to start."

It's okay to work hard, but if it really makes her mess around, it's really boring.

It's not...

Ye Zhi didn't come here. Shen Luguang stared at this machine in a daze, scratched his head, and turned his head for unknown reasons, "Guapi, how do you play this thing? It doesn't look like a musical instrument."

"How do you not pay attention to me, this thing is my unique weapon."

"Then why did you move out of someone else's house?"


Shen Lu put down the 'unique weapon' in her hand, turned her fingers into a gun, and pointed at Ye Zhi's chest, "Tell me! Did you give me a musical instrument from my little sister? It's not cheap at first glance."


Now this Shen Lulu has learned to pretend to be stupid. Obviously, she already knows what this thing is. She has actually seen Ye Zhiyong before, but what she saw at the time was quite different from the one in front of her.

"Almost there."

"It's almost enough? You big pig's hoof, you are a big radish!"

"It's a carrot."

"You admit it."

"I'm just correcting your pronunciation."

Ye Zhi didn't speak. He just glanced at the one he hadn't seen before, and studied how to use it. It was relatively simple and not difficult, and he could use it just by looking at it.


He was surprised to find, "This is actually better than mine!"

Perhaps because of the later improvement, this one is much richer in function than his, and the response is much faster, and the quality and appearance are better.

"I'm going... Now, pirated copies are made so badly, I think I'm about to lose track of the times."

"What's wrong?"

"It's better than mine."


"You don't want to be greedy for Lisa's stuff, right?"


Ye Zhi didn't speak. He stretched out his finger and tapped Shen Lu's little head, and then started to build his own stage. There were really not many people walking around Victoria Harbour at night.

Therefore, there is no shortage of audiences at all. After a little coordination with Lisa's team, we can roughly start work.

Ye Zhi sat in front of the keyboard, holding the microphone.

He played Shapeofyou, a song that has become popular all over the world. Basically everyone is very familiar with this song. He just started, and he didn't need to say anything, and other people's instruments joined in.

here we go……

When Ye Zhi's singing sounded, Lisa and the others didn't stop moving, but his clear voice really amazed everyone, and almost instantly attracted a few passers-by who were blowing the sea breeze.

No complicated electronic music.

It is the purest instrument, the purest sound.

Lisa pursed her lips while she was playing and exclaimed in her heart, "My God, I really opened my knees, it's really a leaf, it's too strong! It's really too strong! This sound is so comfortable."

Ye Zhi's singing inexplicably makes people feel very Feeling, especially that voice, it really has a taste of God enjoying food.

The voice is so beautiful!

so comfy!

Even if he sings such a 'little yellow song', it doesn't affect its charm at all. Ye Zhi's voice is really recognizable. As long as he doesn't hide his voice on purpose, it's actually true. Good guess.

It's really good to hear the explosion, it's amazing!

Another passerby stopped to watch, she stood in front of Ye with her little hands covering her heart, her eyes almost turned into the shape of hearts, "How can there be such a crisp voice, My heart can't take it anymore."

The more Lisa listened, the more frightened she became.

She also plays music, and her feelings are naturally deeper than ordinary people. Ye Zhi is far more than just a good voice. This singing skills are truly amazing.

Under the combination of the powerful, it creates a song that can't be loved.

It's not...

The quality of this roadshow can be seen from the reactions of passersby, many of whom are swaying to the melody.

"I kind of know why the leaves are so hot."

However, Lisa just thought of this, but Ye Zhi gave up her seat and motioned her to try it out. Lisa understood what he meant and sat down quickly. Although she felt a little embarrassed, she still sang along with the melody.

There is no moving voice like Ye Zhi, but He Xiaojie's voice is very powerful!

Full of power!

And he is not weak in singing skills, can we only say that he graduated from Berkeley?

He chose to help her harmonize.

A good harmony can indeed bring the music to a higher level. The rhythm of the melody infects everyone who listens to the song. Many passers-by have already raised their mobile phones and started recording.

Just after a song was sung, dozens of people had already gathered.

Ye Zhi's parents sat next to them, all with a look of enjoyment, relief, and pride. One song Shapeofyou successfully attracted a lot of people. Beautiful music is always so easy to move.

When the music ended, everyone present gave their applause without hesitation.

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