Han Longyi lowered his head with a smile and glanced at Yu Beibei next to Yu Manman, although he only saw Yu Beibei's hand.

When Yu Beibei saw that Yu Jinsong and Mrs. Yu wanted to pack Yu Manman onto Han Longyi's bed, she couldn't help but have a hint of ridicule at the corner of her mouth.

Yu Manman was beaten like a pig's head by her. They wanted to give it to Han Longyi to sleep with, but Han Longyi might not want it.

She sneered, and when she raised her head, she met Shen Qian's eyes opposite her. Yu Beibei did not retract her smile, but smiled even better at Shen Qian.

Shen Qian was stunned and looked at Yu Beibei with both eyes.

When the two people met, both Yu Huiru and Mrs. Yu noticed it, as did Yu Manman.

"Bitch!" Yu Manman cursed in a low voice. As soon as she finished scolding, Mrs. Yu glared at her, reminding her that Han Longyi was by her side.

"Beibei," Mrs. Yu called with a smile, "I've mentioned the blind date to you before."

"I've helped you find a suitable partner. Are you free tomorrow? Go take a look?"

Yu Beibei did not respond immediately. After Mrs. Yu finished asking, the atmosphere at the dinner table became uncomfortable.

Shen Qian blurted out and asked Yu Beibei, "You are going on a blind date!"

His words made Yu Huiru's eyes red and tears fell from her eyes.

"Yes." Yu Beibei ignored Yu Huiru's tears and said to Shen Qian with a smile, "This time I come back to get married."

"My elder sister is married, and even my younger sister has a partner, how can I be embarrassed to be single!"

After Yu Beibei finished speaking, her cell phone on the table rang. She lowered her head and saw that it was from Han Longyi.

"Reject!" He said two words.

Mrs. Yu continued, "Beibei, the person this time is from an ordinary family, but has a stable job and is good-looking. I have told your father about the photo and his situation."

"Your father is very satisfied."

Mrs. Yu moved out of Yu Jinsong.

Yu Beibei thought that if she refused, she would definitely anger Yu Jinsong, and now was not the time to fall out with him.

"He's a doctor from Yucheng Hospital." Mrs. Yu added with a smile.

doctor? Yu Beibei was stunned for a moment, remembering that she was almost stabbed to death in prison five years ago. It was a doctor from Yucheng Hospital who saved her life. She still remembered that his warm hand squeezed hers and gave her The courage to hold on.

"Okay!" Yu Beibei agreed, making Mrs. Yu, who was originally trying to persuade Yu Beibei, smile awkwardly. She didn't expect Yu Beibei to agree so readily.

After Yu Beibei had dinner, she wisely went upstairs to rest, not wanting to stay in the living room and be an eyesore.

As soon as she arrived in the room, she received a text message from Han Longyi.

"Don't go on a blind date!"

Han Longyi was a man with a good temper, but he couldn't help but get angry with Yu Beibei.

Yu Beibei was afraid that she would not agree with his conditions, so she ran upstairs angrily, kicked her door open, then grabbed her hand and told the Yu family that she was his woman.

Although this can make the Yu family vomit blood. But Yu Beibei didn't expect to break up with them right now.

"Okay." Yu Beibei replied to Han Longyi.

She wanted to see if she could find out from the doctor who saved her back then.

Yu Beibei did not expect that the man Mrs. Yu introduced to her was reliable. Judging from their appearance, they are not as good as Shen Qian and Han Longyi, but they are passable, and their work is that of a doctor at Yucheng Hospital, and he is also a chief physician. She thought Mrs. Yu would introduce a playboy like Mr. He to Yu Beibei, hoping that she would be raped by men.

In the past, Yu Beibei would have felt that she had wrongly blamed Mrs. Yu, but now!

Haha, I beat her to death, I don’t believe that Mrs. Yu would sincerely introduce a good man to her.

Yu Beibei was chatting with the man opposite. The man had a good impression of Yu Beibei. It was because of Yu Beibei's face that few men were not attracted to her.

The doctor's surname was Cheng. He liked Yu Beibei, but he didn't act very attentive.

Yu Beibei asked Dr. Cheng, "Are there many doctors in Yucheng Hospital?"

"There are about a hundred." Dr. Cheng said to Yu Beibei with a smile.

Yu Beibei said "Oh". Doctor Cheng seemed okay, but Yu Beibei had no intention of dealing with him.

"Five years ago, someone stabbed a toothbrush into my chest and almost died. Fortunately, the doctors at your hospital were very skilled and saved me."

"Who is the best at performing surgeries in your hospital?" Yu Beibei asked.

According to what Yu Beibei said, Dr. Cheng was stunned for a moment. He remembered something and said, "I remember that a girl was sent from the prison back then. She was accidentally injured during a fight inside."

Yu Beibei thought, it's not such a coincidence.

"I was there."

The operation was tense and exciting. Dr. Cheng, who was not the chief doctor at the time, followed up in the operating room as a deputy.

He remembered that a big shot from Ningcheng performed the surgery on the injured person. Later, the dean mentioned that that person was Han Longyi from Ningcheng.

Unfortunately, Han Longyi stopped being a doctor and became a businessman.

"I performed the surgery on you." Dr. Cheng said, "I didn't expect it. What a coincidence."

He came for the blind date because he knew about Yu Beibei's past.

"The toothbrush is only 0.1mm away from the heart. If you insert it just a little bit forward, your life will be dead. So the operation was very difficult, and I still remember it clearly."

As soon as Dr. Cheng said it, Yu Beibei had no doubts, and her impression of him immediately became better.

"I got lucky today and met my savior on a blind date."

Yu Beibei said happily, then she picked up the teacup in front of her and said, "I'm not good at drinking, so I'll drink tea instead of wine and give a toast to my savior."

"Thank you for saving me. Without you, I would have died a long time ago." Yu Beibei's voice softened during the last half of the sentence, and she poured down the tea in the cup.

After being released from prison, there were too many things to do, so Yu Beibei had a mentality of meeting the benefactor who saved him when he could, thinking that after the Yu family's affairs were resolved, he could return to Yu Go to the city hospital to find out.

Today on a blind date, she met the person who saved her, and she was very happy.

The blind date with Cheng Qi went smoothly, but Yu Beibei had someone in her heart. Even if Dr. Cheng was her savior, he could not replace Han Longyi's position in her heart.

Han Longyi was angry, and he was very angry with Yu Beibei.

Knowing that she didn't listen to him and went on a blind date, when Han Longyi looked at Yu Beibei, his eyes were filled with anger and he wanted to beat Yu Beibei up.

Seeing that he was angry, Yu Beibei sent a text message to explain to him that the blind date was staged for Mrs. Yu.

She has no interest in Dr. Cheng.

The text message was sent, but Han Longyi didn't reply. Yu Beibei called, and Han Longyi said something coldly.

"I told you not to go, but you turned a deaf ear to my words!"

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