Being scolded by his wife and son, Gu Zhen felt very unhappy. Seeing that Su Anan's face was no different from before, and there was no hint of drunkenness, he said unhappily, "I asked her to have a drink with me." Wine, what’s wrong?"

He had to let this little girl get drunk today.

After saying that, he glared at Su Anan and said, "Pour it in yourself."

After he finished speaking, Su Anan quickly filled the wine glass before Gu Mocheng could react.

As soon as these three glasses were poured down, the wine bottle was empty.

"Dad, I respect you."

Su Anan didn't wait for Mr. Gu to toast her wine, she did it first.

This will give you one more sip.

After saying that, she took another big sip.

A bottle of wine was not something Su Anan drank like this. Gu Zhen looked at the red wine that had bottomed out, and then looked at Su Anan who was eating food and drinking wine, and felt sorry for the Lafite that he had treasured for many years.

Why did he feel that the other bottles of red wine he had hidden were not enough for this girl to drink.


After Su Anan finished drinking the wine in the glass, she picked up the red wine bottle, shook it, and said sadly.

She is a drinker, but her drinking capacity is not very good.

After drinking this bottle of wine for such a short period of time, she became drunk.

"There is no more wine." Su Anan repeated to Gu Zhen. She only had red wine in her eyes now and was ignoring Gu Mocheng sitting next to her.

"Are you out of wine at home?"

Su Anan asked, which stimulated Gu Zhen.

How could there be no red wine in his house? When thinking about it, Gu Zhen asked the servant to open another bottle of red wine.

Mrs. Gu became anxious and stopped Gu Zhen, but Gu Zhen insisted on letting her servant open the red wine.

When he served Su Anan red wine, Su Anan drank a glass, and he was too embarrassed to drink half a glass of white wine.

The two men came and went, both drunk.

I have seen a son-in-law come to the door, but my father-in-law couldn't bear it and tried to get him drunk. I have never seen a father-in-law get his daughter-in-law drunk because he didn't like his daughter-in-law.

"An'an, stop drinking." Gu Mocheng said quietly to Su An'an.

Su Anan was unhappy and held on to the wine bottle handed over by the servant, "Honey, if I want to drink, just have one drink."

As she said that, she lowered her head and saw that her wine glass was taken aside by Gu Mocheng.

"Husband." She called softly.

Gu Mocheng felt regretful and shouldn't have let this girl drink in the first place. Now I'm drunk and starting to beg for a drink.

While he was thinking about it, Mrs. Gu saw Su An'an's movements and said, "An'an."

Gu Mocheng turned around and looked at Su Anan. She took the bottle and drank directly.

He looked so bold and changed into another person, instead of the Su Anan who followed him obediently and fearfully when he came to the Gu family's old house.

This scene made Mr. Gu sober up. He stared at Su Anan drinking, not believing what he saw.

"It was you who made her drink and drink, and now she is drunk." Mrs. Gu angrily scolded Gu Zhen.

Gu Mocheng, who was on the opposite side, had already snatched the wine bottle from Su Anan's hand.

Su Anan was unwilling and grabbed the bottle with Gu Mocheng.

"I didn't drink enough, I want to drink."

Seeing her desperately begging for a drink, Gu Mocheng stood up, picked her up and took her back to the room.

When leaving, Gu Mocheng said to Gu Zhen displeasedly, "Dad, An An has a bad drinking ability and can't drink with you anymore."

Seeing that Su Anan was drunk, the two of them thought that Gu Zhen made her drink.

They never thought that Su Anan liked drinking. This time she drank quickly and started begging for a drink as soon as she got drunk.

Hey, in the Gu family, she had to pretend to be a good girl and had not drank for a long time. If she had a chance to drink this time, of course she would drink hard.

After Gu Mocheng left, Mrs. Gu stood up and said angrily to the old man, "Drink, drink, drink slowly."

Gu Zhen was so dizzy after drinking that everyone had left, so he sat in front of the dining table and slowly drank the white wine in his glass.

It would be better for him to sleep on the sofa tonight.

Gu Mocheng carried Su Anan back to the room. Su Anan refused to leave at first. When he went upstairs, he kicked his feet in Gu Mocheng's arms.

"Husband, I want to drink, I want to drink."

"I'm not drunk enough," she said, shouting.

Gu Mocheng carried the person into the room and put him on the bed. The two fell on the bed, and Su Anan put her arms around his neck to prevent her from leaving.

In her eyes was Gu Mocheng's handsome face. She smiled, burped, and said, "Husband, you are so beautiful!"

Su Anan likes Gu Mocheng very much.

As she spoke, she raised her head and kissed Gu Mocheng.

But when she raised her head, she didn't kiss Gu Mocheng, who was lying on her body. Instead, she bumped into his chin.

Seeing her drunk cat look, Gu Mocheng found it cute.

"Okay, An An, you take a nap first." Gu Mocheng said.

He wanted to leave, but Su Anan refused to let him go and hugged his neck even tighter.

This time, she held Gu Mocheng close to her face, and then she raised her head and kissed his lips.

"The kiss is here." Su Anan said proudly.

