Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 915: crazy brainwashing

This BadGuy was originally intended by Ye Zhi to release a single, but now he does it this way.

He can't even be the protagonist.

Therefore, this song became a video released by Shen Lu on the Y station. Although it was just a simple video to be used as an MV, it could be written by Ye Zhi. The MV's card points and shooting quality are not low.

"Ale? Our Lulu made a song?"

"BadGuy? A sub who has a lot of Feel, isn't the melody too comfortable?"

"I've been poisoned."

"I'm going, this is the song Lulu sang? This woman is actually trying to save her mentally retarded image?"

"It doesn't exist, it doesn't exist, this must be a fake Lulu."

"What's the problem, this leaf actually recorded a song with his girlfriend, and he didn't even sing it himself?!"

"It's really nice~~~ Lulu's voice is too cold, so cool~~~ I can't believe it."

"Toxic, the song is really toxic, it starts to loop."

"This woman has successfully restored her image once again. I listened to and listened to as if I had forgotten her sand sculpture Yazi, so I was so frightened that I quickly reviewed her previous videos."

"Who made Lulu have a good boyfriend? With Ye Ye, do you want to sing any songs? I'm just a little surprised that Lulu can sing a song so well, not bad, not bad, it is worth encouraging!"

"Love, love, my favorite English song today, no one!"

"Super Nice, sure enough, I still have to wait for a wave of leaves to listen to songs. I can't stop listening to other people's songs."

"This is a work with strong elements, adding bass-based bass with some electronic elements, the melody is super dynamic, and it's a bit of a follow-up. fresh."

"Personally, I think the arrangement is really not easy, Ye Zi is really talented. How to say the lyrics, it's simple but not simple, it's really not bad, the first paragraph has a little less colloquial vocabulary. The rhyme is also added And the content is basically coherent. It can be said to be a rare masterpiece. I give 9 points, and 1 point is deducted from Shen Lu's singing skills. Of course, if Ye Ye sang by himself, I would give full marks directly."

"There is a feeling of wanting to sing a song with a unique style and an attitude of wanton publicity at the age of wanton publicity. The lyrics are really simple, and a candid bad woman is on the paper."

"I am who I am, good or bad? Love me and continue to love, hate me, continue to hate. By the way, I love you so much that you can't get rid of my frantic expression. The overall melody is so deep in my heart, it's a fly in the ointment. It feels like the last paragraph has strayed from the style. However, it is still a great piece of music."

It's not...

In a very short period of time, the song has become popular all over the Internet.

Especially on Douyin, it is going crazy. Originally, Shen Lu had a huge fan base on Douyin. Although she is now at work, her Douyin still updates some interesting clips from time to time.

The live broadcast has not stopped, and her fan activity is not low at all!

The appearance of such a shocking work was already very popular, and it became popular on major social platforms. In just one day, it reached a very crazy number of downloads.

the most important is……

The song download is free.

Since this year, Ye Zhi's own songs have been free one after another. Now he no longer needs to rely on music copyrights to make money. He already owns the copyrights and has his own music platform.

So since the beginning of the year, many people have discovered it.

Ye Zhi's songs are all free, and there is no cost to download. This time Shen Lu's Badguy is the same.

There is no need for any publicity at all. On Douyin, the editing of this song has already started. This fresh melody can inspire many people to edit it with a suitable video.

Especially the magical melody in the middle is really brainwashing!

Crazy brainwashing!

It spread wildly on Douyin, and it also brainwashed countless people crazy.

"MDZZ, I can't get out, this song is poisonous, highly poisonous!"

"When I heard this song, although I didn't understand the lyrics at all, I felt an inexplicable relaxation every time I listened to it. Shen Lu's lazy voice, coupled with the untidy finger snaps, really made people feel Laziness, listening to it after work, I think it is the most suitable, and it may be better to reduce the pressure caused by work properly!"

"I hope I'm the villain, so that I don't have to be sensible or clever, I can work hard for everything I want, and the reason is that I like it. Just like when I met his body temperature rose to 37.2 ℃, I can say 'I like you, can you take me home' instead of 'It's a little hot, it's time for me to go home'."

"I don't know why, but I have a feeling that this song may be because of the lyrics and style, and Ye Ye didn't sing it by herself. Don't ask me why, just have this feeling."

"It makes sense! If Ye Ye sang this song by himself, it would be But Lulu is afraid that she will be sprayed to death by those brainless women, haha, I can already imagine that scene. already."

"To tell you the truth, that Badguy really looks like Yazi who was talking to an open electric fan when I was a child, I hope everyone will support me hahahahahaha~~~"

"From all perspectives, this song has the hope of becoming a classic that spans the times. Like it!"

The dull rhythm like tapping a rubber tire, like the harmony of a dark choir, the not-so-tidy finger-snapping sound effect, the distorted vocals, the latter sentence can automatically make up the disdainful 'duh', and then the 'Drop' paragraph makes people feel Think cult-like game effects. After two paragraphs, there is a sudden burst of a broken remake. The female voice's murmur pulls the song into a more terrifying abyss, stretching the sense of space of the song vertically, making it more "masterpiece" temperament.

This song is superb in composition, lyrics and singing skills!

At least……

In the current Huaxia music circle, that is sweeping everything.

Before Ye Zhi released a song, no one seemed to be able to sweep everything in a very short period of time, even if the song was written by Ye Zhi, but this Badguy song achieved this easily.

But it happened to be sung by someone who is not a singer.

Many people want to learn to sing it, but it is difficult to sing that kind of charm. After all, not everyone is like Shen Lu. There is someone who is carefully guiding, and slowly find the most suitable singing. it sounds.

Shen Lu looked at Douyin, who became very active again, "Guapi, I seem to be on fire again."

"How do you know you're on fire?"

"My Douyin has more than 50 million likes."


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