Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 894: The rest... I'll make up

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Ye Zhi shrugged, it's actually not difficult, "Yes, now that you know their ultimate goal, isn't it easy to convince them? I'll just settle an account with your parents, and they agree. ."

"What account?"

"According to the current average income level of secondary school students in Magic Capital is basically 6~8K (Blue Star income), I will consider it 8K, if you were 16 years old last year, I will consider you to retire at the age of 60 and work for 44 years, 12 jobs a year. Monthly, no food or drink a year, ninety-six thousand, 44 years, it should be four million two hundred and twenty-four thousand, after deducting some possible additional income, I count it as five million."

"Then I'll tell your dad directly, if you don't earn enough before you retire, I'll make up for the rest..."


Five million, is that much?

For Ye Zhi, it's really not much, but for Demo's parents, it's a huge amount of money. They never thought that their children could earn such a huge amount of money in this life. situation only.

Only in Blue Star's high salary level, if this is on Earth, I am afraid that it is only half.

Putting aside uncertain factors such as inflation and rising wages, in fact, they are very satisfied that their children can have such an income level, let alone who is Ye Zhi?

He opened his mouth, and there was nothing to question.


In the past nearly one year, Demo has just entered the industry, but the talent he has shown is very good. Not to mention the fixed salary, the after-tax competition bonus he received is as high as 690,000, and there may be endorsement income and income in the future. Year-end awards.


The red envelopes that Ye Zhi sent to them during the Chinese New Year are also very thick, 10,000 per person, almost 1.5 million in a year.

This year, as long as he can maintain this state, his income in the future will only be higher, and Demo's parents have now been completely convinced, so Ye Zhi actually paid nothing, just made a guarantee.

"Thank you Brother Zhi, I will definitely work hard in the future."

"As long as you continue to play games, I can still afford this amount of money, and you don't have to worry about me losing money. I, Ye Zhi, never do business at a loss. All kinds of naming fees and endorsement fees help me collect the money. came back."

Lu Qi nodded fiercely, "That's true. Just a few days ago, SG had an agent or something, and he came to me in private, saying that he would give me a signing fee of 20 million and asked if I wanted to transfer."

Jiang Rui was stunned when he heard it, "20 million! Wow, you melon skin, you are showing off."

Lu Qi shook his hair, "The main reason is to see how handsome I am."

"20 million! You **** won't agree, right?"

"What an international joke, I want Lu Qi to sell my teammates for a mere 20 million? It doesn't exist~~~"

Just as Lu Qi was talking, Ye Zhi raised two fingers, "What if he gave you 200 million?"

"Dad, when will you take me away?"

Jiang Rui gave him a contemptuous glance, "Tsk tsk tsk~~~ You spicy chicken has such integrity."

"Just kidding, how could it be possible to leave? It's the most promising way to follow my brother Zhi. I made so much money last year. There are still such and such restrictions on this contract. How can I be comfortable in YZ."

Ye Zhi smiled, "Actually, it's nothing. Others pay high wages and good treatment. If you really jump, I won't say anything about you. If you can pay this price, you must still think you are worth the money."

"I still have it. If I don't have Brother Zhi, I can only be a ghost if I have this value. Let's just stay honest."

This kid Lu Qi is really right. He is handsome and can play games well. Now he is also a lot of fans. The live broadcast income on the YZ live broadcast platform is not low. The freedom of his live broadcast.

Even the live broadcast revenue has to be shared with the company.

Not to mention that he had no idea of ​​transferring, seeing this, he even lost the desire to continue listening to his flickering.

The young Demo was still a little confused, "No... Lu Qi, are you really that tall?"

"Almost..." Lu Qi said and looked at Wang Chuanwen and Jiang Rui, "But I'm definitely not the richest in the team, these two silent guys are the real rich."

Wang Ruanwen smiled shyly, "It's okay, my money is all managed by my dad, and I don't know how much."

"Anyway, it must be no less than me! The guy from SG poached me for 20 million before, didn't he give you 30 million for poaching? This guy, Xiao Wang, is also a grumpy guy, he just left, isn't this offending people~~~"

In fact, Lu Qi didn't want to watch it at that time, mainly because Wang Rumor's attitude was too extreme at the time, so he had to look at it with a smile.


Ye Zhi: "Because of your food."

Demo: "..."

"Tsk tsk tsk, Brother Zhi is still so straightforward."

"Let you talk about me! Lu Qi, I fought with you! You even stole me before you came to you scumbag!"

Ye Zhi looked at the group of noisy children and couldn't help smiling, "I have another meeting to open later. After eating, you can take a rest and continue practicing by yourself, Lu Qi, come with me."



With his back against the wall of the training room and his hands on his shoulders, Ye Zhi looked at Lu Qi, "How's your stomach problem?"

"It's okay, the team doctor has checked it before, and it doesn't affect the game."

"I'll take a look at the hospital with me later, and I'll let Xiaoshu take you for a comprehensive examination."

Lu Qi quickly waved his hand, "No, brother, it's really okay, I have an old problem, it's not so easy to get better, I need to see a doctor and wait until the game is over..."

Ye Zhi kicked Lu Qi angrily, and the voice was really clear, "If you want to go, just leave, so much bullshit, next time you play the game, you will lose the chain again, let's see how I deal with you, this part of me If the time does not come, you will all be useless."

"It's not such a waste, I have recently risen in the rankings."

"Then why did you act like that just now?"

"Okay, I was wrong, I shouldn't argue with you about this... But, shouldn't you have to do a gastroscope? That's too uncomfortable."



Things that Ye Zhi decides are rarely changed. He is afraid that his gastroscope cannot escape, so Lu Qi can only accept it reluctantly. It's not a small problem to find this.

I'm afraid I'll have to have surgery!


It was appendicitis and had to be removed, but this time there was nothing wrong with his stomach.

"Mr. He, why don't I wait until I finish the final..."

"Don't talk nonsense, I have communicated with Ye Zi on the phone just now, and he has already said that he needs to do the operation directly, don't waste time."


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