A kiss gently fell on Gu Mocheng's lips. Gu Mocheng felt her softness. He lowered his head and stared blankly at Su Anan, whose face was red due to drunkenness and was smiling charmingly.

"Husband." After the kiss, Su Anan called again with a smile. She suddenly grabbed one of Gu Mocheng's hands and put his hand on her chest.

"Touch, it's not small here."

"Not small at all."

She was remembering what Gu Mocheng said about her last time.

It's soft and feels good in the palm of your hand, and it goes straight to your heart.

Gu Mocheng's whole body froze, and all he could see was Su An'an's face.

"Husband, aren't you young?"

"Well, not small." Gu Mocheng looked at her and said.

Hearing Gu Mocheng's answer, Su Anan smiled happily, and she watched Gu Mocheng's face enlarge in her eyes.

"You haven't touched me recently, do you dislike me anymore?" Su An'an said. She reached out and touched Gu Mocheng's face, touching it, and laughed.

"Husband, I want you."

As she spoke, she felt a little sleepy. When she slowly closed her eyes, she heard Gu Mocheng calling her softly.


Gu Mocheng lowered his head and kissed her. He originally wanted to wait until her birthday to ask for her. But he was aroused by her again and again, and this time the touch of her palm made him lose control even more.

He couldn't help but intensify the kiss.

"An'an." He called again.

Then, he raised his body and looked at Su Anan below him, and found that she was asleep.

Seeing Su An'an sleeping, Gu Mocheng couldn't help but smile. He just decided to want her tonight, and she actually fell asleep. Looking at her sleeping face, Gu Mocheng couldn't bear to wake her up.

Forget it, he will take a shower now and then come back to accompany her.

After drinking, Su Anan fell into a deep sleep, and it was already ten o'clock in the morning when she woke up.

She opened her eyes and looked at her surroundings. She didn't realize that she was in the Gu family's old house.

After a while, she remembered that she and Gu Mocheng came to the old house to see his parents yesterday, and then at dinner, she got drunk because of her greed.

Su Anan had some memories of before falling asleep. She remembered that after drinking a bottle of red wine, she asked Gu Mocheng for the drink.

Looking back on my drunken state now, I feel extremely embarrassed.

She actually got drunk in front of her parents-in-law!

There was no Gu Mocheng in the room. Su Anan was so hungry that she had to go downstairs to find Gu Mocheng.

She felt very embarrassed when she recalled what happened at the dinner table last night.

As soon as Mrs. Gu saw her coming down, she quickly walked over.

"An'an, how were you last night?"

"It's all your dad's fault for forcing you to drink." Mrs. Gu glanced at Gu Zhen sitting on the sofa and scolded.

Gu Zhen's face darkened and he didn't say much.

"It's okay." Su An'an said. In fact, she couldn't blame Mr. Gu. It was because she hadn't drank for a long time. When she saw the bottle of red wine, she was so greedy that she didn't want to taste it slowly. She was afraid that Gu Mocheng would take her glass away, so she took a sip. Drink it directly.

"It's not my fault, it's my fault." Su Anan couldn't tell the truth directly.

After listening to her words, Mrs. Gu felt more and more that Su Anan was well-behaved.

"What a good girl." Mrs. Gu felt sorry for Su Anan and asked the servant to bring over the stewed hangover soup.

"Drink some soup first to cushion your stomach."

Su Anan didn't speak. She saw Gu Mocheng coming in from the outside and laughed continuously.

The memory of last night was too confusing. I remember asking for a drink, and it seemed that she also kissed Gu Mocheng.

Thinking of how she held Gu Mocheng's hand and put it on her chest in the room last night, Su An'an's cheeks turned red.

"Come, have some soup." When Su Anan blushed and thought about what happened last night, Mrs. Gu took the soup brought by the servant and handed it to Su Anan.

Because she had a lot of nosebleeds from drinking the soup made by the old lady yesterday, Su Anan did not dare to drink the hangover soup made by the old lady.

She couldn't help but cast her eyes on Gu Mocheng beside her.

"It's not my mother's fault." Gu Mocheng said.

Su Anan replied "Oh", took the hangover soup from Mrs. Gu and drank it.

Mrs. Gu moved her mouth and glared at her son unhappily. Is the food she made so unpalatable?

During lunch, Gu Zhen didn't let Su Anan drink again this time. Because Su Anan was drunk last night, he was ignored by Mrs. Gu all morning. Even if he wanted to punish Su Anan again, he could bear it.

After lunch, Gu Mocheng took her away from the Gu family's old house.

Mrs. Gu reluctantly held Su Anan's hand, not wanting her to leave.

"An'an, let's leave tomorrow."

"Sleep one more night."

Gu Mocheng had a meeting in the afternoon, and he was worried about leaving Su Anan here alone. Maybe after he left, the old lady would instruct Su Anan to do this or that, or take Su Anan around.

Gu Mocheng was sure that the old lady was eager to take Su Anan out. When she saw anyone, she would say that this was the wife her son wanted to beat.

Thinking of what the old lady did, Gu Mocheng didn't want to leave her here.

Plus Gu Zhen, who listens to Mrs. Gu in everything.

"No, An An has to go back to school."

"I have to go back to school this weekend." Mrs. Gu said in surprise.

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